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Other urls found in this thread:


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We already had this thread
Valve gives zero fucks
Epic can't sustain this model themselves and everyone knows it, it's a bait Steam is not gonna get as Epic will fall by themselves if they just let them be, exclusives or not.
Op sucks dragon dicks and should kill himself

Stop making these blatant advertising threads


Is Epic, dare I say, /ourguy/?

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>Epic can't sustain this model
Ah yes, it's so expensive to sell other peoples games on a virtual storefront. You fucking retards are so cucked and brainwashed by Valve it makes me laugh. Cue up the retards talking about "server costs"

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>can't stop reminding everyone about the 88
oh yeah, i'm thinkin they're based.


>epic store shitposting like a 12 yo

This is good marketing strategy now? Wow

tim literally said it was unsustainable in a tweet

yeah, pretty much this
epic will eventually give up on their hostile shilling when they realize it doesn't.

its expensive to buy exclusives

But they can sustain the model. They're only playing a few million per exclusive contract.

>u-use our chink store we are fighting to get a better cut we are the good guys see?

Nice try

Not really - if offering a better cut was such a good selling point, they would be able to compete straight up. This is just console wars for digital distribution, it's not good for us as the players and consumers if it keeps up or spreads.

Epic needs to put their money where their mouth is, and compete. At least then we could fairly judge the merits of the platforms against each other and make an informed decision as a consumer.

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It isn't actually. Epic made more money than Sony and Nintendo combined last year and Epic isn't buying full exclusivity: they're buying PC exclusivity which is something they can get for cheap.

>"Sir, Mr Sweeny wants you to...."

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Are you, dare I say, a chink?

Someone read this tweet and reposted it with the title "Tim admits 12% model is unsustainable" on Reddit, and you believed it without reading it because you are a person who gets his news from Reddit. I will not say out loud what this says about you.

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Your turn Steamcucks

It's expensive to sell other peoples games when you have to pay them to let you do it. Especially when you have to pay them most of their expected profits right out of the gate because most companies are already anticipating 10% of the sales they would get on steam.

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and pissing off PC gamers at the same time with their hostility. Tim talks about Steam like an ex girlfriend who dumped him for his funko obsession.
Meanwhile, while Valve completely ignores the yappy poodle, they're helping Linux compat in a major way.

>he can't move his cursor over 2cm to open another game launcher

Wouldn't want you to break a finger.

*laughs in chiptune*

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This post was a joke user.

Only for the smallest indie games, do you think big publishers would kill sales of their games for 3.3 million dollars?

>Valve we will buy more exclusives if you don't react
>v-valve pls notice us
I like how the only time Valve has even mentioned them was when they were snooping Steam user data.

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Why is he so butthurt all the time?

Steam won't do it because a fourth of their sales are from cash in developing territories. Part of the 30% covers the transaction fees in those countries, so valve would have to do the same thing epic does and give those customers a 15% fee on their purchases. By the way, Tim already commented on that and literally said "those countries don't matter" in case you still didn't realize Tim's whole thing is publisher profits first.

They paid 100 million for Borderlands 3 and even that only gave them 6 months of exclusivity.

They spent 3~ mil on a fucking kickstarter game, imagine how much fucking Metro, the division, and borderlands muzt have cost.

Metro was 6m.

>fuck our customers we want a cumb fake war with a competition that is actually our best friends

>another publicity stunt
nothing new to see, move on

It's all or nothing for Tim. He has to appease the chinks, or Epic loses this fight they picked in a humiliating way.

Oh? And I suppose YOU know how much it costs? Or perhaps you are just trusting that Valve wouldn't price hike it's overwhelming monopoly on digital games storefront... Someone PLEASE think of the poor monopoly!!!

Gabe's response: (pic)

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Google average software engineer wage. Its high even in a fucking china. Now imagine paying at least 10 of these every month + 100 "unpaid" interns who reply to refund emails 24/7, one fat lazy serber administrator and then the electricity bill of servers acting as backbone of the website and storage for the binaries of these games in dofferent geological positions.

Thats a lot of "costs nothing" to upkeep. Also did you know that VISA and mastercards demands monthly payments as well just for providing your online shop to access their payments methods?

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Slow news day?

Slow news day!

>it's expensive for people to constantly use your bandwidth at high traffic and download speeds

>we have to make the buyer pay more because we're taking a smaller cut and we want to be reimbursed
>why steam just takes a larger cut instead of making the customer spend more by tacking on processing fees post purchase I don't know

>please notice me Valve-senpai

>Pay to upkeep server
>Pay to upkeep P2P service
>Pay to upkeep team of laywers in every region
>Pay to upkeep team of developers
>Pay to upkeep translators

It's quite extraordinary expensive, if you go down the list.

>Valve gives zero fucks


>Valve calls Metro Exodus move to Epic Games Store 'unfair' to customers


I genuenly find it fucking hilarious how Valves silence seems to be pissing Tim off.

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>Epic can't sustain this model
But they can. Do you have ANY idea how much Fortnite alone brings in to them every month? That's not counting all the U4 licensing. Epic has literal fuck you money.

Reminder that Valve announced Steam UI ovehaul 4 years ago and havent delivered since
Maybe Epic will force them to fucking do something

My fingers are fine, thanks for your concern.

I'd willingly use them if they offered a better service, that's the whole point. Aside from feeling good about yourself for "supporting devs", take a look at the functionality versus each other as a service, and the other issues of who is more egregious in harvesting and abusing data, and data security. Steam is pretty shitty at those, but Epic is somehow even worse. You'd think with all those Fortnite bux they could invest in building a proper storefront, securing data and not having weekly emails of "Someone tried to log in to your Epic account".

You know what would happen if they spent their money developing a quality product, instead of trying to force people to them? People would come willingly, that's competition.

>Fortnite alone brings in to them every month
Do share this information.

Lol I asked Valve drones proof of that quote and they never provided it

Fuck I hate Steam Yea Forumsedditors

but it was unfair to the steam customers

The software monopoly is SO BADASS. Valve Simply Gives no FUCKS like a dapper SIR! Based corporation with stranglehold on the market?? Yes !!!

what does metro have to deal with valve folding for the 12% cut

tell me how they have a software monopoly

GOG has been a thing for a decade. We don't need your chink shitware.

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>Epic boss Tim Sweeney is worth nearly $3 billion more than Gabe Newell, according to Bloomberg


>Epic has literal fuck you money.
oh, we can tell by the 10 threads at any given time on Yea Forums.
Once zoomers move on to the next thing, that money will dry up and Epic will be a tiny blip in the past.

>Steam is monopoly
>Epic will save us from Steam
>Let's ignore all the other 20 stores there are
Why do Epic shills do this?

Calling them out for what? Fair terms? They're trying to act as if they're some sort of hero for....who, exactly? The 2% of devs who had issues with the split?

Are this the best shills Tim could find?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that the existence of other online storefronts means there isn't a monopoly?

>GOG has been a thing for a decade.

You mean being Valve's bitch boy? Pic related, I shouldn't have to tell you who is who



Despite being in business for 10 years, they're still fucking failing

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>and literally said "those countries don't matter"
god i fuckign love tim

How much are they paying you EGS-shills? It can't be that much.
Valve doesn't have to do anything other than occasionally call out Epic's shitty practices because Epic will eventually noose itself.

Valve speaking the truth desu, fuck publishers.

tell a lie enough and it becomes truth. works for normies, but not autists. Remember gamergate?

That's just true though, just from an observational standpoint. Even epic ""apologized"" and promised they'd never do it again.

Then 2 weeks later they did it again with Anno 1800. They're dead set on being the worst thing to happen to PC gaming since piracy. Incidentally, the guy who saved the PC market from rampant piracy, something everyone thought wasn't possible, was fucking Gabe.

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And how does Boomerberg know how much Gabe Newell is worth?

Fortnite alone is estimated to have grossed about $3 billion in 2018. Then factor in all the games paying to use Unreal 4.

>steam shares belong to the employees
>epic shares belong to sweencuck and china

>but revenues are strong
Based retard.

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Do you genuinely believe this has to do with anything other than trying to bleed Steam dry? Do you think Epic would be the better monopoly, which, if they beat Steam, you can virtually guarantee they would become? Do you think their rates would stay the same after they've taken their place at the top of the heap? Don't kid yourself.

>"Steam to only get almost all other games released this year"
Did you even read the title of the article you linked? Or are you some facebook mom that just reads the part she wants to read and then spreads the word?

>create a problem by signing exclusivity deals in the first place
>ok i will stop now but only if Steam agrees to make less money, aren't I so kind :^)
Wow so nice of you, chink-sama. The fact that they require Steam to do something first in order for them to stop shitty anti-consumer practices says all you need o know.

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> Epic's shitty practices
By having platform exclusives? Do you have any idea how many Steam platform exclusives there are you fucking idiot?

>"we`ll stop smashing our balls with a mallet if you start smashing your balls too."


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So you are saying, you have no fucking clue how much money does Fortnite bring every month?

Based GOGbro.

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Steam has never bought an exclusive

>Not knowing there's a difference between profit and revenue and GOG is failing

Unbased retard - they've hit their growth peak, now it's a slow spiral into death.

Epic regularly offers stock options to its employees. They're doing it again in a month or two.

>if a company runs the most successful model in their field they are a monopoly

0 contractually obligated once, not even Half Life 2 is contractually obligated to be Steam exclusive.

I literally says there that GOG's revenues are strong. CDPR uses GOG moneys for advertizing you retard.

Literal terrorists.
Do these retards seriously think they can make Valve budge?
Nothing short of a global cataclysm will make them change any policies.

When did valve forcefully buy out any game to be exclusive?

Aside from 1st party releases? Zero. Even those are released on colses though. Valve doesn't believe in exclusivity and Gabe said it expressly, years before EGS was even a thing.

Based and chinkpilled.

Tim is just shifting blame to steam
people with half brain will know Ebin will buy more exclusive if Steam really reduce cut to 12%

Publishers can take their games to any launcher. Steam isn't dictating exclusivity with a contract.

Maybe you could learn how to use Google, retard.


>defending a chinese owned company and complaining about capitalism
j-jinping? is that you???

>inb4 "valve games are steam exclusive" shitpost

UE4 is one of the most popular engines on the market and it's still not a monopoly because it has competition (Unity)