Women and video games

What kind of thoughts does this raise?

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There was updated version up to 2018 i think. Please find it and then upgrade it to 2019. I think the proper current year quote is something like

>stop sexualising women by putting more attractive models than me into your vidia you incel! Have sex.

females be like

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Men allowed women to go out and vote. That was their first mistake.

just wish the indies would step up and be better able to compete with the AAA, so I don't have to play these generalized all audience, inclusive shit games.

Whoever made this edit must be very young. Vidya was absolutely a nerd thing that got you made fun of back in the day.
Not that it justifies whatever the original intent of the image was, it's just incredibly dishonest to suggest that getting picked on for playing vidya wasn't common. It was.

That or a projecting retard female that's never known struggle or diversity of opinions in her life.

Females are big fans of indies.
If you were already an ugly pathetic loser, then yeah. Otherwise? No. If a chad played, nobody cared.


>Vidya was absolutely a nerd thing that got you made fun of back in the day.


It was somewhere along the lines of 2006-2007 when gaming took off into a more mainstream attention. It coincided with the next-gen focus on making games casual and attracted more stares.

Before that, playing video games as a man got you labeled a weird guy.

Playing video games as a girl, meanwhile, made you an outcast among your peers.

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>Whoever made this edit must be very young. Vidya was absolutely a nerd thing that got you made fun of back in the day.

This. Zoomers get out of my board.

Yeah, so you've never known struggle and are the problem with videogames nowadays, go die normie. You've already invalidated your thread with this response.

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Gaming's been mainstream since pac-man fever. It has nothing to do with something that's been a multi-billion dollar business since the 90s somehow changing in scale in the 2000s. That's stupid.

Chad didn't play video games pre-2006. Or at the very least, he was a 10-year old boy.

I agree.
Hating women is serial killer shit. If you actually went out in public you'd know it's not women causing the problems.

>If you actually went out in public you'd know it's not women causing the problems.
>it's not women
>pic related

If you don't think people like this are a problem in gaming, you're part of the problem.

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Whoever made this is a dope. Not only did they completely misinterpret the point, they seem to have no idea that that's actually the way things went down. It was always a big thing but not nearly as big as it is today. It was seen as something only for boys who were young, introverted or computer nerds.

Somewhere along the line it started getting popular because the normans saw people having fun and they forced their way in and then proceeded to just destroy everything so it would better suit them.

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Chads did not play videogames. They were busy breeding, or going to the cinema with like, 10 hot chicks

>extremist groups are the majority
Why do you think basedboy is a meme? Just as many men bite into that shit as women. Get your head out of your ass and realize it's an agenda that's the problem and not women.

>If you were already an ugly pathetic loser, then yeah.
Well that compounded it, yes. I'm not sure why you seem to think that dismisses the video games thing, though, it just made it worse. All you're doing is painting your imaginary opponent as even more sympathetic than he would be able to portray himself. Idiot.

I was born in 1980(inb4 get out gramps) and has never been mocked for playing videogames. If anything my parents saw it as a bad distraction, that's all.
Girls my age were playing too, even in the 90s and yeah nerdy girls not stacys, but that would go against the narrative.

I hope you are just baiting. Because if not, you just confirmed what that user said.

Decade ago admitting to normies you play videogames was instant social suicide.

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>Decade ago admitting to normies you play videogames was instant social suicide
No. I see you didn't go out much.

Arcades were a fad for a while, you're right, but that's not the same as playing World of Warcraft on your home computer after school. But of course, that's inconvenient to your narrative, so I probably shouldn't say it.

t. probably some CA cuck

Anyone else can't seem women as people? I'm not even hating on them, I'm pretty neutral actually. I just can't really seem them as people, it's like they are different species and that's why they are so fucked up

Not particularly different. Doesn't change the fact that world of warcraft at its peak had over 10 million players and even at release was the biggest MMORPG in the world. What narrative am I trying to peddle here?

Is it possible to find your equal in a woman Yea Forums?

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>t. bitter faggot

Now I'm not sure if you're intentionally being dishonest, or if you're actually this obtuse. Either way, this discussion is over. I hope you get less stupid as you grow up.

Only if you have low self worth or are stupid.

>Decade ago admitting to normies you play videogames was instant social suicide.
Really bold of you to make such claims about a time you weren't alive, especially since they're not true.

Oooh a little edgy are we?

Videogames appeal to men's competitiveness and primitive hunter and warrior nature.

Women are all about being the centre of attention to secure the best mate.

Videogames therefore compete for women's attention, so naturally they despise them.

What's up fellow trannies?

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if you lived in the bible belt maybe
which is social suicide anyways

>Vidya was absolutely a nerd thing that got you made fun of back in the day.
Here's the thing. Girls made fun of boys for playing vidya as kids. But girls made fun of boys for EVERYTHING they did, whether it was popular or not.
>"You boys and your Transformer robots! They're so SILLY!"
>"God, why do boys love the WWF so much?! Hee hee! Everyone dresses so WEIRD!"
>"Ninja Turtles? Ewwww, only BOYS like that!"
We all heard this shit growing up.
We didn't take it personal, because, well, you're not supposed to hang out with girls until Junior High. Their opinions were as valid as the old, dried up teachers who told you not to listen to popular music.

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remember how the original image was making fun of incels that took it unironically and then all the incels took it unironically and keep running with it
good times man, good times....

>Decade ago
>nu uh, you're wrong.

Fuck off zoomer cunt. I was in Highschool and only the special ed kids and complete social rejects played vidya publicly. You could argue Halo and CoD were normie games but if it was ANYTHING outside muh fps, you get socially shit on for being too different.

I mean he's 100% right though. Women need to be kept on leashes for civilization's sake.

this. it was a sub-culture that didn't even want to be a sub-culture, but once it became more marketable and commercialized, this group of ultra-rejects came in and fucked it up.

Remember when 'incel' was not a common word used online? I remember. It was like 2 years ago.

Stop trying so hard you pathetic incel.

and by ultra-rejects, I mean SJWs. they are the people who couldn't cut it in normal society and had no redeeming qualities, so they form their identity around being superior through their own ego-centric moral system

it still applies perfectly to the exact type of guy that agrees with this image tho


pop culture is what people of Huffington Post wrote articles about after spending 5 hours on Yea Forums

You must have gone to some really weird school.

Yeah, maybe next time don't say a social game doesn't provide a social experience much like how arcades did at one point. Your picked the wrong avenue to approach the discussion and now you're running away when you realize the odds are stacked against you. Good to see another retard is wrong.

this dude is telling the truth. it wasn't cool to be into gaming until around 2010 or so, and even then barely. if you don't know that, you weren't around in that time period

Social pressure is a hell of a drug.


Both words invented by the media to demonise freethinkers that don't follow the old media narrative

That's just straight up wrong. Everyone played already in 2010.

I think an updated version should be>
>2019 - "I have a vagina, it's actualy just a cut where my penis and balls used to be, but I should be treated like a woman"

This. This is the truth right here. youtube.com/watch?v=0-MONIvP6kI Wasn't even mainstream.

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PS2 and Wii made gaming properly mainstream, and those happened before 2010.

Gaming wasn't as big as it is today but it never was a social stigma, unless you lived in the US then

virgin, loser, /r9k/tist
it's not a new phenomenon

No, it should be "those games didn't meet our content policy standards. What content policy standards? There are none."

kind of true but you are missing the point. the problem with op's shitty edit is that it mistakes our sadness at normies and jews taking over our hobby for resent about being bullied.
I think the problem began when TBBT released. it opened the gates of 'nerd coolture' to normies, and from there it spread to every nerd hobby there is.
Regardless the last part of the bait stands true. If you got bullied for liking vidya back then it probably meant you would've gotten bullied even if you didnt, hell I know I was a huge sperg back in 05 during highschool.

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This. Think of the losers that play Magic or that watch animé. This was how gamers were seen before 2007.

Anime is mainstream.

WWF, Transformers, and Ninja Turtles are pretty nerdy, though. The only acceptable hobby was sports.

I need to ovrrstate that anti-intellectualism has been a big thing in America. Especially after WW2, and the understandable sentiment that it was scholars who created the nuke and would likely lead to the end of the world. This dumb shit about jocks vs nerds was reality at some point, but it happened a long time ago and slowly bled to nothing.

You can thank people like Steve Jobs for changing that. The tech industry poured a shitton of money to change this perception. Now the Nerd Culture has taken hold recently.

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post the real, most recent version please

nah, in Middle school and High School in the 00's, it was not cool and people had to hide they played video games. It's probably not like that anymore but it definitely was back in the day. I'm not the guy you're replying to, I just remember how much of a 180 things changed around 2010ish

>Leigh Alexander is a glorified coffee fetcher now

If there is one thing that GG did right, it was humiliating that smug bitch.

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Around 2005-2007 actually.

>What kind of thoughts does this raise?
"OP is a faggot and doesn't deserve (You)s"

It wasn't even like that in the 90s. Maybe it wasn't cool to be a faggot about it, you probably were.