Hello! Today I'll be teaching you how to use the "sage" function

Hello! Today I'll be teaching you how to use the "sage" function.

What this feature does is allow you to post a comment without bumping the thread. You do this by typing "sage" (with no capitals) into the "options" field of your comment.

Now, you might be asking yourself "why should I do that?" Well, using sage lets you post in a garbage thread without bumping it, that way it'll hit page 10 and be deleted sooner, and this makes the board a better place.

The word sage is not pronounced like the plant, but instead as "sah-geh." This is due to its Japanese origins, it comes from the word sageru which means "to lower." It was adopted for use on Yea Forums, but since it's no longer possible to see when another user is using sage the use and knowledge of it has quickly dropped.

Go ahead and try saging this thread now!

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fuuka makes my dick hard


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why would you post in a garbage thread in the first place?

Great, now i can mock shitty leak threads without bumping them!

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I cant sage a yotsuba thread though

Homosexuality is a sin, oniichan

You obviously do, seeing as they often reach 500+ replies

I want to fuck fuuka

to bump it up so more people see it and get mad about it

sage isnt used to post in garbage threads. it's used for garbage posts. If I feel like my post isnt bringing anything worthwhile to the discussion in the thread or its just not worth reading I use sage to not bump the thread. this is how sage should be used.

Good work OP, gotta teach the newfags how to improve thread quality.

To warn other anons of low quality copypasta, bait or to teach newfags how to sage if there are many negative bumps

Yea Forums is nothing but garbage threads

This. Stop treating sage as a downvote you fucking tourist

>t. frog poster
garbage threads don't bring anything worthwhile to discussion so why should they be bumped?


Sage did it work?

Visible sage was a good way of proving OP is a faggot.
I miss it bros.

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Thank you for this advice but it won't make Yea Forums better.

I've always pronounced it 'sayj', fight me faget.

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It would if people actually did it. Same way if people would simply not respond to shitty threads, but they do, and they won't sage them either. Kids today revel in the shit. That's all this place is good for now to them.

So when's arai kei making a new doujin?

If someone can recognize when their own post isn't worth bumping a thread over, what makes you think they don't know when an entire thread isn't worth bumping? Or better when, when not to participate in a garbage thread at all? But still, if you must post something then the same principle applies: you recognize that only your own post isn't worth bumping the thread over. You can't stop others from bumping it, and more replies will only encourage them to bump it further whether or not you used sage on your own posts.


why am I not allowed to announce my saging, it's bullshit

wait I thought they got rid of sageing ages ago, like killing dubs

They made it invisible, but somehow still thought people would use it.

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People were using it as a downvote so now it's invisible. You can't flaunt it to other posters to show your disapproval anymore. It still works for its intended purpose of not bumping the thread when you post.

Invisible sage and memeflags are all tools to help shills and sell out this website.

oh I thought they scrapped it instead of just making it invisible, huh. good to know

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I want visible sage back, too.

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FUUKA is for _____



>at least one person unironically never used sage until now
It's a funny feeling.

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I don't understand. All it did was not bump the thread. You can still do that. Why does it need to be visible? If anything being invisible is more in line with what it's supposed to do by not bringing attention to itself.

you're right, but sage not being visible led to people not using it anymore and newfags not even knowing it exists.

Because it's useful for telling shills to fuck off.

Invisible sages means only 1% of people even know it exists, let alone use it.
If it's visible, everyone can see what's going on and join in. Sure it's group think or whatever, but it's a more useful tool that way.
One single sage does virtually nothing.

I don't really care what it's supposedly meant to be originally I liked it as a downvote.

You're supposed to report garbage threads, not post in them.
inb4 you just posted in one.


because when its visible youre aware of its existence and usage. right now sage as a feature is non existent which leads to new users not knowing about it. thats why boards are such seas of piss. because everything is being bumped it leads to bump wars.

reported for announcing sage

Sage goes in every field.

I love thick eyebrows

Getting stuck in a window

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