After slow roasting my doc for over a year I finally convinced her to give me a 4 month trial of addy

After slow roasting my doc for over a year I finally convinced her to give me a 4 month trial of addy.

What are the best games that I can play to take full advantage of it's effects?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Anything grindy. For me Adderall weakens reflexes so I do worse in anything skill related, but my endurance for something like monster Hunter goes through the roof. Just be sure not to take too much at once and give yourself a yard cutoff point, lest you enjoy the prescription meth too much.

I should add I'm one of the like 1/10 prescribed that actually has ADHD though, so maybe hits me different than your typical pleb.

Then you should just be normal. Play COD

This shit is a fucking miracle drug if you actually need it.
Use it to fix your life you stupid faggot not play video games.


Enjoy jerking off for hours on end until you cum.

it gives you infinite stamina? noice


Herr derr dont take more than prescribed amount of prescription drugs for recreational use ... take 4 or 5 at least

You americans are such limpwristed softcocks i bet you are a void guild member

For the love of god dont take more than 2 dexys a day you might have some fun

Man, I wish this shit was legal in my country. I have to get by with the good old method.
Also anything grindy.

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as a man with ADD who lost his health insurance because shit company management, here is what I can play because not only does it increase my focus but it also enhances my mood/drive/emotions.
>RPGs - dont get bored easily and stay focused on the grind
>MOBA games - go from my eyes losing track of mouse cursor to diamond tier korean player
>MMOs - every task, every quest, every chore.... its all fun now
>FPS - congrats, you are now a US military ranger and sniper

what I cant do because of the focus side effects (ie mood/drive/emotions)
>online multiplayer games in general - little pessimistic zoomer bitches will piss you the fuck off to the point of rage in 5min and that rage will not simmer down
>games with hard bosses you still cant beat - you will curb stomp your controller and throw console into a fire.
>vidya with feels - you might get emotionally attached

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Tetris and shooters

okay, then you should be like me and my green text I posted above... but ADHD is a tad bit different that regular old vanilla ADD, so results may vary.

just dont be a fag and abuse it like everyone on a chan board would suggest you do. I was prescribed too high of a dose when I was in college and it made me focus too hard. Like I can recall day dreaming for an hour because I was too focused on that thought.

I honestly cant imagine why someone without ADD/ADHD would want to OD on this shit.

Fighting game players pop addy

don't forget to drink water, that shit dehydrates you FAST

>taking pharmaceutical jew


>advantage of it is effects

Yep, you sound like a retarded pillhead already.

Of course it does, it just takes 6-12 months. Same with caffeine.

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Unironically started on Adderall like 3 days ago now all I can play is CoD.

I wish I could get some of this stuff unfortunately it's not legal here.

Bunch of weak minded people itt

I would be concerned if you are taking ADHD medication if you don't actually have ADHD. That shit can't be good for you in the long run.

ADD isn't real

Not like that ever stopped anyone. Even if you don't know a dealer you can buy it off darknet.

It's just amphetamine.

It's a shame that not everybody has an iron will like us bro.
Imagine how much better the world would be if everybody was pure and sound of mind.
Gas the retards

Where can I get this shit in SF, do dealers normally have it?

Great, we’ll start with you first!

me second

Good luck!


I love amphetamine too.

Do you know anyone who's set foot in a college before?

It's just fucking speed, of course dealers have it. Make sure to not get meth by accident, that shit will destroy you.

kys junkie

I'm working on it homie, one line at a time

everyone says this
>but I ACTUALLY have adhd
enjoy your new addiction senpai

Honestly, do something more than fucking video games.

I've been on dexies for a few years now, it's great for work and gamedev. Occasionally when I have a few days alone I end up having insane fap sessions to shit like COM3D2/Koikatsu which go on for about a day, but that's about the extent of my recreational use.

Ya pretty much, though I don't get anger issues with it so hard games aren't too bad for me. They cause me to fuck up qtes mad though.

>taking medical advice from Yea Forums

Weak dose doc.

I'll take it. I have a drinking problem otherwise, but for whatever reason 15-20 mg of the pharma Jew 3-5 days a week and I have no urge to drink.

Its not just amphetamine.

Right, and testosterone enanthate isn't test. Fucking retard.

if you have a drinking problem you probably have underlying issues that will just remanifest into a pill popping problem. take care of yourself user

Other anons in here are giving pretty solid advice. Grindy games are great, VNs are really interesting, fast paced games are probably not a good idea except racing games weirdly enough.

My biggest fucking piece of advice though is REMEMBER TO EAT.
I lost so much fucking weight my first 3 months on this stuff, because you will forget to eat, it's an appetite suppressant. It's important that you make yourself eat though, else you risk collapsing from running out of energy without realizing it.

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interesting im a fat fuck and thinking about trying intermittent fasting.

If you use it right, then it will help wonders with weight loss, but don't take it every day.
I'm a skinny-fat 160lbs guy so the weight loss down to 135lbs in the first 2 months was really concerning and i had to make myself eat all the fat foods i could possibly find to fix it. (My doctor told me to leave the office and go get some barbecue, which sounds funny but when you've become a skelly without realising it it's terrifying)

It really will cut your weight, especially when you misuse it. Amphetamines allow you to focus and work on one specific thing for hours and even days, to the point where you just straight up prioritize less everything else.

Everything else will become a chore and seem annoying, pissing, shitting, eating, checking the mail, etc, you won't want to do them. So it's important that you don't lose track too much, especially if you're alone and doing it, every few hours absolutely make sure to drink and eat.

Not only will you want to eat less due to appetite suppression, the other reason I think it cuts your weight a little is because of higher calorie burning while you're on it, because it's straight up working your major organs more than usual.

I don't take anything and that sounds exactly like me.
I do have autism though funny how it manifests in the same way.

Going overdose on Adderall is pretty much self inflicted autism. I'd be curious how an actual sperg would act on meds

I don't want to find out.
I'd probably just focus so hard I'd forget to breathe.

Hmm how tall are you? If you have no muscle mass then 135 isnt that bad of weight. Much better to be skinny than fat

You will ruin your heart idiot

I'm a sperg on 20 mg adderall and the biggest side effect it has is making me inhumanly horny


fucking plebs

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Can you get a boner?

Fucking anything really


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>actually need some kind of medication
>want to get addy
>gotta get a diagnosis first
>takes months cause shit system
>could have got tested and diagnosed easy as a child and school brought it up multiple times
>parents didnt want to even though one of them has ADD and ADHD bad cause they didnt want me on drugs

Trying to get this shit as an adult is a fucking nightmare cause of all the drug addicts who abuse and kids who sell their prescriptions. I just want to be able to focus on fucking anything and actually get things started and finished.

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5' 7"
It definitely was when i could barely make it through the day without my knees buckling at some point

Yea Forums is full of weak willed "men" it seems... Well, it's not exactly a revelation.

You have some underlying medical condition. 135 lbs is perfectly normal for a man your height

Real shit, i beat 3 of the games on my Plan to Play list in the first week of adderall

why the fuck even try this shit when picrel exists

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Just doctor shop, if you do that come across as a frothing addict you'll find someone. It's better not to have been on that shit as a kid, fucks the brain during development.

Thinking of buying some to learn faster for uni, Will I be able to do it with it?

Anyone in MD need a hookup

anyone that gets addicted to this shit is on a one way train to becoming a full blown heroin junkie

How the fuck do i get some damn adderall shit

>buy a bunch of speed in hopes of getting shit done
>spend 2 weeks finding, saving and cataloguing porn, barely even fap to it
>run out of speed without even starting anything I was hoping to do

I was addicted to amps at one point, took about 10 caps a day and nearly died while completely awake because I would suddenly stop being abke to breath. It also makes your muscles break down and release toxins into your bloodstream, turns your piss a greyish-brown tea color and you literally pee your muscles away. Don't fuck with this shit.

I love fapping while on adderall.

It feels soo good.

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Darknet or arround medical college irl

Fapping won't be the same without it.
>Those nuts after hours of edging

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Lucky. My doc has had me on the same useless meds for a year, even the "Specialist" I was referred to just upped the dose again and it's done fuck all but make me feel more tense.

I've already fucked up this year of college though so now I gotta do it all over again to finally get a fucking degree. I'm hoping over the summer they put me on something useful.

>Yea Forums is a bunch of crack heads
>white genocide really is real
>so many brothers hooked on the pharmajewticals

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Better than fapping while on weed?

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Already hooked to booze, being addicted to amphet won't change much

Both are good, but edging while on adderall is better. It takes forever to cum,though.

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so much better than fapping on anything you probably just don't even want to know that feeling exists

>not using supplements
You're both stupid, here's my stack
>chelated magnesium (helps prevent tolerance/relaxes muscles/keeps the heart healthy)
>coq10(powerful antioxidant that keeps the heart healthy)
>CDP choline(restores dopamine receptors and promotes NGF)
>l-theanine(a nice chill pill that counter acts the L-amph part of adderall)
>milk thistle(powerful antioxidant for the liver)
>l-arginine(power vasodilator. Great for the heart and counteracts Adderalls vasoconstriction properties)
>NAC(THE most powerful antioxidant every made. Completely stops adderall from becoming neurotoxic and stops any damage that could occur from high doses)
>melatonin(great for sleep and acts as an antioxidant at certain doses that can help get adderall out of your system
>vitamin C (will start removing the affects of adderall. Great for comedowns)

Obviously a ton more but you fags can do your own research.

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So, if you beat it to a porn game while on speed, you'd take like a week?

or you just just not, you weak willed faggot

I keep having dry nuts while on adderall, what's wrong with me?

Actual meth addicts on youtube admit to watching porn for weeks straight without sleeping.

I think you got the wrong kind of medicine

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No, it's not that ridiculous.

seriously talk with your doctor about it. If it's not working they need to know that you want to try something else.

I can see that. Already takes me 2-5 hours because the games drag so bad.

Pick up some vasodilators like L-arginine and enjoy increased libido and erection functionality. Seriously, do you guys just take drugs without researching how they affect your body or something? SUPPLEMENTS NIGGAS

Oh yeah, I remember that "cum buckets" infograph from like a fucking decade ago. Didn't actually believe in supplements before that, but that was some good shit.

I'm going to assume you told me to just sort myself out, I was managing up until about 3 years ago when everything sort of fell apart and my doctor talked to me about going on meds which I had wanted to avoid before being convinced that I was avoiding a possible solution.
I will be this week, but it's bothersome to tell your doctor and a specialist that you don't feel like the meds are helping and all they do is up the dosage (the doc wanted to get the specialists opinion before changing my meds)

>tfw sitting with my dick out, with 12 tabs of different porn that haven't played yet or doujins on the first page, just sitting there trying to find the exact right porn for up to an hour before fapping fapping for 10 minutes and being unsatisfied and looking even longer for some more porn that looks just right. Worse even, not even fapping at all after all that.

Sometimes i feel like it's not even worth having a dick

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Wait is this true? Cause while I love adderall, it's always made my dick not work when I want it to if I take too much.

I didn't either at first but there's some real merits to stacking. You just have to wade through a bunch of bullshit and broscience, plus experiment for yourself. The main thing that adderall does is cause a lot of oxidative stress, which is neurotoxic. If you take antioxidants you can pretty much never worry about it unless you're a hardcore speed head.

it doesn't if you're taking enough to be neurotoxic, which is basically anytime you're subjectively "speeding".

I spent the whole day masturbating while high on adderall. It felt awesome, but I don't think you should beat your meat for the entire day.

vrooom vrooom

damaging your ability to feel joy is no good user

Yes it's true. Adderall is a vasoconstrictor, meaning it makes your blood vessels smaller and raises blood pressure as a result. Take vasodilators, which widen the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure as a result to counteract this. Your penis is basically a blood pump, so when you can't get a stiffy on adderall it's usually because of the vasoconstriction. There are a ton of vasodilator supplements, L-arginine is just what I recommend considering it also increases my libido and loads. There's also ginkbo biloba which is a really powerful one, but one I personally never tried yet.


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work hard and die young vrooooooom

As an 8 year adderall addict, all i can tell you is stop right now, or kiss your liver and heart goodbye. Heed my words gentlemen.

whenever I beat my my meat on adderall it gets all red and swollen. sometimes some of the skin chafes off. I've started using lotion to stop that

>beat my meat for the whole night on speed
>bruise my dick so badly that my foreskin fills with blood like a fucking balloon
I didn't even know that was possible desu

whats with ritalin or stratera?

i always worry much more about the mental effects and depression than organ damage

Saved, I'll look em up later, thanks.

ritalin sucks and stratera doesnt get you high

I've heard about both of them but always assumed they were memes like all other supplements.

so just dont become an addict and youll be fine lol

spot on. my tolerance level is way down, I’m more prone to raging if I’m not mindful and slow down on it. sekiro was tougher on it, but I never gave up on it. you persist through everything.

i dont need to get high i need to get the nogging jogging

Yah I took Ritalin for like 6 years. I stopped taking it in college because I thought it gave me anxiety.

I probably have ADHD instead of autism, but I have no idea how to actually get a diagnosis.

>tfw smoke weed and take adderall and play video games
I have a script but I'm always worried about the negative stories. I can't tell if those horror stories are from abusing the drug or normal prescribed use.

>haha just dont get addicted to a top 5 most addictive pharmaceutical

What is the good old method senpai? Im an ENTP stuck in a doggshit shithole of a country so i need to know.

yeah exactly, easy

based and redpilled

They're far from memes, it's just people think they're miracle cure-alls and promote them as such. They're just as their name implies: Supplements. You still need to eat healthy and all that jazz. Most of them you won't feel anything while on them, but you'll notice them working as is the case with L-arginine. I mean it won't feel like you're high, but when you're on 120mg of adderall you'll definitely feel it kick in when it gets easier to breathe and your heart stops pumping so hard.
No problem man. First rule of any drug is to stay safe and supplement your addiction to lessen its harm.

>this amphetamine is ok because doctors!
You're literally meth heads.

if we're talking supplements, does anyone have that /fit/ pasta of things user took to produce huge loads?

it increases your heart rate. I’m already prone to palpitations so I get it sometimes. I’ve been told that I had it growing up but I never started taking it until a few months ago at 30. The only real issues I had at first was a fatigued jaw because I would clench my teeth. Made work and gaming so much more enjoyable and I wouldn’t wander off in space.

You know, just buying speed from dealers/darknet (that second option is especially popular in my shithole) and snorting it. You can also dissolve it in water and drink it, makes the onset a bit softer.

How about you grow up and dont use drugs you really dont need as a crutch? I had a friend who used them off label to work and cope with life (probably didnt help he was getting drunk every night) but guess where hes at now? Fucking coke addict because its cheaper and more easily available. Enjoy your slippery slope and inevitable addiction. You think life is hard now? Have fun trying to come off that stuff and your problems now being ten fold.

>i need to take all this fucking shit just to stop jacking off all day and playing video games in the dark

lazy nigger

Thanks doc

Thanks for the anecdote, boomer.

>coke is cheaper than adderall
Whats your coke dealers number because hes a fucking moron

Dude just wants to have a good time, his life is probably fine right now.

where the fuck is coke cheaper and more easily available than adderall

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Take magnesium to prevent teeth grinding and maybe some l-theanine. With magnesium you want to aim for 200mg elemental, which is different than the dose you're actually taking. Elemental is basically what your body can absorb and use. This lends to a problem where companies never state the elemental dosage on magnesium supplements, but there are a few that do.

There are different types of magnesium. Oxide (which is the form used in most supplements and vitamin pills) is the hardest for your body to absorb. You may as well not take it at all. The link I posted is a form that states the elemental dose, and is a form that is absorbed entirely by your body.

I'm perscribed 4 dexedrine per day

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Lmaooodude ayeeeeee drugs ayee

you must be like a lizard

Adhd is a fake "disease" to cover for excuses, have fun taking drugs that end fucking your life and weakening your brain in the long run. Hope your iq is low so its not wasted

I dont do the shit so I couldnt tell you. I've seen what various pharma addictions have done to people and it's not pretty.

Hey Nigger, I deal with one of you favors about every week.
I’m a clinical pharmacist board certified in endocrinology and as part of my practice agreement I also psychiatric medication management.
Your absolutely retarded list does fucking nothing.
Here are some facts because you’re a retarded nootropic antioxidant nigger:
Amphetamine tolerance does not reset.
You can do handstands and shove all the supplements in the world up your ass and you’ll never go back to baseline after more than 25MG/per day.

I’ve seen you subhumans do it all. Supplements, cleanses, fasting, water diets, etc etc. even switching to methylphenidate won’t work because while it’s much more targeted at NDR receptors, amphetamines seem to alter the confirmation AND competitively inhibit transporters. Especially Dopamine transporters.
It’s been shown that sympathomimetic drugs increase DAT half life and it doesn’t go back down in the forebrain.

But yeah go ahead, keep adding more shit to your list. I’m sure you’re not tolerant or dependent at all :).

I get so much joy out of denying you faggots prescriptions. That shitty little antagonizing look while also being absolutely helpless “will I have to find a dealer?”
Funny cause I’m actually helping you.
The 1/30 patients that actually need the medication I keep on XR 20 mg with tapering down to once every other day and eventually not at all along with counciling and helping them help themselves to work around their limitations.

That’s how the drug is made to be used, as a kickstart to develop better study and life habits not as a fucking baby sitter for white trash moms or a more convenient way to get high vs smoking a meth pipe.
You literal fucking trash can.

I think you need to see it from another point of view

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>coke cheaper and easier to get than speed
Where do you live, Colombia?

Whoa bros we have a rogue human biologist here.

>take adderall and take several hours to cum
>angry I wasted so much time jerking it, go onto Yea Forums to waste more time
>see 1 lewd image
>rock hard erection like I haven't jerked it in months
>repeat 3-4 more times

Fuck amphetamines

>Onions Free
no thanks

What? Amphetamines, especially time-delayed ones like fucking Adderall that are tailor-fucking made to be less addictive, are nowhere near the top.

I have ADD/HD whatever and I can't stand my prescription
Makes me feel like not me and I'm getting better at focusing off it anyways
Should I start taking it again?

>I'm a clinical pharmacist certified in endocrinology posting on Yea Forums
>just insults everyone instead of using his degree to lay down evidence of his horseshit claims

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Jelly your autism diagnosis doesn't get you free vidya enhancing drugs?

Imagine believing this. Who gave you this information? Its fucking speed moron


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>get ritalin presc
>told it would make me skip my meals
>told it wouldn't allow me to sleep while under it's effect
>told it would kill my boners
>told it would make me hyperactive
>literally the complete opposite to all of those
Now my psychiatrist is literally trying to make me take different meds every 6 months to see what sort of effects they have on me.

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You guys really like taking shitposting bait seriously

Just do crystal you pussies

Anything you say, armchair doctor.

every post is a shitpost m8

>today friend doing meth for the first time after about 10 years of moderate speed usage
>faggot didn't even invite me
Shit, I didn't plan on trying the thing, since it's so infamous, but now I wanna try it too.

I take xanax and zoloft and my favorite games to play are JRPGS that help me mellow out through grinding.


Won't get me this time I stopped taking amphetamines after I sucked a tranny I met on cl after smoking meth for the first time

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Has he killed himself yet?

You’ll be happy to know that I consult on formularies for a few insurance companies and they increased the requirements for coverage. One of them finally started requiring cardiovascular exclusions so all the fat fucks with hypertension aren’t covered for amphets anymore. They’ll bitch and moan about losing their easy diet pill but I’m saving them from long term CV complications and forcing to accept their mistakes and fix them without a crutch.
What the fuck do you want, all my clinical reasoning is peer reviewed.
Psychiatry treatment guidelines are written at a fucking 1st grade level and too much filth like you are taking advantage. You have pubmed freely available, look up all my shit. Maybe pop a pill before you do so you can “focus” lmao

Ritalin is shit tier.

>still doesn't provide any of his """peer reviews""" and continues to insult people without evidence

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ritalin is like autism coke

It also gives you the thousand yard stare. I have no idea why it feels so good to just stare at something, but it does. Shitty drug.

Nice drug thread losers. I hope you fucking die.

Tell me about the good stuff. I'm taking 30 right now and can barely feel the effects.
Cosmo? Not that I know.
Funnily enough I don't feel addicted to it at all.

t. clinical pharmicist certified in endocrinology

"this doesn't mesh with my methed out worldview, it must be false"

Seething addy babby

At least post a decent bike you fucking faggot

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Adderall obviously and Vyvanse are both good. You should just tell your doctor that you don't like Ritalin and he should move you to another ADD medication. It's what I did when I first got diagnosed.

Who /vyvanse/ here?

Nice arguments

i tried but he said they're all basically the same
he kept me on ritalin now i get 2XR a day and 1IR

it mostly is shit in recreational terms but in performance terms it can do really crazy stuff mentally and physically. for some reason it makes me able to throw objects with total precision when normally i can't hit anything. weird things like that. and don't even get me started on reading and writing. none of it is actually fun though, it's just ultra autism

What are the differences on the effects you got? Because so far all the effects I got on the drugs I took are different from the ones I should expect. fluvoxamine for example gave me massive boners.

They're not the same at all. You've got a shitty doctor when he doesn't want to listen to the patient. Consider switching doctors or insisting.

>take ritalin
>just want to sit in quiet room and read/watch/do work
>face gets red and flushed
>sweat like a fucking hog
anyone else

>all these kids drugged out of their mind
The pharmaceutical jew has won

amphetamines are bad news dude
smoke some ganja instead

yeah i figured. hes like 70 though so im just gonna wait for him to retire then switch doctors. they dont like it when you get different ADD scripts from different doctors.
>not doing both

You're allergic.

That's the difference I found with Ritalin vs Adderall. Adderall actually makes things fun and makes me WANT to learn and do things because of that.
Ritalin just made me want to sit in a chair and stare at things all day. It made me focused but not in a productive way. Adderall on the other hand makes me want to get shit done and it feels good to do it. Ritalin is basically just shitty coke while Adderall is more kin to the limitless drug.

>not doing them both
speed is awful without weed

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really? i dont feel bad or anything other than my face being a bit warm to the touch but thats an annoyance more than a real problem

Fuckin pill heads

Last time I smoked weed for a stint, I had a psychotic episode for a few years. Guess I'm part of that percentage.

How do you get a doctor to switch you if you've already been on one for years without complaining

What if I'm sneeding?

When your focus is shot for years because of that shit, you might change your tune.

Getting hot on Ritalin is perfectly normal. It's just your body overheating and producing oxidative stress, which is why you also sweat.

Lmao, you read like you’re spooked and desperately want to prove me wrong.
Again, pop a pill go on pubmed and read about dompamine receptors, amphetamine case studies with withdrawal etc.
I’m not typing out a 7 year career for you because you can’t google shit
Oh add some fucking fish oil to your list, at least then you might not throw a clot from your erratic BP.

>pharmaceutical jew
Fuck no, I support independent entrepreneurs if you catch my drift.

your big words suck. shut up.

smoke meth quotidiously.

you'll be sucking and fucking on the street in no time

Just be honest. There are a ton of things that can happen, such as tolerance increasing or the drug just failing to work anymore. If your doctor is reasonable he should understand. Just don't sound like you want to switch because you want a better high.

lol you could've just bought addy pills online you retard, unless your health insurance is giving you those completely free. Anyway don't take those too often, it's literally meth so you'll suffer neurological damage if you take too much.

based. first time it happened i actually went to the hospital and had a panic attack because i thought i was having a heart attack. panic attack caused my arm to go to sleep some how. doctor looked at me like a fucking moron.

Tell them it isn't working as effectively anymore.

yeah i guess ill try again next month. when i first got on them he put me on Concerta, but my insurance didn't cover it so it was straight to ritalin and he wouldn't move me since. Ill talk to him again I guess when I need a refill.

>you read like you’re spooked and desperately want to prove me wrong
Funny coming from the guy doing exactly that. And no, you made the claims and it's up to you to provide evidence for them. I've already done my research and experimentation and do what works for me.
>implying I abuse my prescription
You really want to paint me as a pill head huh? I'm simply providing information that can help counteract the side effects of short term and long term use.

>going to the hospital on drugs
I'm glad we have a containment thread for braindead retards.

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Isn't ritalin a stim not an amphetamine

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Can you stop giving medical advice when you’re a fucking illiterate monkey?
Methylphenidate is a sympathomimetic drug. It agonized your symphathic nervous system. You’re not in good shape of activation makes you flush and sweat, it means at baseline you have a high BP and your RAAS is activated. Google the terms I’m not a babysitter.
Get some serious physical activity and you’re probably at over a 30 BMI so lose weight.

>panic attack making your arm go numb
That shit was scary as fuck for me. Last panic attack I had my entire body got tingly and went completely numb and I couldn't move at all. I had to go to the hospital and could barely talk. Every time I told the doctor I couldn't move he just looked at me like I was stupid and said I was having a panic attack. I've had panic attacks before but never that bad.

it was a legal prescription moron, i thought i was having a bad reaction or something. it's not like i did a rail and went for a checkup.

i knew your left arm gets pains wehn you have heart issues so i think i was looking for it and eventually my left arm just stopped doign what i wanted and locked up completely, once the doctor said it was just a panic attack and nothing was wrong with me it almost instantly came back

>on a prescription that gives you waking nightmare panic attacks

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amphetamines are stimulants...

I need you to consult me on what supplements to take to make my loads bigger.
Zinc does wonders but I'm not taking more than 30mg/day lest I make myself copper deficient.
Pic related, what's your take on the other stuff, the dosages and method of intake? Anything to add?

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>he thinks vasodilators affect the penis
>he doesn’t know that it’s regualted by PDE and you need to selectively activate it to not have rebound construction and RAAS activation.

God I LOVE internet junkies. They can’t even parse a fucking Wikipedia article but just can’t stop from giving out medical advice.

Anyway lunch is over see ya later faggots

but stimulants aren't amphetamines

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Yeah I thought the same thing when I was having mine. Unfortunately when the doctor said it was a panic attack my paranoia kicked in and I didn't believe him, so it lasted for a few hours before I calmed down. Worst night of my life. Anyways I'm glad you're fine now user. I'd never wish that kind of scare on my worst enemies.

Enjoy your prostate enlargement

I believe there's been studies that people with ADHD are far more likely to abuse substances than the average person unless they're medicated. Granted, you could argue that they're just trading one drug in for another but in my experience, I went from chugging several cups of coffee a day and getting drunk every chance I got to forgetting to take my meds and only ever using them as prescribed. I also have no real desire to drink coffee or alcohol anymore. That seems pretty typical from what I read.

When I take adderall without vasodilators my penis = sad penis
When I take adderall with a vasodilator my penis = erect penis

fighting games
titanfall 2

What's going to give me prostate enlargement? The only thing I'm taking is zinc and its only link to the prostate I can find is some anecdotal evidence of zinc supplements helping shrink it back.

>a stim not an amphetamine
you're retarded, but yes, ritalin is not an amphetamine

this thread explains so much of Yea Forumss retardness

>force a gland to work harder
>”why would it enlarge tho?”
Are you really this fucking retarded? What shithole are you from where you don’t even know basic biology?


A doctor.

know people or darknet

I've never used a stimulant other than caffeine and benzedrex. If I like benzedrex would I like adderall?
How hard is adderall on your body? After using benzedrex multiple days in a row, my veins are all tight and uncomfortable, I get constipated, I have slight bladder leakage, among other annoyances. Lots of people use adderall every day and I never hear about these symptoms so I assume it's safer.

Never thought I'd get addicted to OTC allergy inhalers. I've managed to reduce my usage, generally I just use half a cotton rod on my days off, but any time I'm bored for more than a few hours, all I can think about is running down to walmart to buy a pack.

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that includes you right?

jesus you people actually exist? sounds like you're melting your insides with that fucking garbage. i didn't think anyone actually tried this shit

As someone who abused benzedrex for years I plead that you stop. It's incredibly damaging to your body and brain, and as a drug, a very shitty one compared to what you can get from a doctor. It's not worth it user.
>used to soak 5-8 cottons
>would drink the disgusting mixture through the night
>had many trips to the hospital
>lost most of my hair
>completely destroyed my dopamine receptors

And the libido on adderal?

bigger is better prostlet

Why don't you just... not take that shit?

oh no i mispelled retardedness that means i am on the same level as pill poppers

Lets just say I can easily fap for 12 hours and keep going for another 12.

Because every time I stop taking it thinking I don't need it my life goes to shit and I realize that I need help.

it's almost inherently sexual when you take a lot. it can be a really crazy cross addiction.

>hopping on Adderall for video games


You should stop taking that shit it is not good for you.

From the sounds of it you would like adderall but you'd probably end up taking loads all the time which has pretty much the same shitty side effects when abused. More worth it than the shit you're taking right now though.

Seriously a benzedrex habit is fucking horrible please stop.

are you drinking it or swallowing the cottons? if you're swallowing the cottons then that's why you're constipated. you have literal cotton stuck in your intestines.

>hopping on video games for adderall

Yea Forums - prescription drug abuse

Prostate fluid makes up about a third of semen. I'm not asking to necessarily increase the quantity of of this fluid, but of the entire load. Even then, I don't see how it's a given that the increase of production of prostate fluid would necessarily swell the gland.
I was raised in a shithole that teaches manners and critical thought.

I thought this was /r9k/

>not going for max performance
gamer fuel and red LEDs just don't cut it anymore

Yo yo. Titrated from min to Max dosage (70 mg is the max I think). Now at 40 mgs a day and holding.

the ones in question make you type like mad so there's that

Adderall pills online is far more expensive than any alternative

I didn't think I actually existed either.
But I'm different from those other retards, they just steal it, I buy it like a good boy. I've estimated that I've wasted over $1000 on this trash.
I want to stop but I've conditioned myself to rely on it for everything. Feels like I have to use all my strength just to do the bare minimum without it. It feels like it's all mental, almost like it's all in my head, and if I just convince myself that I'm fine without it, I will be. But I can't seem to make myself believe it.
I just soak them. I think the constipation is the severe dehydration it causes. Or maybe the vasoconstriction, similar to how I can't piss while using it, unless I take some l-arginine beforehand.

I took it once and it made grinding in FFX fun somehow. Got me through the long slog of maxing the sphere grid so I could fight Penance.

I was on the same road as you, even bought it too. At the end of the day I just got a prescription for adderall because I was hopelessly addicted to the benz. I figured if I was going to be addicted I might as well be addicted to something that is meant to be ingested.

who /xanax/ gamer here

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I dont want adderall for games I want it so I can be sucessful in life

>After slow roasting my doc for over a year
>for drugs
you're pathetic

Last time I took xanax I blacked out and woke up to a kitchen with bread slices everywhere and cereal mixed with a tub of bacon grease instead of milk with a spoon sticking out of it.


>literally meth
It literally isn't, methamphetamine is not the same as regular amphetamine they are literally 2 different chemicals with similar structure and same type of effects the big difference being one (methamphetamine) is neurotoxic at a normal dose range while regular amphetamine is safe unless you decide to go full retard and take a giant dose like 250mg

Take a few and go for a walk. See where you end up :^) ideally it would be in a pond you fucking scum

You've conditioned your mind/body to need it but you can pretty much quit whenever you want. People quit meth all the time, you just have to push through it user. You are going to be tired and feel like shit but it'll get better over time. The side effects are only going to get worse without stopping so best to do it as soon as you feel ready.

You can do it user.

Well I can already do that without anything and with ritalin.
And side effects?

whats tthis??

This thread reads like some cyberpunk stuff holy shit

xanax is fucking scary i got a script for it and took one to calm down but i forgot i took it and just kept taking them and then later i found out i went to my moms and cooked and ate ribs

>wasting glorious addy on video games

lmao you don't need fucking 250mg to be neurotoxic with regular amphetamine. isn't that past the ld50?. i'd estimate anything above a pharmaceutical dose is toxic with no tolerance.


>can't focus
>depressed sometimes and manically happy other times
>deal with an existential crisis every time a semester ends as if I don't have a plan and none of it will work even though i have a clear end goal
>fantasize about offing myself
>paranoid about everything and i constantly have to convince myself im just kidding when in reality im not
>therapy helped me with suicidal ideation for the most part but now my therapist is leaving the state
>still can't focus and try and do a dozen things at a time
>constantly anxious about everything
i hate this shit. i don't want to visit a psychiatriast but at this point i should, right?

Fapping on adderall makes it feel like jesus is entering your penis while he resurrects on the third day (of fapping) by coming out in thick sticky globs

>>takes months cause shit system
Just go private. I live in canada so the wait times are absurd here for public health care. I just asked my family doctor for a recommendation for someone who could test me for ADHD (i was 22 at the time) and within about 3 weeks I saw her and went to her for about 6 months. Got the script after she did her tests. Took 6 months but no wait at all and insurance covered like 95% of her fee.

you should hit the fucking gym. Stick to it, no making excuses, don't fucking listen to yourself when you don't want to go. Do that for a few months. See the gains, mental and physical. Then you'll know you'll make it.

>Those 12 hour fap sessions

Kiss your vidya goodbye.

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just exercise

the results are in: you're just underage

Not the user you replied to but i've been edging out to pure vanilla non-h mangas lately
its pretty great desu

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you /sig/ retards are the worst

same for the most part. I went to a psych once and decided not to go back after the trial medication made my body feel awful. I was also afraid of needing medication to live when I'm so young. you should think about the type of solution and life you want, and go from there.



ER fucking sucks
>takes 2 hours to kick in
>awake for 12
>weak as shit though so you dont get the same effect as IR

I wish.
I go, just sporadically. How often should I go, like 3 days a week?
That's my primary fear. My cousin got lucky and found the perfect medication for her anxiety, helped her a fuck ton.

exercise every day, dont make it an x days a week thing or you'll put it off until the weekend then you won't do it. just wake up and go for a walk or run before you shower.

talk to a psychiatrist

there's your problem. Make a schedule and stick to it. Be realistic, don't go every fucking day lile this dumbass is suggesting, that'll kill your motivation in no time. Give yourself rest days. 3 days a week to start off is great if you can force yourself to stick to it. Monday Wednesday Friday is a classic.

Oh no I'm not getting "high". This thread is disgusting

>when you fap so much your penis turns into a scab

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speed is everywhere. it's in kids. much more prevalent than people realize. it's like a pharmaceutical faustian bargain for education and productivity that society takes eagerly.

>All these people talking about fapping for hours on adderall
>Been taking it for months and never had it happen
>If anything I fap less because it feels like I have better stuff to do with my time

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oh no the medication i'm taking takes too long to delivery the effects i need and when it does it lasts too long and isn't very effective*

yeah for now, just wait. once it happens you'll never go back.

>only 12 tabs
I regularly have 2000 tabs open. My computer crashes a lot when I'm trying to fap on adderall.

I work making those. Ask me anything.

>there's your problem. Make a schedule and stick to it. Be realistic, don't go every fucking day lile this dumbass is suggesting, that'll kill your motivation in no time. Give yourself rest days. 3 days a week to start off is great if you can force yourself to stick to it. Monday Wednesday Friday is a classic.
you're a retard. it's a chore if you don't do it every day. it's not like going for a walk in the morning is going to kill him you moron. pushing yourself hard 3 days a week is goign to result in him quitting after 3 weeks. especially if he's going from 0 to a "routine".

what said
I was the same way, then I fapped once on adderall and it was over. Now I can't stop.

Kid thinks he knows it all lol.

why do you think we'd care

>When your foreskin swells up like a balloon

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we're talking about hitting the gym, not taking faggot ass walks
go every day and you'll injure yourself and stop going

why are doctors so fucking terrible,
>have bad adhd
>talk about it with them as a form of treatment
>nahhhhhhhhhhh you don't need it your fine
>some druggie comes in with "real symptoms"
>here's your prescription sir
fuck this shit,

>when your erections start to become so painful the pain outways the pleasure
>trying to desperately create more pleasure than pain to drown it out
>when your penis becomes 1000 degrees from all the friction and feels like a miniature sun is touching your penis at the slightest touch
>when you fap so hard your nails dig into the skin, through the fat layer, and creates a hole in your penis that takes months to heal and becomes scarred and completely numb after it does

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fuck off

Hands-free fapping

the "real druggie" probably went to a psychiatrist and got diagnosed before going to the local clinic and saying "hey give me these easily abused and widely sold pills"

>Adderal when you dont need

Good job faggot now youre chewing bottle caps and cracking your knuckles until they make weird sounds

open capsule, pour out contents into something you can crush them in. crush em up into a powder, pour em back in the capsule and eat em. boom. you just turned your ER into IR. enjoyu

use lotion idiot

I also am a fucking leaf and waiting for a referral and then someone to actually be available from my family doctor is what I'm doing.

I wish I could go private like 'Muricans and pay to not wait to see someone.

Beads: Crushed
Antacids: Taken
Yup, its gamer time

Vyvanse > Adderal

I already do this without adderal.

Most informative post out of the entire thread. Have fun spiraling down the rabbit hole of stimulants OP.

but mine isn't capsules it's a little pill

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I've been prescribed it for months. I've fapped on it a fair bit but if anything I do it less and spend less time edging and looking up 50 different doujins.

Thats odd

You should help yourself, starting with yourself. You don't need drugs. You really only think you need them.

I do but that doesn't stop the adderall faps from becoming nuclear

You literally can though, just look up a psychiatrist if your doctor isn't giving you a referral. Just look one up online and go in and explain you can't focus.

good times

Lubricant, idiot. Lotion is awful for fapping.

yeah because it hasn't happened yet. youll know when it does.

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I'm surprised trannies haven't brought up their pills yet
guess they keep to their discords nowadays

I used to be on 75 mg of Vyvanse and at least 50 mg of Xanax during highschool and holy fuck I'm surprised I'm not dead

Pretty much any game.

I fucking hated FFXII because of how unbelievably boring it is, but it's one of the games on my backlog I am determined to finish out of spite. Adderall has helped me find joy in the grind, and now I think I'm a little bit more than 2/3 of the way done with it.

The drug has really fucked me up though, desu. Trying to manage your doses and having to deal with the tolerance is extremely difficult, especially considering how insanely addictive the drug is.

Good luck, OP. I have decided that I need to quit taking mine if I hope to grow as a human being. Maybe not right away, but definitely sometime soon.

Gotta finish FFXII first, though.

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How u do it?

I wish I had listened to all the people who told me not to use drugs.

Just die already.

tfw I've been popping caffiene pills for an entire year and ever since the first day where I was fucking amped with energy I don't even fucking feel it. I even stopped taking them for about 2 years and I still don't feel it. I have to take a 5 hour energy or a starbucks doubleshot (that shit is some next level shit) to notice anything.

>50mg of xanax

it takes alot for me to sleep

I’ve only had it like twice.
Strategy games are fun. Lots of details to think about and focus one.
FPS’s are ok, try not to worry about performance in MP though, might ruin it for you.

>whats tthis??
The nuclear option. Dex is prescribed if currently-prescribed treatments aren't enough. Often prescribed as an adjunct to Ritalin or amphetamine.


You'd have to be taking a fucking retarded dose before it became legitimately neurotoxic. I'm pretty sure something like 120mg at once isn't even in the range of it being neurotoxic.

What really fucks people's minds up is the lack of sleep and the lack of nutrition that tends to come as a result of taking amphetamines. The drug itself is relatively harmless if taken at *REASONABLE* dosages.

It could be worse, you could be taking anti-depressants. They give me what I think is the worst sexual side effect, not being able to cum even after 30 minutes of stimulus whether it be from a woman, my hand or a sex toy. It sounds like shit from a hentai but it sucks. My gf gets super sore long before I can cum.

they come in 2mg at most last i checked, youre full of shit

Nah desoxyn is the nuclear option. Literally prescription meth.

Not in my area, there isn't anybody or I would have. When my dad got diagnosed the psychiatrist had to take a ferry here and stay at a hotel, now sometimes you see one over a video call.

I mean 3 tablets or whatever.

I'm confusing my shit again

More like, you wish you had Hey! Listen!'d.

Ocarina of Time reference B)

>relatively harmless
define harmless in context of overweight NEETs and other Yea Forumsermin

you are a liar. you were not on 50mg xanax you wuoldn't have a memory left in your brain.

maybe you meant 5mg lmao

I was wrongfully diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed adderal, 30 a day, 20 a night. As a child, taking those pills would transform me into a zombie, unable to think, always hyperfocused on some stupid bullshit, always tired, I started becoming addicted to masturbation, teeth grindingm But my mother would forcefeed them to me, and I had no way of saying no. I needed an end to it after 4 months,and quickly. One month, I flushed them down a toilet, Mother wasnt happy about that, so she asked for a refill and got it. So I knew that wasnt going to work. I had to do something drastic.
One day, I took 90mg for the day. I figured this wouldnt kill me, but it would show my mother that I am not meant to take these drugs.
Have you ever waited for something to happen? Then, when it doesnt happen, you ignore it for a bit. Then you start walking, and it instantly hits you. The dizziness, Drowsiness, the constant need to vomit without any actual contents in your body..
Breathing was hard, blinking was hard. My hands couldnt stop shaking. Everything was awful for 9 grueling hours. But I was right, this was the only way they would stop, and they did. I "couldnt be trusted" with it.

Do not take Adderal. I repeat, DO NOT TAKE ADDERAL.

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I literally can't orgasm on MDMA, all those opportunities wasted aha.

Yeah, I had that shit on one of the anti-depressants I used to be, I remember a guy from my time in a loony bin even mentioning what specific type of anti-depressants causes that effect, I can't remember the name right now though. I'm on prozac right now, which belongs to the same type, but I can fap fine.

Don't waste adderall on fucking videogames/porn you're going to enjoy yourself no matter what you do so do something productive.

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that's most likely what I meant

Masturbation is productive. I cum a lot.

i've read it's actually mild in effect compared to adderall, it just affects you deeper or something. as far as i know they come in much smaller amounts even though they're proportionately much stronger

>20 a night.
who fucking prescribes amphetamines to take at night

Why would you want to be more hornier.

I would pay for an anti-Viagra, where you pop a pill and you won't get horny for 24 hours

Adderall actually doesn't affect people who have ADD the same way as people who don't.

if you have add adderall makes you a zombie. if you are normal then adderall is literally powerups you have access to your full ability you are in a state of euphoria and whatever you happen to be working on is fascinating.

Anti-depressants ain't shit, you know you've hit the bottom when you get put on neuroleptics. Not being able to cum would be the least of your concerns.

Therapist recommended it

>Have you ever waited for something to happen? Then, when it doesnt happen, you ignore it for a bit. Then you start walking, and it instantly hits you. The dizziness, Drowsiness, the constant need to vomit without any actual contents in your body..
Literally only happened because you took amphetamines and thought about overdosing you retard. What the fuck do you think the drugs do? You focused so hard on finding yourself symptoms of an OD that you got sick. That's not the adderalls fault. 90mg isn't going to kill you.

I guess it's harmless for people who live relatively healthy lives, i.e. having things to do routinely besides taking amphetamine all day and playing games.

For overweight, sedentary individuals who take it constantly and do little else, it is pretty fucking unhealthy, but not neurotoxic. It only becomes neurotoxic when you take massive doses and never sleep/eat. The drug itself is designed to limit the euphoric effects so that it prevents people from entirely avoiding the demands of their basic bodily needs.

Seething druggie

>who fucking prescribes amphetamines to take at night
are you stupid? do you think just cause it is night the adhd just vanishes?

mate I take 90mg when I wanna have a fun night out with the boys lmao

wait till you get older

No but I think when you take drugs that keep you awake your ability to sleep just vanishes.

>cant read
he wrote he was a kid prob 8-12

Not to mention he'd have a tolerance at that point so 90mg wouldn't do shit.


>doctor gives me vyvanse instead of Adderall
Its OK, I guess

The absolute state of this poster lmao

but only if you dont have adhd

No, it just calms you down and makes it easier to focus if you have ADD. It's still a stimulant.

would vyvanse be as fun as adderall?

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Coconut oil breh, works wonders.

>Get the wrong dose of a medication as a kid
>Clearly gives you terrible side effects and you try to stop taking it
>Retard parent makes you take it anyway so you outright overdose on it to teach them a lesson
>This means nobody should take it even if they're grown adults
That sucks but that doesn't mean it doesn't work for anybody.

was trying to be humourous lad, I noticed

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Vyvanse is pretty good though.
It definitely is. I think it's more euphoric than adderall, personally.

In my experience, a solid dose if Vyvanse can make you hyper, HYPER focused to an absurdly autistic level.

Adderall has much more euphoria to offer, but it loses it's effectiveness for autistic focus after a short while.

Overall, I'd say adderall wins the FUN award.

Its less fun but very functional

>take ritalin
>get into an argument on Yea Forums
>spend so long typing and editing my post the thread 404s before i get a chance

Dont take any pills unless prescribed. Its that simple, anything that could be fixed with a pill, could be fixed with something less toxic.

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fun fact, adderall was originally perscribed as an appetite suppressor. housewives in the 1950s would get stimmed out of their goddamned minds achieve hypertime while reaching into infinity and all they would do is clean the house.

>does a phat ass line of speed
Heh, at least I'm not taking pills.

sounds fucking amazing

Hmmm you might be right actually, I've never actually had desoxyn but know that it's actually meth and that it's rarely prescribed. It would actually make sense to be smoother but less alert feeling than dex if it's a small dose though.

So what substance or medications can ya'll Yea Forumsiggers recommend then

fuck i hate zoomers. stop taking drugs you fucking clowns. the best and only good thing my boomer dad told me was to not take any medicine unless you really fucking need it.


Back when my adderall tolerance was still really fucking low I used to obsess over every single detail when writing papers for school. The process of reading over and revising for hours on end and never being 100% satisfied is a fun in an ironic sort of way.

wow, thanks, I really needed to read his entire boring-ass story again

yea , like cocaine or weed
i prefer mda but thats me

Just go straight for coke, fuck that "productivity" zoomer speed shit.

actual boomers ate black beauties and obetrols like halloween candy

>autism is at a record high
>kids on more meds than ever
>most doctors are boomers
not really a good argument when they are handing them out like candy and not really developing anything that actually helps

Speedball if you're not a pussy.

It's a nice a way to unwind/relax

50s, 60s was a top tier time pharmaceutical drugs. They used to make mixed barbiturate amphetamine pills

Yeah, and the reason that they stopped prescribing it for that reason is because people who are overweight are already at risk for having heart disease. Adderall puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on the cardiovascular system without any of the benefits of exercise, so giving it to fat people to lose weight is dangerous and counter-productive.

dont take meds broes... its bad for you unless you're a nut like me

Does this shit have completely different effects if you have actual ADD/ADHD or some shit? I was on it for like 3 years straight in Middle School and experience none of what you guys are talking about. Wasn't even hard to quit it, just stopped taking it because I could finally function without it and didn't like the way it made me feel.

Absolutely based

What if you have a life, responsibility and have to be a productive member of society. Not to rag on you NEETs but that's my situation right now.

ADHD doesn't stop you from sleeping, retard.

The absolute fucking best way to enjoy vidya is to snort small lines of coke and drink some beer.

That is undoubtedly the most chill way to enjoy vidya.

based and white-lightning pilled

No, it works exactly the same. You was probably just on a low dose.

Then you don't get to do drugs, wageslave.

Speed is the drug of choice for boring drudgery, it even makes shit like sorting pictures in your meme folder enjoyable.

>does medicine work differently if you have the actual condition for its intended use

of course you fucking mong

normal healthy people feel like a million bucks when they take amphetamine. its like you contact god and he teaches you to release your limiter.

what if you control your fucking retarded brain and not be addicted to shit?

Eat mushrooms/truffles

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yeah, and then it's 11 am and you're done organizing your porn

Try coke bruh, it's that except taken to fucking overdrive and without tendency to focus on menial drudgery.

South america
coka-cola factories

Nice fucking mods

Unless you have an honest to God condition adderall fucks with your brain chemistry and you'll be regretting it very quickly.

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>drug abuse thread up for 5 hours

>30 a day, 20 a night.

bruh how are you alive

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>expecting shit to not be up
as you see every retard thread up?
>faggots youtuber
>faggot opinion
>this retard that plays vidya
>clear shilling (well not much this last few weeks other for the wow classic retard

Doing drugs is never ok.
Unless you do a Ric Flair "Wooo!" every time you snort a line, then it's fine.

>day long intense Koikatsu scenario builder fap fests
My nigga

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what the fuck?

>take adderall to play an RPG
>spend the next 85 hours going down a rabbit hole reading all the lore and easter eggs in the entire series
>forget it all in a day anyway

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Caffeine tolerance takes 40 hours to reset.

in some people with ADHD it might act differently, yes, but stimulants are still stimulants. it can disrupt sleep even if you actually need it for ADHD.

fuck, this thread's actually scaring me. I'm gonna stop smoking weed bros, I've been starting to worry that it's affecting me negatively and influencing my personality. I know this isn't a DUDE WEED LMAO thread, but just reading about how other anons are wrecking themselves is scaring me. I don't want to ruin my life

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Why would you ever want that? It sounds great and I wouldn't want to ever not take it.

>falling for the addy memes

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My man

There's been multiple points where outright porn threads hit bump limit and die naturally, mods are just asleep sometimes

> anything over 25mg is bad
What's it like being a 50kg twink

don't forget the blatant Days Gone marketing

Yeah, that's the main problem, it makes you feel like a glorious golden god that can do anything, but it's very fucking expensive.

that isn't even above the maximum recommended dosage you fucking tool. generally doctors don't go above 60.

I think he means mg. 50 a day is slightly under standard dose.

whats it like being a fattie having to take more to achieve the same high as him?

how much do you smoke
i bet you smoke like 2 grams a week and think you're sooooooooo fucked

No. Not really. It feels like a longer lasting coffee.

now you know how actors manage to go broke

Not to mention the facts that
>a) it will kill you and explode your heart
>b) people are cutting coke with fent now and its dangerous as fuck to touch it

Nope. 90kg probably under 12% bf given abs. Im just not an absolute woman.

Fucking coward doesn't even smoke meth and thinks he has a right to post in this thread baka

back at ya

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Why the fuck would you cut coke with fentanyl. It won't bulk shit out and has an antagonistic effect.

i mean you can definitely smoke too much weed. if you just sit in a room smoking giant fuck clobbering ricky joints all day you probably aren't gonna have much going on when you're sober either. but i just imagine this fella probably isn't smoking that .

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I don't know. Why the fuck would you cut anything with fent when it's so deadly? Why cut xanax with it when it kills everyone who takes it? Drug dealers don't give a shit

I mean, we are in a thread dedicated to intricacies of speed consumption, that's a bit of a given.
yeah, that sounds bad

what, so you have difficulty concentrating on sleeping? what the fuck?

>I mean, we are in a thread dedicated to intricacies of speed consumption, that's a bit of a given.
taking ADD medication won't blow your heart up unless you take your whole month in one day or something.

it's just some cardio

Jfc, why are so many of you overreacting doom sayers? I posted earlier in the thread about weight loss on adderall, but after that i got my dosage right and there's not been any problems since then.
When you take a medicine that helps with the mental blocks keeping you from doing what you wanna do it can help out a lot, forget the dumbshits who abuse it, use it as a tool to help you accomplish shit.
In the 2 years i've been taking this stuff, i've found a new job, got a place of my own and got into a great relationship. Adderall didn't do that shit, i did, but adderall helped, fuck anybody who says to avoid these things at all cost. Take what you need to get the results you want. We're all gonna die anyways, so use your body and the medical science that exists to their extent to live a fulfilling life, even if that means playing VIDEO GAMES

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i unironically do sometimes when i'm just laying there sometimes i notice the position of my eyeballs in my skull and they're never "resting", you're always actively pointing them in a direction even when they're closed and it's never comfortable when you're thinking about it. like manually breathing or blinking or not being able to find a comfortable position for your jaw/tongue. it fucks me up all the time and i can never sleep because my eyes are keeping me up.

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