Western games

Why are western games forgotten so quickly? Days Gone just released yesterday and nobody cares, RDR 2 was forgotten in a few weeks.

Japanese games like Sekiro, Xenoblade, KH3, DMCV are still discussed.

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Most western games have no soul

jap games favor gameplay much more, they are still playable after beating them once because you can have different playstyles. you have no reason to replay RDR2 or cinematic sonyshit because there isn't a reason to


Kys weeaboo

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Days gone is a generic as fuck zombie game exclusive to a console. It deserves to be forgotten.

Name a good western game released this year

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Japanese games are games, people talk about mechanics, bosses, etc.

Western games are movies. People play (or watch on youtube) them for their (bad) stories and political statements and move on to the next upcoming title HYPPPE

Nobody talks about RE2 Remake or KH3 anymore. Even with critical mode being released, discussion died down.

kys westaboo

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KH3 is discussed, it's getting DLC

In terms of longevity

Slav games > Jap games >>>> Western games

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Name a good gook game released this year.

In terms of quality

Japanese >>>>>>> western >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slav

there has never been a good non japanese game
Prove me wrong

Days gone looks like a generic open world zombie game. State of Decay had more soul then it. The best thing RDR2 had going for it was its characters since the gameplay sucked.

Is days gone a linear 3rd person adventure game with slow combat, and a heavy emphasis on character animations and emotion as opposed to fast response time? If so, that's why. 90% of Western games forsake snappy gameplay and quick reactions for the sake of everything playing like TLOU, or GTA5.
>press left on analogue stick
>character does a smoothly animated stop, and changes direction in a small semicircle shape on the ground
>fall off ledge

In terms of soul
Slav >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jap > West

Kys weeb.
Slav shit has more soul then weeb shit with generic looking waifu #12976



Because it's mainly a board for weebs and consolefags.
Anything that requires a bit more brain matter and provides less instant gratification will be shunned on Yea Forums

Days Gone is shit though, but so is Dragon's Dogma

refer to this image westies:
Get some taste

Western games are soulless flash in the pans. They don't stay with you or leave a lasting impression.

Nobody cares about days gone because it's generic and bland as fuck. RDR2 was discussed here for months, though.

Xenoblade isn't discussed, just sometimes mocked for being so cringy. KH3 and RE2make are already forgotten, too.


>another brown/gray fps
wow so much soul, i can feel the heating beating behind this completely unique and inspired post apocalyptic world

Western games are fucking shit unless if the development team is like 1 guy or

I just looked it up, and it looks like I was right but also + some neat zombie horde mechanics.
If only they put those into a game that wasnt a heavily scripted whogivesashit

you cant deny DMC5

>why are they forgotten so quickly?
>post one from this year
retard, do you want a discussion or not

Western games have no romance

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DMC5 is genuinely one of the best games to come out in the last few years.

I don't. I'm just saying there's good an bad in both categories.
