>first ever mainline Pokemon game for a home console
>Still try to put more focus into it's portable aspects
Is gamefreak actually fucking retarded
>first ever mainline Pokemon game for a home console
>Still try to put more focus into it's portable aspects
Is gamefreak actually fucking retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
Pokemon is a portable series, Grindy rpg games are always better on handheld than home console. Why would they suddenly stop making their handheld game series for handhelds.
Baby steps, op. They can't just go all in with a massive triple A scale.
So its literraly gonna be sun and moon ported over to the switch with a new coat of paint instead of actually putting in fucking effort and masquerading laziness for "accessibility and fun for everyone".
Textbook gamefreak. Probably fucking Masuda again.
It's an excuse for laziness
Why not
They're handling one of the most famous videogame IPs on the planet
What's stopping them from going all out and trying to make everyone surprised and happy to show innovations with their highly regarded franchise
Oh yeah, laziness
dude idgaf im still enjoying emerald
"handheld" game design stopped existing the second handhelds came with sleep mode.
they are already trying to lower peoples expectations. fuck them.
LGPE was the first mainline console game, user. This is their second attekpt at main home console development and they're STILL fucking it up.
Are you literally twelve years old?
Are you actually retarded?
They are doing what they know, they cannot afford to experiment after letsgo
Also switch portable is coming out and they want to sell that for pokemon
Its going to be massive
If you still play or care about Pokemon in 2019 and keep giving Game Freak money, you are a LITERAL cuck that's supported the most developer in the industry.
Its their design philosophy
Why didnt they shit out a pokemon MMO ten years ago? It would have been a huge hit & a licence to print money. Answer: japanese corporate culture enshrines the wishes of the founder over profits, & Ken always envisioned pokemon as a social game that got kids out of the house. They shy away from implementing a proper endgame in their shit for just this reason - they dont want the monster hunter fanbase, they want 10 yr olds.
>after let’s go
That game sold incredibly well, they didn’t lose a cent on that game ya simp
100% this and nothing else
lets go is one of the worst selling pokemon games.
they should experiment because lets go pee showed that people are sick of the same old nostalgiapandering horseshit.
Some games are just better when they can be played on the go. Like Tetris. Or Animal Crossing.
came here to post this
if it is optimized for handheld, then it's not made to perform well in dock.
Triple A is too hard to program. You will be able to enjoy double A with 5 FPS. Please understand.
One of the absolute best parts of pokemon was bringing my ds to school to play with my fellow autists, this wont have that, no one's going to bring their fucking switch to school when it wont even fit in your pocket
The reveal trailer didn’t make it clear that they were half-assing it?
I'm sure it will fit in your pocket just fine you ham planet.
>If it's not COD featuring pokemon it's half assed!
Kek at these kiddies.
>$60 for what looks like dlc for Sun / Moon, which was $40 at launch
when was the last time a mainline pokemon game had an actual innovation
and no, before you even say it
adding a new type doesn't count as an innovation
Of course they are, handheld is the best feature of the Switch and all japs cares about is handheld Switch
Gen 2 for night & day,
Gen 4 for starting to dip their toes into Wi-Fi (mostly due to obligation).
Everything else was pure rehash.
>no wagglan shit
>A brand new game is DLC
Kek at these kiddies alright.
No you're retarded for still caring about this pathetic cashgrab of a series. You'll shit up Yea Forums for months complaining about it then buy it anyway.
Move on.
Nice buzzword lol
After XY, AROS, SM, and USUM, I just don't care anymore.
Pocket Monsters my man. The mainline games were always meant to be played on the go.
Im a lankmeister you fucking chav bitch
What did he imply by this
Yes they can.
They could shit out a pixel art pokemon game every 6 months that was a good fucking game and simultaneously release actually good modern ones every ~2 years if they actually tried. However, they are the laziest motherfuckers ever.
they put a lot of work into shit minigames and systems that will be dropped by the next game.
>home console
ur stupid as fuck broseph kennedy
This is the same company who made the easy/hard difficulty setting for one of their games postgame-exclusive by the way.
Only /vp/ is barely surprised by their mediocrity, which meant embracing despair and negativity for the future
It hurts to really like Pokemon and really hate Game Freak.
are you literally retarded?
What's more hilarious is that they said Let's Go was supposed to be focus on the "home console" aspects of the Switch.
I can see gamefreak forcefully disabling dock mode
>Why not
because GF is a shit company unable to do anything right
>What's stopping them from going all out and trying to make everyone surprised and happy to show innovations with their highly regarded franchise
Gamefreak itself. As long people like Junichi "kids don't like too many festures so we'll provude the bare minimum" Masuda are on board the games will never get close to the amount of polish the games archieved during the DS era
>forgetting that the main reason Pokémon exists is because of trading between versions at any time no matter if it is through Wi-Fi or Local Play
Pokemon is a game meant for handhelds.
>POCKET monsters
>Get mad when developers make it good on the go
I played pokemon on the super gameboy. I could hear Gamefreak's autism scream all they way from japan.
>first ever mainline Pokemon game
What is LGPE?
They didn't even have versions planned to begin with,
mom's gonna freak
It better have Pro Controller support
>Pocket Monsters
What part of "Pocket" do you not get? Pocket means the monsters you capture and train can be held in a ball and "can be played on a handheld".
If you made Pokemon for a console, why call it fucking POKEmon?
>It’s been a very long time coming, but next year, we will finally have a 20 year dream fulfilled when Pokemon launches at last for the Nintendo Switch. Given how long the franchise has taken to make the move to home consoles, there are naturally going to be expectations surrounding this new game- will Game Freak and Nintendo finally break free from the confines of the admittedly limiting structure the series has had on handhelds?
>It would be best if you did not expect that, it seems. Speaking to Game Informer, Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda discussed the form the franchise may take on Nintendo’s home console/handheld hybrid.
>Masuda: "It is very difficult to make the game, so I hope people don’t get their expectations up too high. We’ll do our best.”
> so I hope people don’t get their expectations up too high. We’ll do our best.”
At least they don't promise the world
No, they aren't.
Actually they are.
>more retarded local-only features
game freak was a mistake
Oh boy, here comes 360p docked resolution and 10fps in double battles.
>Oh yeah, laziness
Oh yeah I'm sure it's because game freak is lazy and not because it would cost three times the amount of money for 0× the profit and therefore simply not worth the investment. Just pure American laziness.
because you still keep monsters in your pocket in the game?
fucking retard. literally the worst excuse I've ever heard in my life.
Embarassing as fuck. I quitted after gen 5 and decided to not hate on Masuda because he's also responsible for the greatest games of the series but fuck, how can one man be so shit at communication and business planning.
It's been over a decade and people still think that GameFreak isn't run by incompetent retards backed by people trying to relive their childhood nostalgia?
Pokemon really is too big to fail considering hot shit on a plate sold 10 million.
No, they are not. You find them to be that way, fair enough. I don't, because it seems counter-intuitive to play a lengthy RPG on a system that has a time limit before it powers off.
I wonder, is it because they are working on Town? But this ideal of a big, home console Pokemon would require Gamefreak to hire programers, would require like 4 years of work, and would probably need like 10M sells to justify in their fucking Jew eyes.
>"handheld" game design stopped existing the second handhelds came with sleep mode.
what did he mean by this
Scavenger hunt simulator
Now in HD and more Bongs
Has babby not played handheld games back then?
Tons of brick gameboy games didnt have any proper save features. Levels had to be designed to be short because someone outside Might have to do something else and shut down their gameboy.
Now every system has sleep mode so it doesnt matter anymore at all. You have literal ports of older AAA games on handhelds now and they work just fine. If you have to suspend play you press sleep.
Nobody builds their games around that old limitation anymore. Hell, Pokemon never did because you could always save between the rather fast fights.
It makes sense that you'd want to keep your pocket monsters in your pocket or bag, much like the pokémon trainer you're playing as
no I didn't read the thread in case somebody else pointed this out. I'm just a passerby
>mainline Pokémon for consoles
>emphasizing the fun of playing in handheld mode
Great. Can’t wait for even less content than ORAS. For fucks sake gamefreak.
user, these fucks struggled to develop a stripped down remake of a Game Boy game despite over 100 developers being on the project. There's absolutely a component of laziness.
Why the fuck not, a 20 year old multibillion franchise taking “babysteps” because of lazy incompetent developers and garbage game directors is fucking bullshit. I hope gen 8 is the final nail in pokemon’s coffin
He doesn't give a fuck anymore, he gave it his all with gen 5, he had the most creative control over that gen of any other and he added the most new pokemon and all sorts of other cool shit and it ended up being the worst selling gen of all.
He made gen 6 and filled it full of fanservice and lazy design decisions and it did better. After that he gave up on pokefags and has just made a joke of trying to give them progressively lazier and less inspired games and watching them still buy millions of copies.
What this means:
>recycled battle maison/tree
>uninspired story with unskippable cutscenes and animations
>one shot battles with piss easy trainers, no full teams, strongest trainer battle capped at lv60 and no rematches
>no postgame
>shitty one generation mechanic/gimmick
gen5 was extremely stagnant though.
>muh handheld experience
>30minutes cutscenes
nobody with a brain considers that ascended mobile shit mainline.
>but Masuda said
yes, nobody with a brain
>Is gamefreak actually fucking retarded
Not retarded, just lazy and aware that no matter what they do, the games will still sell tens of millions of copies
they're also retarded. They gave Aegislash 150 base special attack and were completely surprised people were using it as a special attacker.
How ? By not adding shit like Z moves or megas ? That's a good point for me.
you forgot:
>forced waifu that stops you every minute for forced exposition
lets go still sold over 10 million copies
>Not portable
>Pokemon - Pocket Monststers in Japan
Pokemon main canon games have always been on a handheld console... You can take a handheld console anywhere without the need a TV or electrical outlet.
The switch is both a handheld and home console which is very portable... Pokemon is going to be on the switch..
Pokemon as a concept is really fucking good ffs.
The game boy games are great because they looked nice despite the limited hardware. Now they have no excuse on that regard and they make no effort to at least have ps3 tier graphics. It hurts.
The BOTW styled mockup is what we deserve on such hardware, not a reskinned game from an already underpowered handheld.
Is this so much to ask for?
by not adding anything the previous gens did.
you had additions like breeding, day/night, abilities, the physical/special split.
then gen5 comes out and does fucking nothing. wait, wrong. they took out the poketch and replaced it with a shit feature.
its no surprise that nobody cared about gen5 when it shows how little the series changed over the decades the best.
this is exactly what people in this thread do not want anymore.
battle maison has 5 formats, it would be an upgrade over tree which has only 3
Final Fantasy was meant to be Squaresoft's last game
>FINAL Fantasy
>Is gamefreak actually fucking retarded
they're actually very smart, portable aspects = excuse for laziness
they know it's going to sell over 10 million copies anyway
this, GF has been in don't give a fuck mode since XY, and consumers keep proving them right
based nintendo pre-empting all complaints about graphics
Pokemon Let's Go's sales are tracking better than ORAS, the best selling remakes, were at this point in thejr lifespan.
Considering Let's Go costs consumers 1.5x more than ORAS, the games are a huge win for GF no matter how you look at things.
What a cope post. The dev's said it's a main line game so that's what it is.
The only reason anyone wanted Pokémon on home console was because of graphics. With switch you get both.
I hate GF but come on stop complaining.
Pokemon GO made them more money than every other game combined. It literally earns over $1 million A DAY even today.
So to answer your question: no. They're not retarded. They're geniuses.
Pretty sure when LGPE was just announced, they said it's was a spin off because the gameplay was too different. It was until like two months before release they're went "nevermind it is mainrine, prease buy game", probably because they figured only the hardcore fans don't skip spin offs
What fangame is that ? Please delete this right now, WE ONLY PRODUCE MOBILE GAMES
Because it wouldn't be worth the money.
Why in the fuck would they want to kill their profits making a massive world and new models for all of the fucktillion mons when they can pump out PS2 era games and rake in the cash?
Literally capitalism at work.
>home console
switch is a portable that hooks up to a tv
Let genius sorority make the next mainline
>Nintendo: "Okay guys, we need a new Pokemon game for the Switch. can you handle it?"
>Game Freak: "Yeah man, sure, we got this."
>N: "Also hey, if you could do us a favor and don't do anything dumb this time around, that'd be great."
>GF: "We noticed in the analytics that people like playing on the handheld mode more often. We're going to make the game centered around that."
>N: "That sounds like a great idea! But what about the people who would prefer to play it docked?"
>GF: "Fuck 'em."
>N: "... just make it work, damn you."
It’s not laziness, it’s cowardice
>is gamefreak actually fucking retarded
Yes, but not for the reason you mentioned.
No one wants to play a fucking non portable Pokemon game. Literally EVERY TIME they've tried a non portable pokemon game it's bombed. They're not retarded, you are.
I just want comfy online play like gen 4 and 5.
After beating Persona 5 twice I've officially dropped mainline Pokemon after being massively let down with gen 6 and 7.
Looking forward to Persona 5 Royal instead.
Go back to making unfunny videos Clemps.
You're talking like GF could make something better if the switch had better specs than a Iphone
Going all out with breath of the wild made it the best selling in the series. Actually putting effort pays off in more ways than one, you can get people to buy consoles for your game, you pretty much guarentee their purchase for the sequel where you can cheap out. You’re building your customer base instead of milking your existing stagnating one.
You can still play both
They're not only lazy. They're incompetent too so it's not like stopping them from being lazy is going to give us better games.
Boy I sure hope the game doesn't become unplayably flickery in that dumb soccer minigame they hinted at with hand held optimization
the fuck. that shit is somehow worse than current pokemon
this combined with a turbocontroller to just buy porygon from the game corner. Pull up the mario paint and paint some swastikas on the screen and just walk away. Come back and buy porygon. Everyone was jealous of me back then.
I should kill myself.
Why would GameFreak ever put effort into video games when you retards bought X/Y, Sun/Moon, OR/AS, US/UM AND LGP/E? Pokemon fans deserve the shitty games they get
LGPE outsold USUM despite being out for half a year while costing $60 USD. Stop this meme.
>Why would they aim for the market that us made them billions of dollars
Gee I wonder user. I'm sure Nintendo is trying to get 3DS people to move to switch as well
In USUM they've dropped triples and rotation for hardware limitations so they really have no excuses not to bring them back this time.
you mean the rehash that changed literally nothing?
compare it to S/M
>Series that started on handhelds still wants to focus on the handheld aspect
I'm glad you faggots aren't in charge of this series, no telling how hard it'd crash.
Third versions never sold well.
>Pointing towards LGPE as a positive
I really fucking hate you people
Please no.
just like all snoyger, you never ever touched this game. You can check Yea Forums archive, for all those years, not a single in-ame screenshot of the game was ever posted, it was always the advertising pictures and game cover. Becaues nobody played it.
yeah its better to keep it in a zombie like state. shareholders would be upset otherwise.
Just because you can hold something in your hands doesn't make it a handheld.
>In a pocket
this is good news you dummy. this just means there wont be any stupid motion gimmicks
Too bad it doesn't mean jackshit and it's just an excuse for the games to be half-assed exactly as the last ten before them.
well shit you have a point
At this point i dont want any more news or trailers about this game.
I know we only had one trainer but it was enough to lose all hope i had for the games and now articles like these just makes me lose even more.
Remove the joycons and it can fit comfortably in any reasonably sized pocket.
This is a good thing
>focus on the handheld aspect
Why do people keep posting this as if it means anything more than "even if you dock it the game will run just as shit as it does in handheld mode"
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Sometimes I regret even being part of this god forsaken fanbase.
who the fuck would play pokemon on a home console
the millions of people who played Colosseum, XD and, regrettably, LGBT
>There will be at least one mon that has a split evolution where it'll evolve into 2 different mons depending on whether the Switch is docked or undocked
If they can do dumb gimmick evolutions like "Inkay can only evolve if your 3DS is upside down," then they can do this as well.
Because it means Pokemon can stay Pokemon and not turn into some faggy real-time game like Tales or whatever RPG crossover you faggots want to force the Pokemon license on.
>taking baby steps still when you're nearly 25 years old and worth hundreds of millions
they will use it as an excuse to keep the quality 3DS tier.
>Zelda team/Monolith hiring for and working on perfecting their new formula
>pokemon still stuck with a brick gameboy design and will ride it until the end of time
and for what purpose? the experience never changes. you just go through the motions in the most braindead way.
Switch is handheld console.
No, they said in the presentation where they revealed them that they were core Pokémon games. The confusion came from the fact that Game Freak only uses the word 'mainline' to refer to the first games in a new generation as opposed to third versions and remakes. LGPE aren't mainline, but they are core games, i.e. not spinoffs.
>Gamefreak is a small indie company lmao
Of course you never said this, but something about your stench tells me you have this mentality that gamefreak lacks actual money
No they fucking don't. Pokemon games on the 3ds have sold extremely well and high, with Sun and moon being the second most sold game at 16 million, and don't get started with Pokemon go that still makes millions now, making billions on launch, etc
They are not lacking in money, and of they are we'd know why by now, I need physical proof on how gamefreak is unironically lacking any money.
>Pokemon Battle Revolution
Good times
Poop. Poop. Good boy
yeah pokemon should be a linear cinematic experience instead.
because thats what it is right now.
GF fans going full Goldberg with the tactics here. Just like how Jews are and aren't white whenever it suits the argument, LGPE is and isn't a spinoff, and switch is and isn't a handheld.
Just because an idea sounds good on paper doesn't mean it's a good one.
Tell me, what's a good idea and how would you execute it? Details and take your time.
>pokemons meant to be a portable game, shut the fuck up retard
Yeah because it's such a fucking common thing to see people walking around with their 3DS's and Switches to go battle amd trade with the strangers and friends they meet up with right? Because that's common right? Because people don't just play their Pokemon games at home and use wifi to battle and trade with people.
Prease understandu
game makingu very hardu
how about you go fuck yourself instead
They made fucking enough money from Pokeyman Go, why don’t they use the money to hire more people and increase the scale?
Is here were people can list the mechanics and additions they liked in past games that got totally dropped instead of being refined so they could build up on the Pokemon experience without having to change it to lol MMO meme
>literal billion dollar franchise
>have all the money to do whatever the fuck they want
>Lol let’s just do the same shit
Pokémon doesn’t deserve its success
If you actually went outside you'd be surprised how many people did have DS's and GBA's and traded and battled with one another. Even back in Gen I, it was common. It's not our fault you didn't have friends or weren't social enough to see that.
>Because people don't just play their Pokemon games at home and use wifi to battle and trade with people.
Oh, you started at Gen IV. Good gen, but you missed out kiddo.
what does that even mean? what exactly would make it "handheld focused"?
Concession accepted.
>Tfw bought USUM
Did my best to not spoil myself on it thinking that Game Freak wouldn't be lazy bitches for some reason and here I am. I learned my lesson now at least, I didn't buy LGPE and will wait a bit before buying SWSH
Pretty sure that was his point was that keeping pokemon as low budget game to develop is more profitable than going to a AAA budget that doesn't guarante that the game will sell more.
The full context is that Let's Go was more home console-focused with the motion-controlled catching mechanic and the shared joy-con two player co-op, while Sword and Shield will be more handheld-focused by being closer to the previous games features-wise.
Hey retard, work on your reading comprehension and reread what I fucking typed
I said 3DS's and SWITCHES
I'm fucking aware that it was more common with Gameboys and original DS's. Wifi was new to DS Pokemon games and was still relatively fresh as a franchise at the time so of course it was more common back then. And of course it was far more common with the Gameboys because there was no fucking wifi, they had no choice
3Ds and Switch are modern day consoles, wifi is a fucking common and heavily used thing now. It's different, times are changing
>Oh you started at gen IV
My first Pokemon game was Yellow version, fucking neck yourself
Except that they absolutely can. They are fucking balls to the wall rich with a budget to rival tortanic
I got many street passes on the 3DS.
But they do sell well, that's why they keep making them. IF you think the third versions are meant to sell 100% the amount that the originals did, you're probably even more retarded than Game Freak.
Street passes aren't the same as the shit they show in the commercials user
>Kid grabs their 3DS
>Goes outside
>Runs into other kid who also has a 3DS
>They battle
I walked past a guy with my 3DS in sleep mode stuffed into my backpack
Come on user
>I said 3DS's and SWITCHES
Yes. Many people own a 3DS and a Switch. What the fuck are you on?
>Rest of your post
No, it's just you whining that Pokemon isn't some shitty AAA open world game with real time battles.
>have the option to truly push the series forward and do something grand and unique and original
>Just "lol we do same thing again and you buy gaijin hahaha we make shit game shit eater gaijin haha" instead
its just a redundant series at this point. FIFA tier.
This better not be some fangame because the attention to detail here is making gamefreak look so fucking bad
>Is gamefreak actually fucking retarded
and you realize this just now?
So much unnecessary slow shaky camera swinging. Looks pretty bad desu
if Let's go was home console focused yet didn't support the pro controller, does it mean handheld is also not supporting it?
Uh they said they like portable consoles as its like going on a journey with your pokemon.
Not everyone is a fat lazy cunt like you OP.
>Nintendo: "Okay guys, we need a new Pokemon game for the Switch. can you handle it?"
>Game Freak: "Yeah man, sure, we got this."
>N: "Just do the same you always do."
>GF: "But what about the fans that complain about our games not being innovative?"
>N: "Don't listen to those autists. You created and maintained one of the more sucessful games of all time and every single one of your mainline tittles have been sucessful. Don't be Sega, you will ruin your masterpiece by following passing trends and listening to the feedback of man children."
>GF: "OK."
There's no difference between core and main series Pokemon games. To know if it's mainline, you just have to look at its Japanese title. If it's titled "Pocket Monsters" then it's mainline, while if it's only titled "Pokemon" then it's a spin-off.
You're actually fucking autistic
Nowhere in that did I say anything about wanting it to be some open world crazy shit. I want it to be better and not be doing the bare minimum simply because they know they can get away with it.
And I mentioned 3DS and Switch because you're braindead ass ignored me the first time and started talking about how it was common for fucking Gameboys BECAUSE THEY HAD NO WIFI so of course it was more common to see that shit out and about
Keep sucking game freaks cock faggot, Jesus Christ how do you even play these games that require basic reading comprehension when you're like this
they literally are lazy though. there was 0 reason not to put battle frontier in oras im still fucking mad
Mweh, the switch is an abysmal home console, but a pretty nice handheld so I can see where they are coming from
And no I dont own a switch
dont bother with fanboys like that. they just strawman hard saying that everybody wants to turn the game into assassins creed.
What the fuck are you talking about did you even read the thread and the points being made
>Grand and unique
>Doesn't list any examples
>And I mentioned 3DS and Switch because you're braindead ass ignored me the first time and started talking about how it was common for fucking Gameboys BECAUSE THEY HAD NO WIFI so of course it was more common to see that shit out and about
People still own 3DS's and Switches and go out and interact with people. Just because you're a slimeball that doesn't go outside doesn't mean people aren't still trading and battling the old way. Get over yourself and go take a shower smelly.
>so desperate to defend GF you need to paint that user as one of those lol open world Pokemon MMO posters
Jesus christ
My biggest issue with pokemon, ever since playing Red as a kid in the 90s, is the combat was barely changed. The 4-move turn based combat is so fucking boring, and it really hasn't been expanded upon since 3rd gen (abilities). I would actually like more of action based combat kind of like pokken tournament, but a little less skill based and more stat based like it's always been.
>I have an opinion about a console I don't own
Oh boy you sure are right, people don't want to turn pokemon into asssasins creeds, they want to turn it o a generic shitty open world game like breath of the wild.
>N: "Don't listen to those autists. You created and maintained one of the more sucessful games of all time and every single one of your mainline tittles have been sucessful. Don't be Sega, you will ruin your masterpiece by following passing trends and listening to the feedback of man children."
>This myth again
FINAL FANTASY was NOT named because it was going to be Squares final game, it was because it was going to be Hironobu Sakaguchi's final game AT Square before he left for university (he decided to stay at Square and directed FFs 1 through 10). It was just meant to have a name that could be shortened to "efu efu" (FF), it could've just as easily been called Fighting Fantasy but 'Guchi thought "Final" had the better ring to it
Nintendo is sitting on a fucking massive success bomb that they’re waiting to pull the trigger on. Imagine a Pokémon MMO with a World of Warcraft esc style. You choose a customized character, there are several starting towns you can decide to begin your adventure in, you can party up and explore/adventure with other real players. Eventually you can ride your Pokémon like mounts across the land for fast travel, eventually you can fly on them. Think WoW but Pokémon. How isn’t something like this a reality in 2019?
Honestly guys, Gamefreak isn't lazy
They are just this incompetent
For example the reason we don't have following pokemon in every game is them coding the whole game from scratch each generation
They haven't got any better since the days a single person could fix their coding well enough to squeeze a whole extra region into the game
>Wanting Pokemon to not follow short-term trends is being a fanboy
Im saying GameFreak prefer handhelds as its like going on a adventure with your pokemon.
Which part is hard for you to understand you fucking mong.
Shut up retard and take you switch out of you dock, it isn't a fucking home console, get over that.
Or would be too good. Nintendo doesn’t like making amazing games, they purposefully stick to making mediocre to good games. But they never aim higher than good.
I'm 22, work 40+ hours a week and leave my house daily and I never see any of that shit in public
Why would you even want to bring your switch outside of your house, they're so fucking fragile and why would I risk it getting stolen, dropped, or damaged. It's too big compared to something like a DS to just "bring with you"
"Sure lemme just bring my 300 dollar console with a bunch of games downloaded to it outside with a bunch of thieves and hazards exposed to it, sure"
It's sadly not just GameFreak, Japs can get really obsessive about sticking to tradition and core principles even when it does more harm than good.
Basically the entire reason why Pokémon has never gotten a proper console installment is because it's supposed to be "Pocket Monsters", and they're afraid that if they made a console game that is "too good", people might lose interest in the handheld versions.
Is bringing back it's own postgame content instead of shit like "The Battle Frontier project has started!" a short term trend?
Look up TemTem
>botw ends up being a great game with world interactions that have never been seen before
>pokemon stagnates and turns into a more limited series than it was twenty years ago
wonder why people would want that.
yeah m8, games that break away from the top down grid system are just a modern fad.
If SS doesn't have any motion controls, there should be no reason for it not to support the pro controller. But then again, it's Game Freak, so it's better to expect nothing.
Pretty ironic you say all of this when Nintendo themselves listen to the manchildren.
God posts like this are fucking inane.
>I'm cool, you're lame, stop discussing video games nerd
do treat you paranoia, unless you live a third world shit hole, then I agree with you.
>first ever mainline Pokemon game for a home console
The Switch is an handheld console, not an home console.
pokemon is literally chasing the mobile retard audience which is the worst short term trend.
Not him but the only thing persona has worse than modern pokemon is monster designs. Everything else is pretty much better
>"Sure lemme just bring my 300 dollar console with a bunch of games downloaded to it outside with a bunch of thieves and hazards exposed to it, sure"
Try not living in a shitty neighborhood you cuck
Update your wardrobe, kiddo.
Even so, the it still applies as you said so yourself.
The soul™
Fuck off fag, wanting the game to be better does not mean we want it to be open world. I peronally would like it to have actual rpg quests that have nothing to do with the story.
How is making a console game with the quality of a console game "appealing to short term trends" spergoid???????
how about the trash world design that plays out across five maps at most
or the super tiny amount of moves and strategies in those games
or that the demons dont even have a proper iconic personality because you can just breed every move onto every monster
or the 90% of VN filler garbage you have to suffer through between actual gameplay sections
That just means shitty photography minigame like last time
"In handheld mode"
Do people play handheld consoles out and about more than at home?
>Why would you even want to bring your switch outside of your house, they're so fucking fragile and why would I risk it getting stolen, dropped, or damaged. It's too big compared to something like a DS to just "bring with you"
You can say the same for any other handheld, your phone included. Stop making excuses bitch.
No, that's a reasonable desire.
Just because one series succeeded with it doesn't mean the same magic will occur with another, especially considering Pokemon and Zelda aren't even in the same genre.
Pokemon GO is a very nice containment game to keep those people quiet about muh mobile Pokemon game. I remember that one article shitting on ORAS for not being on mobile devices.
>Gen 4 for starting to dip their toes into Wi-Fi
That was in gen II as well, but only in Japan.
No it fucking can’t
How fucking big are your pants lardass
There's nothing the Switch can do in portable mode that it can't do in console mode. This is them saying "the graphics will look bad, but play it portably and you can't tell as much"
that way GF has an ''excuse'' as to why the game looks like Sun and Moon upscaled
Almost no RPGs are "grindy" and the ones that are are garbage.
yeah nice containment game that already leaked into mainline Pokemon remakes.
and lets not forget masuda literally admitting that he's making the games shittier for mobile niggers.
but thats fine though thats not fad chasing :^)
and pokemon and zelda always shared elements. the way you interacted with the world in a pokemon and a zelda game was really close. one game just had items and the other had HMs. HM strength is literally just the power gauntlet. brick break is a bomb.
we cant admit that though, we have to defend the absolute shit tier stagnation of Pokemon in every thread.
No I can't, because they're handhelds
They're about as big as my hand or smaller
They go in my pocket, switch doesn't
>We’ll do our best
Hilarious enough your examples literally apply to nu-Pokemon at this point.
>focusing on convenience and quality of life over dumb graphics shit whose novelty will wear off after 15 minutes
>I don't like to play games, but I want people to be wowed at my gamers skills because I'm a good for nothing
yeah it shows
You must be at least 18 to post here
no its not that bad. only the retarded cinematics are taking over and it needs to stop.
mom's gonna gamefreak
Need help with this brothers trying to breaks bounds here so hit me up sixthreeone-fiveonetwo-2880 don’t hold back send me the best stuff
>and lets not forget masuda literally admitting that he's making the games shittier for mobile niggers.
Is that why Masuda stepped down from directing after the reaction those games got?
>and pokemon and zelda always shared elements. the way you interacted with the world in a pokemon and a zelda game was really close
>Doing one thing that's similar means two series are the same
It looks nice anyway.
I'm 22 and don't spend every waking moment learning about every fucking underground fan game
Quit trying to look cool with your "important knowledge" you absolute faggot
yeah he totally quit because of that lmao. pathetic.
>doing things similar means that they cant be compared
retard. your shitposting is really bad.
If you need to fight in an rpg just to get levels, and not because you need to go somewhere or whatever other reason, then the difficulty was badly designed. You can not grind and still do fights, so I'm not totally sure what you meant with that.
Pokemon suffers from most of what you posted. Most moves (and pokemon) are meaningless, the main story takes 0 strategy or commitment to finish, the only thing remotely difficult that came out of the games recently was ultra necrozma. The caves and gyms are painfully simple, most of the side characters are abysmally written and painfully boring.
>home console
>Says the idiot calling Pokemon and Zelda the same
You sure I'm the retard here? I guess Sonic and Mario are the same because you collect gold things and jump.
Honestly, while I agree the nuPokemon games are shit, I honestly see it more as the fanbase's fault. THEY'RE the ones who keep buying this low effort shit like LGPE (10 million copies, and this is the first mainline 60 game in Pokemon history) THEY'RE the ones who think this is acceptable. Why would Gamefreak, a corporation that, surprise surprise, wants MONEY IN THE QUICKEST, CHEAPEST, AND EASIEST WAY POSSIBLE (like every corporation), try to make games that are low effort and have little money put into them as possible that'll still sell millions because of a retarded fanbase? Of course they're gonna do the latter, you fucking retard. Corporations aren't your friends. If you want them to create quality games, people need to stand up and not buy these low effort pieces of shit to tell Gamefreak this shit is not okay and MAYBE hire legitimate devs that are actually talented to create good game.
The fanbase created this problem, and now they'll lie in it eternally.
It's a fucking home console that you can also walk around with what's so hard to fucking grasp
>mario and sonic cant be compared
now you soiled your diaper really hard
Sure man I'll activate my hivemind and let everyone know to boycott
Guess that means you'll have to shell out for that new switch mini!
I'm 22 and saw that trailer over ten years ago you lying fucker.
How much do you want to bet there's going to be no touch controls, which is, y'know, the only fucking thing the Switch can do in handheld mode that it can't do docked?
You know deep down I'm correct, but keep coping.
>Biggest and Most Grossing Media Franchise on the planet
>Baby Steps
They were allowed to take baby steps back in Gen fucking 3
This is just absurd
Does it have an extended life battery yet?
You're forgetting that pokemon was and still is a GIGANTIC merchandise seller.Shows, movies, Toys, cards, clothing, branded shit, etc etc. They've probably made as much or more money outside of the videogame space as they have within it.
Gamefreak is a PHENOMENALLY profitable company.
Yes I saw a very popular ad ON THE FUCKING INTERNET you utter teenager. Stop digging yourself deeper.
Gamefreak could literally fund the next GTA and not even feel it.
Oh okay so that makes it better, it was on the internet, yeah man
Actually fuck you
It's clearly a game that was being developed for 3ds.
its a great thing that people complain about it openly.
thats how it should be.
The switch is everywhere on public transport here, especially on the longer metro train lines. Every place is going to be different though.
>"Sure lemme just bring my 300 dollar console with a bunch of games downloaded to it outside with a bunch of thieves and hazards exposed to it, sure"
The same thing could be said for delicate $1000 phablets. People have adapted to looking after their expensive shit.
Also, you really need to stop repeating how old you are. It's weird.
The series' quality tanked when it went full 3D anyway. Who gives a fuck?
I think it says more that Pokemon's only good games are a GBC remake, a sequel, and updated rereleases.
They know they could shit out garbage and people'd buy it (first games in any gen) before adding something actually substantial or making important changes that should've been in there from the start. And in the sequel's csse, using a barebones linear shit game as a base and adding a ton of content after. It's all for extra money, and you guys fall for it every time.
Enjoy your linear waifu VN, you guys asked for it.
>still buying Pokemon games after X/Y
I guess Stockholm Syndrome does exist
>expecting anything from gamefreak
I'm referring to my age because everyone else is throwing the age old "you must be 18 to post here" card
Tell people to have other arguments other than accusing people of being underage
Though I guess there's not really a point to saying it, it's not up to me whether they believe or not
Fuck all of you lmao
I can't help it. I keep thinking "maybe they'll improve next time"
I agree wholeheartedly, however as gaming budgets inflate the desire to take risks shrinks. If anything keeping shit small is why shit like Splatoon could happen.
Pokemon makes bank being Pokemon. You could make a massive breath of the wild scale Pokemon game with all of the current regions and mons, but it would take a fuckton of money and might not even attract anyone new.
It sounds like it would be awesome, but nobody wants to put their money on the line like that, sadly.
Because they could not do that and make even more money.
Why spend when all signs point to Lets Go being the highest ceiling they could hit?
then they should not be surprised when more and more people drop the series.
they will not be in this position forever.
Yeah, a time will come where they'll be forced to take a risk or die off due to stagnation, and by the time that happens it may be too late. Problem is the Japanese love repeating the exact same formula. Like, besides graphically, how much has Dragon Quest changed over the decades?
>more touch screen bullshit
DQ unironically changes more than pokemon.
>Baby steps
They had more than enough time to get their shit together. If the compain wasn't run by retards they would have noticed shit was broken since XY
The switch functions literally the same whether it's docked or not. I honestly don't even know what this means.
Gen 5 was the peak. We'll never hit that high again.
Unironically the best answer. They're probably just soft deconfirming Pokemon go controls being necessary.
DS era was the peak. We'll never hit that high again.
fix'd. when Game Freak stilled cared about their baby.
Buying ANOTHER Pokemon game without this slightest bit of this.
>how much has Dragon Quest changed over the decades
Dragon Quest went from having a single party member to having parties you can create with customizable classes. You have chapter based story progression where you play as different characters in DQ4. 5 and 6 allowed you to recruit monsters. 6 and 7 featured a hefty class system. 8 had monster teams and featured a skill point system no other DQ game had before. DQ9 and 10 were both multiplayer focused games, the former being a portable title with an emphasis on co-op and the latter being an MMO. DQ11 is the first "traditional" DQ game the series has seen since 2004.
have sex
>tfw replaying the older games but haven't played anything past HGSS
So BW1/BW2 is the best stopping point, eh?
Yes, peak of the series, just dumb those starters in the trash can.
yes. it was the perfect swan song, like final fantasy 9. a big farewell honoring everything that came before it with one last firework finale
>Tfw I only nuzlocke a pokemon game
>Tfw I cant wait since ORAS and Y/X are too easy and SM and UsUm is full of bullshit moments
At first i was hoping you could challenge the gym in any order, but the map literally looks like a straight line
Something happened after or during Gen 5 that made gamefreak break
How have they gotten it so wrong after several great pokemon game?
I believe they got a lot of negative feedback primarily from the japanese fanbase because either the games were to difficult or that finding original Pokemon like Pikachu was hard/not possible.
>it's another gen 5 circlejerk
I think they realized that they need to make higher polygon pokemon graphic-wise and it took a lot of time. Then they focused on new gimmicks like mega, Z moves and changed the dirrector who likes cutscenes and games went to shit.
I don't want them to go big. Give me sprites back and I will be happy.
It probably still happened for kids with the 3ds at school and daycares. I don’t really see the that happening with the switch due to parents probably wanting them to keep it at home due to its price and size
They couldn’t/can’t handle 3D
Best Pokémom.
You're going to buy the game anyway and still bitch and whine.
Not him but I got a DS in fifth grade and I'm 21
Who the fuck wants this? Who the fuck even plays COD? This is only an insult if you just woke up from a 10 year coma.
ignored lets go pee and emulated blazeblack2 instead.
see, its not hard for me to boycott new pokemon games because there's literally no feeling of missing out. its literally exactly always the same shit.
>Is gamefreak actually fucking retarded
Yes, absolutely.
Gamefreak genuinely is full of idiots.
Personally i don't see the issue here. The pokemon series has always been a mostly handheld series. This means little to nothing.
I've not bought a Pokemon game since X/Y. Don't feel like I'm missing anything.