Name a more forgettable JRPG playable character in a JRPG that doesn't have 20+ party members.
Name a more forgettable JRPG playable character in a JRPG that doesn't have 20+ party members
Freya. At least Amarant is on the back cover of the game
Strago, Relm, like half the ff6 cast
Relm is cute, the strongest mage, cute, full of gamebreaking glitches, cute, dabs on Ultros and CUTE.
I think he wouldnt have this problem if it werent for the fact that on top of not having much importance in the story, they decided to make him a strong silent type. Add that together and you get a character that just exists with minimal reference
Beatrix accomplishes and establishes herself more way more in just a few scenes
3rd ni no kuni protag
he was a thief or something
IX's entire cast was forgettable. Zidane worst protag, Garnet worst girl, the rest are all bottom of the barrel trash-tier losers. Especially ratgirl. Yuck!
He's a great carry, and his agi gain is excellent
amarant's character is too subtle for the average jrpg fan. he's basically a deconstruction of jrpg protagonist. his whole arc is a meaningless vendetta with zidane because he thinks hes the main character and that his rivalries matter. and after joining the party he constantly questions zidane's motives. why do you wanna be the hero and save the world? why are you playing this rpg. and his own motive to stick around is in his own words "to see where this all goes how it all ends". much like why the player is playing the game.
yeah, the game tried making him have agency by revealing he's a prince's brother who ran away from home even though they have 0 resemblance in the slightest
all of ff6 cast fit
this annoying fuck made cait shit and quina look good
shes shit and forgettable. the op asked for forgettable--relm fits
I still think we should've gotten Fratley and Lani instead of Freya and Amarant.
Based retarded op. This is his claim to fame.
Who could forget the Flaming Faggot?
>only exists to remind you that Kiefer left this whole quest that was his fault in the first place on you and Maribel so he could fuck some gypsy pussy
>Melvin already joined you who is better anyways, so her only real purpose is to replace Maribel while she fucks off for a bit
>Especially ratgirl
She is unironically the best character in the game
but was Freya actually memorable for what she did or because furries wanted to fuck her
and you had to play like 25 hours to even get him lol
But she's both hotter and better than Maribel, who you don't need because Melvin is a literal upgrade.
I've played through twice now and I honestly can't remember anything about any of the characters other than that Vivi and Zidane were made in a lab or something. Absolutely forgettable plot and cast.
>But she's both hotter and better than Maribel
This is the most impressive shit taste I've seen in a long time.
I remember he was also quite of an asshole
I just got him in my party last night during my most recent session. First time playing this since I was a little kid. Such a whimsical game. Its kinda fuckin retarded that they waited so long to introduce him. I really dont like how the party has been split up for this long. I fuckin hate that shit in RPGs when the party splits up. How many hours is this game to beat? 40ish?
>I really dont like how the party has been split up for this long. I fuckin hate that shit in RPGs when the party splits up.
You're going to love Disk 3.
>How many hours is this game to beat? 40ish?
If you don't go all in on sidequesting, yeah. Maybe a bit less.
This is the right answer.
Fuck this blue nigger. Monk is my favorite FF class, and Amarant is the closest thing to a Monk in FFIX, but he's such an obnoxious shitter I couldn't include him in my final party. I had to break my unbroken string of always using Monks in every FF game because of this faggot.
>I really dont like how the party has been split up for this long.
That's because you're a fucking pleb. The best thing about IX is that you aren't allowed to bench characters like Quina and never use them again, you're forced to be creative for half the game instead of just relying on Garnet to heal you for every battle. Then, when you do get Garnet, it's with two other mages so now you're fucked on the physical end.
The games gets too easy once you're actually allowed to choose your own party.
There was literally no reason to put him in your party.
Having a better character in his slot like Yang or Edge was preferable over his shitty buffs and pathetic healing.
t. casual sphere grid user
He was actually one of the better characters if you used the expert sphere grid, he got instant access to all magics and tidus/riku abilities.
He's not forgettable though, he's one of the most famous FFIV characters