
What's your playstyle, bros? Do you mod intensely or full vanilla? Do you build a giant base or keep moving, exploring new biomes? Manual farms or automated farms? What's your favorite thing you've done in the entire game?

Attached: mcastle.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

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I love turning villages into fortified compounds

Stopped playing.

Ruining the autism of others.

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once found a cave under the ocean in a server
it was pretty fucking close to spawn but people still managed to not find it

This is a whole new autism.

I love this very much too, and with the new update, it seems to have almost ruined doing this, with zombie raids happening every so often with no way of preventing it

Eternal reminder

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Seems like a win to me, now you have an actual reason to fortify villages

Generally I only play with friends. Vanilla survival or vanilla creative. Usually I build a couple bases, spaced out. I usually do mostly manual, I try to conserve red stone for stuff you cant do by hand. Favorite thing ive done is probably grief a house idk.

Based and redpilled.

modded and only with other people or i get bored

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>That feel when also brainlet.

How brainlets supposed to make dosh in today's society?

go muscle man then male sex worker

neetbucks, but they don't cover for the existential dread growing from your pathetic lifestyle

>get my house almost done, just trying to fix some fucky design choice
>go to cut down a tree
>try again
>three more, cutting down trees

Hard to neetbux if the only thing wrong with you is stupidity.

advanced autism

What's Ben gonna do when God sends him to Hell for the sin of suicide

but it won't work, because the zombies will spawn inside villages

He's gonna make it brah. I've listened to his livestreams on youtube and they're genuine, full of soul, /ourguy/ material.

can i torrent 1.14 anywhere


IP: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
If the domain doesn't work for some reason, try the IP address (

Minecraft version: 1.14
Pirate friendly: Very, very soon (~10 hours)
We will let pirate users back in a few hours when bukkit updates so that we can have a password plugin.
Difficulty: Hard

>WTF is this server
A vanilla minecraft server Yea Forums plays together on. This server is up 24/7 and has been up for months. Now we're in a brand new spawn so it's all fresh. We have a fuckload of players most of the day.

>How well does this server run
Very well, we have a premium host

>Is there any gay plugin bullshit
Nope, this is true vanilla.

>how long will the server be up
At least a few more months, it's up 24/7

>WTF why is there lag spikes
Tell mojang to fix their shit. But, it's getting better every day as more chunks are generated. The server mostly runs at full speed unless a bunch of players are generating new chunks.

- don't be a retard
- don't be a nigger

Oh yeah, that server.

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Hey leiferi hows it going?

Hey Yea Forums, were you a massive griefer with no friends back then during minecraft peak? Do you regret it now, or are you still a retard?

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I like building large complex mountain cities.

No, I was a normal fun-loving user playing on my IRL friend group's publicly hosted minecraft server and occasionally abusing my mod powers for some lighthearted fun

ok benji

He's pretty autistic, he was able to keep talking for 3+ hours straight playing the most boring game ever. (WoW.)

Ah yes, this masterpiece
official theme of my middle school years

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I'm currently playing with a friend on a heavily modded server. It's quite fun.

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Mapping is pretty fun

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>None of the guys i know IRL enjoy the game.
>Too autistic to join a server with randoms.
>Played mostly solo.
>Still had fun but know it would have been better with friends.
Maybe hytale will be good.

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michael and bill, best bros for life

>Too autistic to join a server with randoms.
why? are you afraid to make contact or is it just that people can't stand your autism?

just invest in iron golems bro

>ask friend if they want to play Minecraft
>they say they might when they go home from university
>ask me where to buy it because it's not on steam
>they say it might be more popular if it was on steam
>link them to minecraft.net because they're too inept to google "minecraft"
>they then refuse to buy it because it's too expensive
>get pissy when I say it's never gone on sale
>won't even try the demo
>later tells me they spent half of what Minecraft costs on ingame items for a f2p game

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How do I into building? Do I just copy other people?

I don't grief other than placing swastikas in strategic spots, destroying chests and leaving offensive signs.
I don't get why people get mad, play on some reddit hugbox if you want a grief free experience.
I would be offended if I joined a Yea Forums community server and not finding destruction, political butthurt in chat, nigger melons and swastikas.

Run away from spawn, build some shit and move on. Really large buildings discourage griefing since they are intuitively seen as part of the environment.

build a house and then continue to stay there until it turns into a big outpost.I go somewhere else and
the same thing happens .after a while I connect them via rails.so yeah im just like a cancer cell.

Use the principle of art
Learn the rules
Apply the rules
Master the rules
Break the rules
Only at the final step you'll be able to do your own creations without them looking like shit

>No combat cooldown plugin


Principle of art? All I want to do is make a cool gothic castle.

I wish I wasn't a lizard brained idiot. Every time I've played Minecraft since it came out I just make a comfy house in survival then stop playing. What should I do after? Just dig for some stuff or try to make a town?

get inspired from a real one instead of an mc one then, if you really don't want to just redo other's creations

please help me, Yea Forums. Minecraft is so fucking boring to me now. I used to play it four hours on end when I was a kid, now I don't even know what to do with the game anymore.
Bedrock Edition has been a huge help since it helps me play with friends easily, but it just feels so empty without mods.

>when I was a kid

Make a perfect house, make that portal and kill the dragon or whatever.

Is the mod scene even still alive? I remember looking around in 2015 and it was dead as fuck.

Yes, user. It's been a whole decade since the game came out.

Always thought it was funny, look back on it, it killed the best servers. Nowceverything is just clunky minigame bullshit or has a stupid amount of rules and restrictions.

things you can do after setting up a base:
-Beating the enderdragon
-Securising a road to the End portal to rematch dragon
-Exploring map to find cool spots/all ressources in the game
-make Nether highway to shortcuts to other places in the world
-make farms of all kinds
-automate said farms with redstone
-make a mob grinder
-make a Blaze grinder
-Defy the Wither
-Max enchant all your stuff
-Do cool redstone mechanism
-explore ocean temples
And all of this doesn't even include building any good-looking creation or anything

Any good Minecraft playthroughs that show all the cool new stuff, like exploring the world, automated farms and all the new shit (haven't played the game since 2011 or so).

Why not do it yourself? it's better if you come accross the new content and find out it's meaning by yourself instead of having videos spoonfeeding them to you

Don't have time, some of us have jobs, life etc.

you are better of browsing the wiki.

Yeah that would probably save a lot more time than watching a playthrough.

What's with the sudden resurgence of Minecraft lately? I've seen a bunch of youtubers playing it as of late

I kinda want say it's because of RTGame and Callmecarsom

I think sandbox or basebuild games are getting more popular in general, Kenshi, Rimworld etc.

I like to make a cosy wood cottage.
Then over time I add wings and rooms, towers, enclosed courtyards and basements, with no real plan. If there's a space to add a room between two previous extensions I plonk one down and knock a doorway or two through to it. It makes for a comfy sprawling mazelike estate with snug nooks everywhere that isn't a huge project thats off-putting to even start.

Pixlriffs does a really good job of mixing a playthrough with showing you how to do a lot of different stuff.

what mods? i just wanna know what mod makes companion mods like the one in your pic please don't judge

>companion mods
mobs, sorry misspelt

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Mod moderately mainly magic.

Thanks, I'll check him out.

I stopped playing when they changed the battle system. Even though sword spamming attacks was irritating, its fast pace was fun and engaging. Since everyone had the same swords/attacks, everyone had only their split-second skills with dodging and attacking to win, and that was what made it fun.

Otherwise, I like playing bukkit. Nothing is more satisfying than using lava as a near infinite fuel source to charge batteries.


we cowboy rp now thanks to mesa

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You would like Dragon Quest Builders

The maid one is Littlemaidmob. Pic related is the other mods.

Attached: Mods.png (733x786, 83K)

any other pics?

I was 200 IQ mega-aesthetic artisan of fusing the man-made with nature and my normie friends made autistic block houses from the Soviet Union.
I stopped when they could make nothing interesting or creative and my shit was godlike. It just felt bad. It's a shame because they aren't good at any other games either and just play shittar hero so I stopped playing games with them all together.

Currently trying my hand at building a giant span bridge between two mountain peaks, with a single massive support pillar at the apex. Still a baby at a lot of the more advanced setups but slowly learning through trial and error and watching tutorial videos. Fuck redstone circuits, though. Never seems to work even when I 100% copy what people do in the tutorials, such as my cobblestone generator that only runs for about 8 or 9 blocks before the lava just stops coming out from its source and the water floods everywhere.

nine blocks thing is normal.what kind of clock do you use to time it?

It is an arched bridge, right? If not, just don't put any columns in at all.

i actually just started a playthrough after 5-6 years of not playing. got a bunch of mods (no autistic industry bullshit) and it's really really comfy.

kinda wish i was playing with some people though

This is what I tried. Reading the comments I might try to tinker with the number of repeaters.

Arched, purely for the aesthetics.

You sound like you're a terrible person to hang out with. "200 IQ mega-aesthetic artisan"... jesus christ dude. I'm sure your friends were just as glad you stopped playing games with them as you were.

server down ?

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I wish there was more physics involved in Minecraft's building. I've been playing 7 days to die and it's basic physics in construction actually make it a lot more fun. It's not autistic or anything, just basic stuff.


Dangerous but well paying jobs, basically.

My playstyle?
>buy the game 8 years ago
>play for 10 minutes
>forget password
>8 years later and now i can't reset my password because of all the account changes mojang have done
>have to contact the payment provider Skrill, but they weren't able to locate the transaction
>can't recover my password
>now the price of the game is $25

of course i don't want to play the game, but it still makes me feel dumb


try to set up a piston that pushes the the last cobblestone to the side and sync it up with the rest
this way you avoid the 9 stone limit.

I'll give it a shot, user. Thanks.

Does minecraft got any big overhaul mods that instead of adding new mechanics and systems just simply add more regular content?

id love to upload an image but Im playing on console.

Why does the soundtrack make me so sad now?

Can you post a link to your discord? I'm spawning in a wall and need to bug an admin about getting me out

Me too. I always worry that things might not work the same on the console versions

>that one really good mc server that died ages ago you will never go back to
What's their name, Yea Forums?

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no shaders on console .I tried to download those via some third party programms but no luck.

The edge. Called so because it was always the latest snapshot, stability be damned. I got griefed a bit when I first joined, but I spent so much time on the server that I build a base so massive no one wanted to mess with it. Made a few friends there that I still talk to.

Somehow a Mojang employee, MogMiner, happened upon it and became part of the community. It was funny having him around, bitching to us plebs about how he got "only" a 200k bonus when MS bought them out and how he got fired for having an autistic sperg-out at his boss.

Good times

Are there any mods/modpacks that make it like Terraria? Many more craftable items, ores, RPG-like progression, movement upgrades, etc.?

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I wish they made a minecraft without blocks that looked good, I know there's these smooth mountain version but they all look like world of warcraft

I never got into Minecraft during the height, so I'm not yet at the point that I need to mod everything to enjoy it.

I have seen some game with smooth terrain but with blocks to build with.

the enderverse, it had a pretty constant playerbase and i had so much fucking fun with it, modded to all hell, too
>that time someone covered my entire base in pumpkins
>made a broken as fuck sword with tinkers that instakilled anything
>auctioning off Botania dice for lodes of money before the admins made it unauctionable
>managed to make it to the moon before the map got wiped and the server changed to a modpack that didnt have galacticraft

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Now that we're older we still have Halo parties when we hang out. They don't think of it like I do. I didn't make a big deal out of their shittiness, I just quietly stopped playing with them. They love seeing me for regular social reasons.
Back in THE DAYS they played WoW like big noob casuals and failed at raiding and did no PvP while I was a moderate raider with another group of friends and hugely successful at PvP occasionally playing with 1 of that side group. Now 2-3 of the core group play retail. Two others play shit like Gears of War with their kids. Big normie shit that I'm not interested in, and even if I were I would still be far beyond them. It's not fun playing anything for more than a day with really bad players. I have since gotten friends where I live now like any adult should, and some of them are capable of playing certain genres at a top 1% level.

Everything takes too long.


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>Like the new features added over all the versions, even if it does seem like they're added at a glacial pace
>Every decent mod or modpack requires using a version 5 years old

>sixth paragraph
kek, that was me. Almost missed this gem since I usually only go to /vg/ for vidya related stuff
Reading this screencaps really helped made sense of why he seemed like a dumb loser in my limited interaction with him, the dude barely even knew how to grief, despite the server being that easy. I got op in like the first two hours I got on without even trying to, and this dude was building a raid base in the edge of the world like a sweaty factions player. You really can't get any dumber than that


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how are phantoms even real bruh just like make bed and sit in it for 7 seconds like bruh

fill in those ponds

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Are Biomes like that still possible in the current build?

This place (Yea Forums server posted earlier) was found in a map generated last tuesday, on 1.14

So yes.

I don't know the name but it was this big team CTF game over the void where you were given chests and chests of loot to start with
you could blow through 2 hrs a match on a good day
and the anti cheat was shit :)

I jump from modded to vanilla frequently.

Minecraft is the only game that can satisfy my map autism

i want to play it modded but every time i get discouraged by literal 15-minutes loading times and shitty vanilla textures (because apparently 16gb ram is not enough for modpacks+textures).
do you have any modpacks recommendations that aren't ungodly bloated by shit like kitchen furniture or 300mb of fucking hats?

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Rawcritics and some other server ran by a group of people I used to hang with I have Rawcritics was some huge 1GB early alpha server and when they retired that world they had the old one for download and I have it somewhere. same with my old buddies beta era world.

I can't find any older versions of Isometric mapper programs that support the old Minecraft world formats so I can get pictures of them

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I honestly can't play the game vanilla anymore. I just get bored too fast. I have to mod it extensively before I'm satisfied, even if I feel overwhelmed.

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>not updated for over half a year
>NEI instead of JEI
>modpack for a multiplayer server
that's a yikes from me

Looks like a kino place to base, what's the seed?

90% of what you hear about biome generation on Yea Forums is a nostalgia circlejerk

post houses