I own a Switch and am disappointed by its library.
I own a Switch and am disappointed by its library
I sold mine
Good for you
I did too. I was thinking of getting the pro to play pokemon, but it got delayed, and I don't really mind teebeeh
The what?
I own a Switch and am pleased by its library.
>I own a Switch
Yikes, that's gunna be a cringe from me dawg.
The switch pro or whatever
I don't own a switch and am humoured by its library.
You're actually pleased by the Wii U library, you just don't know it
>Switch Pro
There is no such thing...
Same. I'm holding out for Animal Crossing but that seems such a long while away. Yuzu will likely be able to run it by that point.
for real though there's tons of people hailing the library due to it consisting of wii u ports, yet no one even bothered buying a wii u, so it seems like they really don't even care about those games
I own both a Switch and a Wii U and I am pleased by the former's library and displeased by the latter's library.
Both the mini and pro models were, "announced" but the pro one got delayed
no retard, didnt you read? It got delayed
And everyone thought things would be different from the Wii U.
Haha. I got burned by Nintendo on the Wii U. I'm forever good off of a Switch.
I was pleased with the Wii U's library when I played the games on the Wii U.
I stopped buying nintendo purely for zelda.
I heard its pretty bomb though
Am too, wish they stopped porting wii u games and made new better ones. WE probally could've gotten a new 2d mario and DK but instead got shitty ports
It was less confirmed than persona 5 port or the grinch leak.
How often do you have to fall for this shit?
Well post what you have then. I have these along with Okami, Stardew Valley and Hyrule Warriors digitally. The only reason to buy Nintendo consoles is so you can play their games, I mean the Wii U for example had like
No you don't. You're just trying to start shit.
I am sorta pleased by the Wii U ports but Nintendo has been mismanaging the shit out of the IPs lately.
>Pikmin 4
>Bayo 3
>Metroid 5
>SMT 5
Where are they?
I don't think ports fill up that much in dev schedule user. They probably have like 4 lined up by now just to fill time.
Ive owned once since launch day and its literally a minecraft machine. No worthwhile exclusives.
I have to say, the library is pretty lacking, but I have spent hundreds of hours on Splatoon 2 and Xemoblade 2, and will spend hundreds of hours on Smash Ultimate, so it was well worth my money.
Good job flipping the image for no reason, thanks gookmoot
user, you're retarded. Literally google.
Somewhat switch related, but is Smash really as widespread around the world like some people suggest?
is bayo 3 even still real? I assumed platinum just bargained with them to throw that shit game in the trash and make astral chain instead. We haven't heard of it since the original teaser
I want a Switch/Wii U to play BoTW but I'm poor. I'm dissapointed by that fact.
We have, but it was a "Bayo 3 is going better than you expect, it's only that we're not showing ;)"
I expect a fucking spectacular E3 if they keep behaving like this.
I don't own a Switch because I think I'd be disappointed in its library.
I am also disappointed in the PS4's library, which I do own.
still wish that dev time would've gone to new stuff instead of making wii u owners feel worse about themselfs. Only thing worth on that thing anymore is 3d world and pikmin (and wonderful 101 but I didn't play that)
I'm dissapointed by modern vidya
I really hope E3 has some good shit in it. Don't care for AC or LM so hopefully pikmin and bayo will be shown, that's what I'm still exited for
Yep, it's just leakfags
There is no officialconfirmationby Nintendo, you brainlet
Honestly, all of that is eventually coming to the Switch. They already teased W101.
I just play some Splatoon a couple times a week. Haven't used mine since Smash came out and I only play that when people are over because the online is so trash.
After you guys ignored Travis Strikes Again more than Travis ignored his daughter, you have no right to criticize Nintendo for not producing enough games.
I thought that was Henry's...? Anyway, I didn't. Shit was fine and people going apeshit about metascores were outed as posers.
How do you defy gravity like this?
i want to own one but I'm too bored to research the hacking part
Xenoblade Chronicles X and W101 on Switch when?
You could get a Wii U and BotW for less than 100 now
I own it
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
Confirmed for never ever
rather they port the original xenoblade cause that's actually a good game, deserves to be in HD and is impossible to get these days
There are games due to be released within the next 12 months that will blow you away! All you have to do is wait a little bit longer.
The rest of this year and beyond seems pretty decent, also nintend seem to be picking up sonys slack where lewd games are concerned.
That's most probably going to go into the Wii emulation service they'll do anytime soon...?
I really wanted to like this console but I just can't. The same mistakes they did with the Wii U they did with the Switch, the difference is that people actually bought the Switch.
Not only the only games we have are ports, the prices are jacked up to the highest as humanly possible by them. I'm not paying 59.99 for Skyrim but Nintendo thinks that's how much the game is worth it.
>he fell for the portmachine meme
knowing nintendo it'll take them 5 years cause they don't understand people will pay online for their catalog
But nintendo is not setting the price on Skyrim, that is on bethesda
Unless you're a chinese shield owner.
dont forget donkey kong tropical freeze is 10 on wiiu and 60 ON SWITCH
It really doesn't, no. I can't imagine it being like "What new game are we gonna make?"
"None. We're gonna port these, so we don't have time for that!"
Ports are kinda extra things to release.
I think somebody else thought skyrim was worth 60
I'm having fun with mine.
I like the Switch but the library really is utter garbage. Everything is overpriced. I have Mario Kart which is identical to the WiiU version and barely counts, Smash Ultimate which is the only thing that gets played and Mario Party which everyone did once and haven't touched since.
The lack of virtual console on 3DS and Switch is an actual joke.
I mean, its most probable effect on the games is "Allright, we can fill this timeslot with the Wii U port, so the deadline's less stiff", which means they can take more time with development. It also means that the games don't come out soon enough, too.
>Cappy doesnt have smug eyes too
You fucked up again. It's obvious, you should have known this.
Nintendo outright denied the existence of a new Switch model in their investor meeting.
For now
>It also means that the games don't come out soon enough, too
I'd much rather have them, like you said, have morw time to spend on development than get a ubisoft tier mess of a game filled wirh bugs and glitches, to be honest. Also, nobody brought the WiiU, while it actually had some decent games. I get why they want to port those to a system that sells like hot cakes so people will actually play them. Then again, the first half of this year is really barren, game wise.
I agree, but it doesn't help in online forums, if you know what I'm saying.
I own a Switch and I did your mom last night lol
I bought a Switch for Smash
Enjoyed it & still do on a daily basis & right now
And expect nothing more
If I could trade a new game for more Smash content I would 100% do it