>wait almost 8 hours for some 70GB game to unpack
>suddenly installer decides to fucking shit itself and say it couldn't find some specified file that it needed
>it rolls back all of the fucking files and deletes everything it managed to install so far
Other urls found in this thread:
i hate you
Enjoy your RAT
works on my machine lol
thread theme
lmao enjoy your miner
you could've spent 1/4 of that just downloading 70GB, then installing in 5 minutes on your NVMe SSD
Sup, OP.
>8 hours
What kinda toaster are you running?
Such is a life of a poorfag
gay ass song, fuck off
to be fair, most of the CPU is going toward bitcoins, so unpacking is slow
I have a 4770k at 3.8 GHZ and frostpunk took 3 hours to install
this bitch puts miners in everything
No thanks.
Gog torrent magnet?
>4770k at 3.8 GHZ
I've got a 3570k @ 3.4GHz and Frostpunk took like an hour to install.
>/pol/ makes a psyop
>they trick every single news media outlet in america
>they meme a man into presidency
>they get people to ban the ok symbol
>some guy on Yea Forums says fitgirl has a bitcoin miner with no evidence whatsoever
>entirety of Yea Forums falls for it
man gamers really are the dumbest people on earth.
Is fitgirl cryptominer an actual thing or a just a meme
>being mined by fatgirl twice
It's a meme, there has been zero evidence for it.
just play along, fag
a meme, I’ve checked extensively and can’t find shit. Though if your virus defender detects something fucky delete that shit
is boring to see this joke everytime, BORING.
Don't download over-compressed shit then? There's trimming and compression, then there's Fitgirl.
When you get older and start a proper job you’ll realise it’s just easier to spend the $30
>wagecuck wasting his money
like pottery.
>when you get older and start a proper job you'll realise the importance of money
oh fuck i sincerely hope you'll fix your finances if you think spending 30 bucks on something is a waste of money. enjoy living off of ramen i guess
i spend 30 bucks on more important things, not children's games. enjoy your single room apartment.
>hope you'll fix your finances if you think spending 30 bucks on something is a waste of money
Come on, bro. 30 bucks is 30 bucks.
I wipe my ass with 30 bucks
dw, i've been boycotting her ever since one of her shitty installers failed and wasted hours of my (sleep)time as well
time that you enjoyed wasting =/= wasted time
same goes for money
some people have datacaps though
I think I'd take a lower speed over datacaps.
>still having your data capped
subhumans maybe, but certainly not people
Holy shit how do people still not know that fitgirl laces their installers with miners fucking kek
It's a meme and a desperate cry for attention.
fuck, you beat me
>downloading crack only in 5 rar tomes from FTP mirror
>That disgusting font rendering
No thanks.
Buy the game fucking faggot.
There was a user that uploaded some stuff in fitgirl's name and it had a miner in it. It was quickly fixed.
what ftp mirror?
>some guy on Yea Forums says fitgirl has a bitcoin miner with no evidence whatsoever
it's on her page you retard, see the comment section, its full of idiots saying that it's ok that he needs the money to eat blah blah blah
Why'd you even bring up /pol/ in this example? You have brain cancer.
>You'll never cuddle for warmth on long rainy nights while super compressing pirated vidya with fitgirl while plays in the background
>imagine wasting 200$ on a ssd just to pirate a 5$ game
Link to those comments then if they're so prevalent.
Pro-tip: you can't. :^)
It's true, I knew a Polish dude once who played TF2 but somehow had a 10~12GB monthly data cap and he was living with his family too that used the internet as well. I don't know how the fuck he made it through all that.
>pirates game
>Gets CPU pirated for crypto
Does anyone of you morons have proof?
Of course not, they're just buttblasted for whatever reason.
are you mentally impaired?
I don't think you need to be buttblasted to spout memes
You weren't supposed to ask for proofs bro...
>westacuck shit
you deserve it
>frying your CPU
lmao retard
Do you have any proof he doesn't?
>Fan recreates an old mainstream videogame for a dead system. Almost instantly, lawyers throw cease and desist letters at them for their years of effort
>Translator localizes a huge eroge that wasn't even available for sale in America, the company waits until he is 99.9% done, then has lawyers spam him with legal threats
>Pirate groups openly operate, uploading games endlessly while shoving in questionable software into their releases. Companies do nothing to stop them
I really don't understand the morals/logic of pirates.
The Fitgirl website has a download link that lets the user download and run a separate miner to mine coins for her. There are no miners on the repacks themselves (as far as anyone knows (or cares)).
>Using his repacks
Just fucking why, it takes me less to download those 70Gb than unpacking them
to trigger/pol/cels like you
Run it in win 7 compatibly.
>this is the 50th IP in this thread
Shut up.
>openly operate
If the server is hosted in Zimbabwe, they use bitcoin for transactions of any kind, and use torrent protocol to share their cracks, there is absolutely nothing corporations can do.
If a kid in the US makes a facebook page about his fan remaster, the Zucc is going to sell his info to the lawyers before they even ask about it.
That's the difference
both you and fatgirl can kill yourselves together.
>Pirating a game that's like 4 years old instead of just buying it for $10
>Downloading a shitty super compressed version that takes so long to unpack you could have just downloaded a good version
Lmao @ ur life
The time you spend "unpacking" you could have just downloading the regular fucking game, idiot.
You can get XCOM 2 for pocket change you jew.
>You can get XCOM 2 for pocket change
Not the WoTC expansion, you can't.
then dont download them you fucking mong
bonus points if you're one of those guys going "I'll wait for the repack" and then you could've spent the entire week downloading and installing it
>they get people to ban the ok symbol
I knew nothing about it, just found this out now.
Ameritards have ACTUALLY fell for a meme like this?
Jesus fucking christ what is wrong with that shithole of a country
>watching seasons 6-8 of House
20 bucks on g2a. I live in a southeastern european post communist shithole and I earn 1000 dollars a month and even I can afford this without problems.
t. fitgirl
I'd take waiting hours for a repack to unpack than the better part of a week to D/L it normally, esp. if it's only from a shitty DDL service like Google Drive where if your internet fucks up even once you'll have to start the download all over.
yeah well, good for you i don't have a job and i live with my parents haha :)
If I'm not mistakes there was some OKsign controversy surrounding OWL recently, but some other more patient user will give you a better rundown hopefully
cry me a river piratenogs
>downloading repacks
>not having at least 30mb/s
>not watching for your big titty autist waifu
Shit taste
I fucking hated having to use repacks because my HDD would completely shit itself while doing it (could barely even watch a youtube video because the memory controller was running at 100% load
Then I got a job so now I have proper internet speeds and a 2TB SSD
>tfw you have 30mb/s but 300GB monthly quota and there's no alternative
>sometime they call you to say your internet just got FASTER and you should be amazed, but the quota stays the same so you can't use it
pathetic, watch this
>they also increase your bill
yeah that's actually what i trying doing as well while i let shit unpack, watching youtube videos or so but i couldn't because the entire browser itself would just freeze, my entire computer itself would actually seemingly freeze, could barely even change tabs or look at the task manager
>its a tranny
Yes, I do it all the time. What's the matter, poorfag?
(also, going over 300GB doesn't throttle the speed, it's +$1 to the bill per GB up to a max of $80 per month.. so technically unlimited if you think of it as +$80/month)
No memes here bros but how does that actually work in a real debate/argument? How can you refute someone going "lmao but do YOU have proof that X actually doesn't do Y"?
At some point I googled how long these repacks are actually supposed to take and the time it took me was always at least twice as long as most other people's
Weirdly though that's the only problem I ever had with my HDD, it was fucking fine in every other respect. I always thought unpacking shit would be mostly CPU-bound but apparently not
Check your privilege, cis scum.
I get unlimited 30Mbps for 6 euros per month.
will do
You say that the burden of proof is upon the person making the claim, and point out that a negative is nigh-impossible to prove, whereas it should be very easy to prove that fitgirl's releases have miners
yumm looks p fat. imagine grilled that on a stick haha
I enjoy her every day, thanks.
What's with the Fitgirl shilling on Yea Forums lately? What happened?
>person has issues with pirated game
>its a """"fitgirl"""" repack
every time. just download proper releases you cunts
Which country? Germany here and I get 100 Mbit/s for 20€ which is kind of okay considering the area I live in and how every ISP was pushing for download limits a few years ago
wait so is it supposed to fucking stop randomly or
I think one of corepacks's repacks had a miner a year or so ago. It was a huge shitstorm on r/CrackWatch
Bulgaria. My plan is actually advertised as "50Mbps" but it usually doesn't live up to its moniker. Here, traffic limits are a thing only with mobile carriers, at least so far. I'm sure there's some invisible data cap, like 5TB/month or something, where your ISP starts throttling your speed, but I've never reached it.
Oh yeah my contract also promises "up to" 100, with a stated minimum of 50. Luckily, I get full speed here
I remember back when DSL first came around, we were promised 120kB/s, only got 50, and I was still the guy who all my friends went to to download shit for them
Because that's a fallacy. It's up to the other guy to prove his claim that fitgirl has a miner, not that you need to prove that it doesn't. It's like someone saying "Trump is a lizardman" and then saying the burden of proof is on you to prove he isn't one
>pirate cuck
lmao imagine being such an underage faggot that you dont spend the few bucks during sales or at an official cd key reseller to get the game added to a real superior service
being a piratefag in 2019 is pure cuckoldry, enjoy getting a miner installed on your shit faggot
someone has personal issues
It's better to pirate than buy keys from those shit websites.
t. reddit fag
better for me? nope.