gonna start this summer i swear
N5plebians trying to style on EOPs: the thread
Stop laughing at me!
Did you just call me a decorative black flagpole tassel made from tail hair (of a yak, horse, ox, etc.) or dyed hemp, bitch?
>it has so much going that it's pressed vertically to fit as a normal character
Fuck Chinese characters and fuck Japan
its a great feeling to able to pick up some words here and there but god damn its been over a year and I still can not able to read shit that isn't simple desu sentance or pick up anything audible.
Iktf after almost a year I've learned 4k words and integrated all the grammar in tae kim and learned how to write over 1200 kanjies yet I can barely read anything other than simple stuff. I don't even bother with listening, that is something which I leave for last when learning a language.
Now to keep improving all there is to do is do tobira and dictionaries of japanese grammar while memorizing thousands of words and more kanji. It is all just a long grind.
Just read more, pick some manga from shounen magazines with furigana and read with Jisho open. If you can't read yet after that, keep going.
>got back into learning moon runes about a week ago after giving up very early on before
>mastered hiragana, now learning katakana and some basic vocabulary and grammar
Feels good ですせんぱいたち
death trap to be honest
you spend a lot of time learning words you probably will never use even you did you will not remember them when the time comes only learn what you need
depends on how you use it. without knowing any grammar IMO it's a fucking terrible tool you're just learning vocab. hiding the english sentences and trying to understand what the sentence means is the best way to use it I believe.
I'm a few chapters away from finishing my book. I need to push through.
which deck is this?
just core 2k/6k. again i just the english sentence and highlight it to see i'm right
Your task is more impossible than you can even yet imagine.
fuck you bitch i already lernt
>Learning moon instead of letting some desperate weeaboo translate everything for you so he can get a bit of validation
ishyggydiggy do da dee
where is that copypasta
fuck china
>being an eop begging for scraps
I don't know how to go about learning. Anki doesn't work for me.
Are we being raided by chinks?
Buy Genki I text + workbook + teachers manual.
Study everyday until you know the entire book.
Get Genki 2 and do the same.
Get Tobira and do the same.
Now you're a journeyman, and further experience comes from the real world.
You can replace genki 1 and 2 with tae kim
Not tobira since tae kim only covers a small section of what that textbooks teaches.
Why is there even a word for this?
Should I get Remembering the kanji too?
琉球独立 Free okinawa アイヌ独立 Free Ainu 核兵器 Nuclear weapon 原子爆弾 Atomic bomb 人間宣言 Humanity Declaration 広島・長崎 Hiroshima・Nagasaki 731部隊 Unit731 鳴梁海戦 Battle of Myeongnyang 真珠湾 Pearl Harbor 神風攻撃隊 Kamikaze 慰安婦 Comfort women 戦争犯罪 War crime 南京大虐殺 Nanjing Massacre ダグラス・マッカーサー Douglas MacArthur 憲法第9条 Article 9 of the Constitution 関東大震災朝鮮人虐殺 Kanto Massacre 李舜臣 Yi Sun-sin 沖縄戦 Battle of Okinawa 枢軸国 Axis powers マニラ大虐殺 Manila massacre 東條英機 Hideki Tojo 太平洋戦争 Pacific War 倭寇 Wokou 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部 Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(GHQ) 戦犯裕仁 Hirohito 戦犯国 War criminals country 部落問題Burakumin 夜這いYobai 竹島Dokdo/Takeshima 尖閣諸島Senkaku Islands/Diaoyudao Qundao バッキー Bakky Visual Planning 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人Murder of Junko Furuta 援助交際 Enjo kosai 痴漢 Chikan Japino 琉球独立、 アイヌ独立、任那日本府廃棄、 百済、 白村江の戦い、 文禄・慶長の役、独立、主権回復、佐川一政、 食人、 人肉、 いじめ、亀甲船、牟田口廉也、 インパール作戦 、第二次世界大戦、敗亡、敗戦、用薬須知続編、人中黄
Oh and get the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
It'll be your best friend.
The intermediate is a later purchase and the advanced I don't even know when someone would need.
Back to work little bee, i'll be playing vidya and masturbating until you're done translating my mongos and subbing my animoe.
I prefer Kodansha's Kanji Learner's Course.
But I honestly wouldn't bother until after Genki 1 at least.
>you will not remember them when the time comes
This happens when people don't practice production (English to Japanese). I just made reverse cards for core 6k and my retention has skyrocketed. Of course, it meant I needed to learn 12,000 cards, but it was well worth it.
Is Yookoso any good?
I bought it and the workbook on a whim like a bonehead, and was finally thinking about getting around to cracking it open this weekend.
I've always wondered what the point of this pasta is. The chinese version gets chinese people banned, but this does nothing
That would make a nice tatoo
makes angry chink feel better
But why? Most Japanese people feel no responsibility for the stuff listed in it and the ones that do probably take pride in it honestly
>tfw can read kana but can't kanji
>at around level that I need to start reading things and not just text books
>can't think of a single thing I am interested in reading in Japanese
I seriously can't think of anything I want to grab to learn with.
Vidyograhams. Preferably ones with a young target audience.
>I've learned 4k words and integrated all the grammar in tae kim and learned how to write over 1200 kanjies
doing it wrong nigger
read "real world" jap shit as soon as possible
It's not too late, start now
it's gonna be awkward at first and you WILL look shit up often, but little by little you'll get more and more fluent.
You could start by comparing jap and eng versions of mango or vidya and see how shit was translated.
Yeah, that's the thing. I'm really not interested in childrens video games.
If there is not anything you want to read then next time you want to search info about something such as info about certain video games, how to do something, news, etc just read the info in Japanese.
I just finished chapter 12 of genki (the last one) this morning.
I started 8 years ago
That it does nothing is the joke, user.
>can't think of a single thing I am interested in reading in Japanese
Why the fuck did you start learning then
I'm not trying to be inflamatory I'm just genuinely confused as to why
You can replace all that shit with Minna No Nihongo and Tae Kim for clarification.
Is neuroplasticity a meme?
Am I really fucked if I'm 27 and want to start learning now?
That could work. I’ll give it a try. See how that goes.
>is learning moon runes
>doesn't want to read manga, hentai and nipponese video games
Why are you even bothering with this language? Just give up and learn something you want to learn.
it just requires effort dude. Neuroplasticity is somewhat true as in kids need to learn new shit better but with focus you can learn any skill
But you did finish it. Good job user.
No, you just have less of an excuse to waste time by doing whatever flavor of the month is out there. Get Minna, get jpod101 from the OP, and get going.
ま た か よ
What's the first game you're going to play in 令和元年?
I started at your age. I'm 30 now and on Tobira. You get used to memorizing shit and actively start enjoying it when you notice gains. I just wish I could quit gaming to study more, I'd probably be further along.
Why are you so polite when you type in Japanese but so rude when using English? アンタたちがおかしい
What level (in years) is this supposed to be?
Any hopes of me getting a job with it?
I'm not naive enough to think it'll be a good job, but I'd like to enjoy what I'm doing for the rest of my life.
Probably because they aren't comfortable enough with Japanese to let their true personality through.
Steve kaufman knows like 19 languages and learned most of them after the age of 50.
I love informal jap a lot and as a matter of fact I'm kinda boned because I learnt a lot of my japanese reading material that mainly uses informal speech like 2ch, manga, vidya and nicovideo crap and I'm less fluent in polite speech as a result
It's more useful if you have a skill in a field like medical, engineering, or law so you can translate documents that regular moobs can't. Otherwise just keep at it as a labor of love my friend.
This language is unbelievably retarded and archaeic. Theres a reason heirogyphics died out. Get your act together Japan and be more like your brother Korea. Delete that stupid kanji writing system
N5 towards the end of the text book. About 4-5 months in based on pace.
Very basic
Unlike korea Japanese can't get rid of Kanji.
China and taiwan could since chinese can be perfectly understood with just pin yin but they wont
But it sounds so beautiful and melodic compared to Korean. That's it's universal appeal, just like French in the romance languages.
>I just made reverse cards for core 6k and my retention has skyrocketed. Of course, it meant I needed to learn 12,000 cards, but it was well worth it.
Sounds like a good idea, I should do that
I don't give a shit about your language lmao
I have a Bachelor of Science (Hons), a second Bachelor in Medical Science, and have worked in a hospital for half a decade besides. Maybe I could get a gig, given enough time and experience, translating research papers or something.
Thanks everyone.
In a year you can find yourself in a good place. That's enough time to do first two minna no Nihongos or Genki 1 and 2 if you're a basic bitch. Should take you 4-6 months a book. At that point you've entered the mystical land of N3. You can keep going with Minna Intermediate or Tobira and really pick up your reading pace.
When you finish your first textbook, you should start reading NHK new easy and basic books. N5 and N4 is elementary school shit, but a decent start.
Unfortunately, there are a fucking gorillion homophones in Japanese. You think "scale" (of a fish) and "scale" (the thing you use to measure weight) in English is bad? There'd be thousands upon thousands of these in Japanese if they got rid of kanji.
Im not saying start speaking korean just use katakana + hiragana and get rid of kanji. Or do like korea did and invent a new writing system
So how do people talk to each other then? Im sure it all makes sense in context. When writing it down they could just put a small number or symbol at the end of a word to denote which version is meant it would be a lot simpler than momeorising a fuck ton of overly elaborate runes even though i do admit they look pretty. But stupidly impractical
Depends on a lot of factors like language pair and what you're going to do with it. I learned Japanese solely for eroge and I'm currently studying to become a full-fledged translator, but I sure as hell am not going to localize vidya, movies or manga due to low pay and simply because not a lot of fiction gets translated to my mother tongue in the first place. More money to be had in fields like legal or technical translations that are dry as fuck when it comes to content and require specialized knowledge to top it off, but have better demand and pay much better. Of course there's also the opposite way as well if you already have training in a specialized field and afterwards decide to learn a new language and familiarize yourself with how translation works in your field of expertise.
No. If you knew more than 2 words of Japanese, you'd understand why abandoning kanji is not an option.
Chinese has a better chance of throwing out hanzi, kanji are the only thing that makes literature even POSSIBLE in Japanese.
Spoken Japanese is like a baby version of Japanese, people use very simple words, there's some minor pitch stuff going on but it's very common for even native speakers to lose the thread of a conversation and be forced to interject to make sure that they still understand the topic. This problem doesn't exist in the written language.
I stupid asking this, but do you have to manually edit every card for this? Can I do the same for furigana?
>But stupidly impractical
Yes, welcome to studying languages.
You just edit the template.
no. just edit the back template.
Can you do it on mobile?
>When writing it down they could just put a small number or symbol at the end of a word to denote which version is meant it would be a lot simpler than momeorising a fuck ton of overly elaborate runes even though i do admit they look pretty.
They already have something similar, it's called furigana. The reason they don't use it for everything is the same reason you don't see English text filled with spelling errors, once you hit a certain age you shouldn't need it. Abandoning kanji would make the language incredibly bulky, and read something like "the man(person) chose to eat(consume) the mouse(animal)."
There's no reason for it. Memorizing a few thousand symbols really isn't much of an ask, when any new language comes with a few DOZEN thousand new words to learn.
On iPhone yes, on Android no.
Well, shit.
if you weren't an N2 brainlet you'd know it.
The thing is, homophones asides, once you're not babby tier at Japanese kanji actually start to help. I would HATE reading a text that's only kana. And the vocab I have the hardest time memorizing these days is kana only because it's harder for your brain to make connections on just sound instead of meaning-based ideograms.
Chinese is the ugliest fucking language. Imagine being enough of a brainlet to use simplified in the fucking digital age.