Seven years

Seven years.

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in Calradia.

it comes out in november

What can change the nature of a man?

this year's the year boys
I can feel it

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What do you expect?
The original game was cobbled together by a husband & wife team with some additional help for Warband, IIRC.

They had to hire a lot more people to make a game of this caliber, and they had to hire them to live in Turkey. I'd fuck a dead rabid dog with my 9 inch cock before moving to Turkey, as a software developer. They probably have to scrape the bottom of the barrel talent or rely on horrendously inefficient remote contractors to get the game up to this state.

tldr: Software development does not belong in Turkey


I do my PHD in applied physics faster than they do their game. Soon, one person will do phd before whole studio can do a video game. Funny, right?

> Funny, right?

nah because one person will be employed and the other will be unemployed ;)

>phd and engineer degree in solid state ionics


Or, you know, they hired turks?

Reminder that it's being released to early access and will run like shit and probably not have a lot of the promised features yet and will be dumbed down somehow and basically just be the same shitty grind you've done 800 times only this time slightly shinier without any soul

An AI is going to take your job

Roachland is really not that bad in some places

i just want a release date

>there are people who died or will be before bannerlord release

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all of us will be dead before it gets released

Seven years of hand made assets?


No shit, why do you think I said "scrape the bottom of the barrel"

Turkish programmers aren't worth shit. The only ones on the planet worth their salt are


that's it

>Work in Progress
Formerly just Work

maybe British too, forgot them

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>he is immortal

You clearly have no idea what you talk.about, don't you?

>He's a beaner
Sorry you have to be White or Asian to have a PHD in whatever the fuck you said.