
home thread

post race/class/spec

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troll rogue idk what spec yet

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STV war veteran Orc hunter reporting in

female tauren fury warrior for levelling

alt will be a male troll hunter, guess beast master for levelling

>female tauren fury warrior
peak comfy leveling

undecided frost mage (and then fire when geared).

So i have updated my lore knowledge:
Total cunt who sold out her entire people to the Horde. Invited the Horde into her capital and let her own father die so she and her people could continue to live as slaves to Thrall
Betrayed her oath to Lord Garithos and murdered his people & sacked his city just for power and fun basically. Guess he shouldn't have trusted an elf. She is literally textbook evil and wants only to hurt people & destroy things because of what Arthas did
Did literally nothing wrong up until the point where he touched the Frostmourne. After that he cannot be said to have been responsible for anything he did because it was the Lich King acting "through him". He was just an instrument of the Lich King and the Scourge until he actually fought the influence of the Lich King and became the Lich King himself in order to restrain the Scourge from ravaging Azeroth and save the entire world. True hero of the story.

Designated warlock summoner .

Male Night Elf Shadow Priest

Also Arthas was right in slaying Illidan because even if Illidan might have been doing something good in destroying the Scourge, he was ultimately doing it because he was in service of Kil'Jaeden who's motive it was to destroy the Scourge only because it was a threat to the burning legion. So yeah Arthas is the good guy of the story.

>until he actually fought the influence of the Lich King and became the Lich King himself in order to restrain the Scourge from ravaging Azeroth and save the entire world. True hero of the story.

I don't remember it going down like this.

It's retarded WoW retcons, don't bother with it

It doesn't literally say so but that's how i interpret the events. I mean the scourge was trying to destroy Azeroth up until the point when Arthas merged with the Lich King, then they suddenly stopped. Seems like Arthas ordered them to stay in Northrend, the "containment zone".

I figure the only reason they "stopped" was due to quite a sizeable amount of undeads escaping the lich kings grasp before Arthas was able to stabilize his power again. Add to that the fact that the Scarlet Crusade was still quite powerful it seems reasonable to assume he simply couldn't push hard enough to gain control over the entire region. The Scourge still held big territories in Lordaeron despite those things.

I guess my point is that we don't know Arthas' true motives, i like to imagine that he became Lich King because of some 3D chess idea of him keeping the Scourge away from Azeroth. I don't like the story we got served in WotlK, with Sylvanas and Bolvar and all that.

Femdead Afflilock

Human subtlety rogue reporting in

I cant decide between human or orc rogue

human mage

Dwarf Paladin Holy

Human for that sword skill and damage, orc for 35%(iirc) stun resist.


>there are retailcucks and redditors who think they’ll be able to play ret or prot paladin/feral or balance Druid/elemental or enhancement shaman/shadow priest
>mfw they will all be doomed to heal for eternity

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to be fair taking a shadow priest for warlock weaving isn't a bad idea

race: Centaur
class: Ranger
spec: Trapper

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i want to go alliance hunter but the only choices are a faggot elf or a fucket midget

>there are retailcucks and redditors who think they'll be able to play fury or arms warrior as dps
>mfw they will all be doomed to tank for eternity

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Post /home/ music.

fury is god tier from BWL onward assuming youve got some hit gear like lion helm and titan pants

>Race: Defias
>Class: Pillager
>Spec: HUH

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You want Shadow Weaving so one Shadow Priest is nice to have. Ret Paladins, Elemental Shaman, Balance Druids and Feral OTs can have a raid slot too unless your guild is full of try hard autists who think Classic WoW is somehow worth minmaxing.

Unedited pic. Anyone have an original screenshot? I remember following a link to this page my first time in Westfall and was fascinated. I saw Defias Pillager #1 and Onyxia #2. I had a vague idea that Onyxia was a dragon boss.

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why does nobody seem to talk about rune of the guard captain?
also orc fury warrior is gonna be one of my characters for sure


Wonder why they stopped doing this list. It was fun to look at.


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Tauren Druid
0/30/21 Heart of the Wild hybrid feral/healer

>It was fun

You answer your own question

I wonder why they stopped making a good game. It was fun to play.

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based toyota

Undead mage because I like the undead levelling zones and I'm a lazy sack of shit who wants to tp places

How does a boar parry?

With his tusks

With it's sword

Ask Bobby B.

I’m gonna level 2. Orc warlock (usually go undead) for that 25% stun resist, gonna make me a PvP god. And warrior but unsure what race (not orc), any suggestions? Was thinking undead but not sure if there are any benefits for undead warrior (WoF not as good for a warrior).

What happened to SwoleBenji's streams? It's been like 3 days did he go on holiday? I miss his bantz.

With tusks.

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t. SwoleBenji

What does this look like?

Why does drek thar have so many more kills than vanndar?

He got exposed as lying piece of shit posting other people's screenshots pretending Blizzard even fucking know who he is, also fuck you tripfag, do you think we dont know its you?


It didn't produce any short term income

Human Male Warrior or Human Male Paladin?

I played paladin for a private server, and while I love being a healer/buffer for people out and about, and the survivability is really great, having no attacks sucks and I can feel something lacking.

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Wtf arthas literally unleashed scourge into azeroth. Did you not play the plague scourge event that so many virgins got mad about?

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Cool, what's your name in the tranny discord server?

>Did you not play the plague scourge event that so many virgins got mad about?

No i didn't. Give me the quick rundown

I'm ex-law enforcement and I can tell this dude ain't lyin, just bad at tellin stories.

I'm assuming his gf had some days off and he spent them with her instead of on this shitty site.

Checked his reddit, got some fresh posts over there.

Checked Yea Forums archive, he posted some advice on r9k earlier.

I ain't no tranny or in any wow discords, sorry lad
If you think being a healer instantly means tranny shit, you're probably low test and been on Yea Forums too much

>classicderp thinks you cant beat the encounters naked with 5 people
>he thinks he needs the perfect line up to raid in classic
>he think every raid unlocked will be cleared in less than 20 minutes by green geared players
guess what: it's not 2005 anymore

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Dude needs to find a new place to shill his stream. Obviously his business model isn't working after many days of the same thing. I think someone finally had enough and he got banned out of a thread. So he likely has a 3-day and is smart enough not to ban evade, or at least not to trip while doing it.
It's nice to see somebody redpilled trying to "make it" but he has to be way less abrasive to likely the only community he could call home.

Male dwarf holy pally
Male troll 30/21 shaman

that was fucking awesome. too bad the tranny screeching on the boards was so loud that no event came ever close

Lads listen, this needs to be said.
I appreciate whoever is making these threads. Whoever is continuously keeping up classic threads no matter what time it is, you are fucking legends.
Keep it up.

Now on to the reason why I seeked this thread out, which was just to blog post about random classic shit.
>Keep trying to find reasons to not play a Warlock and to play something else
>I can't fucking do it
This shouldn't piss me off, surely I should just roll Warlock then and be happy that it's a near enough flawless fucking class and yet I'm still annoyed.
I think I've just figured out why, I figured it out literally while typing this very post.
I think the reason I'm pissed off is because so many classes look so fun to play, and despite what you say, no, you can't play everything.
I want to play a shaman but Enhancement is boringm, Resto is healing and I fucking hate healing and Elemental just has too many shortcomings but specifically its mana problems is my main concern.
Compare that to Warlock which has 3 kino as fuck specs (and I'm not even meming when I say that, all 3 warlock specs are unironically very good, obviously there's 'best and most optimal' specs but thats the case for every class in the game, the point is that as a Warlock you can spec deep into ANY of its 3 trees and it'll be good. Period.

Fuck Warlock for being so perfect.

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The scourge was unleashed on azeroth and you could spread your infection to other players. It killed them after a minute or so and turned you into a zombie. It was one of the funnest events in wow, but so many faggots got mad that they couldn't just sit in orgrimmar and do nothing

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He literally drives to different houses / businesses to leech internet he's a griefer in Minecraft and the admin banned him and it took him time to find a new IP to rejoin the server and fuck it all to hell.
To be honest he said his streams aren't really content that he's just doing it for the practice of when retail hits. I have a good idea of what his old identity on warcraftmovies was and that dude had so many secrets and made an absolute fortune off RMT that no sane person would ever reveal. Also if he is who I think he is then that same guy was the granddaddy of gold making in TBC and WotLK who ended up running one of the worlds top zerg guilds. A total sperg / autist but totally weaponized.

Again, if he is who I think he is, it's nice to see him redpilled and not the beta incel permavirgin he once was.

Everybody is seriously overestimating the number of rogues that are going to be played.
That being said, IMO Hunters will be the least played class in the game.

oh no user what the fuck are you doing

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>horde priests
ugh, why are the racials so shitty? anyway, might play a troll priest

Same situation as me. Been playing lock since Wrath... help me. At least this time around I’ll be Orc instead of Undead

Fuck off Benji, you answered to your own post instead of the one about lying. Try harder, "law-enforcement".

You aren't very bright

I will be rolling male undead rogue.

you will fear me.
you will hate me as i gank you at nesingwary.
you will detest me as i vanish your attack and stunlock you and murder you.
you will curse me as i sap you on booty bay docks just before the ship is about to leave...

heh, i will pwn you noobs.

It sounds unbelievably fun. No wonder Blizz removed it.

>What class / race should you play.
The only correct answer is undead rogue. #1 PvP class, best racials, coolest character art / tier'd armor. Least stressful raiding job, can solo loads of content when you want to be an introvert timid gamer, can out gold farm everyone if you know the exact routes / have the top gear. (Otherwise mage and hunter outfarm you early game / early server life but gold is more important later on than early honestly.) Your gear grind and gear acquisition is fairly easy (Only beat by priests pretending to be girl gamers. Harder to do in this day and age.) and you can still do well even in garbage gear. You will have the easiest time with PvE as most people won't fuck with rogues, and if you want you'll always be able to relocate if a guild zergs you down. LEAST DOWNTIME (with cannibalize.) and best mobility sans portals and mounts. Also is alpha as fuck to play melee and to shit on other players. Top the DPS meters (except Rag fight; Frostmages do that.) and have the biggest dick all the girls wanna suck on. Lowest repair bill assuming your vanish doesn't bug. Passive income with lockpick bot to make $$$ while sleeping.

I spam Arcane Explosion at all times. Try and get me, fucker.

I can't decide between tauren druid and undead priest.
I loved playing resto-hybrid druid in pvp, outliving everything. But I also played a priest at the very beginning and I like a classes style.
rrrg I will never be able to make up my mind.

>go to normal wow thread
>people legitimately not seeing any issues with transmog, lfg, or the entire raid grind loop
I'm so glad we have comfy threads away from retail

Tauren > Undead so I guess you're playing a druid.


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I am comparing the classes to ROGUE, which is zero stress, zero management, just rock'n roll stabbing murdering cannibalizing while getting your dick sucked IRL and listening to Rammstein.

>Why only undead

The best PvP racial lets you break certain crowd controls (Fear, seduce.) and allow you to take down your target. In PvE this is also valuable as you do ZERO dps when crowd controlled. Orc and Trolls have MOAR DAMAGE racials but that damage, again, is ZERO when controlled. If you can't break from fear a warlock can fuck you hard, double down for seduce.

Cannibalize saves you A GORILLION FOOD ITEMS in your play time. Every time you need to heal, you can eat a food, bandage, or just OM NOM NOM some roleplays corpse. If you're like me you macro it to also stealth so you can STEALTH HEAL.

>But orcs resist stun.
So what? If one fails, use another, or another, or another, or sprint / vanish and use another! If you macro up and have proper gear you win every rogue VS rogue also most rogues are TARDS and are easily killed. Skilled rogues are like IP man you can take on a whole room full of idiots if you know what you're doing. (See videos of a single rogue taking down 2x max geared sulfuron warriors or multiple opponents with Thunderfury.) A skilled rogue will 100% kill everyone else. If you wanna be a rogue VS rogue grand master go ahead and roll orc but you're gonna suck all the corrupted warlock cocks.

Regeneration is shittier than stealthed cannibalize.

It really wasn't blizzards fault. The amount of assholes who threw a fit back then was massive

No one cares about racials or stats.

why do you quote that guy

>was 15 when I played vanilla
>played all day
>now got 2 hours a day at most for games

These threads give me urges to play again but I can't. At most I could play retail and boost my way around. But I tried that last year and it wasn't fun.

I'll play pvp so I do. I wish trolls had decent racials so I could be a cute female troll

What were those imp and succubus kills? I really don't think warlock pets were sniping killing blows that often.

Transmog is fine though and I'll make use of it in retail when I'm not playing Classic

Nobody fucking cares what race/class/spec you're going to play, fuck off back to wow forums fucking virgin autists.

>Judgement Set
>God tier


Undead rogue is based
Human and Gnome warrior is based
Dwarf pally is based
NE priest is based
Orc hunter and shaman is based

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Piss off manlet

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the t1 priest,druid and mage sets look basic as fuck, they don't deserve to be god tier or great tier







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He uses whirlwind, his frenzy (167% damage increase and 50% attack speed increase) lasts two minutes while Vanndar's avatar lasts only 15 secs and grants only 50% more damage, Vanndar's stormbolt hits a random target while Drek'Thar has a melee knockdown that hits five guys.

Don't okay Horde. They got no shoes. Fucking niggers.

I see this same autist in every WoW home thread. Why tf do you think Benji is MrBTFO at all? They are clearly 100% different people with different channels who can't co-exist at the same exact time and even have different everything's?

Benji's even black, lol or is this some stupid troll where you just pair every tripfag in with ManlyTears?

Stop telling anyone to okay Horde. We don't need Horde players in Classic. Hopefully we can keep at least one realm racially pure white Alliance stronghold.

>wahh i need shoes because my fragile faggot human sissy feet get hurt by dirt and rocks
fuck off tranny

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here it is people, as you can see the tranny shit has been so overused that even male characters are trannies now

Fuck you and fuck hyenas

Wow just imagine unironicaly liking the Horde with their shit tier cities and subhuman scum races. Fucking mud hut eyesores for zones, no real cities just tents in some shitty orange blob they try to give a name to. Having the worst race designs and being stuck with shit tier lore and npc. Then you have the undead which are over the top in the shitty design department. ' The Horde needs some sort of resemblance to an actual civilization but no human would be caught dead on their side.... Wait that's it. Undead humans....' Fucking lazy ass design by Blizzard. Fuck the Horde and fuck anyone who will play one of these no shoes pieces of subhuman shit.

>balance Druid
Was balance any good in PvP? It's the only specc which the community overlooks. For raiding the token shadow priest was taken for shadow weaving but why isn't this the case for the boomkin aura? Usually with the speccs which go oom too fast for raids like Elemental/Shadow they're absolute monsters in PvP but I rarely hear anything about Balance performing the same way

Have you tried not being a filthy subhuman piece of shit Horde player?

Try out Warlock.

go dilate tranny

Who cares what happened to the Horde? This thread is for based Alliance only. Fuck off no shoes.

Horde are the shit tier races of the game and need to be deleted. Fucking Horde should have never been playable. It just encouraged niggerdom in the game. Get some shoes scumbags.

go dilate, then have an erp session in Goldshire your mentally ill tranny

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>Implying any Horde could triumph over superior Alliance players

Imagine being this cucked that you would actually play a Horde toon. You took the Jew bait user. Play a based race like White Human.

Has anyone done a class tier list yet?

>posts a char wearing shoes
smart guy

So what's up with the advanced shitposting in this thread?

It's hilarious how you assume I'm a tranny. I'm a masculine 37 year old guy with a beard. There is nothing feminine about me. Grow the fuck up. Also, work on your retorts. You horde scum are so stupid all you can do is seethe and scream tranny. Get some new material. I know you have zero legitimate or logical counter arguments against the superior Alliance races, classes, and players but come on. Get something actually relevant to screech back while you jerk off to gay nigger porn.

Once again not a tranny. Grow up subhuman.

just today's autist, continue ignoring

Hunters, Paladins, Priests, Druids, Mages, and Shamens

Nevermind Benji is still here he's just not tripping.

post your beard soiboy
pic related is you

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Scissors sounds appealing then. Maybe I'll roll a human scissors to be different and unique

>They are clearly 100% different people with different channels who can't co-exist at the same exact time
Sorta like how you never see Clark Kent and Superman in the same room?

>Purposefully and willingly picking a shaman
Loving every laugh.
Why would you pick one of the shittest classes in the entire game that still to this very day is quite possibly the worst class in retail. You'd have to be a small dick contrarian to pick this class.
>Can't PvP
>Can't PvE (unless you're healing like a little bitch)
What's wrong with you?

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shamans are good, what's wrong with you
edgy ass fucker who posts death webms too

why would you ever go human rogue

Horde are such niggers their architecture consists of stacking blocks and putting straw over it KEK. Horde niggers settle for living inside a bunch of rocks how they found them because they aren't s
Human chads CUT rocks into shapes they desire and create a stone fortress where there was nothing before.

shamans have the best heals in the game and also windfury totem
you can use ele spec for pvp, cuck
+5 sword skill

Boy that escalated quickly
I did have bad dives where I kind of absorbed all the impact with my back, and it did really hurt but I wouldn't imagine you could get hurt that badly from that height. That's literally only 2 seconds of falling

you're a clueless retard whose only knowledge is from 2005 pvp videos

>Can't PvP

So WoW 'Classic' doesn't have the original implementation of windfury?

>lets make a classic thread every day even though it's 7 months from release


To make you seethe, retailcuck

all hordecucks will know true fear

>+5 sword skill
okay so now you deal 3% more damage on bosses and then what? you look retarded, have no real racial, don't get windfury, have to play with all the dadgamers and against orcs that resist your every stun, have to put up with alliance city placement & their shitty boats

is it worth it?

>shamans are good
>you can use ele spec for pvp, cuck
And do what? Run out of mana after 2 casts? Lmfao

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You are the one seething because you are taking a back seat to us. They wont release classic until they're finished with the bfa content schedule.

If you don't think 3% more damage is worthwhile then you're a fucking casual.

>humans look retarded

Almost correct.

was he hurt?

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lmao, it won't ever make the difference between downing a boss or not and all other rogues will be human too so you won't even see your boss dps difference on the meters

literally pointless

as rogues? yes, some of the worst melee and stealth animations
female casters can look fine but if you roll female you get bunched in with the erpers and if you roll male you get bunched in with the dad gamers

bros, how do I stop myself from relapsing and playing this summer

I just like the human areas and aesthetic.
>male humans are dad gamers
shit, that explains it

Thunderbluff>every other city

>0,01% less dps than night elves
>Ensure that no tryhards ever bother you with a guild invite.

I dont play horde but Mulgore might be my favorite starting area.

>get bunched in with the dad gamers

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>it won't ever make the difference between downing a boss
It's not about that one % increase making the difference, it's about your attitude towards it. Those % increases add up, and a having a raid made up of players who goes after every % increase they reasonably can instead of dismissing them because it impacts their ability to play dressup WILL make a difference over having a casual player like you who thinks it's pointless because "it's only 3%".

this, I am a 28 year old boomer dad I cannot wait.

Four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion. Though Azeroth was saved, the tenuous pact between the Horde and the Alliance has all but evaporated.


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damn, you're a huge cuck user, I exaggerated hard with 3% and top guilds don't actually give a single fuck about that cause the difference is less than 1 second on bosses, only exception being dwarf priests out of necessity

"yeah I'm gonna roll the most useless rogue race in the game just to appease my mediocre guild's class leader who won't give me gear anyway instead of enjoying the game my own way"

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The standard spec is 30/21 ele/NS and yeah you mostly Purge/CH/Totem but occasionally in real WSG games gotta bring that LB -- NSCL heat

>enjoying the game my own way
literally the definition of a casual

cope harder cuckanon

I hope you realize you arent replying to me (the user debating going human vs orc rogue). I am not that worried about the +sword skill nor do I worry about super min maxing

I'll see you user.... On the battlefields of Azeroth!

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that's not the premade ele sham role at all, you're a nuker with a little bit of supporting on the side like locks

Gentle reminder that all of your Scarab Lords and Rank 14s are going to be streamers, supported by their hordes of fanboys that you stand no chance of competing with

stupid idiot has never wiped at 1%

That's fine. I would never be able to poopsock a high pvp rank anyways. It's all about re for the mount discount

We're nearly home lads, not sure whether to book days off work when release is announced, or just predict the servers will shit the bed for a few days

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Human/Mage/Frost Want to become the Vurtne of the Alliance

No, that would be
>Enjoying the game my own way + that way is being unskilled and putting in no effort to understand the game + avoiding competitive environments
There are plenty of ways to play the game your own way, be skilled and put effort into the game while remaining suboptimal, and participating in competitive environments without the "*best*" class/race combination.
THINKING that you need to be the best race/class in order to succeed is a KEK mentality because it means you can't overcoming the small power gap with skill+aesthetics/style+finesse.

>pve server shitter calling anyone a casual

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All of them are fucking terrible. The red/black rogue one barely passes but the super high collars are ridiculous. Everything is else is absolute cringe.

>Alliance AV guy nowhere near the top

lol hordies couldn't even get close enough to the Alliance base. Glory days.

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I am still on the fence between female Gnome mage or female dwarf Priest

Being unfortunately 13 when vanilla was going I never did raid much, was either faction at an obvious advantage when it came to clearing content?

Pally buffs and dwarf priest's fear ward are helpful for raids but horde clear content just fine so either faction is a good pick. choose a race you like and go from there

>you have to bring consumables to every farm raid
>you have to play the correct race for your class
both good warning flags to never join the guild for narcissistic assholes who just wants drones to farm their leggos for them, stay far away from those leaders

cant wait to hear blogposts about your retarded child and wife, and to hear the screams of your sperg wife and child in the background while raiding
fuck off back to le reddit normalfag

at a decent level? no
but alliance has crutches for shitters in mc-bwl

I am sure you will grow out of your angsty phase some day, no need to be so angry user

Which DPS classes actually get useful tier 1/2 sets?

Sucked playing as a lock when most of my pre-AQ BiS was from DM/Strat/Scholo and I just ignored my tier sets

>>you have to play the correct race for your class
No you don't

>tranny faction
>superior to anything

Exactly, that's why you should play suboptimal races
>Only deal like 1% less damage anyway, barely noticable
>Never invited by those crazy tryhard guilds

It would almost be worth playing and PvPing as godawful vanilla Hunter just to stand around cities in the most aesthetic set Blizzard ever shit out.

Attached: alliance-hunter.jpg (200x237, 19K)

Read the post again, he is making that point.

Troll Frost Mage
PvP realm

Paladins' Blessing of Protection paired with Dwarf Priests' Fear Ward can make up for Feral Druid tank's lack of Shield Wall or Berserker Rage, giving alliance access to the best tank in the game.

>all set on rolling a druid
>start to hesitate
>start considering rolling a warlock instead
>all set on rolling a warlock
>start to hesitate
>start considering rolling a druid instead
How do I stop this shit?

rogue use a lot of t1 pieces and can use full t2 if not limited by critcap in which case you use a mix of t1 and t2 and maybe some blue (forgot specifics)

hunters use both full t1 and definitely full t2 afaik

mages use some pieces

warriors can use t1 gloves

no clue about locks


Human mage, just like in vanilla. Because FUCK the midgets, you can have your 5% int and faggottry artist. Ench/tailoring like every other mage in the game. Alch/herb druid for an alt.
My old rp-pvp guild is getting back together, can't wait to go home frens.

point is that you absolutetly don't
i have no issue whatsoever to give legendaries and cool loot to people that have a personality
and no
>im top dps
isnt a personality

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I wonder if horde rolling alliance in pvp was only a private server thing or something that we will see on classic. I lost so many BGs and wpvp battles.

i want to play a dwarf shadow priest but vanilla is aids and ill be forced to heal anyway

Never actually got triggered by reddit spacing befor e until i saw this post

Somebody PLEASE help me out here!!!

I'll likely be leveling with a group of friends, we do have a tank (warrior already). Don't know about all the other classes.

Alliance attracts more PvE players because of paladins. Horde attracts more PvP players because of Undead and Orc racials

Leaning towards playing mage this time then, rogue be overpopulated as fuck, and getting non guild 5 mans as dps warr/hunter is cancer

most good pvpers roll horde so no

classic will have 16 debuff slots at launch so guilds can run one sp from the start

There's room for one (1) shadow priest in a raid.

play the class you enjoy user

I guess so. Hopefully I find a guild that actually runs some BGs or engages in WPVP instead of being surrounded by people that bitch about it yet never fight back.

mage is the most played class at 60 followed by warrior and rogues third
and if you can tank as warr (which you can do as dps spec) then it's the easiest thing ever and you can reserve any item

Mage is even more populated than rogue on private servers, but that's probably due to gold farmers

happens on non-chink servers too

>play the class you enjoy user

Honestly? What I would ENJOY is playing a female Tauren Shaman.

But my friends all want to play Alliance...

Is this true?

Does this mean I should rather pick Dwarf Priest over Gnome Mage?

I have no problem with healing.

forgot pic

All private servers are overrun with chinese gold sellers since there's no cost to making a new account and character when the old one gets banned. Not just Light's Hope.

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Druid for sick PvP videos overdubbed with Scatman John
Warlock for being actually useful and desirable for any content

Bonus points on Druid if you're autistic enough to play Powershifting Feral, the all-time peak of Feral gameplay design.


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roll a dps warrior if you like warriors

statistically yes but you shouldn't worry about it

no, smaller servers barely have any chinks and the gold sellers on them are usually russians that buy up gold from regular players and resell
don't make shit up retard

There's no problem with there being more mages because they're fine DPS and have plenty utility. The only time you might have a problem finding a group is when farming pre-raid gear from dungeons, since every mage is going to be after the same drops and won't like other mages butting in.

Rate my paladin tank spec pls

Attached: paladin tank spec.jpg (663x494, 136K)

been leveling a hunter for the first time on lh and fuck is it comfy. i love how you have to keep your pet loyal, or go out and tame other pets to teach it a new skill. barrens are peak hunter land too

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not really good... unfortunately, you need consecration to tank...

Shieeet i just realized i don't get Consecration

i'd roll a huntard too but the worst part is competing with a LOT of other huntards because it is advertised as the easiest class to level and play, while it is the easiest class to pick up it is also the hardest class to master, and you only need like 3 hunters in a raid

Actually terrible.

that's my motivation to really excel, though. low skill floor and high skill cap shit is my favorite

tank spots fill up really quickly, the only spots left are dps

undead for the skeletal warrior aesthetic

>guilds bring 2 or 3 tanks and 6 fury warriors

What about healer? Is it as popular as tank?

I’m not homosexual, so no

undead warriors sound cool of paper but don't roll one dude, the coolest part about warriors are the huge big dick shoulders, and you'll just feel like a faggot compared to all the big ass tauren and orc warriors

it's the best looking set in the game, it's a shame paladins are boring and gay

No. They have it way better than dps, but tanks get groups instantly with 0 wait whatsoever.

From what I've heard, healer is much more common than tanks, given the wide range of classes that can perform it. I'm guessing since people are aware that it's a free ride, many people will be trying to roll one in the hopes of a free ride.

I know essentially everything about the classes, so it's not really about not knowing what they're like. It's more about the cons feeling worse the more I plan to play the class.

>warlock pros
Very powerful in pvp when geared, fun and fast leveling, get to play human
>warlock cons
Raid gameplay is press one button tier, pvp gameplay is more or less faceroll, no dreadsteed until phase 2
Would like to get saber mount but since I also want to nolife to 60 fast, the rep grind to exalted becomes more difficult (need to travel to teldrassil fairly early, but then I'm behind the pack)
>druid pros
Flexible roles making getting groups easy, one of the only classes that isn't faceroll for raid dps, overall fun gameplay
>druid cons
Not that powerful in pvp (has hard counters like warlock and spriest), very likely to get shafted to a healing role in raids, need to gather like 4 different sets of gear

Currently leaning towards druid but I'm sure I'll change my mind again in a month.

well Yea Forums?
seems like a strong pre-raid item that's easy to get yet i never see it

You need consecraftion to keep aggro from multiple mobs.

Their 2h animations are also trash, I get they're zombies but they're magic zombies. At least let them look like they can actually lift the damn thing

as much as tanks are needed most of the time the guilds will already have their main tanks set up at the creation of the guild, it's really hard to get a prot tank raid spot in a guild you just joined, though in dungeons getting a group as a tank is very easy

Nobody actually gives a shit about your Troll Warrior or Goblin Rogue.
People give a shit about your Night Elf Priest.

There's a 90% chance Blizzard will cave and make Fear Ward baseline with some weak justification anyway.

Honestly the Tank/Healer/DPS Ratio on classic, when it will be anything like p-servers, is nothing to really worry about.

A lot of people will roll both tanks and healers.

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For dungeons, no. For raids, yes

>no progressive itemization means I'll have more competition for what should've been the easiest T1 set to win

>play as warrior
>everyone assumes i'm a professional raiding GM that has every dungeon perfectly memorized
>play as hunter
>everyone assumes i'm retarded


>cool mount
That mount looks gay as fuck and so does that edited psychodwarf

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Honestly mounts are so over saturated I'm not even sure why people care about them on retail, even the ones for collecting like 400 are retarded because it just means you have autism and not that you did anything hard

That is pathetic lmao

I'd much rather have a good feral that can tank when called for than a resto druid. Resto druids are fucking awful. Ferals can OT fantastically, their DPS isn't horrendous like other hybrids if they are properly powershifting, and they bring druid buffs and can use their innervate on someone who actually deserves it rather than themselves.

I know, right? He thinks people won't notice.

The hunter reputation is really nice in this day and age. Everyone still expects you to be a retard just like 15 years ago so when you actually know how to play it's very easy to impress them.

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*blocks your path*
a-are we going home bros?

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>Play a mage
>"Gotcha bro"
>Spam frostbolt
Objectively the best vanilla experience

Okay friend, but it will get old after you do it for the 5000th time

troll or undead priest? both have poop racials imo
troll looks cooler tho.

i want his sound packs

I really wanna go mage but I'm just not sure on one button gameplay, which sucks because mages are pretty much always a safe pick at any point in WoW



How much do you get paid? How can you still trust Blizz after the last Blizzcon?

>charging for mage food

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>Implying pvp is taken seriously

plan on playing warlock but never actually did on vanilla, do you level as demonology? this is something i just threw together can anyone knowledgeable let me know if it's shit

p.s. these are talents for levelling 1-60

who do you think is actually going to play Classic? I feel like modern gaymers today wouldn't be able to survive and would die off in the first week.

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>implying I won't be undercutting you with 75 silver fees


This means you will get put on my ignore list which means I won't run dungeons with you and make sure you won't get into whatever raid guild I'll become officer in.

>do you level as demonology?

Some people do but Affliction is preferable imho.

Maybe get the improved Voidwalker if you want.

Big homosexual who started in wrath here so i've got a question for Vanilla boomers:
From my understanding, they're setting the patch to be 1.12 - the point at which specs were the most "finalised" for vanilla - and have said that, while they are locking some gear behind the content patches such as the AQ catch-up gear, they are setting all items to their 1.12 states at release rather than change them over the release cycle.
If this is the case, does this actually change some of the class and spec viability? Were there any specs that, by 1.12, had shifted to being viable soley due to class changes and some gear changes (not including tier sets obviously since they are locked behind the content cycle)? Did any specs get worse for the same reason?

Warlocks for one were fairly shit in early vanilla talents and gear wise. Arguably rogues are weaker in 1.12 then earlier. Most classes are better off with 1.12 talents n itemization.


Gonna be comfy laddies.

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>1 Classic thread is more annoying than 14 Sekiro threads, 20 Smashfag threads, 6 OW threads, 7 Steam vs Epic Games Store threads

>be mage
>help everyone with portals, food & water
>buff allies whenever you pass by
>get insta invited for raids & dungeons whenever they need a ranged dps
feeslgood not being a greedy fuck

>Total cunt who sold out her entire people to the Horde. Invited the Horde into her capital and let her own father die so she and her people could continue to live as slaves to Thrall
Viewing the everything through a haze of misoginy is pathetic.
Jaina was never a cunt, she was loyal to her trusted allies in the horde, and removed a dumb warmonger from power, and you literally had to make up the kul'tirans becoming slaves.
>Arthas did nothing wrong
He singlehandedly brought his entire kingdom to ruin, by failing to resist frostmourne, took the bloodiest path possible in stratholme, and was a "total cunt" to uther his best friend, resulting in the loss of a powerful paladin ally.


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I am having a really hard time deciding.

Tauren shaman for the rp.
when I played last I played an orc shaman and I wouldn't mind playing that again but I only played orc shaman because of my account with my tauren shaman God baned. and then I'm not really sure but I kind of want to play undead warlock again cuz I loved the quests that you had to do to get the Pets and the mount. but I also want to play a mage because I loved aoe grinding as Frost spec.but then again I really like healing and I always wanted to play a shadow priest so I think in classic and might be a good idea to play something I have never played before.

Sigh... I also wanna play ud rogue for PvP ...

I don't wanna play autistically this time around so I don't think I'll be able to level 5 toons at once..

>giving people level 55 water for free when it literally doesn't exist anywhere else except mana biscuits from AV which are several gold a stack

>no retort

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i played tauren shaman on retail vanilla
comfy as fuck

My retort is that Jaina is a cunt. She doesn't get a free card because she has a vagina. She invited the horde into the Theramore to slaughter her people and their king (her own father, imagine letting in a foreign army into your home to kill your own father). His crime? Fighting against the Horde, who were their enemies. It's obvious that Jaina is the traitor of the story. What doesn't make sense to me, is why the Theramore humans are part of the alliance in WoW? They are much closer to the Horde than to the Alliance after Jaina's betrayal. Literally the reason Thrall lets her live is because they are old friends.

Very powerful warlock, but looks dumb on horse and with tard helmet shoulders
Not very powerful and easy to stun, but cool and spooky and doesnt afraid of anything.

which do i pick?

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Jaina is a big reason why Arthas went down his dark path, Uther too. Jaina is a cunt because not only did she refuse to make a hard choice then without hearing him out but she did that and then was a hypocrite because she made an even harder choice when she let the Horde kill her own people and father, later becoming an orc hater herself ironically. Arthas made mistakes but he was just a boy with a lot of weight on his shoulders and literal plague affecting his subjects. His two closest allies refused to listen to him when he had the only viable plan and then actively tried to sabotage him. His only option was to take what power he could to do what he thought would end the suffering of his people.

Also fuck anyone who supports Uther, he was a high and mighty fuckit who thought he controlled who could use the light and who couldn't. He literally tried to strip Tirion of his connecting to the light like a faggot and then got btfo when Tirion could still use it

Draenei shaman. #1 PVE guild on server. Got Val'anyr hammer of ancient kings. Felt good man. Then cataclysm came along.

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Night Elf/Priest/Starshards meme disc priest

Also you're right, Jaina was loyal to her allies in the Horde. She betrayed her race to serve the Horde's interest. I reckon the humans under Admiral Proudmoore could have won the battle against the Horde and gained dominion over Kalimdor if it wasn't for Jaina's betrayal (she informed Thrall's armies that they could use the goblin's ships to enter Theramore in the Frozen Throne campaign).

So yeah again if Jaina's humans in Theramore were allied with the Horde and hostile to the Alliance in WoW that would make more sense, but the allies need a port on the east coast of Kalimdor to access the Onyxia raid.

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>muh jaina boo hoo waa waa
Arthas is a big boy, his decision was his alone you fucking pussy.

What's the best combo of tank/heal/dps with a party containing War/Pal/Druid? Do one of those classes out perform the other two in a role, or perform better with one of the others in a specific spec in their party?

Yeah and he made the correct one, without doing what he did all of northern Lordaeron would have been wiped out. Literally he pulled the I will do everything to win card and it would have worked, who could have predicted that the magic sword was linked directly to a fucking orc necromancer ghost in a helmet that was created by the legion? Jaina is a cunt and so is Uther yet they get to sit on their high horses since they can't get the job done

Level affliction. Some people like to go into demo up to improved voidwalker after hitting imp drain soul in the aff tree but it's personal preference really. Definitely rush imp drain soul though.

dumb frog poster, the top guilds will have dual wield tanks for max tps


If they tip you, they tip you, dude. Putting a paygate just means they'll look for another mage.

>playing horde in 2019
>being an unironic tryhard edgelord

Yikes. What would your girlfriend think? Oh wait.

>His two closest allies refused to listen to him when he had the only viable plan and then actively tried to sabotage him. His only option was to take what power he could to do what he thought would end the suffering of his people.

Yes this is also why i think Arthas is the good guy. His idea to cleanse Stratholme was brutal but sacrifices must be made in war. Uther's response is irrational "Wha? You want to keel people? Thas bad Arthus!! D:" I mean come on, do you have any other suggestions Uther? Let the people turn into zombie minions of the Lich King and have the whole kingdom ruined? I think Uther failed in his duties in that critical moment and Jaina as well obviously, they should have stood at Arthas side in the defense of Lordaeron as a whole but due to them abandonding him in that critical phase when he would have needed their council the most, the whole kingdom was lost.

Furthremore, i sure love clicking 9 buses just to be allowed to post.

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Yes. Rogues are not the absurdly overpowered ganking machines that you see in action in old machinima like World of Roguecraft. Warlocks are not absolute shit anymore and are one of the strongest classes especially in later content. BiS gear will be very different from vanilla at endgame due to 1.12 itemization and the rate at which content will be unlocked. You've got items like Savage Gladiator Chain that didn't get it's 1.12 stats until very late content that will now be BiS from launch all the way to AQ, shit like that.

>"If he hand't done it Stratholme would have been full of undead!"
>"Okay he did it, now Stratholme is full of undead and Arthas is their leader!"
Mission accomplished!

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Pandaren, warlock, demonology

Is there a discord I can hang out in classicbros?

Female orc obviously.

looks awesome as fuck. big mean grean machine that screams power. alliance will run in fear. just look at gul'dan
>on horse
?? get raptor, wolf or kodo

Paladins are much better healers than druids. Warriors are the #1 dps class in the game. Druid tanks can build threat faster than a warrior tank allowing the dps to start dpsing much sooner/harder.

For dungeons, probably druid tank, warrior DPS, and paladin healer.
Overall, warrior is the best tank in the game and paladin is a better healer than the druid on the basis of his resurrection alone. Druid is the master of none with this particular comp in mind.

shit cast animations

>tard helmet shoulders
orc's massive shoulders bring out the best in warlock armor

Attached: armorset_orc-male-warlock-t2.jpg (400x547, 57K)

>?? get raptor, wolf or kodo
A white raptor. Good man.
Only a fag would choose a frumpy female over a muscled powerhouse

Orc Warlock + Black War Wolf

t. mained an orc warlock in vanilla and tbc

i agree with the other anons.
warrior on dps
paladin on heals
druid on tank

both warrior and paladin are awesome on their roles, druid not so much but still perfectly viable for dungeons

>only a fag would choose a woman over some gay bara shit

>running dedicated tanks and healers
>not running 5 dps with a shadow priest that can both tank and heal with how busted vampiric embrace was back in the day and hold aggro with spriest's absurd threat gen

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Uther denying Arthas' plan is 100x more understandable than Jaina. Jaina was with Arthas when they discovered how the plague works, and how fucking fast it acts, and she pussies out when he needs her the most. Hell, if she stuck up for Arthas they may have even swayed Uther.

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That looks fucking retarded, if you hadn't been 200% powered on nostalgia and diet monster energy drink, you'd look at that and say: "what fucking edgy 12 year old designed this trainwreck".
True story

aah, the white raptor. it's gonna be in, right? don't think i ever saw one, or i just didn't pay attention when i played. could get the pvp raptor otherwise, also cool

>what fucking edgy 12 year old designed this trainwreck
you just described all warlock armor in the game regardless of what race is wearing it

Based spriest tank-and-spank poster

the gay opinion

Except that's wrong, of course once they decided strat would be dungeon you would have to populate it with something. Also seeing as after the fact nobody would want to go there and rebuild since it's literally death zone of course the only thing left in their are undead. Arthas not only ended his peoples suffering before they could become monsters but he also stopped the legion from gaining an army overnight. You do understand that perhaps events occurred after W3 correct as well yes? A lot of those undead are not initial ones from the outbreak but brought after Kel'Thuzad was told to establish a foothold there

Dunno, i think it was removed at some point but they have it on Lightshope so i'm hoping i get to have one on classic too.
Nah, Undead just looks metal as fuck. Orcs look like one of those ridiculously proportioned cosplays.

>vampiric embrace in vanilla

It was added in TBC you fucking retarded meme poster.

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>tfw the female tauren gets on voicechat and its actually a woman in her mid to late 30s and she was the guild leader all along

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Thanks anons, I appreciate the answers.

Is this a legit thing? Even as a gimmick for a few dungeons that sounds very interesting and kinda fun.

Jaina just wants to "distance herself" from tough decisions, and always does whatever she can to avoid taking up responsibility. She fucking invited an army of foreigners into Theramore to come and ---kill her own father--- because "uhmm he was mean to them sweetie". I hate Jaina. She should have taken personal responsibility for her subject's actions but she blamed it all on her father and personally caused his death. What a bitch. Surprised her subjects have any respect for her.

Stop making shit up. The hero of the Light doesn't waltz into town and start murdering townspeople because they might end up being a problem later.
Your fag crush was a retard, and he threw Lordaeron into ruin, and beta'd out of a paizuri with arguably the best tits in Azeroth.
Fag arthas, Fag you. Faggot.

>Is this a legit thing?
It was, "back in the day". But it won't be in classic.

Any Tauren player who is actually a woman is a MILF, prove me wrong.

How is it that guild moms are so based while every e-girl in her 20s is a total thot?

I did it all the time with my small guild. It's particularly good in Scholomance but we also used a fair amount of CC.

Can someone remind me the name of the farmers who were giving quests on these scarecrows or something like that and were murdered in Cata?

Going enhancement orc shaman. Just hoping i can find a guild which is chill enough to let me tag along for some ZG and maybe MC.

quitting my job and starting a raiding guild with bunch of friends
i will be playing protection paladin as a main tank

so don't tell me i have to heal :)

One time I laughed so hard I milked all over the floor!

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>The hero of the Light doesn't waltz into town and start murdering townspeople because they might end up being a problem later.
But that's literally what i would expect the hero of the Light to do, fagtron.

Alright I'm done you clearly have no valid input to this and just aim to shitpost/throw out Ad hominems

Tauren/Shaman/30-21 Ele/Resto Hybrid

Have fun healing.
And that's why you're retarded.

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Sure thing, I will join your guild as soon as you can taunt the boss :)

Anyone who plays a female tauren is a woman in her 30s+. Same thing with female dwarf to a lesser extent.

gg, minmaxers

90% of retailcucks will drop out by lvl 10. 50% of people who played back in that time will drop out by lvl 30 (as they do in private servers)

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Why is everything female nelf automatically so fucking good?

female nelf druid? sexy
female nelf rogue? kinky
female nelf priest? based
female nelf hunter? based and redpilled
female nelf prot warrior? based and sexpilled
female nelf fury warrior? based and goddesspilled

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>Ad Hominem
Feels good when you have no arguments any more. Means i'm right and you're wrong

The extra hit you get from human warriors makes them the best tanks in the game. Plus they have fear ward from Dwarf Priests which beats will of the forsaken on horde.

You said nothing worth replying to, so calling you a retarded faggot really is the only sensible thing to do here. You retarded faggot. Also you're not king yet fag

>you look retarded, have no real racial, don't get windfury

The absolute state of horde fanboys. Daily reminder horde ruined WoW.

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>10% reputation bonus

honestly makes me wonder why I want to make a gnome warlock instead of a hume

I did, here;

nemesis set looks amazing on warlock, go scrape off the dogshit off your tongue retard, you suffer from a massive case of pleb shit taste

Attached: armorset_orc-male-warlock-t1.jpg (400x547, 72K)

you don't need to switch tanks in most of the fights

It was retarded, and you're a faggot. I bet you thought it was clever and deep, but it was just retarded. And gay. like you, faggot. Eat a dick homo.

thats a nice negation setup, but imo to make up for the loss of consecration you need SOC and reduced judgement cost.
Improved ret aura is a poormans consecration but for 5% crit and SOC its a worth trade off.
And it might work for PVP too.

Friendly reminder that Arthas did LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG. Should mindrape Silvana harder though.

>It was retarded, and you're a faggot. I bet you thought it was clever and deep, but it was just retarded. And gay. like you, faggot. Eat a dick homo.

Attached: mmmgrayons.jpg (720x736, 32K)

nemesis set looks amazing on orc*

Threadly reminder not to break up with your WoW gf on Christmas

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>nemesis set looks amazing on warlock
The only reason you think that looks good is because you have that same posture.

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>?? get raptor, wolf or kodo

>Not Dreadsteed4lyf

Maximum faggot

Orcs on dreadsteed looks the way your fat ass saddlebags would look draped over a pony dumb homo.

undead are hunch backed too though,you fucking braindead retard

Orc Shaman if my friends go to Horde.
Dwarf Priest on Alliance otherwise.

Why would I ever gear up a tank that literally cannot ever tank all of the available content?
You're dead weight. Face it and put on the dress.

Gonna hard agree with this despite how fitting Orc is for lock

Only Human and Undead look good on horseback

They are undead, it's cool, even Dracula does it. A big green roided out space nigger in a perpetual grandma pose isn't cool, even less so because of his massive retarded rubber pauldrons to keep mamas special boy from hurting his head.

You know, WoW Classic will probably have Dungeon Set 2 in it from the start. Any of y'all going to bother getting it this time?

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Fuck night elves and FUCK Ashenvale.

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The biggest differences will be felt by Cloth. Because of Honor existing with the 1.12 gear it'll be possible for serious guilds to gear an absurd number of mages/locks who can all pick up 4-6 AQ level pieces before BWL even hits.

I highly suggest if you play caster at all considering mage and it's already high viability is ramped way up by this

T0.5 was "catch up" gear added in the AQ patch, which they addressed in their blue post yesterday. It won't be in until whatever phase the war effort is introduced in.

They already said that set will be released way later

True sailorchads know that they should just take their sweet time getting to 60 while working on professions. Then hitch a ride with a geared group to get ZG loot come phase 2.

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>Fuck night elves
if you insist

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molten core and BWL will brain dead easy with any tank, AQ40 and nax won't be that much hard

>hitch on to a BFD group
>decide to stay in Ashenvale for a while because BGs just dropped
>those fucking mountains

Attached: 1390621481595.png (491x240, 179K)

>molten core and BWL will brain dead easy with any tank
Which is exactly why you want a fury or druid tank so they can speed things along with their better threat generation. Prot paladin can tank, but their threat gen is shit and you're wasting 39 other people'stime just for the sake of your meme spec.

Looking forward to it.

Imma pick tauren shaman. Call him Gu and make a guild called Oriental porkhopexpress

druid T3 is pure sex, fuck you

You're thinking of Vampiric Touch

Nobody wants to join your guild as long as you pretend you can tank with the same effectiveness as a Fury warrior.
Your class color is pink for a reason. Put on the dress.

>plagueheart is shit for being power rangers
>the shitty mage sets, pally t3 and warrior t2 are epic though

Magyo a cute, CUTE

warlock tier 2 literally looks like it's from power rangers, too, but somehow it's tier 3 that's power rangers

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>mfw hearing the "paladin dress" joke for the 90000000th time

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itt: 400 posts from people that didn't start playing WoW until after 2012.

Fuck Warlocks. Your class is bullshit, it's boring as fuck, it's face roll
You only play that shit because it's overpowered beyond all belief. No class should be that powerful just because 'i-it doesn't have any mobility though'.
SL lock has more survivability than a fucking Resto Druid and deals an obscene amount of damage.
I'll say it again for those that didn't hear

Manlets were made for crossdressing, either put it on or get back in your NEET mountain.

you're dumb

Posting some old vids.

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I will continue in the ways of driving people insane as a rogue, the way Angwe taught us.

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What joke?

What's a realistic release date? About mid August?

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we're talking about rogues retardo

all factually true

it's not tbc

2 seconds of acceleration is enough to hit the water at ~70kmh / ~45mph.

>Everyone hyping the game is an underage zoomer!
>It's just nostalgia, the game's gonna suck!

Man in BfA hat sweating over 2 buttons.jpeg

>it's not tbc
what do you mean? humans had Diplomacy in vanilla

yeah but reputations are easy mode unlike tbc

>Classic won't let you pull shit like this or the hakkar aids outbreak
we're not going home

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Orc or Troll for shaman, bros?

Troll but unironically

alliance just sucks tauren cock

when is this coming out?


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like this, but smaller

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level 95 at least / Witch / Elementalist and likely a Reave build
Oh I'm sorry, I was thinking of a good game not made by faggots in suits

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ally is stronger, salvation is fucking insane, and totems being party-wide is a fucking pain and a half

What is it about you PoEfags that makes you feel the need to go into every thread you see about an RPG and talk shit?

I don't know, everything that isn't main faction sounds awful to grind. Timbermaw, BG factions, Cenarion Circle, Brood of Nozdromu...

>easy mode without dailies

what did he mean by this?

Yeah i did fall for it too

just get the AQ set and keep the shadow reflector on with a druid, maybe two or three shadow res pieces as well

you don't have to grind any of them is the point
in tbc you have to for keys and attunes
dailies don't do jackshit btw

Only reason to grind Timbermaw's for the agility enchant. There's maybe 1 BG that has a worthwhile item for any given class, and the rep grind for it can be knocked out in a single weekend. You'll get CC and Nozdormu rep passively as you raid AQ, you'll only need to farm extra if they have an exceptionally good item for your class, and you're important enough within your guild to get one of them before everyone else. Most people will never have to bother with any of them.

I haven't seen anyone talk about poe on Yea Forums in awhile. Unlike the wow faggots.
I only laugh at retards who suck the dicks of Blizzard

Ok now fuck off

Make me.
People waiting for Classic wow are fucking delusional retards

wow and he's a yuropoor too, how cliche

seething tranny lmao



I'm sorry, but I'm not too fond of DPS, let alone a pet-using, cloth-wearing, spell-casting one.

there's a few amazing grindable mounts in retail tho

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How do Warriors beat Rogues


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UD has better cast animations and throwing out free DPs every 3 minutes is beautiful, it's like an extra SW:P and a renew.

>Just call him a seething tranny, That'll show him
If you want to empty a map and want to delete monsters with a satisfying boom. Yeah, Maybe the best possible build you can ask for.
Honestly sound like you've never even seen any game play

>Druid tanks can build threat faster than a warrior
What? They have better sustained threat gen(in raids, holding aggro is trivial in dungeons), but they have dogshit taunts and can't pump out a billion threat with stocked rage at the start of a fight like a warrior can.

Survive the opener, preferably with 1h+shield, MS + Overpower + another hit and the Rogue's dead. I'm not exaggerating btw, assuming you get a crit along the way.

Paper beats rock. Scissors beat paper. Scissors also happen to beat rock. Until rock hits 60 at which point rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine and then also beats paper, and WOULD beat scissors, but it can't find scissors because scissors are invisible. Scissors beat paper and avoid rock, and that is called "balance."

Three words:
pic related

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> and the rep grind for it can be knocked out in a single weekend

Flag capture gets you 45 rep on a weekend, 3 marks of honor gets you 50 rep (if given by themselves) or 100 rep (if you return marks from 3 BGs at the same time). That's 228 WSG wins. Considering you're not going to win all your games, you're looking at like 300 WSG games. If your games take half an hour on average (I honestly don't remember how much they take), you're looking at 150 hours of WSG.

AB is similar. You get 130 rep for a win during AB holiday, and 50 rep for your marks. 234 AB wins to exalted.

How many of these does a druid need per raid?

Yes? Everyone knows about that one. It still won't let you rage dump at the start of a fight, you'll have to wait for autos.

>How do Warriors beat Rogues

rogues are squishy as fuck and a single mortal strike crit can take them to half health. dodging vs warriors just gives them a guaranteed overpower which hits like a truck with the right talents, the bleeds from rend+deep wounds make restealthing difficult, plate armor means warriors are taking less damage from everything a rogue does outside of poisons, zerker rage nullifies sap and gouge, and rogues' quick attack speed builds up a warrior's rage fairly quickly. and on top of all that, if you roll an orc, you have a 25% chance to completely avoid cheap shot/kidney shot, which just royally fucks over the rogue.

smart rogues can kill warriors 1v1 but will need to use most of their cds and need to know how to properly kite, which many don't.

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Enough to make him reroll

one per boss

What if you wipe?

For PvP?
Wouldn't work in PvE

these people have no idea how much time they will have to spend in some shit low level green infested midget dungeon to get enough of these for a 3 day raid night.

it sounds like literal hell just to be in the same league as a chad warrior.

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I want to level Warlock and Rogue, both orc, but I'm not sure which to level first.

get a new healer

You can take steps to make the farm a lot quicker but depending on your luck (and the amount of wipes it takes you to clear) you will still have to spend more than an hour collecting those every week. I've done it and IMO its not worth the extra time spent. At least I'm not trying to make enhance work I guess

>in the same league as a chad warrior
warriors can't pull as much threat gen as a poopsocking feral druid even if they fury tank

My experience from retail a few years ago was also that if you are joining a "complete" guild as a tank, it is probably a shit guild.
Tanks leave guilds because the guilds are bad and they don't have any players who can fill and they have no other option but to recruit a random.
So the majority of your real chances to get into a guild and have success as a tank is when a new one is forming.

Based on its drop chance and dungeon lockout, you're looking at 2 of them per hour on average, but most of that hour will be spent waiting for the dungeon lockout to reset

>fury tank
Whats the talent spec look like? I want to try this.

It doesn't even matter though. If we are talking about BiS gear and all that shit than the warrior generates more than enough threat already where the DPS can go ham. It legitimately doesn't matter. I remember being a tank in vanilla and I never worried about a DPS pulling threat off of me. Part of that is because Warriors get funneled gear straight from the beginning so this is a non issue.

So TPS doesn't matter once we're talking about BiS and farm content. Warrior is far, far better in progression.

>Incredible Warrior Tricks

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while you're right it's not like the average warrior is smart enough to beat the average rogue either

Who never joining a guild here?

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Yeah exactly, you can cut the actual time spent down in the dungeon to just a few minutes but all that does is add AFK time. No matter how you look at it it's shitty but some people do it anyway.

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>that chad palatinus with the legendary
>traded, sold and jacked

5 runs averages 2 pummellers, that's one hour sitting at gnomer(not clear time) for every 3 minutes of uptime.

>that webm

has he lost his mind? you know what's kinda sad? streamers like soda, asmon, miz, esfand etc all non big vanilla content makers are going to have so many more viewers compared to Swifty. Wonder if he's gonna kill himself.

When I got 100 mounts it was some autism. There were only like 115 in the game and that included many exclusive / discontinued / 0.01% raid drop mounts. All totaled there were like 103 obtainable without special circumstances.
Man, that's a sure sign retail is in the end times. The game is so cluttered with rewards for doing nothing.

>realm forums are coming back
will it be good or will zoomers ruin it?

The Left can't meme.

>knowing streamers by name
you have to be 18 or older to post here, i'm letting you off with a warning this time

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Female Night Elf Feral Druid.

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





I must've told youtube to stop spamming me assmongler clips in my recommendations a hundred times by now and I still get ~3 or so for every video I watch
how many fucking channels does he have, why isn't he banned yet

true, but i'd say beating an average rogue as an average warrior is a lot easier than the reverse. all you really do is mash MS and overpower and go defensive stance to avoid their burst. one lucky crit and the rogue just dies.

compared to the rogue needing to land gouges vs a target with a high parry chance, timing reopeners in between bleed ticks, and proper kiting, all while making sure not to overlap DR on your stuns.

The average rogue is an absolute brainlet, user.
Especially Undead/dwarfs that think their racial is an iwin button

>there are faggots who are actually going to play the game to any serious level and not just play it exclusively for the purpose of collecting outfits to RP in.

>dont know spec bc i have never roiled a rogue

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i killed swifty in bfa, he's lost it

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retail unironically sounds more your speed

>tfw the pally would have beat him if he threw the hammer execute

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He purposefully doesn't copyright any of the channels so you have dozens of kids uploading his reactions for their own profit. It isn't sustainable though, it's created an audience of retards who watch him only to cry on camera/react to videos and his content is pathetic even by e-celeb standards. It's sad that a guy who shilled for Classic (despite barely playing Vanilla) is going to burnout before it launches because he'll atleast have a couple of thousand of people playing the game purely to streamsnipe and the more people that play Classic the better really.

>Shoots first
>Starts a massive global conflict
>Plays the victim
The Alliance cries out in pain as it strikes you.

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Orc or Troll because Undead is peak incel nigger.

Nah, retail is gonna be the containment zone for degenerates, twelve year old girls, dramawhores and shitters. Classic is gonna get the serious boys who actually appreciate fantasy and roleplaying on a holistic level. And I'm going to roll a complete mary sue amnesiac princess dragon demigod druidess and try to make it work.

how's this for a build if i want to pvp and tank the occasional 5 man on the side? will i have threat and mitigation issues without those prot talents? that extra stun resist and the 5% crit from fury just seem too good.

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>knowing a streamer's history and habits
Stop right there and cease this behavior. This is your final warning

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Undead warriors are cool, also any biological females who play female undead are also cool.

Back to rebbit, little guys. Don’t worry, you can still play your special snowflake spec in retail.


Uther was a fucking boomer.

I believe there's actually more than 400 but the achievements only currently go that high. Yeah it's all pretty shit since PvP is trash and has been for a bit leaving the only things left to do outside of raids/mythic+ with all that extra RNG on top is transmog hunting and somehow watered down pokemon. I really wish they could pull something together and progress this classic as almost a jump start on a different branch of the game. Unfortunately it's modern blizzard and even if they somehow got their shit together with classic/classic+ I see them failing in a few years since they like shooting themselves in the dick

Are they brining back original stun times? Can I camp out escort quests and sap people for 60 seconds?

if you're going to bother putting points in prot, you will fucking get defiance
also imp hamstring > 2h spec
>tanking 5-mans

Remember when Cairne sent one of his blood ritualistic to AV in order to summon an abomination against the hated dwarves?

Attached: Cairne blood.png (305x281, 23K)

absolutely based

Seriously what the fuck is Hiroshimoot doing? I'm gonna start full on fucking jannyposting if this shit gets any worse.

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They added DRs very early in vanilla. I think the longest you can keep someone sapped is 20 seconds. You can then stun them for 10 seconds and blind them and then do it again if you want though. There's endless ways to troll people on a rogue.

>40,000 people are going to watch Sodapoppin grind Gnomergan for 7 hours
>Every week

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whats even the point of desolace?

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You just described Undead.

A comfiness only patricians can appreciate.

Full priced game. Monthly fee. Always online. Insane grind. Lootboxes. Cash shop. Paid name changes. No bikini armor. SJW story and characters. Diversity is celebrated.

Why isn't the gaming community protesting?

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Shit's cash. I used to camp out that fucking turtle escort quest in Tanaris and ruin people's day.

Desolace is a great leveling zone you autistic weeb.

50% haste of dps cat doesnt really do much honestly
feral has some insane staffs

Mega onions post here. I bet you think Endgame was a good movie.

B I G T U S K troll/rogue/ass

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Impeccable taste.
See you at the Kodo Graveyard my friends.

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Only 2 of those things are true.


Based and Kalimpilled

Everything I said is true. You also had to buy what, 6 $40 expansions since it came out.
>b-b-b-but they are free now
Not for the people who paid for them.

>You will never see Vanilla with a fully realized Azshara, Winterspring, Feralas, Tanaris, Un'Goro and Silithius
>You will never see Quel'Thalas and Hyjal realized as true endgame zones
>Classic+ never ever

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Yeah but >Darkspear
I mean people wanna say orcs are the nigs of warcraft but at least they wear shoes and built an actual capital. Troll have been around so much longer and this shitass tribe got beat up by murlocs and kicked out of their island mudhuts to squat in land mudhuts by a lvl 10

Human - Paladin - Holy/Reckoning

"Justice, shall be done"

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Is it better to be an edgelord undead or a tryhard orc?

>You also had to buy what, 6 $40 expansions since it came out.
Oh, you're talking about retail. This thread isn't about retail.

Are you pretending, or actually retarded?

based dwarf paladin

I hope you're wrong.
my first character ever was a dwarf hunter even though I switched to horde soon after.
about to shoot some tuskfags

Attached: he comin for your bum.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

Classic won't be a fully priced game. It will be $15 sub with no initial cost

>Casuals crying about BRD being too complicated got Dire Maul split into 3 dungeons instead of being the giant intricate ogre capitol originally envisioned
The cracks had begun to show even back then.

I'm honestly not trying to be that person but how is that literally everyone that post paladin believes their gonna be some DEUS VULT badass when a majority were healers? Is everyone just crazy or is it just me


everyone thinks they wont be the guy in the dress, and they'll have ashbringer and full pvp epics. Just let them fail, we get to watch.

Which are you?

Not the guy but Blizzard has already confirmed that you won't need any of the Expansions - nor a new subscription to play classic.

Are you implying that you don't own World of Warcraft? And that the people itt didnt buy it? They are nostalgic over a game they never played?

It's a a little big, but it makes you feel like you're exploring this remote, savage land where ordinary people don't go. It's not comfy or civilized, but that's the point. That feeling of isolation, of being at the edge of the world, is something many people like.

It's also there because it's the Centaur homeland.

EXCLUSIVE to the Blizzard Launcher as well. We gotta march in the streets, boys.

Human Rogue :^)

Wow is the only game where the higher you get in gear the gayer you look.


>caverns of time
>karazhan/fleshed out deadwind pass
>grim batol
>azshara crater
>AQ zone
>emerald dream

there is so much shit they can do, yet all of it would likely be ruined by nu-blizzard.

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weren't centaurs created from a grove keeper fucking a rock monster?

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>classic+ instead of tbc when naxx is old
that would be something

"actually retarded" it is

You didnt answer my question because you paid full price for the game.