Video games have been a thing for 40 years but it is still not art
Video games have been a thing for 40 years but it is still not art
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not even art knows when it is art fag.
>being made for profit, having artistic integrity.
Is porn art?
If it can’t make your peepee hard it’s not real art.
problem vidya is that its too marketed
>no penis
Define Art .
yeah but cinema, litterature, architecture etc. haven't been art for 40 years. our era is just wrong
god I love heart chokers
If she was trans, she'd pe perfect. Too bad she has a gross vagena.
back to your tranny discord
fag shit
off yourself retarded sub 100 iq nigger
have sex
no trolling outside of Yea Forums
It's the largest entertainment industry in the world and is defended, legally, as art. It doesn't really matter what normie elitists want to perceive vidya as.
>it's another "retards try to make a qualitative definition of art" episode
>it's another "retards try to define art" episode
It's defended as such in court, at least in the US. Which is the whole reason they were able to fight in courts during the 60s and 70s against it being prostitution, which is illegal. A performance for others is not considered prostitution even if there is money being paid for sex.
Artists have spent the last two centuries bastardizing the term to be as all inclusive as possible but the absolute second another medium crops up outside the norm they turn into the tight lipped traditionalists they previously fought against.
You can't have it both ways. You can't have videogames not be art but an Australian man in a diaper filming himself vomiting milk is art (I'm not exaggerating that was an actual exhibit I saw. His other outstanding work was a series of tables with rotten food placed on newspaper).
You're on the wrong side of history sweetie~~~
>Love chokers, mini skirts, girly haircuts with great ass and flawless fair skin
>All of these traits are associated with fags and i have to be on the lookout to see if those "Girls" have dicks or not
Those fags are too pretty, on the other hand its popular for girls now to try to be as ugly as humanly posible
It's like you completely forget all the roman vases which were the equivalent of porn and commissioned by wealthy people everywhere. They were by far more common than other art and most of them were erotic in nature. Also I better not get banned for posting archaic and historical artwork.
It is art.
Yes it is
if the game, through its mechanisms, rules had some sort of message, maybe.
video games had the misfortune of being born on the verge of hypercorporatization
Remove the porn and stop pandering to white males and it'll become bigger than sports.
I feel you user
>thigh highs