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Other urls found in this thread:

This won't kill them...yet. But they are already seeing karma growing a barbed dick. A barbed dick aimed at their asses.

>people here hate the idea of transmog and cant wait for classic
>support people using third party programs to transmog/race anything they want
which is it

Slutmogging is one of the few still somewhat enjoyable activities in this god forsaken game. Classic won't fix shit, WoW and Actiblizz are going down in a couple of years tops. I just want to be there to laugh when it happens.

>WoW and Actiblizz are going down in a couple of years tops
You been saying that for years now

Who the fuck hates transmog? One of the best received mechanics I've ever seen.

Vanilla fags yearn for days of clown armour so that when they waste away their months they can finally stand still in the capital city and show off their cool end game armour

I only support transmog for gear gotten at its intended level, like the elite pvp sets.

Sounds reasonable and nice of them.

People like to be able to estimate the power of a character by the way they look.
WIth transmog they can look like a clown and still have top gear.

or just look at their health like a normal person

You could only estimate a character's power by his gear in vanilla. Mages had a fucking detect magic spell to see enemy buffs.

They aren't backing down and letting porn mods go though, they just downgraded their bans to warnings,

The next time they sweep for that exploit they're getting full bans
This is literally the end of their porn modding degeneracy, they've officially been put on notice.

Doesn't really work for classic unless you're a tank. Especially in world PVP this is important. You need to be able to identify someone's gear tier from a glance or you'll just get fucked up. A lot of enemy zones you can't just respawn in as the opposite faction either.

Or just don't be an arrogant prick and treat all enemy players as equal threats until otherwise confirmed

Not how it works in vanilla. Some gear upgrades could have more or less stamina regardless of item level where as in bfa the amount of stamina is tied to it

arent lewd mods in the game for years? why do they care now?
also embarrasing that they ban and then change it into a warning that looks so unprofesional


but not all players are an equal threat?

Autists that need to have everything exacted down to the most perfect detail.

Extend their suffering for 6 more months to make the point clear

most of the people who used modded bodies are pedos or sex offenders IRL, they should just be banned forever

Even a crappily-geared character can have a good player behind it who knows how to use his class to best effect

Way to completely miss the point of his post by a mile.

skill doesnt really matter its all about gear
they pruned too many abilities for skill to matter
even with the fucktarded bfa pvp scaling you will get shit on by better geared player

>skim through threads on the matter
>"You broke the ToS, you deserve to be banned, you don't deserve my sympathy kid"
>check their profile
>9/9 LFR on every raid tier
>nothing else

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Well Classic world pvp was the biggest gank fest in any MMO ever and a lot of people got most of their enjoyment out of the game from it.

There was nothing preventing people from killing quest NPCs as they spawned and fucking over others.

that's fine, the people who got banned are also LFR shitters

>very malicious activities such as gameplay automation
Oh noes, someone let a bot do the shitty grinding in this expensive shit game.

Transmogging would be an entirely different beast in Classic than it is in retail. Clownsuits weren't as visually offensive in vanilla as they were in TBC and beyond because the general artstyle and texture work in vanilla was pretty consistent. You didn't have the crazy recolors of old sets and weird clash of an older artstyle with the current expansions new artstyle like you had with the ugly TBC questing gear and everything that came afterwards. When you wore mismatched gear in vanilla it all looked like it still came from the same game and didn't clash so terribly. The only exception was when you were running around in min/max'd sets at level 60 on hybrid classes that had to grab weird pieces of gear from other armor classes because of shitty itemization. Mostly paladins wearing dresses and warriors wearing leather and looking like rogues.

What was his point?

I don't mind if ppl see everything as clowns as long as it doesn't affect my game
Transmog affects my game so fuck it

>make classes unfun, progression unrewarding and add garbage like island expeditions that no one wants to do
>pick now to start cracking down on tmorph and throwing out bans
please stop playing our game

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good armor design should be a reward in itself, representative of the time and effort invested into acquiring it and a way for others to recognize your accomplishments in the game
if everyone looks good, no one looks good

>WoW at it's core
an alternate virtual escape for all the losers who can't park their Lambos downtown irl

>TREAT all enemy players as equal threats UNTIL OTHERWISE CONFIRMED
He's not saying that they are equal threats. He's saying to not assume someone isn't a threat and get your ass kicked due to your own arrogance.

Mate, have you seen bfa? You can be fully mythic geared and still be a fucking mouth breather. Unfortunately, the only real way to combat this is with, which leads to massive issues of its own.

unironically starting to believe the myth that they need to kill wow to release wow mobile
they are making so many mistakes that it must be on purpose

>it's a "this DH is either a havoc god or a fresh 120 vengeance" episode

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So basically transmogging would be fine in vanilla, since it's more about class and skill than just straight up gear.

I'd like to see mogging in classic so I could keep the looks of gear that looks good instead of having to swap it for potentially inferior looking stuff. Like keeping T1 Mage, Priest, Rogue or Warlock Head, or keeping T2 Paladin instead of having to swap it for the fuckup called T3.

one has fury one has pain??????????????????????

Wanted to say that I'm not going to bitch if it's not in, though. Going MUH CLASSIC and having nothing that wasn't in back then is entirely valid too. They should commit fully though, if they go down that road.

What's that old adage? A level 60 warrior with 2000hp either just dinged or is going to kill you in one hit

I like transmog but it certainly shouldn't be in vanilla. It should be kept as pure as possible.

You're not going to get T3, don't kid yourself.

I played back then and I remember dreaming about that feature and regularly requesting it on the forums, so I'd be okay with it.
On the other hand I can also see wanting the 100% pure experience. So in essence, I think they should stay pure and true to vanilla, but if they start making concessions anyway, I really want that feature.

Are they banning people for Tmog or for modding the actual files with a modified exe?

>make item you aquire in classic moggable in retail
>official forums is nothing but complains from Priests/Hunters and everyone who "legally" obtained t3 during BC etc or bought em for millions
Oh god yes please let this happen

>modify the game you purchased to your liking so you can have more fun with it
>money stolen

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They banned a shit ton of ERPers who used a modified exe to give themselves nude mods and big horsedicks.

I don't think he missed his point then, rather you didn't get his.

Oh ok. I'm surprised they let it go on for as long as they did.

>Boyfriend plays WoW constantly
>Only recently discovered that he can mod his own character to look whatever he wants it to look like
>This shit happens

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yeah it has been in the game for a decade and they care now?

It used to be done by different methods but recent updates forced the client side model edits to be done in a way more easily caught by blizzard's bot/abuse tracker.


Seems pretty obvious why Blizzard would not want screenshots floating around of their game looking like some porn shit.

Thats why the wow general was so slow these days 90% of it got banned

I love transmog. It came out far too late in the game's life in retrospect. It was a thing we were all clamoring for by the first expansion. Wanting classic to revisit a bygone design ethos in spite of things like lacking transmog or all the unpolished jank doesn't mean we're glorifying the jank and lack of transmog. It just means we miss the overall design and Classic's the best we can get to revisit it.

I think you're missing the point.

I believe that this is at least partly on purpose, but why? they don't need to kill wow

Transmog is fine. If anything, it should have less restrictions and people should have more options.
Minigamers can get fucked, let everyone use pvp sets exactly like everyone can use pve sets.

>but muh visual reward
You got it when it was relevant.

if you want transmog then play retail. the great thing about classic is that wow can offer 2 distinct experiences now that you are free to choose from.


if wow is still alive when they release wow mobile there is a risk that people will just keep playing wow like they always have
but if its dead they can all get suckered into wow mobile

>check the us forum
>people crying about
>they don't understand how it works
Every time

Makes no sense since wow is by far their most profitable IP. It's pretty obvious they just dont want images all over the internet making their game look like some slurry korean porn MMO.

>ahah im going to kill that mage in pre raid bis
>wait why his frostbolt critted for 1.5k?

>two men enter
>only one may leave when everyone has unsubscribed from their game
who comes out on top?

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these images have been around for 10 years
for 10 years they didnt act on lewd mods but now they do? there must be more to this

I remember reading a wall about being equally as wiretapping irl and something about Proving Grounds being akin to segregation and like selections during Nazi germany. The forums are a wild place man

wow is nearly fifteen years old user. the tenth anniversary was shortly after warlords of draenor's release, 2 expansions ago

They banned people in the past for the naked mod, you fucking downer.

a few here and there but no giant banwave

Pretty sure they called "malicious activities" shit like making flags on wsg 10x bigger, so you could see player with them from anywhere

Anyone who is defending the shit mods or texture "improvements" should absolutly bite the bullet right now

>people bashed Ghostcrawler
>now people know true pain of a leader with no idea how to fucking progress a game

>stand around AH with elite transmog, glad title
>constant angry messages from children insisting I bought it, at least 1 per minute
>any one I bother to inspect is some LFR hero or sub-1k rating

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yes, they've been in the game for at least 10 years. it used to be simple to change: you could use a hex editor to open the WoW.exe, change 3 bytes, then you could load custom models.
last year(?) or so, they started encrypting the WoW.exe, so the simple hex edit no longer works. you need to use a launcher which injects code into wow's memory space. this is a more sophisticated technique capable of cheats, but it's the only way I know of to load custom models now. so their next ban wave caught it.

>I need my epeen to be bigger because it's all I have in life

Fuck off, NEET. The should make WoW Classic cost extra per month

This game was far superior when you could detect, at a single glance, how far along someone was in their PvE / PvP journey.

thank you i didnt hear about this
makes sense now that they banned so many all of a sudden

Wow two replies and neither address a thing I said. I didn't say I wanted transmog in classic you mongs. I said wanting classic doesn't mean I am forsaking transmog.

Literally noone does this though, if its an enemy you fight it. You dont go "pfft, Ill not even unsheath my katana against this guy, hes not worth it" you still pull that shit out and fight as normal no matter what. What do you do when you see someone with gold gear, run? Try harder? Why werent you trying hard against all enemies if the goal is to just win.

Transmog should be in every game let alone MMOs
>get to end game
>everyone looks the same wearing the same gear
>all those nice looking armours thrown aside in favour of a clown suit and armours that just look straight up bad in most cases

>hard to get
lmao, maybe back then, pleb

Check his Linkedin and work history.
He was a wall street finance analyst before becoming Lead WoW director.
He has 0 experience or care for videogames, he's a wall street kike rat.

>have to grind chinese social points on a third party website just so I can play the game
man Im glad your game is dying

he was the GM of , a notable wow guild
He was guild leader of elitist jerks

Are you braindamaged to the point where you don't know that there's a potential flight response to go with your fight response?

literally who? i dont watch amerimutt scene

people all over the world went to their forums to learn how to play their class in 2007-2010.

Lmao what a shitter

explain how is it any different on retail

lmao Lujunior here that doesn't know the name gurgthock

Its a videogame. I dont see someone wearing good gear and start fearing for my life. In battlegrounds do you see someone with better gear and then start running around the map to avoid them?

It ruins immersion. Not that you retailfags would know something such as good game design.

the ultimate immersion breaker is iron man and black widow dying in avengers endgame

>What's Noggenfogger
>What's Deviate Surprise
>What's Furbolg Staff
>What's the entire druid class
>What's plenty of other shit I'm probably forgetting
People had plenty of opportunity to hide their gear in vanilla and nobody bothered.

Transmog is the lube that helps slip the dildo of dysfunction into the ass of a civilized World of Warcraft.

>Clownsuits weren't as visually offensive in vanilla
Rose tinted. It was always shit and it always looked like shit.

Everyone wearing the same armour is immersion? Do people seriously not actually remember how it was? At end game there was a handful of armour, everyone looks the same. Thousands of people and everyone is wearing the same outfits, how is that immersive. Theres also the concept of clown suiting, where you have armour that doesnt match at all but you need the stats they have.

underrated & sick burn user lol, these nerds need an adult nearby to read that post

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>People like to be able to estimate the power of a character by the way they look.
Yeah, because right-click inspecting people and quickly mousing over their shit is way too much work.
As for enemy players in PvP, there is literally nothing wrong with some good old fashioned element of surprise. Hell, going around the world and bamboozling enemy players into attack me while "secretly" holding onto OP item(s) that could basically global the enemy is one of the most fun things I've done when it come to wPvP.

If you can't win a fight you lead that character into a fight you can win.
These thousands year old tactics might be new to you, but they still work.

>people stack exp potions to level new characters, bypassing the need to buy a character boost that costs as much as a AAA game
>bans ranging from 3 days to 1 month
>people use tmorph to change their skin, bypassing the need to buy the transmorpher from the cash shop
>6 month bans across the board, subsequently reduced to warnings when they realise that they banned half of the remaining playerbase
>cauldron exploit destroys the in-game alchemy economy
>nothing happens

really makes you think.

>economy gets ruined
>people cant earn gold anymore
>have to buy gold now

>you can look like a clown and still have top gear
Transmog lets you make anything, why is the assumption that it only lets you make shit.
>like some other gear because end game stuff looks overdesigned and shit
>stuck looking like a jumbled puzzle piece with 10 different colors in my outfit
>transmog to look like a Stormwind guard
There are some armours I want to keep wearing but their stats are either not for me or they are simply redundant. Most end game gear looks like overdesigned shit too.

no i just head charge the highest geared guy while in blues so i die instantly and cant even help with cc or other utility

>>What's Noggenfogger
>>What's Deviate Surprise
>>What's Furbolg Staff
you stuff that only dedicated pvpers use? yeah, im staying the fuck away from that spooky skelly

Why are Yea Forums so prudish to titty mods? Especially when games are being censored left and right.
I liked leveling my alts in Night Elf zones with sentinels having huge tits and asses. Hopefully that there will be a way to use mods without cheating software.
Furfags and futafags are annoying though.


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If you're relying on rank 3 BFA alchemy to make gold, you have already fucked up.

Get Blacksmithing/LW/skinning on medium/high pop and craft Warbear Woolies/Phantom Blade/Blazing Rapier. Post them up regularly and you'll never have to pay for WoW again

>the source of all theorycrafting and class guides during TBC and wrath
>"haha sorry it must be an american thing :)"
Catakid or mopbabby?


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>they took this from us

I'll only come back when they make sethrak playable. I need my snaketits.

"Clowngear" means mismatching sets. You posted a picture of a tier set.

if you're gonna run in and get oneshot anyway why can't you just do that with gear you've mixed and matched from quest rewards and low level dungeons?

does that stuff sell for anything? the alchemy proccs where the most money ive ever made
>dude creat a flask thats worth 1k
>it proccs 15 times
>15k for free
i usually crafted more than twice the flasks than what i actually had mats for
bought myself alot of gametime and bought a friend the game so he could heal me lol

Prey tell Sun Tsu, what effect does it actual have in practice in a videogame if everyone is wearing the same fucking armour at end game without transmog, because thats what happened with vanilla, there arent thousands of end game armours to choose from, if even, speaking of "thousand year old tactics" you can transmog to look weak and lure enemies in to fighting you and get an advantage? This is bad to use "thousand year old tactics" or not? You are not thinking about the actual practice and application of how people play a videogame.
>is it an enemy?
>is it my level?
>am I suppose to kill it to progress?
Thats it, you are not setting a batman trap around the corner for the enemy to follow you and then flicking a lightswitch to electrify a puddle and then take off their overpowered armour so you stand a chance at stabbing them. In battlegrounds you dont see an enemy with the flag and say "damn, hes just too strong senpai, his too strong for me..." you fucking chase that cunt and wail on his ass not matter what. This is not real life user.

What is Robe of the Exalted?

Have sex

Let's be honest, World of Warcraft's art design has alway been bottom tier, if not straight up shit tier. Even taking in consideration that this game came out in 2004, it's absolutely horrendous. Enjoy your blown boots and retarded cloaks and helmets.

a shame

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>if everyone is wearing the same fucking armour at end game
Everyone isn't wearing end game armor

The problem with transmog is there's no restrictions. People in greens can run around in badass tier gear and shit like that, part of the excitement of getting gear was going from rags to glowing shoulders with impaled skulls. If you can easily have cool-looking gear before you even hit max level then it takes some of the fun out of progression.

What does that have to do with my post? I'm just telling him what clown suit means.

>not liking ridiculous exaggerated gear

that's a big nelf

Clown armour is an experience unique to MMOs. Part of the fun is finding sets that look nice, or finally getting your first actual gear set. Having levelling armour is a large part of the rags-to-riches emotional component that is key to MMOs like WoW, wherein a large portion of the game is levelling up your character. Then again, in modern WoW levelling isn't a journey. It's something to be raced or purchased though as fast as possible to get to the content they want to put effort into. Levelling in modern WoW is a vestigial system that adds nothing, which is a shame.

i think they even announced that you will be able to make everything invisible except the pants
so alot of people will just be almost naked

Why does this matter? Classic requires a sub to the main game so you can do both, just no transmog in classic.

You can discern who is the weakest geared person by looking at them, true, but whats to say that player isnt better than the person with good gear, youre suggesting the game is entirely gear based and no amount of player input will get around that?

I thought you couldn't transmog into gear that you can't equip. In any case that would be an easy way to solve that problem.

I had noggenfogger on my huntard unlocked when i was 40 somthing level.
i literally could have ,and did, use it at level 60 with the shittiest gear imaginable.

People who don’t want transmog are literal NO CHANGE autists who can’t take into consideration that something else that ‘pure’ vanilla can be fun.It doesn’t change the gameplay at all.If you’re so buttblasted about the idea of people having customization options why not cry for a client side opt-out option instead of making up excuses as to why your autism is justified.
I bet that if blizz had the ability in 2006 to create a transmog system, they would have,because player customisation is one of the most basic things in a multiplayer game

Look up how many end game armours there are in vanilla, you dont seem to remember. I would be with you if there were lots of options, but there really really isnt.

You can't transmog armor into another armor class. Plate can only be plate, leather can only be leather etc.
Not sure about weapon restrictions though.

There's years of gear from previous expansions.

I thought they didn't care about people changing models?
the botting stuff sure.


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>I just want to look like a knight or something wearing regular ass plate armour as a paladin
>have to look like a glowing fairy with ethereal skulls hovering over my ankles and glitter sparkling every time I walk as well as have angel wings come out whenever I jump
I just want to look normal for fuck sake, I loved transmog for this.
>going on adventures as a stormwind guard
Not all transmog is for to make your character look more powerful, the idea is to make them look how you want. I want my Shaman to actually look like a shaman, that sort of thing.

Why are people so unhappy with retail? Progressive raiding still takes time, same as before. Before timegating it still took as long, if not longer. I kinda miss tier-sets and i never liked legion/necklace faggotry, but you don't really need to deal with it much. Progression raiding is as good, if not better than ever with better more difficult raids.
Rated PvP is a bit dumb atm, because every comb is focused on 1shot combos or broken trinkets. But that's hardly the first time PvE fucked over rated. It's still fun as long as you actually enjoy the game, i realize it seems like it's getting worse, which i think it is too. It's just not nearly as bad as most people say, and i wonder if they just don't enjoy the same game as much as they enjoy nostalgia-powered classic.

I'm not even a shill, i'm just a classic/retail idort. I like both, but classic is garbage. Half-designed classes, endless grinding, terrible balancing and retarded PvP.
Having said that i miss that garbage and want to swim in it and absorb it's scent, but in objective terms retail is a better game, with better more engaging raids and PvP. It's just as social as it ever was, you're just picking the less social options on your own accord.

tl;dr fight me faggot

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desu there's no reason to raid when mythic plus can get you just as good gear outside of maybe some trinkets

Doesn't matter if there are a billion end game armors, or only one.
Everyone in the world isn't wearing one.

you cant see their energy bar color when it's empty user

>It's just as social as it ever was, you're just picking the less social options on your own accord.
Imagine being this deluded.

class design is just way too bad in bfa for anything to be fun
and the gear is also bad
and the way to get gear is also bad
it basically plays like ass and the rewards are trash

Everyone knows what they are doing now and is going to minmax the fuck out of classic. Only shitty loot drops will stop people from getting t3 as they farm naxx until the end of time

He's right though

Not what im talking about. I'm talking about things like tier sets, not random blues and greens. I don't care if you have the option to roleplay as a random city guard.

What happened to WoW devs?
Why the fuck Kaplan is now a massive safe space cunt?

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everything after wotlk is garbage. wow is no longer an mmo or an rpg.

i dont play anymore but he is right
dungeon finder and lfr gets you nowhere if you want actual challenging content
if you do anything above heroic dugeons / lfr raiding you have to be social to get into groups

guilt over his shitposting days

Oh wait, you can't and will just screech about LFD or something else irrelevant

But, why? I want Tigole the CUNT to return.

You don't hang out with your guildies? You don't group up with people to do old content or just dailies? You don't talk to your arena partners, or make premades for BG's?
Why? because you don't have to?
Why is it garbage? Equipping a nu-item is the same as ever before, it's a stat stick that sometimes comes with a bit of text. Artifacts, neck, legion legendary shit, it's all got the same BS that old items have. It just changed looks.
I'll agree that some classes are boring and easy now, but that has always been the case in PvE. There are the tard classes, and the chad 600 apm classes. Same for PvP though it's more about coordination than rotations.

>open up group finder
>sign up for literally any 10+ key with my 1k rio score
>do dungeon with not a single person saying anything aside from "summon me" or "ready?"
>say "ty" and immediately leave party
>log off for the rest of the week
wow real social experience
same shit applies to normal and heroic raiding, only mythic raiding needs interaction

A tier set that happens to turn any other set it is matched with into clownger

>we need the perverts' sweet money

are you retarded or what? you cant win a fight vs a t3 as a pre raid bis no matter how good you are just like you cant win a fight as a level 40 vs a level 60. let alone that people with high end gear at least know how to play their class

honestly I don't rightfully know. I'm just not having any fun at all with bfa- I'd much rather slough 60-80 than 110-120.
>my serotonin transmitters 0.2 seconds after the bfa intro quests

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You're the kind of guy who runs straigfht to someone 3 times stronger and better player and then complain X class is overpowered.

you can just, like, not play it, man

no lol

If you are doing the same content they tend to. Youre not going to be level 60 and running around doing content with a level 20 who is using different gear, you are playing with other 60s doing content for 60s and wearing 60s gear unless they just levelled that day. Every level range has certain armours that people wear withing that range unless they are retarded and never change it. You say this doesnt happen, this was literally what vanilla was, it already did happen.

>Every level range has certain armours that people wear withing that range unless they are retarded and never change it.
Yes and a lvl 60 has a wide fucking range of armors they'll be using.
There are fresh 60s, 60s who have gotten to mc in progression, to naxx in progression.

I kinda feel the same way, but i think i'm just burned out. All the challenging endgame content is better, but it's not really that different from what i've been doing for 10 years.
What i enjoy the most is dungeon leveling over and over like i'm doing baalruns in D2. It's comfy, and i can just sit back and heal or try to pwn the meters.
The entire point of my original post was just to see if anyone actually knew why they didn't like retail, even if it's dumb it's really just more of the same. At least you were honest instead of just copy-pasting opinions to complain that x-thing doesn't appeal to you anymore. Take an upvote for you troubles.

gearing is basically spamming dungeons till you get the seasons ilvl and then you can only push that up with guaranteed tittyforges from the pvp or mythic+ weekly chest
and if you get garbage in that your character is basically shit for that season
especially in pvp its complete bullshit that people get azerite gear in their chest and you get bracers or some other trash
you just cant catch up to that for months
having alts is a complete pain in the ass since it would force you to do the horseshit content again
just thinking of doing islands or warfronts more makes me want to deinstall
it hasnt always been the case that all classes are this trash
its so dumb that we still have the bad legion class design but with even less shit
and why the fuck are so many abilities on the gcd now that sucks so much

you don't have to endlessly grind at all in classic, the class-designs are 1.12, the balancing is the same and the pvp is equally retarded
the only people that say that classic is the same as bfa are the people who
>It's just as social as it ever was, you're just picking the less social options on your own accord.

Checklist fatigue.

Transmogs and other similar systems are just time and money sinks for players that have nothing better to do in an mmo. The Devs have creates a system to keep the most autistic people getting every item in the search for creating more fashion sets.

>used a client side mod that fixed a lot of the fucked up textures that happened during the model updates that never got fixed
>ended up banned for it because "REE NO MODEL MODDING"
It was an addon using their own api

>Who the fuck hates transmog?
Anyone who has good taste. Immersion > Convenience. This is why retail is dead and Classic is going to blow it the fuck out.

Phasing/zoning/sharding along with the general game design geared towards convenience and single player experience. WoD and the garrison system was the pinnacle of this.
People follow the path of least resistance, don't give me any shit.

The vast majority of players don't care about challenging content and never have. That's for raiding autists, and their mentality that only raids matter is what killed the game. People play MMOs to interact with other people in a large and immersive world, not small group based instances. That's precisely what WoW has devolved to, to the point where the premiere feature of BfA (island expeditions) requires 3 people and Warfronts are practically a solo experience.

Notice how most if not all of that is focused around instances involving a small group of people?

If I play a paladin and Im fighting 2 other people my level my immediate response isnt "im dead", If Im a rogue and I backstab an enemy and kill them near outright and the other guy with him starts fighting me my reaction isnt "im dead". Literally get good, goddamn user, do you see enemies and start pissing yourself because they might beat you before your friends arrive mid fight in battlegrounds? Why is the implication that I would be running into the full team on my own, Im saying that when you see an enemy coming at you you arnet looking at their gear and then running away like a piss baby, you run when the odds are stacked, as in, there are 4 enemies and one of you, not always with 2 enemies and one of them is wearing good armour, what if one of them is seriously weakened or has all their skills on cooldown after a fight.

If you are the same level as your enemy, arent equipped with absolute shite then there is always a chance.The jump in stats when equipping good gear at 60 wasnt so big that it was like you had another 10 levels on someone just for wearing it and anyone not wearing it was an ant under you boot as you walked. Im talking about vanilla, not retail.

Blizzard unbanned my original account that was banned since 2005 for botting.

I've tried to get that account unbanned about 4-5 times a year since 2005/2006

This is how I know the subscription #'s are real real low.

The idiot GM even compensated me for my time I couldn't play by giving me a free month of play. I logged in just long enough to look at my character's. Wow is dead until classic.

Ya man, the clown suits were really fucking immersive.

Attached: wowclownsuit.jpg (225x449, 34K)

How is any of that different from gearing in Vanilla? Spamming dungeons and hoping that one item you need drops, if it doesn't you can have fun running it again.
Getting items from dungeons and raids is just as much about luck unless you're using DKP, then it's luck+time spent farming.
Azerite gear is pretty damn easy to get now, and it was only a huge deal for some classes. I got shit on both my main and alt and it sucked, but i could still raid. The only problem with PvP is that they still don't bother turning off OP PvE shit, it's so frustrating to deal with when you're gearing an alt. I'll agree to that in a second.
Otherwise, gearing alts with PvP/Mythics is pretty damn fast, the only complaint here seems to be that you're not getting items fast enough, but it's still a fuckton faster than vanilla.
Also fuck the GCD, i miss panda where my Unholy DK was shitting all over people with 0.5 second CD's. GCD is fucking bullshit now.
All i'm saying here is: It seems like you just want all the gear fast, but it's faster than it's ever been to gear up. Even if the systems aren't great now, item and skill balancing has never been great in WoW. And at least now every class has multiple viable specs in both progression raiding and rated PvP.
I just saw they put in the catch-up items, but you'll still take a lot longer getting geared at 60 than at 120. And i never said it was the same, i'm just saying that people are choosing to be anti-social because they can, and that many of their complaints are just as true about classic, except they don't apply the same critique to it.
Like i said, Classic is garbage. But i want it inside me.
>Notice how most if not all of that is focused around instances involving a small group of people?
Same in vanilla really, other than raids you're either farming dungeons/mats/g whatever in small groups or solo.

>You see what he is actually wearing
Yes that is immersive

Your definition of immersive is retarded

that's a transmog

And makes the world look like clowns, which isnt immersive. Is this World of Warcraft or World of Clowns.


>If you are the same level as your enemy, arent equipped with absolute shite then there is always a chance.The jump in stats when equipping good gear at 60 wasnt so big that it was like you had another 10 levels on someone just for wearing it and anyone not wearing it was an ant under you boot as you walked. Im talking about vanilla, not retail.
im also talking about vanilla. pls explain me how are you going to win vs a mage that can simply literally 2 shot you with 2 frostbolts. unless the other guy is afk and/or is the 8 y/o sister playing on her brother account you're not

Okay. Can you define what "immersion" means to you?
I'm really curious.

do people here unironically not understand the difference between transmog and tmorph?
protip: one is client only

>walk into thread
>hurr durr i dont understand
>clearly everyone here is retarded
Your reading comprehension is off the charts, but not in the good way.

i didnt play in vanilla
the best times i had in wow where from cata-wod
just ignoring pve and only getting pvp gear and then spam bgs/world pvp/arena
you just had to use your pvppoint to buy the armor you needed
everyone had the same gear and got the same pieces week for week
you could even gear alts quickly with the catch up cap letting you get more points per week
i only want more gear in bfa because i get shafted too much by rng
this season i got no useable items from my chests 3 times in a row
meaning im at a disadvantage until next season since i cant catch up on these chests because they are weekly
in vanilla i could probably just spam a dungeon i guess but again no clue about vanilla

>not joining a guild
>not hanging out with your buddies in any voip-chat
>thinking classic was not the same except that you replace the group finder with /2 or /4 in your capital city
if you wanted social events in wow you always had to create them by yourself. farming furbolgs in felwood wasnt social. farming herbs wasnt social. fishing for your mp/5 food in moonglade at night wasnt social.
just because you dont take the initiative to do anything with other people doesnt mean that the game has none.
i swear to god you fucking zoomers are the worst.

Is your guild going to raid mythic right away? If not then you're perfectly good with normal difficulty items and a bit of m+/pvp gear.
If you're preparing for instant mythic progression, then you just have to bite the bullet like always and farm gear/consumables and maybe gear an alt depending on the tryhardery.
Find a level of play that fits you, and accept it. Or you'll always feel like you're being shorted by RNG and it'll seem like you're always falling behind. While gearing up was easier then in some ways, it's actually faster now if you don't expect to get pre-raid BiS. Which you really don't need unless you're going straight to mythic raids.

The point is to avoid those things, not let your armour carry you through it. Youre not a target dummy with no skills, player input the best skills for the situation. Use a block or stun/cancel attack. How you make that sound is that a mage is unstoppable.

i dont like raiding and i dont have a guild
usually just play pvp with friends

The worst part is that they're not even zoomers. This is the 30 year old boomers cry of pain as he realizes he can no longer get his fix from instant-gratification. The boomer now wants to travel back in time, not realizing that he'll still be the same understimulated mass of blubber and anxious desires he is today.

Attached: you raffu u deporuto.jpg (469x219, 14K)

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





Then why do you care about mythic chests at all? Just enjoy PvP, it's the best part of WoW.
not even mad, i needed that

>tmorph players getting banned

because i now need to grind them for gear?

thank you my orc is looking powerful

>we are officially allowing xploits now

any class with 3 tiers over you is unstoppable. a shammies literally 1 hit you, rogues stunlock kill you. locks just dot you and spam /laugh while you burn, etc
i dont understand why your trying to argue how you can magically win a fight when the other output 50% more dps than you

>see bots during the first month of wotlk . see no ban after reports and start botting
>no ban
>bot at catacylsm
>no ban
no ban
some bot were used in all exp

Yes it is immersive, if they choose to put on clown clothes. You can say that the addition of the clown shoes in the first place didn't fit well in the world, sure, but since they're in it is more immersive to the world that you play in if they show up, rather than more immersive to the world wow isn't and you want it to be.

You can arena in greens, well except for the ridiculous tank/healer trinkets from CoS. You'll get lots of gear if you arena and just do the odd dungeon, you don't need high ilvl to succeed here. Just the broken trinkets, yeah. So go do CoS.

But will the banned cucks come back?

>You can arena in greens
no thats wrong
especially healers need gear so fucking bad
and alot of azerite traits do static dmg so you need alot of health from big ilvl items
there is some weird pvp scaling but it doesnt work right or is so minor that it might aswell not be there

i miss honorbuddy

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It's not dying, it's losing dead weight

Yikes no wonder there are so many classic shills on Yea Forums

So glad transmogniggers wont be playing classic

was it at the end of wod or mop when bgs where just bots?

i only played mop the first 3 months and the last
i didn't bot at wod only fish bot

But I'll be playing both retail and Classic

Can't remember the name of the bot but there was one during WoD that was EASILY the most advanced wow bot ever created. I botted 5 accounts 24-7 all minimized and accumulated around 800k gold a night.

Shit was amazing till banwave

Deceptive gear has always been a staple of RPGs, immersionfags historically btfo by transmog and showing they only want a chatroom and 2004

you are bound to be found that way
just pretend its human and bot for 12-16 hours a day

YoshiP is a special bean.
I love him very much.

i went to to elitijerks but i never read who wrote what

Got away with it for almost 3 months and my main wasn't banned so it was definitely worth it

kek this is so fucking true

Thisssss. WoW was always ugly, this is the reason I've never gotten into it. The artstyle just made me sick.

>retailfags this delusional
what the fuck happened

Attached: goy.jpg (343x394, 27K)

and still was better balanced than any pvp post vanilla

Disagreeing with someone doesn't make them delusional.

>wow is no longer an mmo or an rpg.

This is a great tldr to all other complaints. Plain and simple.

> that chin up trying not to look like he was defeated / bested pic
Something tells me he hasn't learned his lesson. be careful, WOWcucks, for death may loom yet.

> undoes the bans
> Threatens to ban again if they don't uninstall the mods anyway
What fucking pricks lol

Can I get a rundwn on what happened? From what I'm gathering people got banned for modding cosmetics, which is retarded if true

>people mod in big titties and dicks for a decade and a half
>blizz suddenly bans them in banwave
>realizes too many people are banned
>changes bans to warnings

gladiator isn't even gladiator in BFA, it's just a permanent duelist.

And I thought square enix hated third party shit. They let people mod cosmetic stuff in FFXIV as much as people want, the ToS says that it's not allowed but they have a "didn't see, didn't happen" policy, as long as you don't mention using mods in game nothing will happen and they won't investigate you. Hell there's an entire discord where mods get uploaded daily

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World of roguecraft shows otherwise

the way to mod titties is the way method that lets you do shit like swap campfires for tables and other model swaps. I mean, they're also doing it because it cuts into race change and other bullshit services that Blizz offer.

If it was actually a threat they would've kept at least a week of the ban. But it's just a bluff.

Are only mythic raiders allowed to have an opinion?

the inspect feature should have never existed in the game
prove me wrong

adults don't listen to toddlers

Everyone is allowed but shitters' opinions can be safely discarded

unironically yes

>just like you cant win a fight as a level 40 vs a level 60.
you can win a fight as a level 49 vs a level 60 in t2 gear at least, I did that as a frost mage vs a warrior even back in vanilla. mages just shit on warriors so hard that there is a real chance that they never even get to hit you.

I don't know if you can do that on private servers though, the ones I've played on don't let you jump charges.

It was a core, driving factor into turning the game from an RPG into a dress-up, mount collection simulator for faggots.

adults don't think they are better than other people

Attached: ok.jpg (368x555, 71K)

You havent met enough adults.

Are you retarded?

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lmao what

If you post on Yea Forums you're not an adult, you're a manbaby with arrested development.

Except that this wasn't the factor that turned wow into shit. The second they've added a button for looking for group was the second they began actively killing the game

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why are you wasting your time here, manbaby with arrested development?

Because I'm just like the rest of you.

Clearly you don't leave your room. If anything, most adults are even worse in that regard, especially people who are +40.