Elder Scrolls 6

Is it going to be a massive letdown? What with the way Bethesda is handling things

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it'll probably be another fallout 4.

Im more worried that it'll be loaded with bugs, microtransactions and large parts taken out to use as DLC.

The micros won't make me angry if its just cosmetic stuff. Recently, they've been releasing updates to Skyrim thats been making mods stop working. I'm willing to bet that in the future they'll stop releasing creation kits in favor of selling their own mods.

Just wait for the day that they shut down Skywind, Skyblivion, and the Beyond Skyrim series.
Or they sue the guys who made SKSE

My optimism says that 76 was made to intentionally lower expectations for es6 so it can blow everyone away. But who fucking knows anymore.

Mods will fix it same way mods fixed Skyrim.
Let's not pretend vanilla Skyrim is a good game, it's average at best.

That'd be quite obscene, considering they were the ones encouraging mods in the first place. However, Zenimax isn't above suing people over mundane issues like other games having words like "scrolls" in their titles.

It will be a downgrade in many aspects but offer you still a big world to waste tons on hours in it, resulting in you still playing it instead of better games, which of course won't stop you from bitching.
It will sell less than Skyrim, though, because even the normalfag crowd has played better open world games at this point.

They're games have been so bland in recent years. They've been banking on the modding community to fix their shit. I don't think they're gonna turn 180 on that.
Even the creation club stuff was really bland.

The game's gonna be a let down for sure tho. Bethesda shows nothing but contempt for its audience. It's not listening to what people want. Their games are getting worse each iteration. There is no hope.

I hope they dont center the game around a building mechanic again

Thats another one of my fears... Bethesda doesn't really seem to acknowledge the modding community. It might be a stretch but I feel like they may even look down on modders. Like I said in a previous reply, one day they'll likely stop releasing creation kits in favor of selling their own mods.

Can't be disappointed, if I'm not looking forward to it

jUSt release the fuckin game already.

Skyrim has been out for nearly 10 years, this is the biggest gap between any game sequels

I hope they realise that they have more to gain from free mods keeping their games alive forever.

Yeah, that would be a strange concept for ES. It works for fallout sure, but being a main part of ES would just be strange

bethesda just got blown way out of proportion because of elder scrolls 5: zoomers first rpg

Everyone has been treating them like they are god when all their games have been bug ridden disasters fixed by the community
So no. TES5 is not going to be a letdown unless skyrim was ur first RPG

Hopefully. The thing with the mods not working does have to do with creation club updates. It could be intentional, but it could very well just be another one of their blunders

>KH 2 and 3
>15 years

Unless they hire decent voice actors and fix the fucking NPC animations so it doesn't feel like I'm in an empty lifeless world surrounded by robots, I wont be playing this one either.

I'm gonna make a guess and say it'll be 2023 that it gets released

You know they don't fix jack shit in their games user.

KH, The Last Guardian, FFXIII-Versus, Duke Nukem Forever, half life 3

user, is this your first delayed series?

If it's not going to be a repeated phenomenon, they should have used the opportunity provided by Skyrim's money injection to develop a new engine then, shouldn't they? Instead, we got Fallout 4, with TRASH performance, and Fallout 76, which was just trash all around, with a doubling down of Gamebyro. Or whatever they call it these days.

Personally Morrowind was my first, although I didn't play too much into it. Oblivion is still my favorite, despite how meme worthy it is

Apparently this happened, but i barely seen discussion on Yea Forums about it.

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Yeah they really should have updated their engine. I think I saw somewhere that they're working on fixing up their engine but knowing them they're just going to update it slightly

It just baffles me how in less than 10 years Bethesda went from a publisher with decent goodwill (Todd lying wasn't nearly as bad as the shit EA and friends were pulling at the time) to one of the worst of the bunch

Oblivion was my favourite too and made me the most autistic I’ve ever been with a video game. I only had it on 360 and thus no mod support. Because of the janky levelling system I used to plan out all my stats in advance for each level. When it came time to level acrobatics I used to just jump up and down the hill outside the imperial city for hours. I also used to reset at the oblivion gate over and over til I got what I want.

I’d never waste my time doing that now but for some reason this was ok in 2006.

>tes used to be a niche series
>suddenly became mainstream with skyrim
>haha it's so buggy but fun
>bethesda releases fallout 4 and 76
>buggy out the ass and even normies know it
>i'm s-sure they will use a new and modern engine for the new tes game haha
>confirmed they will reuse the 20 year old engine
It's going to be a mess.

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It'll either be a MASSIVE piece of shit, or a complete turnaround from Bethesda's current laziness if they actually bother to learn anything from their recent huge failures.

I hope they do something great, given the state of the industry and the current wave of nostalgia for more complex RPG systems, but I doubt they're smart enough to pick up on that.

It seems like such a stupid battle to waste time and money on. Why not change the name to "High Rock" or something. Oblivion was named after a central part in the game. Why not just do something like that again?

>is it going to be a massive letdown?
for me? no, I expect it to be shit so I can't be disappointed
for you? probably
for normalfaggots? not at all, they're gonna praise bethesda for "coming back to its roots", making a singleplayer game and skyrim 2 at that

Starfield is going to be an indicative whether we should expect good things from TES 6. I still think that Bethesda cares a lot more about TES than Fallout, so it's gonna be okay. I am probably way more optimistic than I should be.

I found the perfect spot in one of the Fighter's Guilds to grind acrobatics on. You stand on one of the handrails for the stairs and when you jump there is no space between your feet and the ceiling, so you'd jump as quickly as you could mash the Y button.
Kidtism is a strange thing.

It's like they think the bugs are cute or something. I remember people not wanting the "giant flinging character/npc millions of miles into the air" bug to be fixed because it was funny. I think they have some sort of mindset that we'll all just be ok with the bugs because modders or "its funny"

Same user. Probly well over 300 hours on console on one toon alone, a fully maxed orc wearing drastic armor that completed every single quest line in the game, including the dark brotherhood and thieves guild because I had 100% chameleon armor. I could just run around invisible and kill everything. I remember using rubber bands to set my controller up to level acrobatics overnight. Then I got it on PC and started the cycle of autism once again but with mods now. Glorious age in gaming

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We both know you are going to buy at least twice.

Dislike Bethesda all you want, but even they aren't stupid enough to actually do this. I'm almost willing to bet that them doing this would be the end of Bethesda

I'm willing to bet Skyrim was xir first rpg

Honestly yes it'll be a letdown for me, only because it's been so long since Elder scrolls has gotten anything viable. It's all mostly been fallout stuff. I've tried ESO, and its just not all that fun. After the recent events of fallout 76 I expect it to be trash but not as bad.

>and yet i still hold on to some hope

Their new audience will eat that shit up

It's still in one of my top favorites today. The ugly characters, the terrible dialogue, the bugs and cheats, etc. It's super fun to play when you're drunk as well

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I only wish I had a pc that would run a game well with mods and not a shitty laptop.

Im honestly still amazed I got oblivion out of a bin in gamestop for $5

Nah, I barely have time to play games in my current lifestyle, so I always think trice, which game I buy for the year

You're completely right. It would result in some massive backlash, to which to they would have no choice but to backtrack. Skyrim would've never been as popular as it is had it not been for all the mods

I didn't even buy Skyrim, some rich dude on the internet gifted it to me. Pretty cool guy.

you ready for 2.22.22?

Honestly I've only ever bought skyrim once and it was during a steam summer sale where I got the game and all DLC for $13. Before then I had been playing it on PS3 (parents bought it for my brother)

>as late as 2021
What are those idiots smoking? 2021 is super early and in fact impossible.

My latest guess is 2025 if they're being really careful. Which, we all know they aren't. They're working their code monkey slaves to death so they can get it out ASAP. My reasonable guess is 2023.

can't wait to buy all the cosmetic loot boxes

I also remember it was great for grinding restoration as you’d hurt yourself from the jump and then heal it

Haha no my first RPG was FF7 in 97 when I was 11. It blew me the fuck away and was the reason I convinced my parents to buy a memory card (why the fuck did the ps1 not come with one?)

Tbf though we had a Master System/Mega Drive when I was growing up as Sega was bigger in the UK than Nintendo. We even had a huge 3 story arcade called Sega World at the time. If I had a SNES then my favourite/first RPG would have been Chrono Trigger. I remember being obsessed with the box art for it and picked it up on DS. Absolutely incredible game.

Yes. They've flopped in approval for the past four or five years so they really have to not fuck this up. After all, this is their jewel franchise. Mark my words, this game is going to be phenomenal. Quick side not. If you are an mmorpg fan you should really give ESO a chance (or a second chance if you saw how fucking terrible it was at launch) because that game is in a golden age of development.

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To clarify, we as in the UK, it was in London. The Trocadero building.

Not going to happen. They feature all of Skyblivions updates on their Steam blog. Bethesda seems to be avid supporters of development teams that work off their games.