The only games I'll ever need...
The only games I'll ever need
>any version of 2
Dumb ass.
And for the servers to stay up so you can have the updates that fixed the original piece of shit releases of ds, ds1 and ds2
>that hand
leave this place filthy snow ape
>things women will never understand
>not a black hand
Fake and photoshopped
Clip your disgusting fingernails.
I usually have your mom clip them for me.
>worst versions of 1 and 2
Apply yourself
Final Fantasy is always trying to "innovate" their game mechanics but what they are aiming for is Demon Souls, the first game's mechanics, with a fantasy setting and shitty clothes from X, XII, and XV.
I don't have a question, this is just my thought on Final Fantasy continuing to be shit. Feel free to tell me of this is correct or not.
She does mentor the mentally disabled.
DeS, DaS and DaS2 feel like ATB most of the time.
Specially if you're playing a magic character.
this to be desu
Sometimes it annoys me that I unironically feel this way.
Yeah I'm sure you know that better than anyone.
>console version of multiplats
You got roasted bruh
As a professional idiot, I've always been about the 'jump in and stabby-stabby' build, blocking and kiting has always been boring to me.
Just like my dream is for Kojima to direct a Titanfall game, I would like From's Miyazaki to be a game designer/co-story concept on a Final Fantasy game.
>Demon Souls
>DS Remastered
>Not the original without the retarded weapon-level matchmaking
>le DS2 is bad may-may do I fit in yet XDDDD
These are ARPGs, not slow DMC knock-offs, DS1 and DS2 are the best RPGs out of them all.
But you only posted 1(one) game OP.
>No Armored Core
He probably means the other games that are available on PC m8.
redpill me on DS3.
I have it on Steam since day one and I never bothered playing it
There's a katana-wielding jackie chan beside firelink shrine. Beat him, take his shit and beat the game with it.
Fuck off wh*te boi
>hand doens't have penis fingers
>not having a black hand
yikes whiteoid