Smash dream picks

make fun of other anons wants/predictions ITT

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Except for Joker, zoomers don't know who these guys are

>zoomers don't know master chief and goku

zoomers dont know pre halo 4 chief and kid goku*

>Kid Goku
Absolutely based. I would HATE DBZ/S Goku, but if it's DB Goku, I'm all for it. The rest is pretty good too. Don't care much for Ratchet/Clank, but I wouldn't feel like that's a wasted slot.

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>Phoenix Wright
>ANY WTF or unexpected pick like Goku, Reimu, Sans, or Spongebob

I'll make one parallel to yours with my kind of characters
-Raiden (MGS)

You know they only pick Video game characters right?

sakurai was going to put bond in the game but he wasn't allowed to because of his gun.

there are no rules

>wasn't allowed because of his gun
was now live in a day and age where guns are allowed in Smash so Bond is possible by those standards

Yep, that's exactly why Goku or Spongebob would surprise people more than any other characters.

honestly as long as i get crash they could put steve and some fire emblem fucks but i will conceed that banjo would be nice just on virtue of the characters history and allegedly being considered at some point but snubbed due to time constraints and doomguy is about the last major third party with significant nintendo history who hasn't gotten in yet and "deserves" it, but i don't know if that western barrier is about the get broken down at any point

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you will never have this

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Fuck Goku lemme get that 21st Century Schizoid Man

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I'm a 1st party purist, and this DLC line up seems to focus on 3rd parties. It's unfortunate, but whatever, i'll just deal with it. If I had to choose a 3rd party that would get me the least upset, it'd probably go to Bomberman: Tons of Nintendo exclusives that come from the 4th Generation all the way to the Switch, and a design that's pretty reminescent of what Nintendo would actually make: A blend of cute & badass. He fits really well with Mario, Kirby, and the other " Honorary Nintendo " character that is Megaman.

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I'd unironically buy James if he were the Fuckin' nerd.

Absolute shi
>Kid Goku

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Let's appease everyone, Kid Goku with an SSJ4 install if you fill up his gimmick meter

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Jesus Christ, no. His gimmick should be Nimbus.
>Called at the start of each match
>Is a tangible item that only Goku can interact with.
>Up B is used to call the Nimbus, meaning Goku has no recovery otherwise

>Is a tangible item that only Goku can interact with.
Can it be destroyed and take a bit to reassemble itself? Nimbus gets blown up twice, if my memory serves me.

Yeah, especially for balancing sake. It's practically a free flight item that Goku can use any time he's near it. When he rides it, he just flies around the map and his attacks are standing normals, even when he's in the air. If he gets hit at all, he gets knocked off of it, but is able to recover and use his second jump. The nimbus cannot be ridden by other characters, but it's able to be attacked. Maybe, for even more balance bullshit, it takes critically high damage if it's hit when Goku calls it.

>Up B to call and ride Nimbus
>Can actually fly around for a limited amount of time, making him the most aerial based character in the game
>Up B again sends Nimbus away, it also has a timed meter that can run out and has to fill back up before it can be used again
>It can also temporarily be destroyed making you have to wait to use it again.
>When Nimbus is unusable Goku's up B is flying using his tail like a helicopter, but it's a really bad recovery

Could be neato

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>Side Smash is that nasty Power-Pole attack from Budokai 3, with slightly less stupid range
Shit, I really want him now. Why did you do this to me, Yea Forums?

All his smashes should be based around the Power Pole, really.

Should be the Kamehameha that gives him a very slight boost up

>Neutral Special is Kamehameha, but if used in the air it can be aimed downward for a secondary recovery move

Actually, I'm down for that. Have his helicopter tail be a slight hover for his second jump.

>down b is After Image
>It's another counter

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>Down B is Afterimage
>It's another counter
>But it's not one that attacks for you.
>It's, instead, a counter that repositions you behind your opponent for a combo.
Hey, at least it'd be something.

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You know, I'd be ok with that, it'd make for a fun get away tool as well.

>Stage is the World Martial Arts Tournament.
>Seems like a walk off stage
>Landing out of bounds actually just kills you like the lava in Great Cave Offensive

this fucking dude makes me want to buy MREs and just eat them normally as a regular thing. I mean, for some strange reason I started liking MREs in video games, even before I saw this dude but now, set me up for that civilian box.
also whenever he taps the spoon on the cup and it makes different noises

it's perfect

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>All this Goku talk
>Thinking about what tracks they should put in Smash
>Remember they can't use ANYTHING by Yamamoto
Fuck man, I read and just put that visual to this track and it hurt
At least we can use Mezase Tenkaichi

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Wait, I just came up with a fucking stupid, but kickass idea.
Mezase Tenkaichi, but the lyrics are about the Smash Ultimate newcomers instead of the DragonBall contestants.

>"Hi, im goku"

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Superior taste coming though

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Not "Hey, It's me, Goku!"

>never ask me for any anime DLC again

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sorry guys, NO GOKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>ratchet & clank
anything tainted by PSASBR is never ever

>After Image can be used as a makeshift taunt because the intangible state is him sticking his tongue out.

DB goku can't even make it into fighterz

replace doom guy with the prince of all cosmos and it's perfect

>Jerma replaces puff/pichu as the joke character of the game

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DB Goku and GT Goku have literally the same appearance

so you'd be happy with GT goku in smash?

>You can choose with afterimage whether to move behind, above, or away from your opponent

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Yeah, if he has some original DG references

Even pepsiman would be better than that bitch waifu reimu

Nigga, Pepsiman would be better than half the roster picks.

Michelin for smash!

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nothin personell

>AT fodder who deserve to be a character tier

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Now we're talking. What would his side special be?

Power pole? Can be angled. Kamehameha is obviously neutral special (maybe extra input can turn it into kamehameha-boost?). Final smash is either great ape form or pic related

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>appease everyone
just like bamco tried to with DBFZ's kid goku? the one that everyone thinks looks like shit because they tried to appease Dragonballfags, and GTards at the same time?

Kamehameha should be like this user said . And final smash is definitely your pic, in my opinion.

>No Retro rep in Ultimate
I'm still mad. Seeing which forgotten character will be salvaged and turned into a fan favourite overnight has been one of the best parts of Smash since Melee.

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the main problem with DBFZ kidku isn't just the character, it's the fact that they trickled out info about him over 2+ months. Everyone built up the hype in their heads about ss4 installs and second DLC characters being announced and nothing happened.

>Edge of Soul

It's all I want

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Great Ape mouth beam Kamehameha final smash please.

Who would you have picked for the first slot if Joker hadn't been confirmed?


Doomguy is already in that image