sex sel-
Sex sel-
>low budget
>prints $$$
not seeing a problem here
but whos buying
Sex sells. They botched their marketing and released a quarter of a game. It's no surprise it sold like 10k copies total.
I'll buy the $60 version if all of the previous DLC you bought transfers over. Also, fighting games are straight up garbage. They're for nogs. Go play Insurgency: Sandstorm, or Battlefield 4. The devs need to copy Yakuza.
it sold so much it went free to play lol
I don't get it. I remember DOA being great and fun to play on the original Xbox, what the fuck happened to this series?
PS3/360 happened
Neir automata sold millions on robot booty.
DOA4 was good though
How could you forget the “sex” was sold in the latter half of the marketing cycle, the first half was disparaging remarks towards fans and insisting the game is “serious” and “realistic.”
It’s corporate cuckery, they’re kissing the Progs and then coming home to tell the fans they only *really* love them.
At minimum half their fanbase was convinced all the sexy stuff they love had been stripped out because of the original marketing when it was announced. It wasn't until a few months before launch they backpedaled, but it's not like they made a big show about it either so not everyone was informed or even convinced they were being truthful.
The lesson here is misrepresenting your product will always bite you in the ass.
considering the new DOA Xtreme is doing better than DOA 6 which now has censor options, yeah. Sex sells
>make it less sexy
>it sells less
this game tried to act woke and shit and it flopped.
>piss off fans by making it less sexy
>it bombs
Gee I wonder.
They didn’t even make it “less” sexy, it’s just as sexy as any of the other games*.
*Except all the sexy is locked behind paywalls and the sexy that IS freely available was quietly announced months before release, in the hopes that fans (cucks) will gleefully cheer at their developer’s ruse and accept the fact they lied to them.
its still a fun game just poorly marketed and managed
how do you like your DOA with LESS SEX APPEAL and ur fuckin souls wannabe NIOH, huh?
Fuck you team ninja I just want ninja gaiden
>I'll buy the $60 version if all of the previous DLC you bought transfers over.
The offered Upgrade options for 5 to keep your DLC.
Since Tomonobu Itagaki was run off the game now struggles in sales. It used to sell millions, now KT is happy if it'll do a million in lifetime sales. It's already up to 350k.
the sex was heavily toned down
and despite that it will still make an obscene amount of money
They're just gonna get their money back from Venus Vacation.
Weebs and Otaku
They already have. The Japanese spend huge amounts of money on the game.
Is this game even a commercial flop? I can't imagine there needing to be that many devs working on this.
Even then at this point you can argue that Venus Vacation and Xtreme are the money makers and the mainline fighting game just needs to exist to keep up a facade that they care about the roots of the franchise.
It's selling, not as well as 5 by this point but the SJW pandering up until the very end hurt it with the main fandom. Telling them to fuck off and then going back to what the game really is hurt the view of it alot.
Why can't they just make another Ninja Gaiden?
Fuck fanservice garbage.
Itagaki hasn't been involved since DOA4.
3 was done without Itagaki and was pretty middling in reviews even for the enhanced Razer's Edge edition. So NG is basically dead.
NIOH is amazing! I will NEVER let you suck my dick now! You missed your chance asshole!
its more like sex itself does not define whether a game will sell or not, maybe it pluses some values on it, though. a game that is only having sex is just a mere porn game, you need to make a game good and competent first compared to other games in the genre, even if you want to make it sexy. sex is not bad or not having a effect alienating audience unlike what liberals are saying, but it cannot be a core component to make a game sell. DOA needs to be more good game in terms of graphics and its contents for single players, having lewdness that is the sereis's indentity.
Still should at least have some respect and not waste Ryu on these games.
People who play DOA don't care about him
It just got worse. DOA isn't known as the "titty fighter" because its sex appeal is too risque, it's known as that because nearly everything else that could be praised about it only got worse.
The spectacle of giant wide-open interactive stages with multi-tiered levels, leading to new rooms/environmental hazards has now been replaced by small, boxed generic locations with laser walls. This is what caused this IP to gain a foothold against tekken in the 2000s. AAA games NEED spectacle. They NEED to be able to impress the casual gamer within a 10 second window.
Problem is: if doa crafted its gameplay/counter system for casuals, what's gonna happen when they no longer have the budget to impress? Once team ninja lost their microsoft money by going multiplat they were no longer AAA. Competently good-looking, sure, but not AAA. Its casual gameplay is no longer a positive because simple fighters die quick in the e-sports era so the hardcore FGC audience aren't sticking around. Doa6 is now ashamed of its fanservice so there go the whales. This direction of this series just feels headless now.
The plan was always to go F2P to be honest with you family, i doubt sell had anything to do with it, although now you have a bunch of fags who were duped into buying the "premium" edition of a f2p game
I think Nioh is better than any souls game ever made and look forward to Nioh 2, can i suck your dick now?
>casual gameplay
Nigga DoA6 is Leagues deeper than Tekken7. You don't know shit, you are just parroting bullshit you read online. You are 100% incorrect, I don't care how many insults you throw my way, you are still wrong
X3 was only made because the fans basically willed it into existence while DOA5 was flogged over and over like the dead horse it was for more money. When their really fucking stupid plan to monetize X3 backfired with purchasable tickets, everything went to shit.
X3 sales were good, but they wanted that ongoing money train like DOA5 had. It was handing X3 off to DMM for VV which probably saved it after the DLC dropped off after a single year for the PS4/Vita versions.
DOA6 was conceived under this poor notion of chasing the eSport market. eSports are heavily SJW so they game pandered to the stupid that was never going to buy it while it was developed. The Soft Engine 2.0 that TN had developed and refined got tossed out the fucking door because KT wants everyone to use the Dynasty Warriors engine now.
With lukewarm buzz for DOA6, they started to flip back to the original fanbase and blamed "poor translations" for while people thought the game was going to be more SJW. eSports rejected it, SJWs were never going to buy it, and only the hardcore DOA fans gave in to purchase a game which is lighter on features and items than usual.
But with the buzz for DOA6 being so-so, they decided to relaunch X3 with a new addition and 2 bonus girls (one from DMM, one classic who had just gotten into the DMM version). They added Switch which was uncut and a new PS4 which is censored, but promised to update the older X3 games with new content sometime in the future.
X3 had a small team, DOA6 was barely any larger as evident by how much content was gone between sequels (X2 to X3, DOA5 to DOA6). KT is not giving them the resources and a new NG game would basically be a reskinning of Dynasty Warriors at this point if they did make one.
any clue if there's a DLC unlocker for the Steam version?
>can i suck your dick now?
Absolutely! How can I refuse somebody with such good taste? Impossible!
>No soft engine
>SJW focused marketing
>Less bobs jiggle
>Some char having a small boobs
"as sexy as any of other games my ass"
kill yourself trany
Thanks for the context and info.
NG is dead. I've already made my peace.
Even the doa community is torn on 6. Some things are great and other things are garbage. Competitive players feel ignored just as the titty lovers do. Everyone is losing.
He deserves worse.
What if the Dead or Alive franchise does so bad they hire Itagaki back?
Well he did sue them so I'd say unlikely. Plus Devil's Third was pretty much a bomb. 6 is looked at as the end of the franchise if it doesn't eventually hit a million in sales.
This. OP is a faggot.
>every single thread about this game is MUH TIDDIES
>nobody talks about how fucking ridiculous the monetization is
Holy fuck, why the fuck it cost so much.
Some of it is redundant but it's mostly greed.
A $93 season pass for a $60 game is pure Judaism.
I get that people are greedy but can they just be smart about it, there are way to make money without looking like a scumbag. whoever is in charge need to get fired.
>get the free version
>get the dlc unlocker from your favorite torrent site
i dont see the problem
Will the season pass ever got a sale?
Could the dlc unlocker get your steam account banned?
I hope there is an Erect version of male nude mod coming soon. Complete with pubic hair please *prays* Thank you Jesus
It's not woke. Calling it woke is too much. They did try to tone down or at a least hide the sexualization.
What DLC unlocker and can you play online with it? I remember people used to pirate Payday DLC.
Thor and Hawkeye die in End Game
>caring about capeshit
peak soi
This. Another example of devs pandering to everyone except their actual fanbase
does this game pander to my ryona fetish
Fuck, now I have to watch the film to see if this is true
No they don't user I just saw the movie >:(
Well, it's not.
Cookie's whole deal wasn't even the sexual stuff. It was "fighting action that looked sexy to watch" which is why he was constantly iterating over each game. Making positioning on uneven stages an important and balanced factor (Which even Tekken 4 fucked up) and especially for 3, 2U, 4 he had way more budget than any Tecmo game because Microsoft would fund him. And not only that he put genuine budget and effort into the first two volleyball games to the point where he visited the production team of Forza and Project Gotham to make sure the Jet Ski racing was good enough in its own right.
His trolling over DOAX3 was god tier though since he told all the people before launch not to worry about the content being overly sexual and it would be judged on its own merits. Then when the game came out and got so shit scores even Famitsu had to bring out the 5. He posted "Told you to wait. Game is shit. Tecmo have no idea what they are doing".
still less scummy then mk11
>town down the sex
His bridge is well and truly burned. He counter sued after the harassment claims were dismissed and got money from Microsoft to fund Valhalla (Who stupidly passed on Devils Third because "It didn't suit our portfolio") and got funding from a bunch of companies like Nintendo, Nexon and Bandai Namco as well. They have loads of contract work between their JP and Canadian studios though Cookie resigned as CEO to become chief creative and is currently gallivanting in Italy as he wants to establish a studio in Milan. He's also said PC is the target platform for his games from now on but he's happy if MS and Nintendo want to fund his or Vallhalla's projects. He still has a lifetime grudge against Sony though. Even when he signed Devils Third with THQ. Valhalla were only making the 360 version and Vigil (Darksiders Devs) were going to port it to PS3 as it was using the Darksiders Engine but Itagaki did not want anywhere near a PS3 dev kit.
isnt it just the basic bitch version with like 4 characters thats f2p ? like doa5 ?
did i miss smt ?
I thought they took the sex out?
I skipped it because of that.