Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

Attached: 1513483914858.jpg (3952x3952, 1.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yea Forums relies on 16 types because it's too smallbrain for enneagram

Based.... but also a little cringe...

This entire post is retarded as fuck. Myers-Briggs is pseudoscience at best.

Who is intp? Also why is istp the only female

why the fuck am I eggman?

absolutely not

Attached: 1489211508358.png (1050x1050, 709K)

ESTP here


tfw infp tranny subhuman that should have been aborted.

>fighting anyone

I don't understand what to do. Definitely an P and I, but both imprecise and detail fixiated, irrational and cold to others apply to me.

>take test
>get results
>huh this does kinda sound like me
>read the stuff for different results
>huh, these also kinda sound like me
>hmm... how convenient

Attached: 1545352886601.png (172x170, 40K)

>INFJ is a literal who
every time

Attached: 1539193677094.jpg (640x853, 63K)

I had to take that test for work. My result was an error message.

This has to be the worst post on this entire board

>literally horoscope 2.0
Enjoy your pseudoscience.

he's charismatic, funny, and actually fucking smart not i play strategy games and got 200 on a free online iq test smart.

This thing looks like a really fancy horoscope to be honest

post your
>Big Five
>INFP fag

Attached: oh fuck.png (569x215, 42K)

most of his tech is trash-tier and the stupid animals like sanic and tails easily scrap it. he got lucky with metal sonic and the hard boiled heavies

biggest sign of a loser

Attached: 1476197307851.jpg (604x531, 71K)



MBTI bullshit
aka Horoscope for pretentious fucks