How do you feel about the Assassin class in RPGs?
How do you feel about the Assassin class in RPGs?
I'm not into little girls but...
Getting them to land an instakill is always a pain in the ass
pussy is pussy
>able to instagib almost anyone
>the method is overly-specific and utterly pointless
I want her to assassinate me with that ass
I am calling the police
looks like the Fatechads are finally taking over
Jack was my best assassin for the longest time.
then I got stupidly lucky
he can't produce stars for shit and instadeath is a meme
Man that’s a nice stinker
>he can't produce stars for shit
he doesn't need to when his NP Gain is absurd.
I want her to crush my pelvis to dust
I'm into little girl's butts
Does Jack or Miyu have the bigger lolibutt?
>Jack thread
>nobody has posted a peek of her boypussy yet
That's a big butt for a loli
that's not what I meant but I'll take it anyway
she's a big girl
big butt loli
What are some games where Assassins are actually well-done?
dangerously puffy
Jack builds up NP insanely fast though.
I know but Jack relies on Crits.
Gramps does not
Is this her Noble Phantasm?
Here's your loli chinese empress assassin, bro.
>that femdom doujin