How do you feel about the Assassin class in RPGs?

How do you feel about the Assassin class in RPGs?

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I'm not into little girls but...


Getting them to land an instakill is always a pain in the ass

pussy is pussy


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>able to instagib almost anyone
>the method is overly-specific and utterly pointless

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I want her to assassinate me with that ass

I am calling the police

looks like the Fatechads are finally taking over

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Jack was my best assassin for the longest time.

then I got stupidly lucky

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he can't produce stars for shit and instadeath is a meme

Man that’s a nice stinker

>he can't produce stars for shit

he doesn't need to when his NP Gain is absurd.

I want her to crush my pelvis to dust

I'm into little girl's butts

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Does Jack or Miyu have the bigger lolibutt?

>Jack thread
>nobody has posted a peek of her boypussy yet

That's a big butt for a loli

that's not what I meant but I'll take it anyway

she's a big girl

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big butt loli

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What are some games where Assassins are actually well-done?

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dangerously puffy

Jack builds up NP insanely fast though.

I know but Jack relies on Crits.

Gramps does not

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Is this her Noble Phantasm?

Here's your loli chinese empress assassin, bro.

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>that femdom doujin

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