Play etrian odyssey nexus
Play etrian odyssey nexus
Already did. I got bored
Who is this semen demon?
I'm nearly finished with it actually. It was fun but there were too many shrines with not enough variety.
Enrica from Etrian Odyssey Nexus.
Does she join my party?
She'll join you in dungeons sometimes but not as a party member, she just picks up items laying around. There's a way to import custom portraits via hacking that you can find in the EO general on /vg/ so you could still put her in your party if you're willing to jump through some minor hoops.
I already 100% it. Enrica is an adorable dork and Blot is a fucking faggot who almost brings the whole game to the ground.
I already did, it sucked because of 25 floors of chutes and ladders recolor dungeons. Here’s hoping they make up for it with EO on Switch
No dub, no buy.
I'm going to replay the peak of the series, Etrian Odyssey 3, one more time, and you can't stop me.
Also, do you guys know of any total conversions for it other than that rebalance mod? I looked at its patch notes and to me it seemed like they had no idea why the classes were designed the way they were. Think I'm still going to give it a try if there's nothing else like it.
Already did. It was fun, but the choices of dungeons to revisit really puts a crimp on wanting to replay it. The number of shrines is also a huge turn-off, even if I found vines to be the neatest shit.
>actually playing reddit's shitty romhack
I got stuck on the super boss and I dropped the game. Who's idea was it for the boss to be able to cleanse itself and your party randomly at the end of the turn?
git gud
I feel you but don't give up, it took me six tries, sixty turns and some good skill reorganizing to finally beat her. The second superboss is actually far easier, even if he might hit even harder sometimes.
Just cheese it with two heroes, a princess, a slow as hell gunner, and a debuff harbie.
I don't think it's random unless you're fighting her at night.
I'm going to play an EO game eventually. What's the best game in the series?
my team is pug, ronin, harb, gun, arc so 3/5 are countered by the cleanse and without any debuffs/buffs my team has no defense at all
I'd rather drop the game than resort to cheesing the boss like that.
I looked at the data mine to see what the trigger is, it's completely random with multiple triggers including having buffs, the boss having ailment/binds, and the boss having debuffs.
Just smash dat Panic ailment, m8, if you're not going to resort to cheese. It (and paralysis, but that's less reliable) prevents AP from doing her purge move and gives you a chance to buff/debuff and whale away at her.
>tfw had Pugilist and Ninja in my party
If I was gonna emulate one of the EOs on pc, is there a way where I can replace the character portraits?
Unholy Light is totally random, her cure is what she uses without warning during night. If you fight her during the day she'll tell you when she's going to use it, giving you a free turn.
What I learned against Unholy Light is simply to disregard binds or ailments that don't stop actions, such as Panic, since not only she has Unholy Light, but she apparently also has a high recovery rate so she can still get free in as short as one turn. Debuffs and buffs are still good, even if she dispels them, they're always safe to use and not linked to chance.
I'd totally change that Pug, since they're mostly binders in Nexus and that's simply a no go against AP. Harbinger is totally fine as a debuffer, you simply have to recast them if she cleanses them (always debuff her Atk first) and Ronin should have no trouble taking out the souls with one single Air Blade as long as she's buffed. Meanwhile, you want Gunner to have Charge Shot to abuse heal turns with Act Quick, Ricochet when there are no souls since it still deals huge damage and is safer during attack turns and Scattershot to deal with several souls at a time, especially with lucky double shots.
I'm not a fan of Arcanists in Nexus, especially with how nerfed they were and against AP, but the passive healing should do wonders most of the time. If you really feel it's not enough, trade for a Medic, which is amazing in general because of Overheal, line Unbind and Refresh and really strong heals overall.
There's guides for that for the 3ds so maybe? Check the general
God I want paizuri from this retard so badly
I'm sure all 3 people that care already did
I'd rather not change my party due to autism, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard with a good healer and someone to replace pug. I'm looking at my sub classes and thinking that I should probably change them for the fight.
Pug/ninja has barely any points in the sub, just status attack up and I don't even really want that for this fight. Ronin/lanky seems fine for passives and vanguard. Harbinger/protector is too busy to both block elemental nukes and keep debuffs on. Arcanist/princess seems fine, but for some reason I have no points in Atrophic eye so I might move some into that. Gunner/highlander is just for bloody offense and bloodlust, I'm not sure if that's better than just having lanky or ronin sub for passives.
So I'll probably end up moving protector to the pug (or maybe use zodiac for the full negation instead of 80% less damage), and then I need to think of a good sub for the harb. I might just put highlander on harb and then get better passives for the gunner
I understand how you feel completely. I feel more comfortable 99%ing these games than 100%ing them, doing everything except the ultimate boss solely because they're more like math problems than actual bosses.
Primeval? Ur Child (from 2, not untold)? Abyssal God? Fuck off, the lot of you. If I'm at max level, max retire, and my team has a theme every character plays towards then I should have a chance of winning without looking up a literal fucking step by step guide and/or without cheesing the fight with scummy ass ultimates.
Don't get me wrong I love 3 it's one of my favorites but the final boss is the fucking definition of a badly designed boss, immune to every fucking status effect and bind, cheesy ass mid-combat stance changes with counters that either do massive damage or sometimes literally instant death, and attacks on a rotation. It's fucking dumb.
I really liked the Super Bosses of 4, 5, and Nexus solely because, while yes they still generally go on a cycle (especially nexus during day) they also have one thing in common. They are not immune to hard status effects, allowing a team dedicated to them to actually be successful, even if somewhat luck based.
Took about 25 attempts but my 130/R130 status effect team finally beat the Abyssal Princess in a fair fight and then proceeded to steamroll Jormungander in 2 attempts. I love the series and I love how it treats its mechanics, and I HATE. HATE. HATE. How most of the time they make their superbosses require an extremely specific autistic strategy to beat.
If it was as interesting as Demon Gaze or Dungeon Travelers I would have.
Now that I think about it, I usually do give up at the super boss. I've played all of the games starting with 4, and the only one I've actually killed is the one in 5 since I had a necro to stun lock him and a masuro I rested to a lmao4kat to hell slash him to death.
>necro to stun lock him
but necro doesn't have stun
Does it have bushi?
>Ur Child (from 2, not untold)?
breh, that one is a complete joke if you have any debilitating force user on your team
The Untold version is exactly the bullshit you describe
Mmhm. While 4 was way too easy and I don't want to give it any credit, 5 was a real EO game and I enjoyed it, and the postboss was balanced enough. I feel like Abyssal Princess is a perfect balance, albeit an extremely annoying cunt with built-in RNG fuckery like the heals and debuffs. But hey, credit when due, I still managed to beat it with a status effect team consisting of:
Nightstalker/War Magus
War Magus/Night Stalker
Ninja/Night Stalker
And aside from turn 1 and 2 just setting shit up with her guarenteed shit, I'd basically start setting up some poisons with the Ninja force break and then unleashing hell and triggering abyssal heals every other turn until it's time to petrify her and start rebuffing and shit while using War Magus's ailing slash to ignore the 50% physical resistance from petrify and using the Nightstalker's force break to keep it up as long as possible, eventually using panic to finish her off when she was at 25% or so in a blaze of hectic glory.
Difference in Untold 2 is that Fafnir is so broken that any working strategy built around it can and will beat Ur Child in under 5 turns even with minimal research.
Also Ur Child from 2 just using Begone whenever it quite literally the fuck feels like it to instantly kill your party unless you use a force break at the absolute perfect moment (which you have to know ahead of time) isn't exactly conducive to my idea of a well designed boss fight.
stop fighting her at night
>Ur Child
Nice meme. Also once again maybe I'm just being difficult but even during the day I don't like the fact that a boss has a built in instakill attack that triggers every x amount of turns that you HAVE to know about to survive. It's why I loved the fights in 4, 5, and Nexus. It was a fight to survival based on pure chaos, and you could just play reactionarily and still win.
You CANNOT play reactionarily in 1, 2, or 3. You need knowledge you are unable to achieve in a first attempt to win and that more than anything is what I hate in any jrpg. I love Etrian Odyssey to death, one of my favorite series, but you really need to stop defending their superbosses. They are NOT good.
Yeah "hard hack" does not equal "good".
Not him but what exactly are you guys talking about? 3 Was plenty hard. Is there a hack that made it harder? Or just better?
Is Abyssal god no longer a math problem?