N-no items dude! i-it's not because I'm incapable of adjusting to a dynamic fight...just...NO ITEMS DUDE!

>n-no items dude! i-it's not because I'm incapable of adjusting to a dynamic fight...just...NO ITEMS DUDE!

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Strangling someone to death or cracking open their neck with your bear hands is a lot more satisfying than strangling someone with a wire

You sound mad, OP.

Only items I hate are the ones that reverse controls. Anything else is free game

items became too annoying after melee.

Tourneyfags shit on their opponents even harder with items on.

alright since op is a RETARD im going to explain why items are not used in competitive
>they are fucking RANDOM, they can appear right next to your opponent giving you a huge disavantage
>pokeballs and assist trophys are even MORE FUCKING RANDOM and some assist trophys are so overpowered that they are basically just a free stock
>if you are agains't a retard that is above 150% and he picks up the fucking heart his hp goes back to 0% FOR NO FUCKING REASON
>they also take no skill to use

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Item matches were only good in 64 and Melee. Those are the only games where items are fun without an insane amount of tweaking


Except that the other smash games have every pretty much every item from the old ones? Just turn off the items you don’t like, it takes like one minute.

Dying at 0% because somebody picked up dragoon/hydra parts isn't fun

some items are just broken and need to be disabled
also the "collect 3 of this item to complete it" appear too often

Random chance is an element in everything, being unable to deal with that is evidence that you aren't as skilled as you think you are.

>they also take no skill to use
t. faggot who dies to beetle unironically

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Muh rng is the eternal excuse.

When you're playing in a competitive environment it's a high priority to restrict random chance wherever possible, to ensure that the competition is a display of the fighter's skills more than anything else.
If you were to ask any real-life sports organizer (in this case let's take football/handegg) if they could "turn off" poor weather such as rain or snow during competitions and ensure every match is played in sunny weather at 80 degrees fahrenheit, I guarantee you that every single one of them would jump at the opportunity to do so. And many of them do, hence why many arenas for high-profile sporting events take place in domes where they CAN control random elements such as weather.
If you approached some dudes organizing a huge football match in stormy heavy-rain weather and told them to open up their dome because "weather is just a random part of competition you need to account for, and your players are just bad for not adjusting to it" you would rightfully be laughed out of the arena. Just as you should be when suggesting the same for Smash.

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>RANDOM SPAWN guyz...they just....get pooped out of my oppenents anus!

if spawns are random retard you have equal chance for them to spawn on you, or your opponent, literally a brainlet argument.

Don’t bother, they’re just coping with the fact that they’re incompetent at smash and can’t win without assist trophies and Pokémon

I kinda wish smash ball was used in competitive.

ITT: People who think they're better at understanding the game and why certain things are the way they are than people who play it at a high level

Do you like only fast characters being able to be played and no heavy/slow ones? Items are how you eliminate any heavies, because fast characters will always have the advantage in this case because they can get to items quicker.

You also forgot that they shift the objective of the game from attacking your opponent to prioritizing the acquisition of items. And with items doing most of the fighting for you, there’s less emphasis on each character’s individual traits beyond how quick they can grab items.

You sure like giving them (you)s and keeping this thread going

Some of them are bullshit, most of them are fun. I can't see why anoyone would bitch about Koopa Shells or Mr. Saturns.

Mr. Saturn is actually OP as hell though. If you can condition your opponent into shielding it's basically a free KO.

It all comes to to the fact that their spawn are random. There are items that create more problems than that but they all have this problem. Why should someone win a three stock just because a green shell spawned right next to them when they needed a projectile to help edge guard on the last stock? It introduces RNG that can determine the winner and I don't understand how you could think that does anything other than lower how important skill is. Also I can tell you don't know much about the game if you think Mr. Saturn isn't good.

>Red Shell
Press F

They're fun when you're playing with 3 or 4 people but definitely not for a tryhard match

I used to love items until 4. They kept it relatively simple before then.

This obsession with RNG is child-like and limiting. There will always be luck involved, even in videogames with no RNG whatsoever. Furthermore in obsessing yourself with competitiveness you are literally, unironically lowering the amount of fun you get out of any game. To you this will sound like a buzzword, because you're already in the defensive, but it really IS just a game.

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Why Smash Ball instead of FS meter? The meter is less random

Why are you telling me how to have fun?

>Furthermore in obsessing yourself with competitiveness you are literally, unironically lowering the amount of fun you get out of any game.
user I know this is hard to understand for someone autistic like you but not everyone holds your opinions. What you find fun, is not what everyone else finds fun. Do you really need to be told this because if you do then you might genuinely be autistic. It's amazing you think you can determine what other people find fun.

This obsession with items is child-like and limiting. Furthermore in obsessing yourself with using everything available option in game you are literally, unironically lowering the amount of fun you get out of any game.

I stopped playing smash at Smash 3DS. What's FS meter?

I've seen this before in literally every person I know that used to play MOBAs. They genuinely used to think they were having fun. Literally all of them now look back and don't know what the fuck they were thinking.
When you adhere yourself too strongly to something like a fad or ""skill"" you LITERALLY lose sight of what's fun to you, battered wife syndrome-like. You know that "you think you do, but you don't" guy? One day you'll realize he was right.

>you're not having real fun

Yeah. I don't even need you to believe me. I gain absolutely nothing from you believing me. I'm just smug because one day, a few years from now, you'll realize it too.

>litle cousin invites me over to play the newest smash
>"sure bro i'll be there"
>come the weekend, get to his house
>see he's using a gamecube controller
>whatever, okay
>get to the rules screen
>I ask him to turn items on
>he looks visibly confused
>"Do it."
>"b-but the pros..."
>"They're faggots, dude. It's a party game. If you want to be competitive, take up a real sport like wrestling."
>starts crying, lolokay, we start on the best map hanenbow
>i'm throwing pokeballs all over the place, he's completely silent
>go to the kitchen for some pigs in a blanket
>when i get back he's on final destination playing wolf
>"i warned you"
>take the game out and snap the disc in half
>he starts crying, aunt threatens to call the cops
>I'm no longer invited back just for this
It never gets old seeing smashfans crash back into reality

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Then buff everything but the speed of slow ones for smahes with items

I think you have some delusions of grandeur or genuine autism. You actually think you can decide what other people enjoy. Yea I'm sure user, you know more about other people's feelings than they do. The literally thousands of people playing games competitively, none of them are having fun and you exposed it, congrats.

>your fun is going to be retroactively revoked
Are you actually autistic?

Pics of the broken disc?

should have fucked his boipucci at the end too

I've noticed that an overwhelming amount of people who claim items take no skill do absolutely retarded moves when items are on.

If you fucking can't keep track of a motion sensor bomb nor tell the difference between a fake and a real smash ball, you lose the right to complain. I have friends who play with both items on and off because they understand how to counter a super scope.

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I've seen this before in literally every person I know that use items. They genuinely used to think they were having fun. Literally all of them now look back and don't know what the fuck they were thinking. When you adhere yourself too strongly to something like a fad or ""skill"" you LITERALLY lose sight of what's fun to you, battered wife syndrome-like. You know that "you think you do, but you don't" guy? One day you'll realize he was right.

Like I said, talk to any of your normie friends that stopped playing vidya and started playing MOBAs instead. Ask them if they were having fun.

>"we are turning on items because your way of having fun is wrong! I can have fun better than you!"

>he doesn't know

I can't, they won't let me back to their house.

If smash was never intended to be a goofy ass fun party game it wouldn't have items in the first place.

People need to learn to chill the fuck out sometimes and occasionally have some goofy ass fun instead of go all stinky day ultra serious competitive bullshit.

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Using your same logic, if you were intended to use items every match you wouldn't be able to turn them all off.

I've been having fun with itemless Smash for well over a decade.

>Cave in and play with items
>They get mad at me when I immediately chase the smash ball or basically any other good item

he said "sometimes" and "occasionally" so no your post isn't as clever as you think it is

>Enable all items except Assists, Pokeballs, Battering and Shooting items
Best way to play

My one friend who plays MOBA would say yes so I guess that proves your wrong.

You think you are, but really you arent, and one day you will get that

>we're turning off items because thats NOT how youre supposed to have fun!

Defend this.

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I think it shows the game is designed to played however you and your friends want and you can't "prove" that any one option should be used any number of times. It's called personal preference. So back to his logic, if what he was saying was true then after a certain number of matches without items, the game would auto turn them on because occasional you're "supposed" to play with them on. But it doesn't because Sakurai has never forced how you're "supposed" to play in regards to items being on.

alright since (You) is a RETARD im going to explain why people dont give a shit about competitive
>They never fucking shower
>They treat metagame like a fucking bible
>They have forgotten the meaning of fun
>They will abandon any game that's not 3-stock FD no items
>also it takes no skill because you dont need to adapt to different situations

It's a party game. It's meant to be fun.

I just wish 90% of the items weren't unfun garbage. Healing items are lame, 1 shot kill items are lame, and items that take up 90% of the screen are lame. Stuff like the fan, the flipper, or the pitfall trap can be fun

You think you're having fun playing with items but really you aren't and one day you will get that

Literally shield.
>wow Lucas' upsmash is so OP and unbalanced what the fuck reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That's what you sound like.

>Unironically dying to gustbellows
Shiggy fucking diggy

I agree, I hate how many items are essentially auto kills if you aren't a mongoloid.

So why did they add that item to the game if it were meant to be fun?

only thing worse than acting like a smug dickhead is being so much of a pussy you have to fantasize about being a complete dickhead because you dont have the balls to act like that in real life and then post your fantasies on Yea Forums for validation from shitposters

It's like a special meter in other fighting games, taking and dealing damage charges it up and you get your final smash when it's fully charged

You can't be this stupid.

Hypothetically, lets say someone has a command throw with their Special moves that put you in the air, what do you do then?

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It's fun, don't be such a tourneyfag autist.

Are you scared knowing I would destroy you 10-0 in a pokeballs match? Didn't train for that? This will be fun!

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I percieve, and besides, I, different from you, have got to fell genuine fun while playing smash, while you are content with your limited RNG jump math fun.

It's honestly amazing how impossible it seems to be for anyone on this board to comprehend the idea that other people might legitimately enjoy different things, or the same things in different ways, than you do.

>at 50% health
>they hit u with the black jack hammer
>instant death
Because some of the items are plain retarded

I percieve, and besides,I, different from you, have got to fell beguine fun while playing smash, while you are content with your RNG filled jump math for fun.

Seriously though dude if you aren't joking see a fucking counselor. This is not a normal thing to say

Use my new position to go over them when they blow in a given direction.

Bad faith.

>enemy picks up hammer
>Knock them offstage
>They cant even jump, guaranteed kill
Are you an retard?

They turn the entire match into a race to every item. This is not a fun way to play.

>it's a "OP complains about items he spams to win a match" episode
I'll take a small popcorn, please

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I percieve, and besides,I, different from you, have got to fell beguine fun while playing smash, while you are content with your RNG filled jump math for fun.

>I get a Pokeball
>It's a shitmon
>Literally anybody else gets a Pokeball
>It's a rapemon
every fucking time

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>Just adapt, bro!
casualfag is eternally assblasted of the existence of competitive Smash because they have lived their whole lives in the delusional bubble of "being the best among their friends". The very idea that there exists fans of the game better, more knowledgeable, and more involved than them causes them to deflect immediately to items and stage hazards in a futile attempt to level the playing field. This is 100% undeniable fact.

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Is this supposed to make u cool?
Uhhhhhhh what you just look like a retarded autistic faggot
Obviously no one would want u around
>destroys property
I know this is 99% fake but still the fact u even bothered to type this is really sad

yeah sure have you even beaten a 9.9 yet?

>bob-omb spawns on top of you
>star spawns on your opponent
>heals spawn right in front of your opponent
It's fun if you like stupid bullshit that's barely skillful. It's like playing a fighter Mario Party. It gets annoying fast though.

not him, but you seem like the kind of person who'd greentext about how you robbed a bank and then say "haha those loser employees totally deserved it"

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Well I guess I got a little exited in there, sorry for that.
Maybe I should think of another of writing that

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Wash your balls, nigger, I can smell the sweat from two blocks down

>Do you like only fast characters being able to be played and no heavy/slow ones?
But this is already the case. Heavies will never be viable by design, so who cares about them.

Also whether some random characters will be viable or not should not be a concern to begin with.

honestly items are in a really awkward spot. from experience normalfags and absolute noobs would want items turned off or severely limited because they're generally unfamiliar with what each item does. For them playing the game and learning what each item does on the fly is too much hassle to be fun. On the other hand you have tourneyfags that turn them off because they're way too good. Giving some characters large, lobbing, high knockback projectiles or light, easy to combo with z-dropping items is gonna drastically change the meta into a shitty rush for items fuckfest.
So in the end you have the people caught in between that use em. Even then I feel they're the most fun with certain restrictions to create gimmick matches, eg an user suggested stage morphing between small and large stages, 1.5x knockback and flag only for a hectic rush to claim stocks.
tldr items are fun only when you know what to do with them

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I'm only doing what had to be done. Otherwise he would turn out like one of these people:

What's that smell?

>snapping the disc instead of whooping his ass on his own terms
don't tell me you didn't think you could beat a kid

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I'm not a bully.


If you actually did that your pathetic and sad it’s a fucking game u sperglord

If it were melee or brawl's items I'd be cool with playing with them on but Smash 4 and Ultimate have some of the most game breaking and busted items in the series.

But you and your opponent are both subject to chance so it's still equal

I will win with items on or items off. I just prefer playing with them off. The outcome of the match will be the same regardless because I'm the better player.

It will literally be more lopsided with items.

I saved him from being a smashfag, you should be praising me. It's sad we live in a world where heroic deeds aren't given the recognition they're due.

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That's untrue. There is literally no random chance in chess.

>But it doesn't because Sakurai has never forced how you're "supposed" to play in regards to items being on.
He put tripping in Brawl as a big middle finger to people who wanted a sterilised game with as little random chance as possible. Literally the same as banana peels suddenly appearing.

>over 100 replies
wow Yea Forums will argue over anything

Items make stronger players win harder, and encourage zoning and camping, which Smash is already right on the cusp of being ruined by.

>newfags don't realize this is pasta

>in regards to items
Did you even finish reading my post?

Yes, that's why my post has two sentences.

Lol they always use the word dynamic or adapt

wait you can fucking shield those things

See this is the shit I have to put up with.

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items lobby when

Items were ok up to Brawl. The shit they started adding onwards just made playing with them unfun.

1v1 - no items, on fair stages
4 way FFA - all items, any stage goes

Those are the two objective best ways to play Smash, not accounting for team battles.

Assist trophies and pokeballs spawn way too often now with how many good ones there are that can just straight up fucking kill you. They spawn more than regular items which is pretty fucking bullshit.

There are faggots who don't know how to reverse a beetle back at the user.

fuck that i love my 1v1 item matches

I don't understand why this is an argument. I prefer to play with no items because then it's more about skill than luck. It isn't because I can't fight with items on I just like doing crazy shit to my opponents and the items can get in the way of that. It's not as fun spiking someone to death when they can pick up a hammer and kill you immediately after. I understand that goes for me too, But when I get kills with items I don't feel like I earned it and I just feel disgusting afterwards.

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Why do you act like casuals don't do fucking retarded shit with this game as well?

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That image has so much SOUL

>taking smash seriously
when are we going back to the brawl days

You cant use neutral special when you have final smash. Atleast guarding the ball will give you the choice to go through with using a final smash or keep using the b button

Smash meter just gives everyone a Final Smash just for getting hit. The same goes for special meters in fighting games, but specials actually have a risk to their use and need some kind of set up to effectively pull off. Final smashes range to fucking useless to just being completely broken. FS meter smashes are weaker, but you don't have to work for them at all. Honestly, it's the shittiest addition to the game, and I hate going into arenas with them because they just slow down FFA matches a fuckton.

>All the replies to this post are deflection
Huh...I never realized all the shower jokes were just code for "you're right and I'm seething but I can't admit it."

*beats you with items*