Reminder that this man merely got lucky with Mario and Zelda...

Reminder that this man merely got lucky with Mario and Zelda. EVERY other franchise he's put out has been and absolute and utter fucking flop (DK doesn't count because it was Rare and Retro which made that franchise actually good). Miyamoto is a hack just like George Lucas. I also need not remind Yea Forums of how he utterly butchered the gold that was Paper Mario.

When Miyamoto finnaly retires from Nintendo, we can expect the company to absolutely florish with creativity and the success that will follow it.

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A man deprived of friendship (Iwata, Reggie)
It sucks he will work until he dies, because he is quite literally Nintendo.

Inklings were almost going to be rabbits thanks to this nigga

im still fucking depressed by how he fucked over the paper mario series, i fucking miss my femboy vivian and literally every characther from paper mario 64, didn't he make pikmin tho ? thats pretty good


Please don't remind me of Paper Mario's fate

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someone knows the truth

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and that would be based

And killed everyone in SSBU

What did he mean by this?

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Big yikes incel

what did you mean by this? seriously

>femboy vivian
Ah, yes. But which was the true canon? The true goal? The true "right'?

user im still covering from Shock from it

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So once Miyamoto dies will we enter a golden new age of Nintendo?

>Koizumi, Doug and Takahasi

>Calling Lucas a hack
Disney pushed that narrative to acquire the star wars franchise and the gave us the shit we have now

Miyamoto is Galeem?

Pikmin is fucking great though.

Lucas has made a couple of decent movies himself, but when people call Lucas a hack they are referring to the Star Wars Prequels and the fact that the GOOD Star Wars movies were saved and made good by nearly everyone BUT Lucas

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>Japan is the country of child molesters
>not the UK

He killed everyone.

Came here to say this.


Isn't Miyamoto also the only reason Nintendo let Tajiri do pokemon as well?

Attached: Shigeru_Miyamoto.jpg (800x600, 42K)

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>Miyamoto is a hack
>just like George Lucas
nah- Lucas always resented being told when one of his ideas was stupid and started ignoring the people telling him so once he was in position to do so; Miyamoto, by contrast, likely hasn't gotten anything in the way of actual criticism since Yamauchi was in charge.

>Ignoring Pikmin
>Ignoring that he pushed the Splatoon team to make it a new IP

>>>>>Still blaming Miyamoto for Tanabe's fuck up

Miyamoto was okay with the RPG elements, Tanabe is the man who wrecked everything

>le George Lucas is a hack meme
Low IQ.

Otherwise correct.

The only thing wrong Miyamoto ever did was Star Fox Zero

You can't blame him for wanting Paper Mario to be toned down when Bowser was treated like a fucking joke.
And even then, he wasnt the one who made Paper Mario the dogshit that it was.
We couldve lived in a future where we have an absolute excellent Paper Mario game that uses the Mario world to it's fullest but we dont because Tanabe is a fucking moron

The previous director pushed too far with super
all he had to do was try to contain it a bit like TTYD did, it wasn't in the mushroom kingdom but it was still close enough