>bro just follow the lights lmao
fuck you, took me 15 minutes and a youtube video to find this dumb cunt there are lights everywhere
>bro just follow the lights lmao
fuck you, took me 15 minutes and a youtube video to find this dumb cunt there are lights everywhere
I want a new Tenchu sofaking bad.
that's impressive
Imagine being this bad at video games.
>on NG+
>can still only use flame barrel like 3 times before running out of spirit emblems
>have all the spirit emblem upgrades
Is this an upgrade I'm missing? I don't have them all for flame vent yet.
Isn't this game just that? I mean not in name but yeah.
He's literally around the corner you brainlet.
Use the tanto
>Game specifically instructs you to follow the Nightjar lights
>They either lead you to sunken valley or back to the gate
not to mention, they scattered all over the fucking castle
>getting filtered by walking to Isshin.
Nigga you practically trip over him when you hop out the window.
The tanto is retarded, it takes off like 50% of your health so using it in the middle of battle is usually a death sentence. I should just get that tool upgrade that lets you use the fire sword.
It started out as a new Tenchu game, but they decided to make it a new IP.
Use tanto before a fight and heal brainlet. Gorurds and pebbles aren't worth shit compared to keeping pressure on.
I found the secret passage behind the dojo wall to him by accident, because I was fighting those two samurai right next to it
Source? Sekiro assets have been in development since at least Bloodborne, since an early version of Gyoubu's model is dummied out of BB's disc data.
I found him by accident exploring before I was even told to go to him
15 minutes? Try not knowing about Tenchu after defeating Gyoubo and searching for 8 hours. Isshin isn't in his tower until you do Tenchu's shit and even then you wouldn't know that was actually Isshin's room. God, I hate getting stuck in these games.
How much fucking simpler could it be?
Lol. Right after defeating genichiro. You literally just walk out of the window kuro tells you to walk out of. Turn right and there he is. Just one building away.
Intuitively, the game JUST told you to follow the lights. Do you pick the left building (well lit) or the right building (barely even a light on it)?
But no!
Emma says he's in a separate tower of the castle. There's only so many. Also there's fucking purple smoke all around it. It's literally 10 seconds away. You must be really bad at games
There's a fucking smoke signal literally right next to the door of the """""barely lit""""" building, you blind cunt.
Not him, but I saw the article. From said it started life as a Tenchu game.
This game is fucking loaded with Tenchu easter eggs.
Gyoubu's horse is named Onikage.
Granny has a lifted Onikage moveset, down to the axe kick and triple heel.
Yellow Monks.
Dragon has the Shichisto sword, etc.
Did you actually get "stuck" in sekiro?
Listen you fucking retard. There is a light on the building in front of you. You go to that building. Then oh shit! There is another light on the building next to that one, where Isshin is! Who would have thought that you have to follow the lights in obvious order? Only a retard would go out of order.
Same here, does anyone else feel like this game needs a mini-map?
Fuck off.
From Software? More like Where The Fuck Do I Go From Here
I literally don't understand how you could get lost. I ACCIDENTALLY found the boss there. I didn't even know what was going on and just hopped onto a ledge and it triggered the cutscene and boss.
the only dumb cunt here is you
>Did you actually get "stuck" in sekiro?
I had a friend once who managed to get lost in one of those old sonic games(you know the 2d ones where you just run forward).
Don't ask.
It's easy to think that Gyoubo's arena only has one exit and if you don't interact with Tenchu you'll only find a weird "lol i am not at home" message in Isshin's room which points you in the wrong direction.
>Same here, does anyone else feel like this game needs a mini-map?
Yes and One of those Bethesda pointers to hold my hand through out the game least my ADHD addled brain forget which direction I was walking in.
Follow the light and see that there's a room you can enter. Woah, there he fucking is. Are you god damn retarded?
You jump to that building, look yonder, there's a fucking bridge with no more lights.
You turn around see more lights, and aimlessly start going back to the fucking gate again, meanwhile that guy was probably sitting up there grinning while you were jumping from roof to roof like a goddamn idiot
Is there even a wrong direction in the game? You will eventually meet him again.
No, when I played the game I remembered how Emma specifically stated that Isshin was in a nearby tower, so I left the lookout room and followed the light and saw a tower with a room in it and with smoke signals near it. It didn't even take me 60 seconds. You're just a fucking moron.
>It's easy to think that Gyoubo's arena only has one exit
Wtf. Your literally saying instead of the massive 5-6 meter wide walkway leading you the the giant castle he clearly walked right pass is easy to miss? It's a massive ground where you can freely see 360° and they both Stand on opposite ends. You look left you see a big gate you look right and you see a giant castle with a massive walkway inviting you in.
How he managed to get through this game with that low level awareness of his surroundings and a lack of sense of exploration is astounding.
nearby could LITERALLY mean any of the many buildings in the area, fuck me
kek I literally experienced that few hours ago to only not find Issen because I haven't talked to another NPC in a different area.
Sekiro plays nothing like Tenchu.
After you turn around from looking at the bridge you should have seen the smoke signal that was literally sitting right at the entrance of his hut. You literally would have had to walk right past him if you were following the smoke trail.
all one of them that can be entered
It was a super generic boss arena. I managed him on my first try and just went onward without looking around. Boss arenas are dead ends in 99% of cases, but from decided to place an essential story npc around the place and had no fucking notice by anybody later in the game hinting at the location.
Nearby the lookout, you fucking idiot, not the base of the castle, and only one of those towers can be entered. Holy fucking shit.
Emma tells you you should move your ass to the area where you fought gyoubo.
If you beat Genichiro without finding Tengu then Kuro still tells you to go to his room, where you find a note leading you to Tengu.
Yea, so you check all of them. While getting fucked by spinning bird men.
Then you go back to Kuro and ask if he could be a little more specific with his directions.
He's like an early 2000s GPS
Emma gives you a hint to go back, no? She says there's a shrine near where you fought Gyoubo when you mention Isshin's not in his room.
That's how I found him there.
>nearby could LITERALLY mean any of the many buildings in the area, fuck me
True but I think your ADHD got the best of you. I saw the smoke climbed to the second smoke tower and looked at all the smoke signals traveling the way down. I took a moment to actually think about how strange it was for the smoke to trail off all the way down to the bottom when Emma said it was near by. So I stopped. Turned around and saw that I was not even 20secs away from the bloke.
Instead off running off like a mook you might have tried turning on your brain for a second.
These people share a planet with you, they breath your air, vote in your elections. Am I to call these people my equals?
>cryptic messages and misinformation makes it hard
fuck off
>tfw we live in a world where zoomers believe exploring for FIFTEEN MINUTES is unacceptable
So before you jumped into the arena you didn't find the door that was locked from the other side? You never once wondered what was inside that giant castle you literally just walked past 10 seconds ago before you entered the arena. Also note basically all the areas in sekiro are explorable and only cut off by cliffs
No, otherwise stealthfags will be shitting on it for how bad the AI is at tracking the player among other stealth mechanics
>>cryptic messages and misinformation makes it hard
Wtf are you on about? People directly telling you to go here and do this or the fact a giant fucking unexplored castle might have something interesting in it? Pretty damned cryptic.
How is it Cryptic? How low is your IQ? Be honest.
Oh look, it's another 'Fromfags defend blatant design flaws' thread
Why would there be light on every other building if they had no relevance
heck, why even have lights on the left building when in reality, he is in the right one
Is it just me or is the axe attack literally the same animation as certain bloodborne attack? Thinking of the kirk hammer.
I found his room first and missed the window in the dojo entirely so I thought it was just the way to go. There was a letter in there that talked about Isshin so I remembered it instantly.
I want to see the playtesting transcript that lead to this decision. Keep the fights in, but fuck if players can use waypoints.
nah kirk got shorter timing than the axe.
>Gyoubu's model is dummied out of BB's disc data.
wait what
>Oh look, it's another 'Fromfags defend blatant design flaws' thread
Your double digit IQ anit fooling anyone.
Because Kiri/Emma said that the nightjar put up those smoke signals. Their are nightjar at every one of those smoke signal points going all the way done.
It's not a retarded game immersion breaker like a racing game that shines light in your face telling you to turn left or right. It's actually placed down there for a story reason. It's not something used to directly guide you to the objective.
Honestly we've been hand held for so long in games I'm sure most of you guys just jumped at the chance follow the carrot on a stick rather than pay attention to what's going on in the actual game.
I don't think I explained well enough so lemme repeat again.
The smoke signals aren't to lead you to isshin. The smoke signals are used by the nightjar for their own means. The nightjar are protecting isshin