XC2 Thread

Look at this cute bird.

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is this an xcom 2 thread?

So was there ever any in-game explanation as to why some people can awaken blades and some can't? Since blades are basically just there to collect data, maybe the cores can tell the user doesn't have any useful data?

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don't lewd the birb

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what a dumb bird

Uhh... what was her name again?

Other than it being entirely chance based? Genetics maybe.

The whole ideas system and Klaus saying that he created blades to keep the new humanity from repeating the mistakes of the old one made me wonder if it's meant to weed out some of the shittier people from becoming Drivers, but people like Theory's driver still manage to make the cut, so...that probably isn't right.

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Birb is very cute, imagine chilling and lazying around all day.

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So what happens to loli blades who get awoken by a big ass wolf monster?

Amalthus removing data from the cores improved their chances of awakening with more people, so probably

>"someone's being tar-get-ed"

How does that work, anyways?
The cleansed cores are easier to resonate with, but the game also seems to suggest that once a driver resonates with a blade they have 'aptitude' and can resonate with as many as they want.
So if someone who wouldn't be accepted by a regular core resonates with a cleansed one, will all the normal cores start accepting them too?

Perhaps its to weed out people heading down "wrong" evolutionary lines instead

Yeah Nopon in general were known not to be able to, cept a few rare cases. Must be genetics. Why is the Architect so racist? This is eugenics.

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I think it was....Flinch?

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Nobody knows because at the time the plot of the game happens Indol basically controls the global supply of cores

>"These guys are so annoying!"
>"Go back to whence you came!"

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What if Finch is actually a dinosaur that thinks she's a bird?

some genetical link probably

nopon don't come from titan lineages, so resonance is far more rare

Cute cat.

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nopon are all a bunch of greedy jews anyways, fuck 'em

The Architect did everything he could to prevent Nopons from taking over the world. And yet, they did. Truly the most frightful race.

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Look at this homosexual OP

Imagine fucking Finch but she cums. But she forget that she came and then cums again.

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In the game, if you can awaken a common blade core, you can basically awaken any of them. Although there is a limit, anyone who can awaken a core crystal can have a small army at their disposal (10-20 common blades, at their command, with a chance for rare blades in there). Rex does this when he takes over for the Mercenary work, and is a good guy, but it sucks that seemingly no one else in the XC2 world thought to do the same. Everyone sticks to their 1 blade and tries to grow with just them all their life. Although it is true that an S rank blade affinity will get you more power than 10 C rank affinities, seeing how blades are super durable I still don't see the draw back on an average blade driver having more than just 1 blade. Yet NPCs never do it.

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according to klaus blades are meant to collect data so the people that cannot awaken them are literally uninteresting npcs

the architect did not create the nopon, look at the species chart he draws

nopons are ayy lmaos

Amalthus and Lora did it too, but yeah. It's especially odd that the Ardainians put so much focus on recruiting new drivers, but aren't taking full advantage of it by having them resonate with a shitton of blades.
Tora's family are all pretty interesting, though.

I would say, this is probably because of Indol. Remember those blue fuckers control the spice influx. And who controls the spice, controls everything.

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the party members are all special and don't have a limit, except for morag who should but they wouldn't limit her

lora had 2 after like 17 years, amalthus can have as many as he wants due to indol biotech. Morag is the only character in the story who should be limited but isn't because that would make tank blades largly useless

Wow, guy, I haven't even cum yet and I feel GREAT! You must be really good at this!


>Liked birb the most from pictures I saw before the game released
>Literally the last blade I got was her

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I guess because Blades are basically people, and not all blades follow commands (some can be sassy or unruly) people don't want to manage the headache that would be several blades at once. Didn't Praxis and Theory's belong to the same bandit driver? I think that was the only case I can remember of NPC with more than 1 blade.

>tfw Tora is the nopon equivalent of a giant, burly construction/trade guy

That's not true, some NPC early on (I think the Ardainian recruiter guy in Gormott?) says that drivers can resonate with a bunch of blades if they want, suggesting it isn't some special ability.
And I don't see why Morag would be an exception. She's technically the only party member other than Rex who canonically has more than one Blade.

No, Praxis' driver died when they were separated. Theory's driver was the leader, who she turned on to free herself and be with Praxis.

a bunch yes but not infinite

>I don't see why morag would be an exception
because she's just a human

>because she's just a human
Why would that make any difference? What are you even basing this on?

>Japanese """"""""humor""""""""

Lots of blue collar hard working people in this game.

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>Already nutted
>Finch doesnt remember and wonders why you aint plowing her

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I think it doesn't work like that since the party members are all special in some way
>Rex is the Master Driver and has a part of the core containing all information
>Nia is a Flesh Eater and all of them were able to resonate with other blades
>Zeke is a Blade Eater and it seems like they can also resonate easily with other blades
>Morag is the most normal but already resonated with Brighid, which would mean that she already has high resonance.
>Tora literally built his waifu

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He was more based than people give him credit for. Legitimately contributed to the party in story and is a useful tank.

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