>played game at release
>finished it a couple times
>never touched it again
>somehow can't get it out of my head
Why is this the only game that does that?
Rain World thread
>played game at release
>finished it a couple times
>never touched it again
>somehow can't get it out of my head
Why is this the only game that does that?
Rain World thread
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck scavniggers
species war now
Scavs are peaceful creatures
le artificial difficulty fotm
imagine the smell
remove scavs
post yfw pictures of the past
Why haven't you beaten the game as Hunter yet?
>implying i don't
that's bullshit but I believe it
I keep getting killed at the beginning because scavs chimp out when I try to get through their checkpoints, even after I trade a pearl.
>going through outskirts instead of sky islands
step your game up son
when's the more sluggos mod supposed to come out? i keep wanting to replay but i need new.
same time as 1.7
I kept trying to got to outskirts for some reason and got filtered by scavs
hunter had a hard life
Tell it to me straight
Is there gonna be an official coop mode
wheels are in motion
It's going to be local only co-op right?
I sure hope not
I'd like to play with my friends without having to go through some hoops like parsec
How's the fan expansion going?
still waiting on that release date unfortunately.
it's the only game that does a lot of things.
Scavs are dumb, DUMB!
These big daddy cancer cells creep me the fuck out
Please don't chow down on her neurons.
the brother long legs creep me out more. The fact they go limp after absorbing something gets to me for some reason
That would be Sekiro tho
>can't get it out of my head
>can't find motivation to play it again either because of all "that part" moments.
The entire game is "that part" moments, and that's why it's so good.
I dare you to say one good thing about leeches
It's fun watching them desperately try to cling to you when you're on land.
Leeches are harmless man what are you talking about?
delete this
thank you
Because it's the most unique game you've ever experienced and no other game you play will come close to making you feel the same things you felt while playing it.
Reminder that mushrooms are amazing