Days Gone

Say what you want but the visuals alone are top tier

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I don't like good graphics.


At least it looks a million times better than God of War.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190426205459-01.jpg (3840x2160, 2.54M)

post some screens when it isnt brown af pls
it actually looks good when everythings really green

It's also alot more fun.

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This. Lower poly graphics leave more up to the imagination and give the devs more time and resources to spend perfecting other aspects of the game. Good graphics are a novelty that wears off very quickly but good gameplay will keep you coming back for more time and time again.

>leave more up to the imagination
lol you actually believe this stupid fucking Yea Forums boomer meme?


So does it suck? Reviewers are untrustworthy

That explains why you bought an Xbone and a Switch at least.

the zombies are white so its pretty bad

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No. Reviewers are literally just giving a bad score for the "problematic" white, male protagonist. Game is easily a solid 8/10.

Why does it look like everything is disintegrating? Looks kind of like Ryse but more blurry, desu.

>memeing yourself into buying bad games
by all means, continue

So is this a 7/10 that's gonna become a 9/10 in two months when all the issues are patched out?

t. dreamlet
Not my fault your imagination has been sapped by years of depression and autism


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shitty shaders

Holy shit so real. Just like on PS3.

post those dense green forests user
no one is impressed by a flat ground texture

Attached: shill.png (112x112, 14K)

>protagonist is a biker
jesus christ why
if i wanted to take meth and deliberately shit my own pants i'd do exactly that

Basically, yeah. It's already good, just needs more polish.

SEETHING Xcucks. Even Playstation's "worst" exclusive is better than any and all of your "good" ones, lmao.

92 > 72