Yea Forums I have dilemma

Yea Forums I have dilemma.
I really would love get in to MK11 but i just cant stand to that SJW and micro transactions bullshit at all. And the very worst thing is Mileena is not in

So should i buy MK11 or not?

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Every issue the game has listed has been massively blown out of proportion, they are easily ignored, except the microtransactions which are being tweeked right now with patches fixing them soon, NRS beeing really communicative about issues. The game is great and one of the best fighting games i ever played with the best netcode out there hands down.

That said, the PC version right now is also suffering some issues, they are working on fixing them in apparently today or tomorrow, but just be warned you may get crashes and that we are behind in patches compared to the Xbox or PS4

You wouldn't

>They'll patch it!

Nah they fucked me over with X on PC. I'm never trusting them again.

As long as her vagina doesn't look like her mouth I'm dtf desu

Yea i get what you mean, sadly (or i should say thankfully) i missed the launch of X on PC, so i don't know how things were back then, but they literally stated yesterday what they are doing, so that gives me hopes

I dont like the sound of that at all. I dont want to play mobile fighting game on PC. Sure the game released few days ago so i understand not all fixes in yet.

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Doesn't sound like a dilemma at all, sounds like you don't like the game.
WHY do you want to get MK11? can you name one(1) positive thing about besides "its the new one"?

Just to clarify in case you wondered, all microtransactions are strictly cosmetic only, and you get all the moves from the get go, i understand if you still don't want to get it since i don't know if you are getting the game for it's fighting game potential or the fashion aspect.