Games where your plan backfires?

Games where your plan backfires?

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can I get a quick rundown?

Epic store exclusive

This please

Oof what the fuck happen someone explain. Also Bum rushing the enemies that one time in Fire Emblem (GBA)

Attached: 1548463213793.jpg (434x493, 243K)

>game successful meme game on steam (goat sim)
>make another game
>chinks offer bribe to only sell it on their store
>take deal
>people get mad and threaten to pirate
>insult them and dare them to
>they do
>sell literally 9 copies

interesting, that tweet is real, but it doesn't seem likely to be true? wonder what's the deal. There's no "just kidding" in the comments or anything.

What game is this?

Holy shit really? That is fucking hilarious

>Check Twitter
>It's real
The thread is hillarious, at least that guy has a sense of humour