Planet Zoo


Attached: Planet-Zoo-Trailer-Introduces-Frontiers-Next-Sim-Title.jpg (780x439, 30K)

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What's this?

Will I be able to hunt dinos?

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I heard word that the guys who worked on Zoo Tycoon are working on this. Any truth to that?

New Frontier game. They brought back Rollercoaster Tycoon, now they're bringing back Zoo Tycoon.

DLC maybe.

Attached: planetzoo bear.jpg (2068x1120, 160K)

These realistic animals next to cartoony humans is jarring

was their jurassic park game any good?

god no

Nah. Console limitations and license so no modding.

alright thanks, was hoping for a modern operation genesis nostalgia kick

Game looks like it's gonna be fun as fuck. And it's gonna have workshop support too, based

Is Planet Coaster any good?
I feel like I'd love it for about 30 minutes and then I'd get bored of building just for the sake of building

The actual simulation is pretty bad, but you can basically build whatever you want.

It's ok. Get it on sale with all the DLCs.

Rumour has it they're "redoing it" as a sequel because there is too many things wrong/missing. If I were you I'd wait or buy it for not more than 10$

This and a carnivore pack for JWE was on a leak list for Frontier. So basically everything on that list is confirmed now, including JWE2

I didn't even knew that planet coaster had dlc

Planet Coaster wasn't the return of RCT; why should we believe Planet Zoo will be the return of ZT?

Attached: YnpNhE0.jpg (1920x1346, 121K)

Building for the sake of building is all Planet Coaster has really, if you want the gameplay successor to RCT get Parkitect.

Do people unironically listen to the music in the trailer? Makes me want to just poo all over my floor. Poo everywhere, unstoppable, delectable. Poop.

nobody cares, fuck off shill

>They brought back Rollercoaster Tycoon,

That's a weird reaction.

mad shit taste

Oh boy, another mechanically barebones Frontier game that will have a dozen DLC packs. Planet Coaster left a lot to be desired but their Jurassic world game killed any serious interest I had in future Frontier titles. I'm sure it will be a good looking game but I won't be at all surprised when it ends up more shallow than the games it takes inspiration from.

I have synesthesia. Not the cool seeing sounds type tho. I just get an incredible urge to shit when I hear music I don't like.

>le synesnoflake meme

>They brought back Rollercoaster Tycoon
If anything, Parkitect was the new RCT.

Theres no rides nigger so they'd have to focus on the simulation aspect more.

Jurassic world was held back by consoles and no mods because of the license.


Attached: .O. 2.png (365x363, 51K)

Nah, they'll just put more effort into scenery.

>Frontier Games
>focus on simulation aspect

Attached: laughing_merman.jpg (256x352, 36K)

Planet coaster was soulless

From the meme gameplay trailers they showd us I knew it will flop and evreyone here was hyped

>I knew it will flop and evreyone here was hyped
heres ur award cooldude

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I hate the word "zoomer" if only for getting my hopes up that there might be a Zoo Tycoon thread

Will this game be shitty like Zoo Tycoon on the xbox or more like Zoo Tycoon 2?

>Console limitations
Is this the new excuse for shitty animal A.I.?

Do you guys think they will ever make an iteration of this?

Attached: 220px-The_Movies_Coverart.jpg (220x315, 30K)

Thank you

Hopefully, more like Zoo Tycoon 1

I hope the latter, I believe the former

You know, that would actually play to their strengths. It's not like the game part of The Movies wasn't already shite.

why can't microsoft make a proper zoo tycoon 3?

Attached: huh3.jpg (374x374, 14K)

>the game part was shite
Fuck off. I can play that shit for hours. I have a youtube channel to prove it.

what did zt1 do better than zt2?

Somewhere between the former and Planet coaster is the most likely outcome. Those are both Frontier games, indicative of their priorities and design choices.


Jesus fuck I nearly jumped out of my seat.
>Oh boy, another mechanically barebones Frontier game that will have a dozen DLC packs.
Yep, my optimism is in check now. Time to watch lets plays of zoo tycoon 2 on a friday night to ease the nostalgia


>Anything post 2000

I can feel it
Such a short loop for a menu track

ZT2 with the 3D world just made it more obvious that they weren't the best programmers around and the cash grab dlcs were a bit on the nose. I still like them both equally.

does this mean I can have Big ass Mosquito park

no but spiders are confirmed