WHY isn't this game coming to PC on release?

WHY isn't this game coming to PC on release?


Same with the new sonic racing car game, it's also not coming to pc and we don't know if it will. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG? WHY DO THEY NOT MAKE FOR PC? I DONT EVEN OWN ANY CONSOLES THAT SHIT IS FOR KIDS.

Attached: H2x1_NSwitch_CrashTeamRacingNitroFueled_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 481K)

Other urls found in this thread:


both are epic store exclusive

Sonic Racing is coming to PC though...

Because PlayStation paid them off

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Crash is the original mascot of PlayStation.

Buy a console. What are you, poor?


For double dipping. Release a game first on a set number of platforms. People who really want it, buy it. Wait till the hype dies down a bit (6 months/1 year). Announce same game with some potential minor fixes and added content. Release it on platforms that were skipped before. People who already bought it might buy it again because of better performance and content, and people who didn't buy it now will (most likely) if it received good criticism the first time around.

Attached: 1554835288292.png (598x628, 383K)

I thought you'd get used to getting belated scraps by now

OP, is your google broken or something?