What do you guys think of Playstation All-Stars Second Round?
What do you guys think of Playstation All-Stars Second Round?
Sony always wins baby
it's only missing crash
Bayonetta on the PS3 remains the best selling SKU to this day.
>psabr had to settle for raiden instead of snake
Poetic, really
And it's the worst version by far and Platinum's self-admitted greatest shame.
Sony fans were trying their hardest admittedly. The port begging got so bad someone from Platinum had to step in and tell everyone to shut the fuck up and stop harassing them.
And look how much that game sold overall lol.
Fuck off, that never happened.
And yet Nintendofags didn’t buy Bayonetta 2, Kamiya’s true audience is on Playstation.
Put in Richter for SotN.
I love how Nincels still try to pretend to this day Bayonetta 2 was a big thing.
Still needs Crash, Spyro, Lara Croft and Chris Redfield for a perfect 8-player fuck you to Snoy.
Was big enough that Sony fans were screaming constantly for it to get brought to Playstation until Platinum told them to shut up.
We'll see with Bayonetta 3. If this game doesnt sell then yeah this series is fucked. Tbh I care more about if it's good first.
Just Crash is a big enough fuck you, really. I still can't believe Sony were too cheap to fucking get Crash in their cross-over game.
that never happened and Im embarassed you dumb cunts think it did.
Which it probably should have. Shitting all over your primary fanbase to appease Nintendo was a dumb fucking move.
Must of did pretty well because 3 is Switch Exclusive:)
Kamiya's best game (Viewtiful Joe) sold the best on a Nintendo platform.
He was in Drac X and Rondo first though
Oof, that’s some serious seething AND cringe. Yikes!
It's switch exclusive because Nintendo owns the IP from 2 onwards. Because they're cunts and spent millions on holding it hostage.
So why did neither Sony/Microsoft pick up the series by financing it since it sold like shit on both consoles? Well they didnt care about it at all.
This response pretty much proves him right dude
More like xbox considering the ps3 had piss poor performance
To be fair, it was moreso Actiblizz's fault for being massive fucking snobs. Wasting that much money on a game you knew wouldn't sell too well to CoDfags anyways wasn't worth it.
>Because they're cunts and spent millions on holding it hostage.
My dude, Bayonetta 2 wouldn't have existed without Nintendo. Platinum went to both Sony and Microsoft first to see if they wanted the IP rights and got told to fuck off.
>Kamiya’s true audience is on Playstation.
Shame he won't make games for it then
Yeah much like how it happened with Yakuza and Playstation apparently.
See, thats when Platinum should have just taken the money, then told Nintendo to go fuck themselves and release it on other systems anyways.
It sold better on PS3 by a small margin, probably because it was back then when the PS3 actually didnt have shit.
Anyone got the collage of all the Sonyfags crying about it being a Nintendo exclusive?
pretty sure that's not possible but ok
>holding it hostage
Platinum shopped Bayo 2 around, because Sega didn't want to fund it. Sony didn't want it, Nintendo is. Simple as. It's not being held hostage, as that would imply other companies fucking wanted it to begin with.
That sounds like a fantastic way to get several lawsuits.
Cry more Snoyboy
Damn, not only did Nintendo blow Sony’s poor attempt to copy Smash out of the water but they literally absorbed it and put it on their own console
I'd have rather watched my company burn to the grounds than be held hostage by fucking Nintendo.
It's missing Lara, Crash and Spyro.
add abe and it's perfect
This is Platinum we're talking about, not Gearbox.
Yeah but SotN is pretty much THE Castlevania game everyone knows about. I consider Richter a Playstation character because of it.
Or you could have just not asked Nintendo to see if they’d wanna fund it and continue to have a studio. But no, go with your “ruin your livelihood over a retarded console war” plan
Not official Platinum statements but Kamiya was out there telling people it wasn't happening
SotN is Alucard's game
If Richter is anything, he's a PC Engine character.
>hey nobody wants to fund our game, do you want to, Nintendo?
>yes, it will be great to get another exclusive under our belt
You fucking dolt.
Now that the game has been re-released on PSP and Sony Digital exclusively.... I think he's fair to be called Playstation at this point.
It's sad that no one wanted to fund a new game before Nintendo. Because now we're stuck with shitty hardware. Eh at least there's emulation to improve on the performance.
Bayonetta 2 is a Nintendo title
Astral Chain is a Nintendo title
Bayonetta 3 will be a Nintendo title
Live with it.
Persona Q2 is on Nintendo, and Scramble is coming to Nintendo. Also, mainline SMT, and tons of other spinoffs are on Nintendo.
The first Metal Gear, Ghost Babel, MGS Twin Snakes, and MGS3D were all on Nintendo
Out of all the versions of Bayo1, the Sony version is the absolute worst. Also, Bayo2 is exclusive to Nintendo. Bayo3 will remain exclusive to Nintendo.
FF7 is now on Nintendo. Also, he's been in KH Chain of Memories, which was on Nintendo. And Theatrhythm.
None of these franchises have ever been Sony exclusive
Is there even a likely chance that we'll get a PSABR sequel? Because Sony got btfo so hard with the first game's reception and Smash that I think they're too scared of giving the concept another shot.
Astral Chain as a series is literally owned by Nintendo not sure some episodes. Like they have the trademark and everything.
PSABR wasn't even bad, conceptually. The super meter kill mechanic separated it from Smash at a fundamental level. But people still called it a clone.
It's primary flaw was the lack of polish. The menus made it feel like you were playing some flash game on Newgrounds. Also, the roster was too PS3 centric
i loved the part where spike and kat started worshipping each other's asses haha
>lumping smt with persona
snake looks retarded
PS fans didn't even buy any exclusive that isn't a movie
Even ignoring that, Persona has been on other platforms. P1 was on PC in Japan. P4A obviously has the 360 version. PQ is on 3DS.
stay triggered bayonettor.
PSASBR flopped because there was no waifu pandering
>Kat's model was ass
>No Lammy
>No Carmelita
>No Sayaka
Bayonetta deserves it and Snake has main games in Ninteno consoles. Joker and Cloud are fucking shit
I think everyone can agree that the lackluster roster was terrible. Should've been at least 30 characters desu.
There's about 20 characters in PSBAR and having a clone be one is laughable. Smash 4 has like 40 characters so clones weren't such a big deal.
Oh, fuck off. Lucina and Roy are the only ones similar to Marth.
and its the only thing Platinum regrets making
he hasn't made a game on there in 13 years
sorry bud
big daddy was a good choice and sweetooth was really fun
They were, but people were upset that there wasn't Crash, Spyro, Cloud, Snake, or even the true Dante. You can't have a true Playstation All Star without at least one of these characters.
>Basedny autists coping this hard
Bayonetta doesn't deserve to be in smash. Not a single bayo game has reached a million sales.
Can someone explain to me how and why Nintendo made a better PlayStation crossover than Sony did with PSASBR? All that Ultimate needs is for Crash Bandicoot and/or Spyro be part of the fighter pass and that would be the biggest salt in the open wound of all time.
To be fair, Alucard is in Ultimate but as an assist trophy fighter.
Without Nintendo you wouldn't have gotten 2 or the third one. The series would've been dead and buried otherwise
Also, how do you pick the WRONG DANTE
Sony fucked up the development of the game badly. They half assed it and didn't care about the quality of the game and as a result it failed.
Does anyone else want Lara Croft?
looking at how many animations and his general model. He looks like a good candidate for a promotion.
Sony used PSASBR as an advertisement game for upcoming PS3 games and Capcom at the time of when PSASBR was being worked on wanted to shill for DmC: DmC.
From the thumbnail, it looked like Cloud was wearing pinkish lipstick and eye shadow. I am disappointed that this is not the case.
Wasn't that literally the worst version of the game
I'm pissed about the lost potential of the game. Sony had a chance to create a rival to Smash and they blew it.
Not him but Melee's roster got away with way more than it really should have. Half the roster was shitty clones.
Speaking of PSABR 2, I've seen more fake leaks for this game than for any other game on Yea Forums. Get off your asses and just make the game already Sony.
The Bayonetta series in general doesn't sell. It's strictly kept artificially alive via Nintendo's bailout money. Bayonetta is just Nintendo's attempt to having their own Devil May Cry Action game brand of some sort. Problem is Devil May Cry is indeed a loved series. People like Dante, people like Vergil, I suppose some people accept Nero, but people LOVE Lady. Now then what Bayonetta character is actually liked? Not one. I know a lot of people who hate Bayonetta herself for being this awkward looking unattractive old hag forcefully doing sexy poses when she's the farthest thing form attractive.
The characters in Bayonetta are unappealing. Now then gameplay? If you want an action game I suppose both series function and fulfill those needs and craving for Action gameplay. However, people want to play games with appealing characters and not unappealing ones like the ones from Bayonetta.
This failure series is on its way out. How much more is Nintendo willing to keep bailing this series out? It doesn't have a nutrient fanbase. Hell Kirby performs better and it's not one of Nintendo's major hitters.
>sony makes a crossover between jak ratchet and sly
>they fuck it up
>sony lets a company try to make a smash clone with their ips
>sony chose the most inexperienced company and gave them shill characters
How come Sony always tries to wing these crossovers?
>Current Lara Croft having a chance into Smash
One can dream user, unfortunately Microsoft has her in her clutches
They want to be Nintendo with the minimum of effort and expense put in. See the PS1 Classic as an example.
>Nintendo owns the IP from 2 onwards
SEGA still owns the IP though. Nintendo only has publishing rights for 2 and now 3.
Stay mad snoy
Never forget, it broke 1 million on Wii u
because the only reason to buy Bayonetta 2 is the Bayonetta 1 code that comes with it
They waren't the ones responsible for that awful port though
Bayo 2 on wiiu alone
Within a year too if I remember right
Operation platinum was successful
Where's Kat?
Do Nintendo-fans even play Bayo let alone like her games? Or do they just like pointing out how they cucked Sonyfags out of a game?
In the trash bin right where Sony dropped her.
Nintendo does not own the IP at all. They have publishing rights. There's a difference.
In graveyard.
>Its another fucking console war thread
Do you faggots ever get tired of this shit?