Alright boys, how do we make Overwatch the best game on the market again?

Alright boys, how do we make Overwatch the best game on the market again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Make it a high production meet 'n fuck.

Charge $10 for it and make boy only servers. I want femboys healing me.

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turn it into a porn game

It’s always been a below average shooter with above average waifus, the only reason it sold more than Battleborn is because Blizzard has more money than god.

Actually cater to competitive and forget the casuals make it the league of legends of FPS

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get skimpier with the girls and more sex appeal with the guys

I want Sombra to be my wife and the mother of my children

Add more brown girls

remove clothes from all females, that's it

toilet slut hero

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implement sharia conscious design

This. Blizzdrones have this weird bubble where they think their game is the biggest thing ever because of how large the community looks inside it.
I've seen posts on Yea Forums saying that everyone has played WoW. The delusion is real. Just as much as people thinking everyone's played Minecraft or Mario or LoL.

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Make Tracer straight

Everyone over the age of ~25 has played WoW

Stop injecting it with poz and faggotry

damn I want a gf who's into watersports so bad

Chance the meta, remake all heroes with autotracking beam weapons and turrets. Increase damage of dps heroes, give 1h ban if you leave game early and force players to play atleast 1 tank and 1 healer/ team

We make Olivia real so I can marry her.

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Yeah that definitely had nothing to do with Battleborn being a rushed mobage dumpster fire. Battleborn still would've been a cosmic fucking failure regardless of overwatch's existence, go home you salty gearbox fanboy

make it a porn game

I want to marry and impregnate Olivia.

I am sorry, but I am not into cuckoldry..
You need to find your own wife.


anyway this shit should have been F2P from the start

I want those horchata milkies

kind of proving his point.


They used the DOTA model for characters but not for gameplay. Should have either kept the Cast down to a few keynote characters you can freely swap between who each play their specific role and focused on diversifying maps or had a diverse cast who follow the Big 5 archetype you get locked into with a few strong basic maps and a long term game mode.

Also the community was just utter shite. People were so whiny or toxic but when Blizzard "Cracked Down" on it, the chat system was too stifled. You couldn't even taunt or trash talk.

I'm 24.

I would say this but with Mei, but her VA is pretty much already a real life version of her.

guess the cutoff point for underage really is 25 or more nowadays

I love Mei!

I'm 28 and I never played WoW, I was playing the superior MMORPG, Lineage 2.

The only reason the game relevant is because of NFSW animations.
All I can say is add skins that show skin allows people to create and sell their skins like Dota 2.
The rest is already said by other people and please scrap all the lore and remove the gays I'm fine with lesbians but Soldier 76 meh.
I would rather have a cute or hot trap than him been gay

Fuck off, she's not even real, there's not just one of her in existence.

Don't get cucked by Paladins offering a more fun game with a better community and more interesting characters all for free.

You're gonna need some Pym Particles for that

Stop pandering to faggots and women

Literally this. Only way I'd give a shit again since the beta

why the fuck would one want to do that

nice pits and tits

mine likes a bit of it when she's really drunk. totally worth it.

So they're like servants? So which user gets Sombra Alter?

make sombra look like that in game

My wife is already gorgeous.

Are you guys serious? What could someone possibly find attractive about that?

100% mod support is the only way.
Map builder, custom assets, custom heroes, everything.

That she is.

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Sombra is fucking trash you should feel bad for liking her

Personally, more Mei

Realistically, singleplayer content. Imagine it. Having arcade style story missions for all the characters. It’d be like an expanded tutorial but with world building, characterization moments and even better, even just brief actual interaction with other characters not simply done when you play the game now and get a voice line at the start that Blizzard says isn’t even suppose to be canonical

But what if she had giant caramel colored titties? Think of them like leather seats in a car, not necessary, but certainly a nice bonus feature

I wanna impregnate Mei, personally.


tony stark dies

black widow dies

>Make a game that's huge success is in part to it's lineup of hot characters and waifu-bait
>The hottest character is a spic they released a year or so later
If Olivia was there at launch I probably would have bought it but ha ha ha Jewtivision you won't be getting my money.

god i wish that was me

I could get behind this. Hell I'd be happy if they made the PvE stuff a regular mode or even daily rotation instead of bringing out once a year

If only I were born 6 months earlier. I could have sucked the toes of Blizzard instead of playing good games.

Spoiling movies won't make your penis any bigger.

Custom games like old battlenet Warcraft and Starcraft had.

But watching capeshit will make it smaller

Pharah, Young Ana, Symmetra, Sombra, D.Va, and Mei are for white husbands.

So when are we getting Mccree's robot fuckbuddy

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jokes on you, im packing a 9 incher.

It's the best of its kind though and that's what matters. Battle Royale shooters are where it's at now, so OW can't compete with them. All the game is really missing is a PVE mode that is given slightly more love and variety and it needs to make a goddamn TV show already.

>Just young Ana
You're a weak bitch if you wouldn't plow that barren soil

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The workshop is a big step



Need her and Doomfist's robot fuck buddy so we can finally have an all robot team.

Any pornstars with this hairstyle ???

Reminder that THIS is the inspiration for Sombra's dance

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Fuck off shill, it should never be viable again


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>Remove tanks
>Remove all healers except Mercy
Now its like TF2 and is playable

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Remove Ultimates
Maps/Modes with more than one point of interest
Fuck "Roles"; make every character versatile
More Waifus

Let it go f2p
Wish I never bought it desu it's just a shit tier tf2 clone
Locked fov shit


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I was uninterested until I realized the potential looking at what’s been just in the past few days. If they make a map editor Overwatch will live for a decade

Reminder that I want to cum inside of her until she bears my children and kiss the shaved part of her head affectionately.

reminder to not answer spam threads

I'm 28 and in my circle of vidya-playing friends only one of them has played WoW that I know of.
Same goes for LoL and Fortnite; it's this weird, ultra-dense bubble that seems to contain everyone until you actually realize how small it is.

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"we" can't, blizzard needs to step back because the lack of involvement from the company makes it boil down to the community. Just look at brood war and WC3 and how Blizzard's involvement or lack of it shapes those scenes.

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There will never be enough good Zarya porn. There is so much of it, and 98 percent of it is total garbage.

Anybody??? There's gotta be at least a couple :( .....

Get acquainted with the artist Orangekissess. She does literally the best Zarya porn

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i hate public bathrooms, this pic made jinx look trashier than usual

I'm 30 and never played it, because I'm not a dumb NEET.

Recruit more pimps, more pushers

I'm 31 and never played it because I always thought MMOs were gay. I only played Guild Wars 2 for my boyfriend and it was a mess.

I’m a 30 year old boomer and never touched the shit
Why the ever living fuck would anyone pay an ongoing fee just to play a game lmfao
Even as a young teen I thought it was the stupidest most wasteful scam ever

>best game on the market again?
What did he mean by this? This game was ever good.

You need to nerf bation

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I'm personally a Briggitefag, but Sombra is cute too

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>best game on the market again
Even if it WAS the best game on the market at one point, things don't peak twice.

I am aware. I said 98 percent is garbage, OK is among the 2 percent of actually decent Zarya stuff. Muscle girls acting traditionally female is top tier.

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It was never there to begin with.
The gameplay is too shallow and boring to do anything there, just remake the game and turn it into a depraved VR dating sim

More shade please.


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Three easy steps.
>Make Total Mayhem the default mode of the game
>Stop taking game modes out of rotation
>Stop pushing esports and banning people for playing the game how they want

>Be Blizzard
>think you can get away with making a moba that gets 1 new character a year
>meanwhile other much smaller companies were putting out 8-12 a year

>Be Blizzard
>ban people for wanting to shit talk
>ban and fine your """"""pros"""""' for doing minor shit on stream
>wonder why you're pro scene is in the gutter

>Be Blizzard
>just assume everything you make is gold, and people will buy and stay forever just like WoW

The porn is more popular than the game itself...
Turn it into a porn/dating sim

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Post that other one.
You know which one.

Only if it lets me marry and impregnate Olivia.

Plump, kissable breasts. That's how.

Switch to 3rd person so you can start fapping to the skins you unlock

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I saw a vid of some girl doing this irl and it looked so fucking weird

yes that too, but the one with the speeches

I need to racemix with her so badly.

Don't think I have that one

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girls who are legit into those kinds of things, watersports, feet, etc. don't exist. the best you can do is get a generally submissive gf who enjoys submitting to your weird fetishes.

>ywn make adorable mixed race babies with Sombra

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Olivia IS my fetish, though. Unless there's a Mexican girl out there exactly like her, my fetish will never be satisfied by real women.

27. I don’t WoW. Three of my friends have in the past.

Make a physical novelty controller in the shape of Widowmaker's ass that I have to place my face into in order to use.

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add a new hero because that's the only thing it's got going for it anymore

Yeah, forgot to save that one too.

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How can one girl be so perfect?

I wanna fuck Sombra

Same but while kissing the beauty mark under her eye and telling her I love her.

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She makes me want to become a father.

By not being real.

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Well yes, she has the advantage of being designed from the ground up to be literal perfection.
I need her.

PvE spinoff

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3 years after they decide to hire one more coder

Christy Mack, sort of... I guess.

>Make it F2P
>Allow people to own custom servers like in TF2
OW will now live forever.

Skin Diamond

Easily my favorite skin of my wife's. Mainly because of her perfect body in skin tight shorts and kissable stomach. People can say what they want about how it "fixes" her hair, but I love her hair no matter what.

>make more male characters gay
I need me some McCree and Hanzo porn

I prefer the Jack Frost skin

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that was the hottest thing I ever seen

I'm just a sucker for midriff, personally. All of her skins are great, regardless.

Overwatch was never good

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Ekhm... mentlegen...

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Agreed. I do have a soft spot for Los Muertos, though

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Thighs are literally the hottest part of a women

in your mouth or your ass?

I have a soft spot for her in general.

God imagine glow in the dark sex with her in that paint,

For most people it was just flavor of the month. It lasted a few months long is all.

not me

>ywn be a strong arm for your hacker gang gf
What's the point of dragging this on, Yea Forumsros?

I don't wanna be a thug I just want to be her husband. I dream about her teleporting behind me at our home and wrapping her arms around me and asking if I missed her.

Sombra was made for white dick

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Well yes this is obvious. So was every other brown and asian girl in OW.

Yeah man, but you gotta provide to your wife.

she looks like if I touched her she'd be sticky

Sombra is probably my favorite character to come out in the last 10 years

I think you mean EVERY girl in Overwatch

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I didn't say I'd be a NEET or anything, just that I want to live happily with her for the rest of our lives.

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I dunno, a bit of adrenaline rush wouldn't hurt.


not so fast

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There's more art of my wife in Laura's outfit?

Briggite was literally born to be Reinhardt's perfect wife, though

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>securing existence of germanic master race
Only in vidya, coz you know, gl in real lfie. ;^)

I want to marry and impregnate Brigitte, preferably as many times as Torb impregnated her mother.

It's incredible how people find this attractive, specially white people.
She's so disgusting to look at and yet I always see people commenting about how they would love to have a girl like this as a wife.

Do you want one? Go to D.F.
LITERALLY every single Chilanga is like her: annoying, loud and a burden to have around.
She is the Mexican equivalent of basic bitch and people somehow praise her unique.

I truly wish people would stop being so infatuated with her. She's such an eyesore and to have her 'represent' your country is way worse.

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Co-op campaign mode.


A new game mode where Widowmaker steps on you and belittles you.

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I got you user.

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Fuckin fantastic

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Her children would be Castizo and therefore white.

add role queue to the game in both ranked and quick play.

I wanna make hapa babies with mei

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Castizos aren't white you faggot.

Jinx is not a slut

You're deluding yourself if you think Jinx isn't a turboslut

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>lemme tell you about your ethnicity
Wanna me to tell you how I know you're an amerimutt?

She looks like she fucks noxian guys.

Use the search option, it’s already implemented. You can make your own and set locked roles, and even flex picks. Usual set up is 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 2 flex picks, but once again you can make it to your own desires, so you could have a full team of tanks.

They are in Bolivia.

shes only a slut for explosions

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Same. Mei is the ideal wife.

>Big ass
>Wide hips
>Big tits
Literally made for breeding

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imagine snuggling against this in bed at night

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I love her so much. Shortstacks are the best.

I want to explode in her pussy.

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I nearly had this in college but I was autistic and fucked it up
I want to die

skimpy bikini for mei is the only way they could get me to come back

>tfw no shortstack scientist asian gf
Why haven't you jumped into a noose yet

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Because my love for Mei keeps me going.

>Yfw there are probably Blizzard advertisers making posts in these threads at this point

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got me

>People replying seriously to this post

Well fuck, nothing can hide form le hacker known as 4fuck.

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Hey advertisers, make a skimpy bikini for Mei for the upcoming summer event and I'll play your game again.
Just make it like a funny joke cause she's like the cold environment girl but whoa she's wearing a summer outfit isn't that funny if you need justification.

I am a Mexican, stupid. ¿O qué? ¿Me va as a venir a decor a mí que es o que no es Castizo?
CHINGA TU MADRE, pendejo. No eres blanco y bájale a tú complejo de inferioridad.
Overwatch team reaching out to Yea Forums unbeknownst to Blizzard.

I love you Olivia

Please stop trying to get me hard over here.

We could be onto something Yea Forums.

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Careful now, chica.. you don't want me to power my slavic artifact.

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VG Erotica is the only good Overwatch porn maker.

More porn artists need to do pregnant versions of their pictures and animations.

RIP in pieces Brigs pussy

To be fair Torb's wife is still hot and doesn't look like she's fired out a dozen kids. Brigitte is incredibly fit and still very young, pregnancy wouldn't ruin her body at all.

Common misconception those kids are Torb's grandkids, for all we know Brig could have only one sibling

Nah they've had a few, that's why Torb let Rein name his latest one as a thank you for saving his life.

He's letting Rein do a lot more than name his kids

I love Olivia!

Ok yes but who the fuck hasn’t played some version of Mario?

Skin Diamond had it for awhile

Can you even please an ass this fat without your cock AT LEAST being 7 inches long?

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Reminder that all female Overwatch characters are literally whores. Every character was literally designed for sex.

They were all literally designed to be as attractive to the human male as possible.
And this isn't just "oh she's just pretty", it's at a god damn mathematical level. The perfect bodies, faces with perky lips, large eyes, and zero imperfections...

It all adds up to a powerful form of social engineering that preys on the sexuality of men. It awakens something primal in the minds of young men, and keeps older men horny.

This is why, if you EVER see an "Overwatch cosplayer", they are actually a free prostitute in disguise. This woman has knowingly presented herself as a whore, and knowingly accepts that it is now her job to have sex with as many men as possible.
You cannot rape an Overwatch cosplayer because she was LITERALLY ASKING FOR IT. The simple act of dressing up as "Hot Mommy Mercy" or "The Chinese Titcow" is literally the act of giving men consent to have sex with you.

Thanks Blizzard, for making this possible.
I love this video game.

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I know that picture exists, I've just never seen the one I was replying to. She wears that outfit so much better than Laura, though I'm biased.

yea this is the only way, more skimpy revealing shit for the chicks. yea if they had a mei schoolgirl or swimsuit skin out i be back in a heartbeat

Jinx ONLY fucks Ziggs, despite his various protests.

No, now come overthrow god with me Abel.

Fire the certain director and get someone who actually knows decent game design.

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which overwatch girl should I fap to


nope, her body blocks dicklets
4 inches minimum needed to just reach her pussy, much less get deep

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not nearly enough armpits in this thread

tfw dicklet, at least I can fap for mei

That faggot needs to go he's the J.K. Rowling of Overwatch turning everyone into faggots

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Weirdos like you aren't welcome here.

he's extremely welcome actually

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I wish Zarya had good art, her main design is trash but the skins fixed it

Fareeha is welcome to bear my children.

Gays like you are not welcome here.

prime fap bait right here

Prime breeding material*

the only thing I'll be breeding is my hand user

To the thought of breeding with her.

nu uh

I'm already doing so.

Pharah is EXCLUSIVELY for posting teasing photos online for men to encourage men to jerk off to her and tell her how hot she is

She does not bed boys

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she's about to finish me off

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I'm going to finish inside of her until I give Ana grandchildren.

why not just give ana more children instead

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So the worst 2 Avengers get killed off. What a fucking relief.


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Because Young Ana isn't present day Ana.

Some but I need her as my wife.

Just make a PVE game

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Why do people want their favorite game to be the hottest thing on the market? Don't really understand. I play plenty of games that have smaller communities and the game is fine. I still get into Overwatch matches in like 30 seconds so whats the big deal?


add CTF
remove game timer
24/7 2fort


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1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22.

But fortunately I've not played for a year and a half, so like the second half of that list doesn't much apply to me.

imagine having a comfy pregnant Sombra gf

I imagine that very often. Especially the pregnant part and kissing her stomach.

user pls

What? I love her, and there's nothing more intimate than creating life.

Whoops wrong one my bad. Thanks for a (You) though for the crap version. Have a post # song for the effort.
>348. Flashworx – Futurisma

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i didn't ask for these feels

And I didn't ask to fall in love with Olivia, but it happened.

>tfw no pregnant latina hacker gf

My love for her is very real to me. Even if this is never real I can still dream about it.

I have written a ticket to support and send this to them they will probably ban me but I don't mind.
It keeps away from that degenerate game lol
last week I have uninstalled Overwatch I was very disappointed in the game for a long time I finally managed to uninstall that crap

It never was the best game on the market in the first place.

Also nerf Orisa ‘s shield. It’s bullshit how she can pretty much regenerate a new shield as soon as your team manages to destroy it. And I say this as an Orisa main

I agree it was a very hyped up game when it actually launched people left within two weeks they quickly got bored of it.

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Like every gay man is legit into that, perfect for you

imagine falling for b8 this obvious

idk about in general but I'd really like to violently rape Shirogane. She's so cute and smol.

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reduce the effectiveness of stacking heals, lower support and tank heroes' dps, diversify tank selection, make blizz stop listening to butthurt mercy mains that think tanks and supports should be just as effective as dps at damage output

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