Does Yea Forums do their part to harass toxic, racist bullies from their online games, much like reddit does?

Does Yea Forums do their part to harass toxic, racist bullies from their online games, much like reddit does?

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No, but Yea Forums apparently has a fair half dozen autists like you who keep remaking threads for no fucking reason. Fuck off to Yea Forums or something

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>posting reddit screenshots on Yea Forums
kill yourself my man, better yet screencap this thread and go post it on cripplekun and then kill yourself

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They are coming for us!
We must fight back!

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r*dditor holocaust NOW

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post your face, soicel

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the ledditor types like he got shoved into lockers daily in high school, too bad he didn't take the hint

lol didn't read

Bullies are nature's watchdogs

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>Rust hurr
I ain't reading all that shit

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reddit imploding too?

he does a TL;DR in the last image basically saying racism and bullying is bad and that people should actively harass people who are anything other than authoritarian left

>thinking we care about your long winded reddit bullshit
Yea Forums might be bad in the modern age but tolerating reddit we will not. Begone.

Didn't read lol

Worst thing about Rust is the tech level. A naked caveman can do literally nothing against five geared-up friends with AK-47s and a Discord server.

The best tech in the game should have been early-modern era, and mainly melee-focused. Plate armor, pikes, horses, swords, crossbows. MAYBE the occasional cannon or muzzle-loading musket. Now combat stays (mostly) up-close and personal, and having top-tier weapons and armor doesn't necessarily make you untouchable to low-level people. Make it so that you have to actually be good at the game to beat people, it's not just a question of who has the best gear/biggest clan.

anymore like this?

I'm not reading all this, but I've noticed a lot of retards running around in Rust threatening to report people for toxicity like that'll do anything. Where did these faggots come from?

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What ever happened to private servers?

All this language policing is completely unnecessary. Do leftists not know how to set up private servers? Do they really think banning 90% of the playerbase is the best solution?

>every time someone(...) draws swastikas on their base(...) and noone calls them out, it makes Rust a little more just an uncreative reflection of the real, shitty world.
>[sarcastic bewilderment] "Holy shit, you can do that IRL?"
Wonder what kind of reality he believes he's living in.

Pic unrelated.

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Leftists have nothing going on in their lives which is why the WALL OF TEXT is their preferred method of communication.

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Why are fags so pathetic?

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I play this game a lot. He doesn’t even address the biggest issue by far: cheaters and their apologists/profiteers. Pretty sure half the cheaters themselves are just shills for the community severs with all sorts of expensive VIP services. “Oh, you don’t like that I cheat? Go play on Rustopia dude” is a common communication from the cheaters.

As far as the toxicity of the player base, I got lambasted by the entire server for “giving the cheater an ak”. Basically chose me as the scapegoat for the fact a guy is cheating. People are so fucking uptight in a game that is supposed to have no real rules other than “don’t cheat”. I doubt it can be saved from a community standpoint, and again this is ignoring even the glaring balance issues like loot tables or spawn locations.

That's every user on reddit. Reddit is where bullied nerds go to escape judgement and form their own safe space.

Is that stolen valor?

Private servers are elitist and exclusionary you fucking bigot.

Do lefties want D.C. to become a state or something? Can someone redpill me on this? Will this get more dems elected or something?


What kind of retard is going to waste their time reading this gay drivel?

It hurts them more is that they are losing blacks because of this shit0

>all this text

>I'm a big gay faggot with no friends and people are doing stuff in a video game that triggers me

bullied soiboi wants rust reddit to band together and actively harass "bigots" in the game. This is pinned on the official Rust subreddit.

Ornge man bad, republicans bad, conservatives bad, gamers bad, ban them and harass them


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Damn dude, those kids destroyed his friend.

Nigga I ain't reading all that shit.

But yeah I like fucking with edgelords, tryhards, internet tough guys, and people sperging out about shit that doesn't matter because the results can be comedy gold.