
Why is this map so unpopular? It's fun as shit.

Attached: plr_pipeline[1].png (1200x750, 930K)


Because the last stage fucking sucks

banana bay is the only good plr map

I agree OP, it died with matchmaking I think.

Only nu-tf2 players like banana bay

The last stage is the best part you massive pleb

>t. sniper main

sniper sightlines

Soldier main, actually. I love jumping to the other track and BTFOing the other team. Market gardening Snipers is fun too. The entire third stage is just really enjoyable and I wish it was it's own map.

>I love jumping to the other track
and then you get shot by a sniper and fall straight to the ground like a sack of potatoes. it is objectively bad and you are a fucking retard if you think otherwise.

Because the average person is a retard that loves to eat shit over and over again.

>Being this much of a shitter
Learn how to air control retard

>Dying to balcony snipers
Based shitter

>dude if you air strafe you're unhittable xDD
I can tell you only play against shitters, I'm sure you think airshots and mid air headshots are only possible with hacks too.

>Air strafing doesn't make you significantly harder to hit
Based retard

>Thinking it's difficult to bodyshot you just because you're airstrafing

A good sniper will still hit you in the head even if you are airstrafing based retard.

And a good sniper will not be on a balcony, retard.


>Soldier main
behold, nu-Yea Forums

>Bodyshots doing anything if you don't play a shit class

Why wouldn't he be? What the fuck are you gonna do about it? There is NO cover to close the gap that's why it's a bad map.

It's going to stop all your momentum and you're going to fall out of the sky idiot.

What's with all the TF2 threads on Yea Forums lately? Is the game making a comeback despite not being updated for 2 years?

>Why wouldn't he be?
Because being on the balcony literally makes you a sitting duck, if you are actually decent at Sniper: You move around the map and snipe from multiple spots. There's a reason you only see gibus snipers on the balcony's.
>What the fuck are you gonna do about it?
You know, make sure they don't fucking hit you? It's really not that hard my friendo.
>There is NO cover to close the gap that's why it's a bad map.
Shouldn't matter unless you're a shitter

it's the only good multiplayer shooter out right now

The largest amount of players the game ever got was last year's smissmas, I'd say the game is about as popular as it used to be.

>Because being on the balcony literally makes you a sitting duck
To what? No other class can compete with sniper at long range.
>There's a reason you only see gibus snipers on the balcony's.
You only see gibus snipers because nobody who is actually good at the game plays these shit maps. Go play badwater or 5cp and see how fun it is getting domed every time you poke your head out by THIS guy then imagine you're playing on a shit map like pipeline with no cover.
>You know, make sure they don't fucking hit you? It's really not that hard my friendo.
Back to my original point you only play against shitters. You are assuming they are going to miss.
>Shouldn't matter unless you're a shitter
The only shitter here is you claiming sniper can't touch you in the sky. You play against retards and base your opinions around low level play. Play on something that isn't 2fort for once in your life.

Attached: sniper.png (1001x1213, 202K)

>Go play badwater or 5cp and see how fun it is getting domed every time you poke your head out by THIS guy then imagine you're playing on a shit map like pipeline with no cover.
I do, but 5CP is a shit gamemode and Payload is objectively better.

I like banana bay because it a very spy friendly map

Payload race sucks because one team will eventually get way ahead and there is no longer hope and the entire other team stops trying.


This is Casual mode's fault, with quickplay you never knew what map you were gonna be in, you were just dropped into a pub with a random map. Now that you can choose what map you play, you have to either play the most popular map or wait 2 hours in queue if you want something different and you will probably join when the match is over and people are already voting for the popular map again anyways.

it's fucking noon you retard, people are at work

same reason why 5cp isn't as good anymore, the average tf2 player isn't smart enough to balance offense/defense anymore, they can only figure out payload.

5cp isn't good because
>timer resets to ten minutes every time a point is capped so rounds never end
>no class limits so you can spam as many defense classes as you want on last to stalemate the game

It's half past 11 in the countries that matter

>not working the based 4 10's schedule as a wagie

A lot of people just seem to be in the mood for TF2.
Plus, we might get the Heavy update soon.
It should have a big focus on the secondary gamemodes, like based Player Destruction.

This, I hope moe PD maps get mape, that mode is really fucking fun

>Plus, we might get the Heavy update soon.

Attached: laughing pyros.jpg (446x400, 147K)

At least reskin the THREE Halloween maps so we can play them after November. Jesus, how hard can that be?
And being lumped with the other "miscellaneous" maps means Watergate is never played.
Have hope.

Every PLR game
>one team gets their cart near the end in 2.5 seconds
>other team stops them and gets their cart to the same spot
>1 hour of both teams trying to push their cart and failing
>one team gets lucky and almost caps it but dies at the last second
>1 more hour of fucking nothing
>someone finally caps
>game ends
>new round starts

the reason that people are using for 5cp applies aptly to why Hydro died as well. The concept of Attack & Defend is way beyond most TF2 players.

>At least reskin the THREE Halloween maps so we can play them after November. Jesus, how hard can that be?
Atleast make it possible that the "Eternaween" item can also vote to change the map to one of the Halloween maps.

I wish games took that long, I usually have to wait like 5 hours in queue for Pipeline and the match end up taking only like 6 minutes

And have them be playable on Full Moons.

that too

What they really need to do for the secondary gamemodes is this: reskin those PD maps and give PD its own category. Then add some new SD and Medieval maps and give them their own categories. Add Arena as a category. Put 2Fort Invasion and Probed with CtF and KotH, respectively. Then throw in Standin, which is a weird map but grouped with 5CP maps, with Hydro and Snowplow, as Miscellaneous CP maps.

Not very PLR map is hightower

no one likes Special Delivery
you still can't use piss bottles in Medieval Mode
i agree with a Miscellaneous CP category

I like it when I play Carnival of Carnage. If we had a few more maps, it could be fun, even without Merasmus.

>that feel when my lab used to do this before i got employed
>it got changed because people in another branch of the lab said it wasnt fair
>now we work 5 8's except the overtime brings it to nearly 5 10's anyway

makes me furious

Banana Bay is a good map. I like that, since it still has a contract some people haven't finished, it gets players more often than the other PLR maps, barring Hightower.
There should be a contract for all maps, or at least all less-played maps.

Open maps like that aren't fun any more. As someone who has 5k hours in the game, and has over 10 seasons of ESEA, culminating in a 4th place finish in im before it was shut down because the comp scene is dying, the skill level of the average player has gotten too high. This is what happens when games are that big for that long. Your typical sniper has reached the level where maps actually have to be designed with them in mind. This is evident in the highlander meta over the past 3 years. Every single inch of ground on the map is a stalemate while each teams' sniper just tries to pick the other sniper so they have free reign to pick other classes, which forces the entire other team to fall back and wait for their sniper to respawn. This is what is ACTUALLY killing comp tf2, but not many will admit it. Even in 6s you see a lot of full time snipers, even at high levels. It used to be the mobility and the skill floor balanced the class, but the top aimers in the game have gotten to the point where they might as well have an aimbot. Any map that gives them a sightline longer than 15 yards forces the other team to completely warp how they play around the fact that there's a sniper on the map.

This isn't a whine post, and I'm not calling for a nerf, I haven't actually played tf2 in over a year. Just making an observation and giving a little insight from the perspective of the top 1%. Even small fast hitboxes don't matter anymore. Sniper being able to immediately snap a single shot and kill half of the classes in the game without any way for them to retaliate was bound to arrive at this conclusion.

What if the rampup was just changed? So a quickscope headshot did only 100 damage, but it would increase more over time to still do the same damage on a fully-charged shot?

Not enough cover points

I think headshot damage should just be cut in half, period, maybe have some kind of thing where a snap headshot doesn't do much, but a fully charged headshot will kill anything it hits that isn't ubered
that runs the risk of making the class have way too high of a skill ceiling, though
I think you're onto the right line of thinking though, completely reworking the rampup after scoping in is the way to go, to me the optimal solution would be to have an immediate scoped headshot do a max of 30 to 50 damage, but have it ramp up quickly after the first second to the normal amount
or maybe even something as simple as keep the numbers the same but just make it so you can't even fire for a full second or two after scoping, and maybe as a compromise make it so you can get headshots while unscoped but they have a max of 75 to 100 damage

honestly i dont know, I'm not a dev, I just know that that's the biggest issue with the topend of the game right now, and honestly nerfing snipers wouldn't even fix it, because the skill level issue wouldn't go away, you would just be replacing snipers with scouts, you don't hear about it now because snipers are a much worse problem, if they were nerfed that much people would be complaining about scouts killing people in .5 seconds with 2 meatshots out of nowhere all the time

I mean't floor, it will make the sniper's skill floor too high, so it would be completely unaccessible for new players, but maybe it's way too far into the game's lifespan to worry about that, anyway

Are there any Hydro servers with a decent population? It's been a fucking long time since I've even thought about that map.

How about this: scoping cuts damage in half, but it will then charge back to 100%, and further to 300%. So a quickscope body shot does only 25 damage, less than a nonscoped shot, and a quickscoped headshot will do 75 damage, with the critical multiplier. Then the charge rate could be increased enough to go from 50% to 300% in the same time it now takes to go from 100% to 300%.
This would let all classes survive a quickscope headshot, while still taking large damage, since it takes skill.

>you would just be replacing snipers with scouts, you don't hear about it now because snipers are a much worse problem
You don't hear about it now because scouts are not completely unassailable like sniper is. Scout needs to be well within his enemy's attack range to deal damage which means it's never impossible to fight one off.
It's in no way comparable to a sniper instakilling you from the complete opposite end of the map behind his entire team before you even know he's aiming at you and with absolutely nothing any of your weapons could do about it even if you did.
Also, if scout really had the potential to be that big of a problem you would be hearing about it now since every koth game is at least 50% scouts.

I don't think base damage should be touched because being able to drop meds and overhealed heavies is really important but he should be vulnerable more often and take longer to rotate. Slower movement speed, less ammo, either has to wait for his gun to charge before he can headshot or has a much longer reload time, etc. Sniper would be a bit more like spy then. He can get that important pick you need but after that he's a sitting duck while he charges/reloads. Then a soldier/scout can jump in his face and there's nothing sniper can do about it. Less ammo and slower movement speed adds more downtime. Eventually he has to go get ammo and any rotations will take longer. On top of that I think razorback should just be removed altogether so sniper can't stand next to a sentry like a twat and be untouchable.

Attached: sniper walks to the point.jpg (1191x670, 82K)

Attached: 1548153689959.webm (720x406, 2.91M)

Less ammo, so he needs to run back for ammo more often, would be good. Then would make him still good for quickscopes, but not able to completely surprise half the classes and kill them instantly.
Hell, the charge time right now for maximum charge is 3.3 seconds, so you could even increase that a bit to 3.5.


I'm talking about at the top level, scouts absolutely have the potential to be like that, and they are, you just don't hear about it because sniper is worse, for the reason you mentioned

scout can essentially do what sniper does, pretty much instagib anyone before they can react, and the reason for this is the same as sniper, when valve originally designed and balanced the game's stock weapons, they didn't take the skill ceiling into account, when they made meatshots do 108 damage, they didn't ever imagine players getting to the point where they could double meatshot people with perfect accuracy consistently

scout and sniper are the only classes with this much potential damage output on a hitscan weapon that doesn't give players time to react

What would you rather play on?
>PLR map with a wide open field and only the payloads as cover
>PLR map where your spawn itself moves with the payload

The latter.


>scout can essentially do what sniper does
He literally can't though, because what sniper does, and why he's a problem, is instakill anyone from well beyond that they can even damage someone at.
In order for scout to get an instakill double meatshot, he would need to be at a range where he can take damage from not only his target, but his target's teammates. Even great scouts can't dodge everything all the time, especially when you have several people firing at you.

>when they made meatshots do 108 damage
meatshot does 105
also scout isn't silent, you can hear him coming and if he's close enough to meatshot you he's close enough that he can't dodge splash damage. scout is much more scary when he stays at a distance or sits on the high ground and just hits you for 50 over and over until you're dead. Dodging projectiles at medium range is trivial and jumping into a scout is suicide.

>2k hours on sniper
>still bad
Jesus play some other classes you idiot. Get some perspective.