Why is this map so unpopular? It's fun as shit.
Brandon Murphy
Michael Cox
William Martin
Because the last stage fucking sucks
Luke Torres
banana bay is the only good plr map
Jeremiah Taylor
I agree OP, it died with matchmaking I think.
Only nu-tf2 players like banana bay
Leo Morales
The last stage is the best part you massive pleb
Nathan Flores
>t. sniper main
Nolan Lee
sniper sightlines
Liam Parker
Soldier main, actually. I love jumping to the other track and BTFOing the other team. Market gardening Snipers is fun too. The entire third stage is just really enjoyable and I wish it was it's own map.
Isaac Russell
>I love jumping to the other track
and then you get shot by a sniper and fall straight to the ground like a sack of potatoes. it is objectively bad and you are a fucking retard if you think otherwise.