Play night in the woods it’s comfy

Play night in the woods it’s comfy

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SJW commie propaganda, go back

>teenagers being annoying shitheads is comfy
no, makes me hate teenagers even more then i already do

play darkwood it's comfy

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The only people who get mad about this game are edgy fags and people who lack empathy.

>5 sides


The main character is completely unlikable. All of the supporting characters are better characters than Mae. I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt and say that was intentional. Fine. But that doesn't make her any more enjoyable. And since the entire point of the game is her experiences, it makes it a slog. Just give me a game about the other's living their lives while Mae was fucking around at school.

>Everyone got happy ending
>Except Casey
Feels fucking bad

I played it and thought I was going to get a comfy game. What I got instead was the creators blantly inserting themselves as cute little animals who want to kill themselves, or they're depressed. It's such an awful VN, play something else instead or spend your money on something else.