The poster child of Three Houses is a sultry loli dragon in bondage gear

>the poster child of Three Houses is a sultry loli dragon in bondage gear
>P5R lets you date the twins in a similar way to Liz is P3 FES (and probably Lavenza since there’s 3 extra months in the endgame)
Is 2019 the year of loli romance in flagship Nintendo and Sony franchises?

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Other urls found in this thread:

We'll see if either of them make it past the censorship police.

Persona is an Atlus franchise, and I can already tell you that westerners are going to campaign to get the loli twins romance stuff removed when they hear about it like how they got the tranny shit removed from Catherine

3Houses will get away with it since Fates still let you date lolis even after the game was changed, 5R might be at risk only because ResetERA shits are going to try and convince atlus to remove it since they were able to get them to change the Catherine stuff.

>loli dragon

Cringe. Call me when there is a mommy dragon.

>Atlus franchise
Persona is synonymous with Sony consoles now though, while mainline SMT is Nintendo. I have no idea why that's the case but it just is.

Shit taste. She speaks like an old man anyways.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

>flagship Nintendo and Sony franchises?

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>she speaks like an old man anyways

Even worse. I’ll buy game when they put in massive breasted mommy dragon.

>child porn is ok if it’s in cartoon form and the depicted children characters have unrealistic sultry, promiscuous qualities to appease creeps

Is it illegal? No. But you’re still a pedophile creep and I’d kill you if you’re ever in arm’s reach of a child in real life.

synonymous =/= owned, it's an Atlus franchise, but it's synonymous with Sony.

FEH is a big chunk of Nintendo's income now, also look at how many reps they have in Smash. You're in denial if you think it's not one of the big 6 (way below Mario and Zelda but still).
Persona is fucking massive and P5 was one of the best selling JRPGs of all time.


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obvious villain, cant wait to kill her with my falchion/ragnell/durandal/whatever

Which is cool and all, I honestly don't give a shit, but P5R still has to deal with snoy censorship garbage

ok retard, I'm walking distance of a 3D child right now, ogling Nowi's butt. What are you gonna do about it?

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>FEH is a big chunk of Nintendo's income now
No it's not. Doesn't come close to DK, Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc
> also look at how many reps they have in Smash
Hackurai bias
>You're in denial if you think it's not one of the big 6 (way below Mario and Zelda but still).
You are fucking delusional if you think this. Just look at the Smash series sales.
>FE is so bad it needs gacha to stay alive
>Persona is fucking massive and P5 was one of the best selling JRPGs of all time.
No it's not. 2.4 million isn't impossible. Even basic FF games sold well beyond that

Attached: D47gVliVUAUvODw.jpg (800x1200, 175K)

I understand you're mad about something, probably your favorite dumbass character not getting into smash over some anime swordsman, but that sounds like a lot of denial. FEH makes hundreds of millions every year and spends very little on development and marketing, big mobile games are retardedly profitable.
>2.4 million
It's 2.7 million now and that's just the base game, Royal sales will double that. If you're bringing up FF games you have to acknowledge that rereleases boost those numbers a shit ton.

>understand you're mad about something, probably your favorite dumbass character not getting into smash over some anime swordsman, but that sounds like a lot of denial
It's objective truth but nice projection
>FEH makes hundreds of millions every year and spends very little on development and marketing, big mobile games are retardedly profitable
Still doesn't come close and that isn't even a fucking mainline FE game How sad! Flagship my fucking ass you need a gacha series to support your shit series
>It's 2.7 million now and that's just the base game, Royal sales will double that. If you're bringing up FF games you have to acknowledge that rereleases boost those numbers a shit ton.
And? individual Pokemon, FF, DQ, MH, KH, Mario rpgs, Souls, SaGa, etc have all sold better. It's not close to one of the best selling JRPGs of all time. It sold well, but not amazing

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>P5R lets you date lavenza and the twins
bull fucking shit, post the source or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

>She speaks like an old man anyways.

Pic related.
I never said the Lavenza part was confirmed, just very likely due to the fact that there are added endgame months and the fact that the twins are datable.

Attached: twins date.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)

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Never gonna learn it.

Justine is making some naive comment about someone living in that castle, but that's an amusement park. It's a lot like Liz's dates where you show them the world.

>they have autism like Liz
oh god this is going to be too cute

Attached: 1432652.jpg (500x410, 41K)

Guess I'm finally going to buy P5.

>FEH is a big chunk of Nintendo's income now

...which is around 2-3% if their last report is any indication

FEH has made as much as Mario Odyssey. It's likely going to top 1 billion dollars in it's lifetime and costs them next to nothing to develop or market. Do you seriously want to keep arguing this shit?

>sultry loli dragon in bondage gear
I don't see the bondage part

If I can't marry her then what is the point of her being in the game?

She has ropes tied all over her upper body and neck.

>Way too easy. You only need to reach 3 houses instead of 5 and you already have three cavs that can reach them all in short distances. Joker, Kamui and Cyrus with Elise Freeze staffs stopping one of the lancers. It's braindead as fuck.
I used up all my chillysticks last map because I didn't know you could run out and then I spent an IRL hour trying to get my ponies to the other houses.


this isn't the continuation of the other thread idiot

I would never want to touch some 3DPD child, I hate them. Loli love is something than can only exist in 2D

Where else am I gonna reply?

twins are confirmed, Lavenza is very likely unless they shaft her again.

>twins are confirmed
nice head canon

Wut? Lavenza confesses her love to you if you speak to her after beating the twins. Here’s hoping we can at least date her in p5r

here though it seems a bait thread

that's where you take other girls on dates and Justine's line confirms it's like Liz dates

Capitalism works. The lolipillers will come out rich while the thought police moralcucks seethe in irrelevance.

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She’s cute too bad her game looks so bad. Damn they shouldn’t have gone 3D

So this is Sony flagship franchise, because FGO prints money? You know what flagship means? Mobile game will not be flagship for the franchise and Fire Emblem beyond FEH had ONE game that actually grabbed mainstream audience.

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goddamn its the only thing i wanted from P5
i'm angry i'm going to actually have to play this shitty game again

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I just find it hilarious that this could be canon now.

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This is the only good 3 Houses design and it's no where near as good as Tiki.

>She speaks like an old man anyways.

I like it.

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I don't think they're going to have the balls to do it but the future still looks bright

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unironically i might have to buy this game
expecting it to have a butchered localization though

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>I used up all my chillysticks last map
You can buy a freeze staff
>because I didn't know you could run out
Player incompetence has nothing to do with level design
> then I spent an IRL hour trying to get my ponies to the other houses.
Emeny composition in that map isn't very good so that's just you being bad. The mages on the left do literally 0-1 damage to Elise. If they have the skill that adds +2 magic Odin pair up makes her invincible to them. There's two lancers on that map in the first place.

Based bnantoka poster

Is that true, can you really date the Twins?
Best game

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I'm sure you would

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But what if you're forced to choose only one twin to date?

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she doesn't look like a loli dragon at all. i love the character design tho.

Caroline no question

Won’t happen, they’re actually one person after all.

>She speaks like an old man

Every other character looks fucking awful but she's going to be tied to the MC from the start and the gameplay should be decent

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She looks like Tiki 2.0 and the pointy ears + old age with young looks basically confirm she’s a manakete.

That would never happen, they explicitly want to share you but it would obviously be Caroline

Attached: caroline.jpg (1062x1500, 173K)

>She speaks like an old man anyways.
a rare trait seen only in best girls

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Obviously my cute wife, Caroline.

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Too bad she won't be good as the best.

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That Tiki hentai flash

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You can’t impregnate Tiki in her original games though. And Sothis gets bonus points for being a lolibaba

She's like a JC version of Tiki and Nowi AND has the lolibaba thing going on, it's a pretty good niche


The game's localization is made this time alongside game development. It's not like before that Jap devs just made the game their way and then handed it over for localization to fuck shit up as they pleased.
What we get in the localization will be the same as the Japanese version.

Cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny

great, so now treehouse censorship and CORE VALUES will be infesting the jap version as well

A good chunk of the Wii U era staff at treehouse has been fired.

Xenoblade 2 didn't have any censorship, it was the exact same game in both versions.

15 isn't loli


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Would she let me suck her toes?

Everything us better with lolis. Prove me wrong


I love cuuny

>child porn is ok
Stopped reading there
You seem alright to me, my dude

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>this is official art
What did Nintendo mean by this?

they wanted to showcase her big sword
4 u

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>Please spend thousands of dollars rolling for her in FEH, she’s a 200 BST colorless armored dragon

>Mommy, there are people who like things I don't like again! Make them stop!

Its pretty good

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tags: lolicon, femdom, feet

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>I understand you're mad about something, probably your favorite dumbass character not getting into smash over some anime swordsman, but that sounds like a lot of denial. FEH makes hundreds of millions every year and spends very little on development and marketing, big mobile games are retardedly profitable.

Nintendo is a big company, Heroes isn't even responsible for 5% of their income per year.

Fates, the best selling FE game, even with two versions and Smash to shill for it, only sold 2.85 million (still good) making it only the 18th best selling 3DS game. And FE hasn't even had a game break a million since then.

Is it a successful franchise? Yes. But you're biased or delusional to believe it's "one of Nintendos biggest" especially since Splatoon, a series with only two games, already outsold the entirety of FE.

>no free Bold Fighter and Steady Breath and something to cuck follow ups like Great Flame on her Prf
Do you even power creep?


Reminder that you can literally mind fuck her

Aren’t you mind fucking yourself?

>Xenoblade 2 didn't have any censorship, it was the exact same game in both versions.
no visual censorship, but there were a couple of dialogue changes. not really outright removal of anything, but definitely toning things down
there's a heart to heart that originally had poppi discussing bikini armor with a battle damage function that was changed to be a bunny outfit with 'tail-wiggle dance protocol' instead, for example.

Are you conveniently forgetting all the switches that were bought because of Odyssey?

what about Nowi?

>implying you won't be killed first

I sure hope so

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You are a disgusting pedo


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Based and lolibabapilled.

At least I don't fuck kids

Xenoblade 2 had a lot of text censorship. There was a lot of sexual stuff involving Poppi that was removed, like her being designed based on porn magazines, a heart-to-heart about little sister fetish and even her names (JS, JK and JD, based on otaku terms for girl ages, with JS in particular having a very clear meaning of "sexualized grade schooler").

I've never done that either, don't know why you're so obsessed over it

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U wish you could though

>you will never get a handful of Warden ass

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sounds like projection to me
feels bad

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>the more they show of 3 Houses the more i lose interest
Gameplay looks cool tho. At this point I might buy it only if this loli dragon is dateable

I loved the twins but I hope Lavenza gets date or something. She needs more screentime damn it!
P5R is looking tight

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>no u
wow epic comebacks pedos


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do you have nothing to do besides sit here and cry?

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It's the most (You)r shitposting deserves, tbqh.

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You know it's true so instead of arguing you just tell me to leave. That's a yikes from me chief

Not that user but at least they tried to still keep the spirit of the original and it still leads to the same point at the end of the day looking at you Treehouse

bunny outfit with 'tail-wiggle dance protocol is fall lewder anyway

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>please respond to my shitposts with a multi-paragraph argument

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Best grandma

>letting you date lolis
Dream up, it's a normalfag franchise. Fuck these games.

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fuck off kid fucker

>ywn get a double buttjob from the wardens and feel your adult sized benis get pinched between their small bony childish butts
why are we here?

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>another pedobait character
And here I thought FE was getting better. I hope they add their equivalent of Camilla to save this game.

cry me a river lol

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Tranny shit in Cathrine removed? Was it a joke that offened their feefees or somerhing? I've never played the game and haven't heard of this before.

Cry me a river in jail pedo

You are weak and will be cast aside like the rest

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>jail for 2D

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Oh look, he said it again!

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Get fucked, tranny fucker.

Looks like shit, sorry bro but loli Tiki and the new dragon girl are hotter. God I just want to suck their toes and violently cum in their mouths

>has to samefag to get his desired reaction
That's kinda sad.

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were you one of those "SoV saved the series from lolibait"

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Even if it's not illegal you know it's morally wrong. You can say what you want but at the end of the day I win because I walk away knowing I don't fap to kids. Can you say the same?

cosplay when?

pic reminded me of this

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no one cares.

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How many pics of literal children do you have saved on your computer pedo?

millions of years of evolution >>>>>> morality

>I walk away knowing I don't fap to kids.
You do nothing to save real ones, so no. But do keep going.

Attached: 1550802123014.png (868x1000, 921K)

>literal children
they're anime characters. You fags are the ones constantly saying anime girls "look like aliens" and shit, so no, you don't get to suddenly claim they're realistic

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Gothman was best bro


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>fictional anime god beings
>literal children

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>Still haven't finished Echoes or any of Fates

Which should I get out of the backlog first?

I don't claim that, check your facts bro. They are pictures of children still. You can crying to the judge about how "They're only anime" but you'll still end up in a cell pedo

Is there more stuff of her, preferably feet stuff

>Is 2019 the year of loli dragon romance
Only rune factory 4 special has the answer to this, lets discuss it while we wait for release

>you'll still end up in a cell
I literally won't, it's not illegal. Stay mad.

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I hope Tyrone doesn't fuck you too hard in prison pedo

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user if it was illegal then would be in jail by now

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You mean guys?

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Those exist?

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It will be soon and will be in jail soon too

>>P5R lets you date the twins in a similar way to Liz is P3 FES (and probably Lavenza since there’s 3 extra months in the endgame)
Is this actually true or is it just delusional pedos getting their hopes up?

>It will be soon

Read the thread.

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lol, you realize this just means you, the one who is so scared of embracing what's natural, has to leave, right? leave now, before you get arrested XD
go on, scurry on back to facebook where you can virtual signal to your zero friends lmfao trololololol

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You kek now but it is I who will have the last kek when you are rotting away in a jail cell pedo


So it's not true

What is natural? Fucking kids? Us normal people don't consider that natural but whatever you pedos have to tell yourselves

>he cant separate fantasy from real life
Have sex


jailed for hate speech
jailed for viewing my post :DDDD

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Not that user but whatever helps you sleep at night

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>the one who is so scared of embracing what's natural
It's natural to want to kill pedophiles, I don't think anyone's scared of embracing that.

who is this super skinny qt pie??

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Child abuse is immoral because it's taking advantage and spoiling the innocence of a naive child.
Wanting to fuck a drawing doesn't hurt anyone.
There's no moral case against a relationship with a young-looking person who has a fully mature adult mentality, as in the cases in the OP.

Attached: justine.jpg (720x986, 87K)

Don't forget Sekiro with the cute shota and the cute loli being your main companions.

So you didn't read the thread.

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uhmmm, why are you talking about fucking kids? creeeeeepo, i bet you're a virgin lol
seems like you are, hmm? why aren't you in prison for killing pedos, poser?

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Yeah knowing disgusting pedos will soon be rotting away in prison soon certainly does help me sleep at night

Don't be such an ass, Haze.

if you say so.

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>soon be rotting away in prison soon
this nigga seething so hard
either that or he retarded lol

If that drawing is of a child it's pretty morally fucked up. And it would seem that the UN agrees with me so have fun in prison I guess

the UN has no real power over anything.

Why are pedos so based?

you can't be serious faggot
fuck off back to Facebook and don't forget to dilate

As much as I would love to continue to entertain your crazed shitposting I got better things to do

Attached: 1523319905575.jpg (242x409, 29K)

P5R is already being censored.

Attached: p5rcensored.jpg (1018x279, 25K)

Keep telling yourself that you pathetic pedo

bald hairless smooth puffy little girls cunny

>fighting actual pedos
>shit posting
Ok retard

>these people screeching so loudly at people who fap to lolis, not realizing how hard they're outing themselves
At the end of the day we're still gonna post lolis, and there's nothing they--or the (((UN))) can do about it.

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Pic related, it's you.
Now leave the otaku alone.

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Why do people say this as if cognitive Ann was even present in the fight to begin with, she's in the preceding cutscene but not in the actual fight

>no u
Still not a good comeback pedo

Screenshots show Joker with the Twins at not-Disneyland, which is a hangout location in the base game. You don't ever interact with them outside the Velvet Room in base P5, so their Social Link has probably been reworked to let you take them on "dates" like you did with Liz. Even if that is the case I extremely doubt you'll actually be able to romance them, no matter how much flirting they sneak into the events.
Whether or not Lavenza comes into play at all is up in the air, they're doing major rewrites of the story specifically toward when she shows up and it's even possible that the "extra three months" are a false reality created by Yabaldoth which could mean she doesn't show up at all until the new finale, we don't really know.

based loliposters triggering resetera cucks

user I hate censorship as much as the next person but let's wait for that to be confirmed before we start doom posting. P5R changes alot about base P5 anyway

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Please cease shouting those obscene things, inmate.

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>If that drawing is of a child it's pretty morally fucked up
Not a moral argument
>the UN agrees with me so have fun in prison
ok retard

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That's not how blushing works dumbass

Is it, Yea Forums?

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>I walk away knowing I don't fap to kids.
To busy actually fucking real ones I see.

>no u
Third time's the charm

A drawing can't be morally fucked you dense cunt

>different setpieces in a rewritten story is censorship
>nevermind the literal pillars of ass still present
>just making shit up about fake Ann being involved at all
you need to go back

Attached: where do you think you are.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

>>child porn is ok if it’s in cartoon form and the depicted children characters have unrealistic sultry, promiscuous qualities to appease creeps
Correct. What's your point?

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The drawings are a gateway into real cp and that can eventually lead to real child abuse. So what I and the UN clearly want to do is stop that chain of events from starting by throwing you pedos in jail.

keep telling yourself something will happen. Spoiler alert: it won't

>The drawings are a gateway into real cp and that can eventually lead to real child abuse
Prove it.

Attached: 1555527970989.jpg (838x1046, 391K)

>unironically shitposting on a Mongolian throat singing commune
>actually fighting pedos
lmao'in @ ur life

Attached: 1548714063951.png (845x1200, 1.1M)

>The drawings are a gateway into real cp
prove it.

>The drawings are a gateway into real cp
[citation needed]
>I and the UN
Please stop embarrassing yourself by trying to claim the moral high ground with an organization that hasn't taken any relevant action on anything in 70 years

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Even if you never get thrown in jail (which you will) I will rest easy knowing that there will never be a place in society for scum like you. Society will never accept you and your disgusting ways pedo!

Your argument is based on a lack of knowledge about human behaviour and logical thought processes.

Are you autistic by any chance?

What is this 1990s where people believed violent video games lead to real world violence

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remember to stay safe anons, never follow lolis no matter how many rock CDs they offer you
especially if they have green hair, those are especially dangerous

>The drawings are a gateway into real cp
Oh, see you just took an objective stance, now I can refute you:

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These monsters are terrifying.

Attached: I just wanted some beer and bon jovi.webm (852x480, 2.06M)

cunnybros, please stop giving whatever that is (you)s, holy fuck

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nothing funnier than a cocky pedophile that makes pedophiles jokes online.

reminds me of that black guy from Yea Forums that got busted years ago. he made a lot of jokes referring to his pedophile desires online too. he's now been in jail for 5 years, had a shank shoved up his ass, had try to kill himself at least twice, and upon release will have register as a sex offender the rest of his life.

Yikes. They literally makes news articles about people like you.


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I don't need to prove shit to you pedos

He was an actual retard though, like you.


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>the UN

>United Nations Official Arrested For Allegedly Groping Teenage Tourist

This is the post of a defeated man.

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Ignore the puritan that's a lolicon deep into the closet.
just keep posting lolibabas or dragon lolis



By constantly viewing these images you become desensitised to the idea of child abuse, making it much easier for you monsters to commit heinous crimes in real life.

Why does Japan keep designing these small girl type characters who want to step on your dick?

Attached: twins bikini.jpg (3508x2480, 3.79M)

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but its fun and it keep the thread alive

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Discussing pedophilia? Making an offtopic thread about lolis? Remember to CHECK THE FACTS before saying something whack!

- Pedophilia is not any sexual attraction toward children. It is precisely a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Many men are actually sexually attracted to children, but easily ignore it because their primary sexual attraction is toward adult. Furthermore children are rarely presented in a sexual manners and therefore men may not even aware they could potentially be attracted to children given the correct circumstances.
- Some pedophiles are still attracted to adults as a secondary sexual attraction.
- The cutoff point of pedophilia is 13 years old. A primary or exclusive sexual attraction to teenagers between 11 and 14 is hebephilia. A primary or exclusive sexual attraction to teenagers between 15 and 19 is ephebophilia.
- Pedophilia is a mental illness. Hebephilia and ephebophilia are considered normal, medically speaking.
- Many child rapists are not pedophiles. While some pedophiles do rape, many child rapists have no preference for children but choose to rape children because of other reasons (Easier than raping an adult, the child is an acquaintance they have authority over, an older teenager dating a younger teenager, sadism, etc.)
- The primary crime committed by pedophiles is not rape but possession of child pornography
- There are non-pedophile who watches child pornography
- Because most of our data on pedophiles comes from criminals, it is unknown how many pedophiles there are and what kind of behavior do non-pedophiles have.
- Countries that have legalized lolicon pornography have seen a severe reduction in sexual crimes against children. The belief that it will lead people to rape real children is a myth, based more on people's disgust at pedophile than any actual fact.

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>U.N. fails to stem rapes by peacekeepers in Africa, victims cry


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My game has finished downloading so I'll leave you pedos to fester in your own degeneracy. Bye now try not to get thrown in a cell!

Prove it

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Posting more to bait retarded braindead moralfags

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But everybody says more porn is leading to people having less sex.
If anything, these pedos are just going to die out.

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>Hebephilia and ephebophilia are considered normal, medically speaking.
Can I get a source?

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That's actually kind of hot.

Nowi is best FE dragon loli. That is all

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I didn't know juju was posting on Yea Forums too lmao

post more tiki

Good lord that look of total disdain makes me diamonds

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Why are moralfags so incredibly dumb?

Why do they think media causes crime?
It's like they're retarded autists who think all human beings are programmed like computers.

Jesus Christ watching them rationalize their insane logic makes me want to vomit.

I do not have a source that explicitly say "Hebephilia and ephebophilia are not mental illnesses", if that's what you mean. Both of them have simply been rejected from being in the DSM-5.

>Catherine stuff
Wait what got removed? I haven't played since the first release.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet akagi?

is that how it is spelt? don't really care but anyway,

>Can I get a source?
Boy have you been in highschool? Hebephilia and ephebophilia is totally there and totally normal, every normal human being practiced Hebephilia and ephebophilia

Attached: FE-TMS-244.jpg (1536x1920, 785K)


>every normal human being practiced Hebephilia and ephebophilia
Did you even read the post he's replying to? No, they didn't. Hebephilia and ephebophilia aren't any attraction to teenagers, and the two are mutually exclusive.

>Something that have zero impact on real children is the same as something that actually impacts real children.

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why do u fags keep giving him yous?

nobody uses the terms with the "exclusivity" meaning, nobody

It's the only meaning that is correct.

what philia are drawings?

TMS is underrated

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how did the 3DS entries look better than this

what the fuck is intelligent systems doing

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It gave us an excuse to post dragon lolis and twins.

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Mi negro.

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It's drags on a bit, but yeah, it's a nice AA title.

Attached: FE-TMS-321.jpg (2880x1620, 1003K)

They're gonna rape that puffy squirrel aren't they?

actual semen demon.

you don't need an "excuse" to!

imagine a rerelease without censorship but still keeping the extra outfits

when people everywhere use the term pedo, it means any attraction

language is a tool to convey message, what most people think a word means is what the word means

It is like those faggots who say that "black people can't be racist because the suppressed can't be racist", shifting the common understood definition of racist into some so called "well definied" definition which has no public concensus

dip shits from around the world would exploit the "exclusivitiy" of your definition of "pedo" to say shit like:

>"huehue i'm not pedo because i'm attracted to 18-999 years old as well take that dumbass learn your definition"

>TMS looks miles better than Three Houses graphically despite being from the previous console gen
What did ISIS mean by this

I'd buy it

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Someone post the article in which the UN tried to get Japan to ban violence against fictional women and a bunch of Japanese female writers told them to fuck off and focus on real women.

don't forget FEH money

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TMS is unironically full of SOUL

>TMS was better than Persona 5
What went so wrong?

You're correct to use the word this way when discussing the news with your mom.
However, in the realm of psychology, law and crimes, the word is definitely used with its actual definition. Therefore, if you wish to have a serious discussion about whether things should be legal or whether it's a mental illness or not, you need to use the correct definition.

>this is what you get, fuck you for not buying our idoru game filthy gaijin

>However, in the realm of psychology, law and crimes, the word is definitely used with its actual definition. Therefore, if you wish to have a serious discussion about whether things should be legal or whether it's a mental illness or not, you need to use the correct definition.
yes and you are on Yea Forums

Why does everyone hate her? I think she looks cute and adorable.


fertility propaganda, abe's gotta have stock in nintendo

>You're on Yea Forums so you can't have a real discussion and you should use false definitions on purpose which leads to false conclusions

I don't think anybody hates her, right?

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>I must insist on my "real defintion" which does not align with the consensus and understanding of most people, on a website which nobody gives a shit and everyone gets called a faggot

I don't know why i thought this thread want going to be autistic, guess that's what i get for not actually reading the op

Why is so easy to get reply from lolicons?that is the reason that your threads get shitposted to dead.

Why are so many pedos in this board lately? Where did they come from?


Do human rights apply to dragons?

imagine how soft her thighs must be

This is how the word waifu, etc have lost all initial intended meaning and we get those words thrown around willy nilly.

meant cute

I have speculated that is the same small group of posters or at times a single poster. Might also be leaks from Yea Forums.

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>FEH is a big chunk of Nintendo's income now
By this logic Dragalia Lost is also a flagship Nintendo franchise.

What lol? lolis are ones of the more populars fetish in Yea Forums since forever with tomboys.

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>I must abide by the whims of the horde, even if it (the horde) is wrong
If we unironically believed that, the Earth would still be flat.

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The problem is that your definition is contradictory. Normalfags simultaneously believe that pedophiles are a very, extremely tiny portion of the population, and that any sexual attraction toward someone under 18 is pedophilia. These two beliefs do not align. If you use the common definition of pedophilia, then the majority of men would be considered pedophiles.

Nagi was crap though. Bitch is weak as fuck compared to Tiki and gives a shit Falcon

Skip Echoes. It's a bad game

Get better taste you delusional Awakeningcancer

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In New Mystery you get both of them and she is on par with Tiki

delet dis

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There is no "wrong" in the usage of language in a casual context

Here everyone express their distaste against people who are sexually attracted to children by calling them as "pedo"

Now you want to shift the definition to a technical and formal one.
Right here nobody gives a shit and practically nobody will follow, this should be obvious

btw Tiki is adorable but Myrrh is even cuter

Yes. And what we see is now is how people who love to show their "moral superiority", act like they are totally not attracted when someone is slightly below 18

>"wow she's hot"
>"holy shit pedo fuck off"

You get Nagi much later. Tiki comes at chapter 14 and Nagi comes at 22. But to be fair manaketes aren't good in New Mystery since they were nerfed compared to FE3.

DL makes 1/5th what FEH does

Normalfags know that people are attracted to teenagers. It's not a fucking surprise to anyone.
But you're supposed to pretend you're not, and if you don't do that, it's creepy - what's wrong with you, that you don't pretend like everyone else? That's the real answer.

Of course it also makes the word "pedophile" worthless because it applies to everyone, but whatever.

>not even footnigger but the first thing I noticed about her are her feets
oh no no no, I'm scared, guys

This conversation is dumb, stop falling for bait. Post cute dragons.

Attached: sman.jpg (1210x800, 151K)

Hello, I'm here to say that all dragon girls are cute and if you like them, you're probably a good person and I'll wish for your happiness.
Have a nice day.

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Reminder one of the main activists in the UN for banning it got charged for multiple cases of child abuse.
Reminder the Kony lead activist was an abuser back when that was a thing.
Reminder the same people who ban media out of the sake of the children turn a blind eye and give child abusers leniency for political reasons.

These people will throw any child under the bus for the sake of their moral superiority and public image.

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of course not, they are for sex slavery

Fae is incredibly sexy

That's just Nowi

I'm going mating press Tiki!

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Thank you user, also if you're playing Feh, Winter Fae is having a rerun tomorrow so there's a chance of more happy lolis for everyone.

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You too fellow fae bro

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Nowi is a fertile young maiden and would have been knocked up if anything happened. The slavers didn't want to damage their merchandise.
She's pure and waiting for her first love, specifically (you).

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How can she be so sexual?

You mean Gregor

ebin bait user, got all the lolipedos to respond

It's a mystery

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of the emblem

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Fae is ugly
Myrrh is too cute to lewd
Tiki is better in adult form

Nowi is the true dragon loli for breeding

perfect for breeding

>lolibaba dragon
literally the perfect type of character

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ugly tiki with corrin's foot fetish. meh

>P5R lets you date the twins in a similar way to Liz is P3 FES
cute addition i guess

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I'm gonna fuck that dragon cun.

That's how it starts. It's already too late

Hero's of light and shadow

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and funny!

Her design is so fucking shitty and her head is so big

Shit taste. Kill yourself retarded fuck

AAAAAAAAAH MUH DIKKK! Futaba was nice, but it's time for the real CUTE AND FUNNY!!

and you had mila and her girl harem

Attached: Mila_(Trailer_Still).png (1280x720, 897K)

You forget to mention they come from a dogshit game

Gregor is a good boy though.

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Cunning and fierce

Mila isn't playable

Get freaky with Tiki

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>only got nowi right
You're not very good at this.

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Based and cunning gentleman of exquisite taste

If you think Sothis is ugly stay the hell away from Three Houses, since she's by far the best design. That magazine art and most of the fanart are just shitty.

Attached: sothis intro.webm (1066x600, 2.49M)

nowi isn't a lolibaba she's just a 1000 year old loli
she's very cute and I like her but it's a different thing

God she's fucking ugly

I actually dig her model.

Attached: 1550115244560.webm (720x404, 2.55M)

Sorry I meant to reply to

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I want her to sit on my lap and make me brush her hair.

>opening Yea Forums and Yea Forums at 2am


Attached: senko (sewayaki kitsune no senko-san) drawn by dahadekan - 9e6cd0d8b7bf4b8dc6b39779a1fe671c.png (1300x1748, 1.3M)

what makes you think you can preg Sothis?

the designs in three houses are pretty bad in general. Sothis is not special in that regard. they sure picked an artist...

still in the game. never mentioned playable

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Judging by the trailers and promo material she's the deuteragonist, it'd be pretty shit if you couldn't romance her.

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She's also not with the Protags for a majority of the car it seems outside of dreams. She's the Mika of the game, litterally because her abilty is Mike's Turnwheel but weaker.

Did you save the one with womb tatoo?

i want more of her thighs

I wanna make cummies in her cunny wunny

Nice and thick

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>wanting to fuck that abomination

plump and soft!

indeed he is

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I think it's neat she actually acts her age.

Seek help before you hurt someone. Thanks.

There is no "help" that exist. There is no place where you can go to and say "I want to fuck little girls" and get help.

>Seek help before you hurt someone.
Denmark couldn't find a causative link between lolicon and child exploitation, so you don't have to worry about that.

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Just like playing Doom should put me on a school shooter list?

And how playing Tropico makes you the ruler of a small island nation.

>If that drawing is of a child it's pretty morally fucked up.
It's a drawing. It's a not a child. I'm sorry you don't understand that. This is retard tier, you are literally arguing that murder in vidya should be treated the same as real life murder.

Loli grannies are pretty hot, yeah


>The drawings are a gateway into real cp and that can eventually lead to real child abuse.

Fun fact: Pornography in general is already a gateway to CP. Look at the increasing amount of incest videos and borderline barely legal teen porn on pornhub.

>cute feet of a thousand yearold dragon loli
>official art

Attached: sickos1.png (600x1003, 519K)

>Sothis's design first shown 10 months ago
>still less than a dozen decent fanart
Fucking Japs better get their act together

Attached: 37-33.jpg (400x240, 36K)

FE doesn’t get that much art in general, it’s asking a lot for a character in an unreleased game. Camilla had around this much from the first Fates trailer and her intro included a scene where you run face first into her tits.

user give it the proper time, fates had fuck all for art until the games released, and even then it took a while to really start until it was translated

unless it's camilla

>the only FE lewds we get are Camilla, Tharja, and Lucina

Attached: 1475161561_aLoAEft.png (480x272, 273K)

Fates is dumb light novel trash.

Don't forget lyn and corrin

Just like the rest of the series

We only saw a zoomed out shot of her sitting on a throne 10 months ago. It wasn't until the direct 2 months ago that we saw her up close.

Attached: sleepy dragon loli.jpg (1220x610, 83K)

The problem with child porn is the harm that producing it causes. Drawing cartoons doesn't involve molesting children, so there is no issue. Consumption of child porn is anti-correlated with child molestation, much like giving away food is anti-correlated with food theft.

don't get me wrong i like them and find most of them hot but fuck do i wish 99% of the lewds weren't just them

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>Food analogy

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Same, especially when there's some semen demons who desperately need more art

Did awakening suffer from the same localization cancer as Fates?
Because I felt like the dialogue was all over the place in some scenes and it made the game almost seem like a comedy.
But maybe Awakening was meant to be light-hearted, I don't fucking know, all I know is that sometimes the dialogue was fucking weird.

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and to add salt on the wound is that you have to wait for FEH to add a character you like or a alt of them. So you can get maybe 3 lewds of them before its back to business as usual. I'm still waiting for a Nowi alt another Nowi alt to come out

Awakening just has bad writing

The whole writing is all kinds of weird, it switches from lighthearted moments to tragedy in the blink of an eye, especially with the supports and small barracks dialogues. The story overall was also all over the place, the last third just comes way too fast and the whole Walhart invasion feels almost irrelevant, if it weren't for one single line of text where it explains he apparently also wanted the Fire Emblem to stop Grima.

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Nowi does have a serviceable amount, it's just that she's such a massive slut that a non camilla amount seems like too few

It could all have been fixed if valm was paralogues and the story jumped to grima arc as soon as gangrel was dead.

Go back to resetera and fucking stay there faggot.

>it's just that she's such a massive slut that a non camilla amount seems like too few
you might be right on that. I'm use to Camilla and Tharja numbers so i view Nowi as not having a lot

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Mood whiplash is a genuine thing user, awakening does suck at it badly though. if there's anything fates managed to improve story wise is making the tone darker and more consistent, awakening almost felt like a slice of life in supports, which was bad because the story tried taking itself seriously.
Also grima and validar were fucking wasted, they killed the humor or any lightheartness but didn't do shit on screen so they were just boring rather than threatening

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just by looking at her you'd believe she'll have a picture count in the 4 digits at least.

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>in Ultimate
Nice try idiot, you can wobble my nuts instead.

Well, lolis are delicious...

you would think she would have Tharja numbers but that's not the timeline we live in
Nowi is made for breeding and I love her

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Why did Nowi stay dressed in her slave outfit?

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Ideally she should have so much more than tharja.
That's her normal outfit user, they couldn't get anything skimpier to dress her on so she probably just went naked all the time when she was a slave

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That's some shitty feet done by a shitty artist

Okay tough guy

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I believe her outfit has gotten much more skimpier

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yep, only nowi knows how to wear even less than what she normally does

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>It should be illegal
>Pls, insert the censorship dick into my ass
Good fucking lord

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peak tummy slut

tiny resolutions hide a LOT of flaws.
Early 3D games looked pretty damn passable back in the day because the resolution was so small that it hid the shitty textures completely. The models still looked jaggedy as fuck but it didnt look nearly as bad as it does now on modern displays. An example of how well tiny resolution hides stuff is how a lot of people didnt notice that none of the characters in Fire Emblem Awakening had feet until it was pointed out to them.

don't undersell nowi, she is a peak slut

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>Nowi considering her normal outfit quite conservative
My dick

This is what peak performance looks like

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>Is it illegal? No. But you’re still a pedophile creep
I agree but
>and I’d kill you if you’re ever in arm’s reach of a child in real life.
lmao Loli Cunny!

I haven't touched my dick in three days because I want to fuck my girl on Sunday without having to resort to overdosing on Viagra and this fucking thread shows up. Thanks, assholes.

>needing Viagra in the first place
Thank the jews for fucking up your dick on porn, you dumb faggot.

>Bare feet


How mad does it make you to know that no matter how many pictures of underage lolis user jacks off too he will never go to jail? I dont like these weeb games myself, but the salt from trannyfags is pretty great A toast to the cunnysieurs!

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Is her navel exposed and ready to lick?

Attached: nowinavel.png (253x215, 55K)

There have been instances of people going to jail for loli, don't lie. I'm too lazy to search for them, but they exist.

Too bad the face looks horrible and the feet are sub par because they are drawn by a shit artist

> and ready to dick?
yes, yes it is

Attached: 1527631301094.jpg (1366x768, 139K)

>2021 will be a loli revival so great we will finally get uncensored loli sex on national TV

We've seen adult tiki and loli tiki but wheres my teenage tiki at?

It is pretty conservative, you can't even see her naughty bits through it!

Attached: 1550549995545.png (1600x1920, 1.1M)

>He made his twitter private

big brain
>Nowi considering her normal outfit conservative
giga brain
>Nowi considering outfits that cover more than to be scandalous and lewd and is very disappointed that her daughter would choose to dress like that

Like the retard from canada who let airport security look through his laptop with no probable cause or a warrant and found his loli stash lmao


>he let that happen
>he didn't get strongarmed by the jewish puppets
You're too stupid to exist.

I like NTR

That explains everything.

Awakening was super goofy and light-hearted due to the rather comical cast which made the mood whiplash really bad.

That's her normal attire. Also she was treated more as an animal for entertainment than a slave, manaketes after all are still a rare species so someone like Nowi surely was sold and bought for big money before being saved by Gregor. Also considering Nah's support with Robin, actually having sex or having children with a manakete is seen as taboo, reason why she was usually shunned as a freak.

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>Imagine having to provide perverts with fulfillment for their fetishes so you can aspire to sell a few copies of your game, indicating that there's no worth in your work beyond shameless pedobait.

I fucking love cunny, Yea Forumsros

You and your entire family will be wiped out for admitting that.

Catherine has a character that transition, but in the happiest ending for said character he chooses to just live as a gay man instead of transitioning.
Trannies lost their minds about it.

Why not though?
Japs understand that games are toys, and there is no shame in appealing to carnal desires in selling them.

They got upset because the about to transition man learned to love himself and who he was instead of turning into something he wasn't? Typical tranny illness.

Fuck off, jew.


Fuck off, jew.

Good, I'm glad it makes you upset and I hope they keep making more.

Fuck off, jew.

>Everything I don't like is a Jew
>An user's Guide to Shitposting

Attached: 1550796236574.png (800x952, 1021K)

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Keep posting nowi, better to end the thread with a dragon slut than with shitposting

Read that as slutty. Still good though.

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The jews fear the samurai, retard.

That they do.

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So just start learning Japanese already. If you got started 2 years ago rather than making excuses for 2 years about "how hard" it is and how "I can't do it", you wouldn't have to stomach """localization""". Get started now to future-proof yourself, localization only gets worse from here since all ironic weebs care about are their anime tiddies not gettin censored, not translation quality.

Attached: 1550214964327.jpg (960x960, 121K)

Learn that the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers. たあいへんだ!!


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The five dancing Israelis.

>and I can already tell you that westerners are going to campaign to get the loli twins romance stuff removed when they hear about it
This isn't going to happen, you triggered snowflake.

Will 3H's dragon be as good as Nowi or old (game) Tiki?

Attached: 66105636_p0.jpg (758x1071, 537K)

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

she's already better by virtue of being of lolibaba

Built for oyakodon

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The jews murdered JFK, and bombed the USS Liberty.

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I doubt it

She fits a different niche than the other dragons. None of them have the lolidom angle, except maybe Nowi but that's more mischievous than anything.

Attached: smug nowi.jpg (2240x1260, 304K)

Same bro. I had to settle for Futaba because she was the closest we could get.

i wonder how long does mating with a dragon last

I want to hug a loli

Attached: 1555809773677.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

So I still haven't played most FE games but correct me if I'm wrong: Tiki is the little sister manakete, Nowi is the overly friendly michievous manakete and now Sothis is the lolibaba manakete. What niche would fit Fae and Myrrh?

Just wondering who's your favorite game loli

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How do I get a loli gf?

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At least 8 hours or so, since they only finish after completely sucking you dry. Dragons like Myrrh like to winglock their prey.

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I'm sure their bodies are lewd enough that they would make even the meekest and frailest person become a sex beast

Fae is more or less the naive happy go lucky girl that never saw the world before so everything is a happy new experience. Myrrh is the shy teenager that also never saw the world but rather than wanting to explore it in a childish happy manner like Fae, she's perplexed by emotions and easily crushes on the first male that treats her well (Ephraim).

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why do the dragons of FE like to show off their feet

Then you're 9 years late

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that a muhfuggin loli grandma

>the poster child of Three Houses is a sultry loli dragon in bondage gear
Fuck I wish it wasn't a switch exclusive.
I'd actually buy it if it was wii u or 3ds.
Why don't they port Fire Emblem games to pc?

she cute

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>This thread is STILL fucking going
Sometimes you guys are alright.

OMG OMG! Is that...FEET! OMG YES!!!! Sothis just became my new Waifu for this game! I don't even care if she's a loli anymore!!!!

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lolis are too powerful man

sad to say, but that's probably as best as she will get

and lewd

This Manakete is gonna make or break the game for me, they haven't shown much else to get excited about.

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It requires living in a rural area and getting an arranged marriage.

I love cunny so much

I wanna sniff it
I wanna kiss it
I wanna lick it
I wanna observe it
I wanna feel it
I wanna hear it
I wanna adore it

I want a cunny to do lewd adult things with!

we are close to the bumplimit bros

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except thad is out and universally loved.

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she is perfect

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I think she's the reason I realized why I'm so in love with petite girls. That or I'm just trying to justify liking loli, but one way or another, Nowi is just adorable.

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Nowi is the main reason why i love loli now.

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I actually think I always subconsciously liked petite girls because I'm tall and is nice to have a smaller girl who I feel I can protect, so when I gave into loli it didn't even feel any kind of wrong. It's just nice to be in peace with my lolicon self while finally realizing how much I love petite women.

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I saw this twitter post

for me i just like being ab =le to them them abd hold them

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Nowi is bottom of the barrel garbage. Get some fucking taste.

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no u

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>take kids to Destinyland
Gotta set their alignment early.

Like the good ol days before feminism.

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I dont care if you guys are pedophiles or not, i still love you guys! Don't let the dumb moralists get to you people.