Post good looking video game box art

Post good looking video game box art

Attached: 81Udh8-v5cL._AC_.jpg (2560x1707, 327K)

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My favorite cover of all time.

Attached: 1814-descent-dos-front-cover.jpg (800x999, 80K)

It's decent

This is a game i loved dearly when i was like 7

Attached: 65427-toy-bizarre-commodore-64-front-cover.jpg (678x943, 203K)

Attached: SteelEmpire_MD_JP_Box.jpg (3192x2012, 1.86M)

Attached: n64-res-evi-2-1.jpg (640x462, 41K)

Attached: 870950-resident_evil_4_box_pal.jpg (422x591, 27K)

God, the PAL boxart was so much better than the other regions

Attached: E58562E6-49A7-4310-9D6C-885BD9FE130B.jpg (640x1151, 132K)

Attached: sh2.jpg (356x441, 63K)

I love Toriyama's designs.

Attached: metal-gear-solid-ps1-big.jpg (1637x1394, 765K)

Attached: far-cry-3-blood-dragon-box-art.jpg (434x600, 146K)

Attached: Smt1snescover.jpg (640x1162, 150K)

Attached: 23-alien-breed_0.jpg (620x764, 46K)

Attached: 14-ghouls.jpg (620x397, 71K)


Attached: 12-another-world.jpg (620x776, 89K)

Why does japan always get the best stuff

Attached: custom CT box.png (1000x696, 563K)

Shut up carlos

stronger artistic traditions

Attached: 7-prince-persia.jpg (620x1167, 173K)

Marketing to higher IQ population.

still remember this from my childhood

Attached: 2-batman-caped-crusader.jpg (620x797, 112K)

Because in Japan, these games often ship with artwork straight from the dev team (or from external artists, in FF's Amano cases). Meanwhile in America, our localization teams are like, "OKAY HOW DO WE SELL THIS ANIME AS FUCK SNES GAME? I KNOW, LETS PUT A GENERIC LOGO ON THIS ONE, AND TURN THIS BLUE-HAIRED TWINK INTO CONAN THE BARBARIAN HERE."

Attached: 9-flashback.jpg (620x871, 114K)

Still waiting for good box art to be posted

If chrono was black, the game would be called Chrono Nigger

Well you're in luck

Attached: 61868_front.jpg (640x571, 78K)

I got you senpai

Attached: 263092-battlefield-3-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg (800x919, 119K)

>grey and orange
>not blue and orange
It broke new ground

this thread would reach bump limit with 16-Bit box art alone. There ws SO MUCH FUCKING SOUL.

Attached: 366854_57114_front.jpg (640x897, 100K)

Attached: shadowrun.jpg (1024x768, 515K)

this picture sums it up best.
most Americans are just superficial philistine swines who want to be exposed to flashy obnoxious shit at all times and have no sense whatsoever for nuanced and fine art.
this has been proven time and time again in marketing research. it's sad but fucking true.

Attached: 1298551227388.jpg (361x465, 90K)

Why isn't Magus on the cover?

Attached: omRnHlg.jpg (1486x2100, 328K)

Attached: D5EcJH5UwAEKuIJ.jpg (1200x814, 170K)

I miss physical copies.

Attached: 1341597662312.gif (350x332, 122K)

because he's optional

Attached: Alisia Dragoon (JP - Front).jpg (1534x2100, 1.87M)

because westerners suck and japan is the master race

Attached: Shadow Dancer (JP).jpg (3366x2100, 1.58M)

this one makes me laugh every time, specially after seeing the original japanese one

Attached: Shadow Dancer (US).jpg (3186x2029, 1.75M)

Wtf, nobody posted the GOAT yet?

Attached: phalanx.jpg (1000x730, 121K)