Is there a game with a longer main story than Persona 5? Let alone after Persona 5 Royal happens
Is there a game with a longer main story than Persona 5? Let alone after Persona 5 Royal happens
>people are going to pay $60 to add 10 hours of content to an already 96 hour game
>base game had 2 semesters
>R will have 3 semesters
>"i-its going to be only 10 hours longer!"
based retard
>implying that every semester would be the same length
Lets wait and see how much it adds. Then you wait another 6 months and grab it for 30€
Spotted the rushing retard
you'll be sleeping for most of it
I haven't played many JRPGs so something in that category probably beats it, but Pathfinder Kingmaker comes to mind. Its around 150-200 hours long and you can't rush it because the whole game is on a timer and certain main quests will never trigger until the timer says they do so you pretty much have to do the side quests to kill time.
The main story could easily be 60 hours if the dialogue wasn't so god damned repetitive.
even if it will be two times shorter we are still talking about 20-30 hours
96 hours is too much for a main story.
Around 30 hours is ideal
I think I finished my first playthrough at 95. It was my first persona game and I obviously didnt finish all confidants, but I did not rush through the game. I even checked every single room every single time in the snore fest that is Mementos
I'm going off of OP's image dude
Ninteryerolds were begging for the base game
This is why persona 5 is so fucking trash. 100 hours of mediocre shit when they could have given us a 40 hour great experience. By the time I got to shidos palace I put like 130 hours in the game then dropped it from being bored/burnt out. Then I came back and forced myself to finish it a year later.
>b-but nintendo
really dude?
>100 hours
holy fuck
Cope tendie
>anytime someone criticizes persona they are just a seething tendie
consolewars really fry the brain don't they
I hear the game sucks after the first villain. Is it worth playing just that segment as its own story?
OG DQ7 is much longer
Hell yeah I will if not just to annoy nintendo fans lmao
What makes it so long? Grinding or something?
Divinity and Pathfinder Kingmaker are some recent games that are long as fuck.
>I hear the game sucks after the first villain
Those are the words of assblasted xenocringe fags or smtfags. It has a dip in quality at one dungeon but it gets quickly good again at the casino.
the digimon world 3 speedrun is over 300 hours
rance 10 is the longest piece of literature in existence
in my case? I just had no clue where the fuck to go in some parts of the game. Also grinding to unlock new classes and stuff.
Just trade in the original to get 10$ or so off, it's not like it's a completely different game before the new third semester.
a smash fanfic is longer than Rance 10
It's just poorly paced, chock full of filler and drags on and on and on. They fixed it up in a bit in the 3DS version but it's still way longer than it needs to be.
DQ VII has a fuckton of backtracking. It's one of the most annoying entries in the series.
Longer than Muv Luv Alternative and Umineko? Doubt.
No, the story only starts to suck after the 4th villain. It's the dungeon design that takes a massive hit in quality after the first one.
The 100% run is over 300 hours due to all the things you need to grind and how slow it is
Still normal speedruns are 6+ hours long
You have to do every fucking dungeon at least 2 times (once in the past and once in the present).
Also you MUST explore every god damn city and backtrack every god damn chest because they contain shards necessary to unlock different timelines and continue the main quest.
Star Ocean 3.
They really put in the work on Dragon Age. Shame what happened after
DQVIII is basically like 20+ forced sidequests. And every single of them has back tracking.
It's terrible.
Honestly any JRPG that exceeds 40 hours is probably gonna be terrible, probably drag on for too long.
What kind of person told you this? Some dungeons are pretty shitty but not so bad to make the game suck, not even close. The only thing that really bored the shit out of me was that one never-ending dungeon in the metro, I forgot the name.
DQVII or DQVIII? VII did not had many sidequests at all.
Has anyone actually played Rance 10? Why is it so long?
Christ, it's like a compiled list of my failures. I've dropped so many of those over the years it's kind of embarrassing.
seeing Cold Streel on there makes me think maybe I shouldn't think about getting into that series.
I'm actually excited that they're making another version of the game, since I really want to play it again. It's the kind of game I really play video games for. It completely draws me into it's world by doing all the little things correctly and makes me utterly forget about planet Earth. I completed it twice and I want to play more, but a third time would be really pushing it. You just can't get properly immersed when the game no longer has any surprises for you.
With this re-release / enhanced edition / remake / whatever, there will now be enough new shit that a third playthrough feels good enough. I can't wait to spend another 90 hours in it's world. I won't pay a full price for it though. I didn't pay a full price for the original either.
raffs in FFXIV
>Cold Steel: 3890 kb of text
>but nothing fucking happens
Digimon World 3
No Umineko, list is incomplete
there is no way anything is longer than Umineko, its 100 hours of pure text
I'm glad I never bought the base game, same with DQ11. But honestly I don't know if I can complete a 100 hour RPG anymore. I was able to finish DQ7 back in the day but I just don't know if I have it in me anymore.
Is it worth me playing the base Persona 5, with The Royal on the horizon? I own it but haven't played it.
The Xenoblade series
It's more gameplay than cutscenes too.
thats just because every single npc gets new dialogue any time some one as much as sneezes in the main story
>>people are going to pay $60 to add 10 hours of content to an already 20 hour game with 76 hours of cutscenes
It's monster hunter all over again, even if you don't own a Nintendo system they'll call you a Nintendofag because they can't handle criticism.
read it again dipshit