Valve doesn't do anything for gamin-

>Valve doesn't do anything for gamin-
where are the valve haters now?

Attached: valve.jpg (640x574, 41K)

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is that the same api risk of rain 2 uses?

They are sucking timmy's dick

> Hat in time

Attached: 1539611432048.gif (580x433, 2.09M)

>you now have to play online to play locally
thanks gabe

well ror2 used steamworks to connect players, so, probably

Valve does a lot of behind the scenes stuff that Tim Sweeney and Epic shills conveniently ignore.

doesnt mean anything

That is the exact opposite of doing something good for gaming, that is a form of anti piracy since it requires Steam for multiplayer. They could have always made it so it doesn't require any special server. How is a developer intentionally sabotaging their own game a good thing?
How about all the bad Valve has done like popularized digital distribution and all the negatives that come with it, rampant DLC and micro transactions, games being intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch, digital only, download codes in a box, console wannabe platforms on PC, etc.

it doesn't require steam and is 100% open source, retard.