What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: KingdomHearts3_Review_01.jpg (1920x1080, 474K)

20 hours of boring stuff followed by 7 hours of interesting stuff.
There's neither a good intro that gets you hooked nor a big cool thing in the middle.

>critical mode

>20 hours of boring stuff
>frozen is one of the first worlds you visit

Did he stutter user?

Combat has less interesting options than previous games. New additions like attractions arent very fun or engaging

Lack of good boss fights. Not enough humanoid 1 on 1 encounters which are always the best sort of fights. Really should have had the org encounters in each world be a boss instead of a cutscene

Lack of mainline series staples like FF characters or an arena

Practically no post game

Numerous story beats lacked any sort of impact, particularly how they handled roxas and terra

Isn't Frozen right in the middle of the world lineup though? After Frozen it's just PotC, Franskyo and KG.

The game is blatantly rushed.
The story isn't even awful in a charming crazy way, it's just downright awful and retcons the shit out of itself.
It was supposed to be the grand conclusion of a 17 year old arc yet the actual game is sequel filler.
The cutscenes [stares for 5 seconds] are also [makes awkward grunt sounds] terrible and [turns 45 degrees and repositions into same stance] outdated. [runs out the room with the same animation used on the PS2]

I've played every KH game and despite thinking most of them range from mediocre to garbage, this is the only one that actually bored me. Every world I would start off with a modicum of interest in, but then that would disappear after 20 minutes of exploring them and fighting horde after horde of the same heartless. I almost nodded off more than once playing this game. I can't say that about any other KH game, no matter how shit it was.
The combat, the core of the gameplay, was not interesting to me either, which is the reason why I don't buy it when people say critical mode/DLC will fix it. Add as many optional bosses and new modes as you want, its still going to be based on the core game's mechanics. No thanks.

After critical mode nothing.

>There's neither a good intro that gets you hooked nor a big cool thing in the middle.
>no Destiny Islands/Twilight Town tutorial
>no Hollow Bastion, End of the World, or TWTNW equivalent, just a worse rehash of the Keyblade Graveyard and a boss arena that slaps you in the face for expecting nice things
I'd still not have forgiven the lack of Radiant Garden, but it'd certainly help dull the pain.

3 set kingdom hearts on its redemption arc cause nomura wont let the next game, whatever it may be, to be as disappointing as 3

Attached: DzDstrrUYAAgVt1.jpg (597x597, 32K)

Pretty much everything except the Tangled plot. KH3’s version fixed some of the sloppiness in the original.

In that case that redemption arc started after the release of KH2's Final Mix

Honestly? After 3 I don't trust Nomura with this series anymore, it's clear he doesn't actually care about what made the series good in the first place and just wants to make it into a gestalt Vs XIII.

Nobody from the PS2 team worked on it. Compare the credits for all the game designers, planners, animators, sound designers etc. it's all different people.

Do you have that reversed? KH3 skips a bunch of important scenes, it feels like you're watching the movie while having a stroke.

the story makes me feel like im watching something while my brain matter is leaking and im having a stroke at the same time.

>Capcom are being bros and release the MH g rank expansion as a stand alone dlc
>Atlus jew the fuck out of P5 the royal and you have to buy the 60 shekel fame again
How will Square approach the Final Mix for KH3?

Nomura said DLC, he doesn't believe in the re-release method anymore.

Worth playing at all if I never played the previous ones?

It's got the number 3 in the title, figure it out idiot.

you will have no idea what the fuck is going on. i played pretty much all of them except for the ios game and that takes a chunk of the story too. so retarded

I'm sure this reply was one of the few times during your day that made you feel smart, so I don't want to rain on your parade too much, but that was the fucking stupidest possible arrangement of words to reply with.

god damn how fragile are you?

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as fragile as a white male

>can't count
>tries to pretend he's not a brain damaged retard
Okay kid.

>thinks that sequels can't be played without playing prior entries

Holy shit you have genuine brain damage.