Kizuna AI in Azur Lane!

Kizuna AI in Azur Lane!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Chinese game
What a whore

Oh boy can't wait for more SEAniggers and normals to pretend they like kizuna


>"Fuck you" and that fucking scream are in her voice lines

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Coolness itself in Azur Lane!

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umm you know that these threads are not allowed here?
We need more room for "We're going home!", "Play Overwatch!", 10 more Personal and DMC threads and another Smash thread.

nothing new

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why the fuck did she sellout?

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user only Normalfags and ironic weebs watch that shit...

whoops, wrong image

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>titty mole

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Vtubers aren't as popular as before. This is strategically right: when you own a band of idols, you milk the shit outta them, then they can go and whore themselves out when they're not in the business anymore.

WHAT? Downloading.

She's a whore

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shut the fuck up faggot its a product

Almost a shame I managed to get out off gacha addiction.

Kizuna has such a nice cock...

Vtubers as idols is honestly the best idea Japan ever had, the idol industry is huge in Japan, but the problem with it is that said idols are human after all, after a decade or so, they get old and busted and new idols have to take place, but a virtual one? they are timeless, see Miku for example, created in 2007 and still strong in popularity

>Miku for example

This semen demon

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What the fakk :DDDD

Yep, i'm thinking he's based.

>That autist who tries to get the thread deleted by posting porn
Mental illness

>That autist that seethes over porn being posted
Mental illnees




Her channel is dead,

There was one time she had the filter turned off and honestly the real voice sounds cute too

Azur Lane is actually pretty fun
And it has a ton of cute lolis

In other news I married my first ship last night and I love her very much

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Is it good to get into this late? i always had a massive completionist boner, so every time i tried a gacha game even if it meant losing a daily login, i would lose all interest in the game altogether

As cancerous as VRtuber-shit is I can give her credit for being the first big one and nailing it on the first try. Every other imitation I've seen has been one big cringe compilation, Ai at least has some air of self-awareness while not being too obnoxious with it


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Yes very, especially if you play EN.
It's the most generous gacha game I've seen.

>giving your money to shit devs who censor lolis

How can you fucks watch this shit when you know there's just a dude behind the face rig? like with noracat?

If you think Kizuna Ai is a guy you are literally retarded

hags should be decommissioned

>How do you enjoy drawings of cute girls if you know it's a dude that made them

>Game plays itself
It really isn't, it just scratches that collectathon itch you have

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Damn, she's really selling out.

Because the dude isn't cutting out the face of the character putting it over his and miming it in what is essentially a virtual dress.

I know the voice actress isn't a dude but the mo-cap artist is 100% a dude.

kizuna's actress is a girl though

are you retarded, the sync between vocals and body movements is too perfect to be anything but her own movements, you can see this at times in her older videos when she pushed up her glasses which werent on her 3D model but obviously she was wearing them while mo-caping


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just do like any sane user would and beat your meat to the porn instead

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Anyone else not able to get into Kizuna Ai, because she is the epitomte of everything wrong with gaming culture (streaming culture)?

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>that guy who doesn't even pretend to be a girl and uses his own voice while rigging as a loli fox

Is azur lane just a knock-off, chinese kancolle? I've only seen some screenshots

Ultimate memelord party

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Sorry to disappoint. I know you've been on 4chen for a decade and by now every single thing is a trap to you, but no. Kizuni Ai, Mirai Akari, Siro and Kaguya Luna are all actual women.

It is far better game than Kancolle

Too bad he quit and sold his channel to some media group.

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One of the shipgirls in Azur Lane was literally designed by Oouso.

And that name should ring a few bells for any fellow feetchad.

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>retards pay for this

Can I still get Nep if I start playing now?

gachapon game with actual gameplay when? i mean, i guess there's arknights the tower defeence but it's releasing who knows when, and i want more gameplay than TD. i want me a gacha with xcom-like strategical gameplay so i dont need to replay firaxis xcom over and over on my phone when i want that kinda gameplay on the go.

>retards pay for a chance for this


Nope. Chances are it won't run again, either.

>Because the dude isn't cutting out the face of the character putting it over his and miming it in what is essentially a virtual dress.
>What is references
Honestly it doesn't matter if the face is traced instantaneously or over time

Play Azur Lane now while you can still get the most OP loli boat ever

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I miss him...

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Gonna skip this even desu, waiting for Fallen Wings Rerun, French Ships or Research

But Naggan's event ended yesterday?

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>paying for Azur Lane
this is not how it works

>Not enough for both Kizuna AI and loli botes
I still have +6k gems... Should I just buy cubes? I already have all the dorm slots etc. Got the gems for free

Bandori is actually challenging and demands you to git gud, unlike IM@Shit.
It also has actually good songs like

They're doing a rerun of it for a few more days apparently

This scream

the girls look pretty generic, what's so good about it?

>Literally given for free as login reward
>Another version is grindable
What did they mean by this?

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More generic than generic school girl #24151 with ship shit aka every kantai girl?

>i want me a gacha with xcom-like strategical gameplay

There's tons of mobile SRPG games out there, user. Unless you require them to be available in English, that is.

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Kancolle? yeah I don't know.

>b-b-b-but is free a-and...
Literally sour grapes HAHAHAHAHAHA

It's always the second to last that's hottest.

The last is always straight up ridicule, which is great. But the second to last is more just significant disappointment. Like it's not even funnier. She's just sad you're so small.

Now I have a boner damn it

Laffey Wedding skin when

I didn't say kancolle girls were good but azur looks just as bad imo

yes and my point is azur looks just as plain

Fuck this event. Im gridding the PR2 ships right now, I wasted too much gold when I need plenty for researchs plans.

Makes sense foottards are also the ones spending money on gacha lmao

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>he thinks this is FGO

But I love moving my units and shooting any kind of different bullets.

Apart from the concept they are nothing alike

It has wider cast and not just IJN ships

The little revenue these chink games make are solely through skins...

Not an argument chinkinigger

>rhythm game
>high pitch singer upbeat songs
nice but not my cup of tea. i'll keep searching
yes sadly i can't into japanese or any other language that isn't english. thanks anyway

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Play Azur Lane
Do not check this artist's pixiv

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what's so hot about being reminded of you being below average? i don't get it.

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>H-haha, gacha, gambling right? Lololol! xdxd
>Gets btfo
>I know, I'll just cope!
Go back to Diablo Immortal.

I love these sisters!

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I had stopped playing but this is worth a try, they even included the fuck you and panty shots

It literally is though. Unlike FGO where summoning is notably more expensive and materials for it are far less plentiful there is absolutely no need to ever buy materials for construction in AL if you do a minimum amount of playtime a day. There is a reason the game makes considerably less money in months they dont realease new skins, because nobody ever spends money on anything else.

How tall is she? I need to know for reasons

Wasn't she willing to sell out from day one? I remember her constantly begging for sponsors/advertising opportunities early on.


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>gachapon game with actual gameplay
Honkai Impact

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She's a super-AI, mate.
You couldn't possibly hope to lift her up and imagine.

how do I play this shit on my PC, I hate being slaved to my phone

I think it's a submissive thing. Her finding out you have a small penis gives her some power over you at your expense. She can then use that power to tease, humiliate or otherwise exert some control over you.

That's just a guess though, I have a large penis so I can't know for sure.

The gacha in that game is fucking terrible

God I wish Azur Lane just had better gameplay. Atleast something like turnbased combat. I love the artstyle etc but the gameplay is boring af

phone emulator, like nox or some other shit that i don't know the name of

I use Blue Stacks and just play it in the background while watching something else

Girls Frontline has turn based combat and it's even worse

>Girls Frontline has turn based combat
no, the combat is real time. the map element is turn based, but the combat is not.

>caring about the gameplay
the only good part of AL is collecting stuff

Quit the game shortly after getting her but I made sure to buy the skin with cash monies.

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Sangoku Justice has the same basic shmup concept that AL does, but as /m/shit and you actually have to play the game, not to mention it's pretty challenging in true CAVE fashion.
Too bad nobody except 30 or so whales actually play it and all their momentum was stolen by Starwing Paradox

Don't lie you only play this to fap to lolis

Does Azur Lane have an actual story or do you just collect cute girls?


The story is absolutely retarded

Wait for the animu maybe the japs can unfuck it.

It does actually have a kind of story but it's really barebones and exclusively told through the events.

Thanks for the bump bro

Of course, nya~

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No it does NOT have one

superior gacha coming through

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KanColle was making mad dosh in Japan so soulless chinnese bugmen copied it.

Play Azur Lane

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Who asked for this?

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Ark Royal

*rubs penis*

I don't need to know for that, I need to know for how big my dick is gonna be in her


Me but they didn't fully listen so that's why they are so overdressed.

That Akagi is delicious desu senpai.

my dick


>loli Hiei got earlier in EN than regular one

>bug spray pasta deleted
gookmoot confirmed selling out to chinks

holy mother of based

>We want the pedophile audience

I might roll for Akagi just for her smugness

>Off-topic shit gets deleted

>off topic shit gets deleted
>constant stream of twitter, eceleb, /pol/ bullshit hits bump limit when its nothing but garbage
yea sure bud


one day post shit like that will be as bad as cp you fuck


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what did he mean by this?

Nuke china

There's nothing hot about it unless you're an absolute cuck. Imagine trying to do the most intimate thing with the woman you love, and she starts to genuinely insult you over things that can't change. It used to be an /r9k/ meme to write this shit about every girl, but nowadays it wouldn't surprise me if people actually got off to it.

Azur Lane? More like Sure is lame.

ching chong

>We want the 2B audience

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>tfw no big milky maid

cute bote

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>We want the Madoka Magica audience

I love my daughter!

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>we want the we want the audience

There is a ship for everyone in AL
No matter your tastes and fetishes, there's at least 1 boat

to be fair she's always said its only been about the money

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Woah! Your daughter sure is cute! You should be careful posting pictures of her here since there could be some real creeps around! haha

Oh hey, father-in-law. How you doin'?

Now that Kizuna is in, does that mean San Diego isn't the dumbest bote anymore?

Is there morbidly obese ship? Just curious if it's really complete, I'm not into that at all haha

not funny we could get arrested

>we want the Fate Audience

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I fucking love smug lolis.

>dumbest bote
You mean Long Island

Azur Lane, play it

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Yeah, Yamashiro

Isnt Mash in it?Or was it Kancolle

yeah but when's the utaware collab coming to the west?

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Too bad the gameplay is still shit compared to Azur Lane. You have no control really. Just move units around a map and watch an auto battle.

This is a colorized photograph of the 1920 Japanese super-dreadnought battleship Nagato who participated in the Battle of Midway in 1942.

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Why is trying to make your brand a success "selling out", as if people aren't allowed to get money as long as you don't screw your fans in the process

>after all this azur lane still isn't as popular as kancolle
How does kancolle do it?

Are any of her ships retrofit?

I have only played for a bit this morning

Imagine seeing this as someone participated in that battle

>streamers are bad
>the reason? people are breathing

That's because it's different genres you fucking retard.
GF is a turn-based/realtime hybrid. Azure Lane is a shmup.

Sure, you can retrofit the pudding hatch of all of them with your point swatter.

By not being as popular as Azur Lane.

he just a weeb who wanted to rp as a little girl he was one of us

Kancolle is only popular in Japan and stagnating

I wish Azur Lane had good designs. I'd give up Kancolle if it did but its designs and clothing are just bland as fuck,.

is that her cub size? kek

>Kancolle fag calling other designs bland
Kek there are maybe 10 interesting designs in KC

Anti-air stats

>We want the best girl audience

Attached: Admiral_Hipper.png (861x1024, 905K)

>not even a loli

>long white hair
wtf how did they get away with ripping Fate/zero like this

bullshit next you'ill tell me that the "torpedo" isn't her dick size

>Flat taundere
>Best anything
Shit taste.

This is an M200 Sniper Rifle. She's currently EN exclusive right now and will be for months longer and doesn't have a voice, but that's okay! They add voices in batches.

Bros... Why must Yua suffer?

I'm subbed to her out of pity lel

And I forgot pic.

Attached: M200.png (1024x1024, 122K)

Wrong pic

Attached: Prinz_EugenWedding.png (841x1024, 925K)

Loli Lane is alive and well!

>r9k was created to make original memes
>the memes are total trash, then the entire board becomes unoriginal trash too, somehow, even though robot9000 is in full effect
how can one board fuck up so bad?

Loli San Diego when?

it's sad

Can someone redpill me on the new event? Do I just have to clear the generic worlds?

Oh no no no look at her legs bros...

KanColle. Although Hamakaze came first.

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>implying I'm gonna waste my cubes in shitty collabs

The boats are actually pretty good

The world asked for this, and we answered. No greater good; No just cause.

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Kizuna Ai is actually top tier?

what happened?

The Ais range from t2 to t0.5 though.

Is this the most current tier list that one could use as an EN player?

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Some of these ships are not in EN yet

EN doesn't have a third of those botes yet, but sure.

Well yeah I know but I don't see any EN-exclusive tier list

Any hags in this game?

>playing a Chinese bootleg game
Lmaoing @ your dead game, Chink apologists

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How hard would it be to get Prinz if I started playing AL now?

That second portrait makes it look like someone just shoved something in her ass without warning

>Going into a thread just to get mad
lmao @ your life

How fucking normal are you? Just get out.

Don't you have a loan to take out to afford another roll?

She is a guaranteed reward for logging in 8 consecutive days

I like Compile Heart's Vtuber, she doesn't do much outside the vlogs but she's fun.

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Not quite. same concept but there's an actual game here and the game doesn't permanently kill your ships off.

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dear fucking lord

>tfw started too late to get the nep botes

I'm angry
I DEMAND my wife Noire


can someone do one of these for this one?

It's not a product, she's my wife, asshole.


>Dear fucking lord
Naw, just Deutschland

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Bro She shows up every so often as a grindable unit. Even then chances of getting her in the gatcaha are pretty high. Plus i think we get the choice of ssr in the next aniversary.

>Reportedly, the breastfeeding will happen in a public event, with virtual reality (to properly simulate getting breastfed by an anime mom), while being surrounded by other fans. They’ll drink real breast milk, too. This is reportedly fed to the user with a “Virtual Baby Bottle”.
oh my!

Thank you for your service.

Z23's thighs

>tfw burned through 160 cubes like fucking nothing
well, that's it. Now I'm officially a cubelet with only 2 meagers ones to my name
Managed to get all of Ai, but none of the lolis

How in the fuck is Kizuna still relevant, and any other virtual youtuber for the matter

Too grindy without real gameplay. Once I married there was no reason to keep playing. I only started for the Neptunia colab, and it was fun because of writing, but it's over now.

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Are they all out on EN?

She's cute

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This isn't real, right?

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Is it voice by an actual girl or it's just voice changer?
This is an important question

Even stranger – Note Takehana is actually a man

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>that new song playing in the game since the update
jesus it's too cute

Shut up weeb, I'll give you a noogie

Did you even read the article?

>It's not this one


based user who don't give no fucks about weebs and jap orbiters

there is actual gameplay once you get to the later levels and it turns into an actual bullet hell

Do japanese people even like this?
All I see is english comments

Japanese people are all westaboos

Play Azur Lane

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People only play this for the porn

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not like that's a bad thing

Really? There's porn for his?

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Just your imagination.

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There's a ton of these two

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You DID choose the best starter, right?

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>For fanart
You browse that shit on danbooru, you do not "play" it

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t. Autist

Says the weeb who "plays" these "videogames"

She's long admitted to being all about the bling bling. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

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I would eat out her VA.