
Attached: D5FROdHW0AEMNAB.jpg large.jpg (1024x1024, 179K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't read sand runes

Do you think Bin Laden watched Let's Plays, bros?

Why do this to yourself, Achmed?

Ayaamu madat?

>cruise control

Now way that's a real language lmao

Daesh Gone

That's correct :)

I have friends with arab relatives
Turns out, if they don't practice their written Arab, they lose it. Must be hard as fuck to learn how to write this

Attached: IMG_20190208_103424.jpg (680x452, 42K)

It's Arabic you retarded faggot

Gays gone


Attached: 1451291364291.jpg (448x355, 38K)

ave ex ncel

To be fair handwriting is pretty useless nowadays.

nah nigga thats cursive lmfaooo


Attached: 87F207A4-5DDD-4119-807D-512B99991A1D.jpg (538x314, 31K)

i want to learn arabic

google translate says it's a game called days ago

Not really, but that just depends in how good you are at learning multiple languages

Attached: 2886304ee4876b36a170c7b790e05f0f--arabic-calligraphy-public.jpg (236x236, 5K)

I see the game has already released in the UK...


*Gays Done

Wait, don't you carry a notepad and take notes with it during work or during vidya? I rather hand write, makes me remember stuff easier.
Is it really that hard?

What a fucking retarded language.

More convenient to take electronic notes if you really need to.

Arabic has way too many naunces to the grammar to the point that it actually gets annoying at times.
The Kurds got it right and simple.

>not really
I don't know mate, it just looks like strokes of brushes

I just remember shit with my brain.

Attached: shaheen.jpg (200x200, 30K)

>isis preparing their new torture methods
i bet everyone even the best trained soldiers would break after playing generic buggy tps zombie shooter garbages over and over again

Such as? I dont wanna learn Arabic, just curious

I'm pretty sure the correct term for that language is Kebab.

>too many naunces to the grammar

Attached: 7DAD7CF6-CC46-435C-8A96-7557A4C8FDC0.png (543x443, 19K)

Lol, that pic is just calligraphy to show off how pretty the language looks, no one really writes like that casually in an everyday life

Attached: 826-9.png (330x248, 10K)

Might as well speak Spanish over English, spic.

Here you go bro

Attached: db654-arabicalphabets.jpg (865x577, 216K)

nice didnt know they localized it for sweden

Christians Gone

It's out in Canada?

This language sounds like someone deep throating. It's the worst.

lmao their language is literally gay

there's so many penises

Start by learning MSA then move onto Egyptian Arabic. The writing system isn't hard to learn at all as it's just connecting certain letters.

gay is as gay does

does a muslim suicide terrorist who manages to come back as a zombie and eat some infidels get 142 virgins in paradise?


>there are people who use writing systems other than the Latin alphabet

I honestly have no idea how anyone could do this

Sucide is a sin

>using the shittiest and blandest writing system that is just an inferior version of the Greek alphabet

That's Standard Arabic, nobody actually speaks that unless formally.
Dialects are much MUCH simpler.

اللعبة بالعربي و لا بس الغلاف؟


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

even if you do it in the name of Allah and the holy prophet to do his final command of exterminating the heathens?


How is gaming in the arab world? Do they play single player games or mostly online?

Ubisoft and Sony are pretty much counting them in the subs in their newest games.

Attached: haah.jpg (308x387, 45K)

>one copy of days gone habibi :)

>video games

Attached: 1494358391502.jpg (531x471, 57K)

same as the rest of the world, the typical AAA releases get popular

FIFA is the king here, everyone plays it

مترجمة عربي لكن باللهجة المصرية


Only the finest م

Attached: م.jpg (1080x1080, 44K)

then why does isis and al qaeda do it
no other religion has created groups like this so there must be something to it that justifies violence towards people of different faiths

>How is gaming in the arab world?
The majority here are into fifa and all that annualised garbage.

From what games were stored on his data storage, he had pretty good taste.

I mostly just play singleplayer games.

why are terrorists allowed to play america made games?

where do you think they get their money from?


Attached: images0MX0JKJ3.jpg (192x263, 10K)

ok i

Attached: file.png (66x38, 5K)

Kek underrated

I hope you are using a VPN my friend because Isis got you on their blacklist for saying shit online to Islam.

>then why does isis and al qaeda do it
Because they're retards, most muslims hate them and blame the west for their existence

>Arabic dub
my first time seeing this, will definitely look for it in stores from now on

>Egyptian accent
I would prefer Syrian dub, but we can't have that for obvious reasons

Don't forget counter strike and modded out vice city and San Andrea's although that was back in 09 no idea about now but yeah fifa and tekken

Allowed by whom? Are you retarded?

He died before twitch, praise allah.


Idlib when bros?

Attached: MuzzieGroyper.jpg (420x420, 36K)

Saad and Daad is pronounced like this
Imagine you're mewing.
It should come out like Suaad, and Dhuaad.
Next, the second taa and thaa. It's really tuaa, as in you say it from the roof off your hard palate rather than your teeth. So it's Tua and Thua.
3ain is basically from your throat. A guttural sound. So it's 'ain. Ghain is a softer version of kha.

كسم العبيد
كسم البيض
كسم المتحولين
و أخر شي
كسم الجانيز

Attached: 1543072409416.png (1000x1000, 177K)

MENA is just an extension of europe
same games really, less nintendo and more pc but thats about it, sony is dominant


>most muslims hate them
then how come twitter and social media is always full of muslims cheering after another terrorist attack killing hundreds of Christians or westerners?
>blame the west for their existence
kinda agree on that point. western countries should have never allowed them to enter europe and america

The director gave a shot out to Saudi Arabia in Playstion SA twitter account.


Someone translate

Attached: 1551034859644.png (1000x1000, 216K)

>then how come twitter and social media is always full of muslims cheering after another terrorist attack killing hundreds of Christians or westerners?
Because your retarded enough to believe that bullshit
>kinda agree on that point. western countries should have never allowed them to enter europe and america
Most terrorists attacks happen in Muslim countries

اللعنة الزنوج
يمارس الجنس مع الليبراليين
ولكن الأهم من ذلك
اللعنة عليك ياني

Attached: 1550151338187.jpg (249x277, 27K)

Fuck slaves (he probably means niggers)
Fuck whites
Fuck trannies
And lastly
Fuck Jannys

I don't think it's really that they cheer, it's more like western twitter whines and explodes anytime a psychopath kills a few dozen people, but it's all fucking dead silent when an islamic group wipes out a town of white people in their own shithole.

get gone ye sand niggers

isnt vidya haram in saudistan?

other religions did just they did it hundreds of years ago which is the age where islamcucks are living


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>tfw sandnigger who can't read sandniggerish

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Fucking KEK

>He also reportedly possessed the whole “Devil May Cry” series.
Good taste indeed

Attached: 1554400566638.jpg (540x800, 105K)

This ''''''''''''''''''language'''''''''''''''' sounds more disgusting than Dutch

日本語を勉強したほうがいいでしょう。 「はい、これはGoogle翻訳にありました。私を訴えます。まだそれを学ぼうとしている」



Attached: tumblr_ly6qegKwaq1qjhlhko1_1280.jpg (720x540, 48K)

You have shit taste in languages and your opinions will henceforth be discarded


Attached: [contained raughter].png (430x447, 128K)

هو بيسص

BASED islamfags, if its one thing they do right is killing trannies and gays on sight


wtf Muslims are allowed to play vidya?

ماذا اللعنة قلت للتو سخيف عني ، يا عاهرة صغيرة؟ سوف أعلم أنك تخرجت من صفي في أختام البحرية ، وشاركت في العديد من الغارات السرية على القاعدة ، ولديّ أكثر من 300 قتيل مؤكد. أنا مدربة في حرب الغوريلا ، وأنا أفضل قناص في جميع القوات المسلحة الأمريكية. أنت لا شيء بالنسبة لي ولكن مجرد هدف آخر. سوف أقوم بمسحك للخارج بكل دقة ، لم يسبق له مثيل من قبل على هذه الأرض ، احتفل بكلماتي المضحكة. هل تعتقد أنك تستطيع الابتعاد عن قول ذلك القرف لي عبر الإنترنت؟ فكر مرة أخرى ، الأبله. بينما نتحدث ، أتصل بشبكتي السرية من الجواسيس في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ويتم الآن تتبع عنوان IP الخاص بك حتى تستعد بشكل أفضل للعاصفة. العاصفة التي تمحو الشيء القليل المثير للشفقة الذي تسميه حياتك. أنت سخيف ميت ، طفل. يمكن أن أكون في أي مكان وفي أي وقت ، ويمكنني قتلك بأكثر من سبعمائة طريقة ، وهذا فقط بيدي العارية. ليس فقط أنا مدربة تدريباً مكثفاً على القتال غير المسلح ، لكني أستطيع الوصول إلى ترسانة سلاح مشاة البحرية الأمريكية بالكامل ، وسأستخدمها إلى أقصى حد ممكن لمسح مؤخرتك البائسة قبالة وجه القارة ، بل القرف قليلاً. إذا كان بإمكانك فقط أن تعرف ما هو القصاص غير المقدس الذي كان تعليقك الصغير "الذكي" على وشك أن يسقطه عليك ، فربما كنت ستحتفظ بلسانك اللعين. لكنك لم تستطع ، ولم تفعل ، والآن أنت تدفع الثمن ، يا غبي الأبله. أنا سوف القرف الغضب في جميع أنحاء لك وسوف تغرق فيه. كنت سخيف ميتا ، kiddo

rooze khobi dashte bashi

Looks like a man jerking off and chumming

>half the symbols are just the same as another except there's an extra dot
this language is fucking terrible

t. jan

What the fuck is wrong with you kuffar

Actually t. Sven

Attached: 39711639.55000008_asdad.png (392x300, 86K)

It used to not have any dots, and you have to guess which letter is which

The fuck is this? Farsi?

Attached: saracen.jpg (233x216, 9K)

which one is harder to read? sand runes or moon runes?

chink runes

bug runes are little more difficult

Dunerunes for sure

moon runes represent ideas you gotta interpret depending on context while sand runes is more literal in their meaning, so moon runes

So in that version you ride a goat instead of a bike?




Attached: children's hospitals.jpg (1364x928, 631K)

You could do better than that can't you?


explain to kuffar like me


I can't read German

It's just "jannies" but using arabic phonetics to make it sound english. It sounded pretty funny.





They preety much only play bomberman, some prefer carmaggedon.

Is that the UK edition?

Dune runes are literally the same thing as any hand-written script, just without vowels.

Attached: FBedit.jpg (896x568, 183K)

حبايبي انتو من وين في العالم العربي؟

I'm from بحرين

in the kurdish region

Attached: 1555732094665.jpg (614x998, 80K)

Let’s not get crazy user.

Exactly, common everyday Arabic is much simpler. Only academics write Arabic like pic related.

Attached: 367356735673567356.jpg (1534x1150, 53K)

virgin moderate Islam vs chad puritan jihadist

user that's a circle

ج is G, not J, you illerate normies. That’s the conservative pronunciation. Stop saying J. REEEEEEE

have you seen arrival, user?

Attached: ayyy lmao.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

that's the fucking ink-communicating aliens from Arrival

when will iraq be visitable lad

>ج is G
Only in Egyptian.
It's j or dj everywhere else.

the kurdish autonomous region is very safe and stable, actually
there's no conflict at all here
and the people here are pretty nice too

Attached: HvE-20130518-1147-1050x700.jpg (1050x700, 234K)

>Only in Egyptian.
And Persian I think

you fookin what user? Bin laden was into vidya? first I ever heard. CAre to furnish with a source or a list?

I’m saying that in Early Classical Arabic and older, ج was pronounced G, and then all the Arabs fucked it up into J except for some Egyptians and Yemenis.

No, they have a گ letter for G.

Americans can't write/read cursive and you think that can learn that?

Huh. So that's what Middle Eastern localized boxes look like. Neat

G replaced Q in a lot of dialects.

Learning the characters is the easiest part of the language. A toddler could do it, amerifat.

Most people around me gravitate towards the latest FIFA release
[Spoiler] sometimes it feels like I'm the only local left in the region who's still Into platformers, space shooters and the like[\spoiler]

This is very misleading
1. crusive arabic is much prettier
2. arabic grammer is very complex and that pronounciation is in no way representative of what it sounds like when speaking.
3. word placement also affects grammer and pronounciation, its very hard to ryhme arabic so it's considered a series literary skill if you can write poetry or even make a cohesive fucking sentence. Which is why the quaran was such a big deal to the sand monkeys when it was revealed.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1024x512, 134K)

Underrated post. Have a (you).

Is Arrival good?

Arabic is shit. Pic related is where it's at.

Attached: javanese.gif (550x359, 29K)

>it's considered a series literary skill if you can make a cohesive fucking sentence
what's the point of a retarded language like this if it's a pain in the ass to make a cohesive sentence?

Fuck off SEAnigger. You faggots ruined Yea Forums.

Arabs, how does it feel knowing that most of Yea Forums talk shit about you and your kind on a daily basis?

it's not that hard

>you fookin what user? Bin laden was into vidya? first I ever heard.
Not sure why this surprises you. If you have to spend years hiding in a cave, wouldn't you bring some vidya with you?

>CAre to furnish with a source or a list?

>Various Nintendo emulator games
>A bunch of bootleg copies including “Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time,” “New Super Mario Bros,” “Metroid Prime Hunters” and “Yoshi’s Island DS.”
>printed copies of “Animal Crossing,” along with PC games “Zuma Deluxe,” “Sniper Elite” and “Nazi Zombie Army 2.”
>Final Fantasy VII
>He also reportedly possessed the whole “Devil May Cry” series.
>Dragon Ball Z titles
>Other fighting games like “Street Fighter 4: The Ties that Bind” and “Storm Rider – Clash of the Evils” were seen as well.
>Erotic Games [...] The CIA, however, refused to reveal the titles due to some copyright content.
>Animated movies
>copies of “Antz,” “Cars,” “Chicken Little,” “Resident Evil,” “Final Fantasy VII Advent Children” and “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.”

Literally nothing. Why would anyone care what people on fucking Yea Forums think? 99% of people here are mentally ill broken youths.

No one really speaks it properly, they just speak in their dialect which is pretty much simple but is mostly grammatically wrong

Casual filters

Enjoy the game Abdul.

you expect me to believe squid like animals managed to become capable of space flight despite not even being able to do anything humans are capable of doing, physically? the ships they come in don't even have any method of propulsion of any kind
it's stupid, campy sci fi that is treated as all serious and shit
furthermore absolutely nothing fucking happens
in the movie, you're better off watching a youtube video featuring all 3 or 4 short scenes with the aliens or something like i did

>Yea Forums
We have alot more fags out there bitching and making fun of us, there is no point in giving a shit at this point

>but is mostly grammatically wrong
No it isn't.
It is consistent, it only has a simplified grammar.

lmao that contrast between the nasty sounding gulf arabic and the egyptian arabic from the game
American born egyptian here, it really depends.
In the richer countries it's your standard yuro consoleshit, but in poorer countries it's much more interesting.
>chipped PS2's with bootlegs freely available, I once bought God Hand and MGS3 for 3 USD in Tahrir square and introduced my egyptian cousins to Yea Forums's shitty taste in games
>game cafes where there's a PS3/4 and everyone hangs out and plays multiplayer FIFA etc, basically an arcade. Unironically comfy as fuck even though I'm not really into sports games
>(not as popular anymore because everyone has internet and a PC/laptop now) Internet cafes with lan parties. CS 1.6 was king but the computers always had GTA Vice city, some need for speed game, the asian PC ports of megaman X5 and 6, and some others. It was always fun as fuck having a 10 man CS 1.6 match
Early 2000's Egypt was stupid comfy, fuck I miss it bros.
Nowadays it's mostly smartphone cancer, although I try and give them emulators and good games to play on their phones at least whenever I'm there

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Orokin > Arabic

Attached: x71417xbl8611.png (1920x1080, 3.24M)

I instantly pictured this and was ready to do it but there you go. Well done user, had a giggle.

Is "kossum" really the arab "fuck"?
Because it literally means your mother's cunt

>Binny boy was a visual novels chad

Fucking Based

this post reminded me of the fact that egyptians are the coolest bros

Closest equivalent to "fuck"

Too bad they don't kill pedophiles too, this way there would not be a single muslim left alive. If you like them so much why don't you go live with them in the desert.

based pharaoh

There is no word for "Fuck" in Arabic, but saying "kossum" is as vulgar as saying "fuck" to someone

U mad?


Attached: daecd5cce6231ed1bcee1ac3cb7d1a07.jpg (960x1200, 365K)

10 years ago I would have agreed with you.
But then I realized the more complex a language is the more suited it is to express complex ideas.
I only undersood this when I stumbled upon arabic wikipedia and started reading the aristotle article.
I never understood how the fuck he rationalized gravity/"attraction" but when I read it in arabic it made perfect sense.
It really makes you think, because almost all latin traslated greek works came from arabic, I really wonder shit was lost in translation.

Did the same thing happen with fiction? Did people get pissed when something was translated poorly like we do over weebshit?
>medieval Treehouse/NIS translations

Attached: THANKS TREEHOUSE SINCERELY REDDIT.jpg (3264x2448, 964K)

jeem has always been jeem

Peadophilia is haram, Also
>Reddit spacing



Reminder that Pepsiman, a "Japan only" PS1 game, got an (unofficial) translation to Arabic, complete with an Egyptian dialect dub, but sadly not for the live action cutscenes.
So if you're wondering, yes, we do play stuff other than FIFA, CoD, and other AAA titles

It's a fictional language in Warframe that's inspired by Arabic among other things

I 100% do not believe this shit.

>all my chinese/taiwanese friends can recall and write thousands of han characters
>all my Japanese friends can recall and write thousands of Kanji
>Me, a Japanese/Chinese 2nd/3rd language learner of several years, can even recall most of the characters I would ever need to know how to write on average

There is no way in hell someone "forgets" how to write simple ass script like that even if you don't practice.

I'm not one to hate banter. I love racial jokes and shit.
I stopped browsing regularly browsing/pol/ after the christchurch shit though.
It made me think that I misunderstood the collective thinking they have.
I thought they just wanted a return to normalcy in the west, but after seeing them cheer a faggot on while he shot unarmed kids I'm not so sure.
I don't care what the fuck kind of philosophy you have, the second you start murdering innocents you're out.
>then why does isis and al qaeda do it
Because they're a CIA funded construct. Useful idiots at best and money grubbing faggots at worst
>ISIS takes over Iraq
>suddenly oil around the world is stupid cheap for years
>afgan peasants can suddenly fight the 2nd biggest superpower of the time in a drawn out gurilla war that strongly paralled what the CIA learned from vietnam
>the only real causualties of the arab spring was the country roadblocking africans from entering yurop and the country that israel considers rightful kike clay

As for the cheering, I think there's 2 groups of people going on
>al-jazeera for the meme views, literally the same inflammatory shit that kotaku an co. do
>syrians and libyans that lost fucking everything over the last decade and (rightfully) blame the west
Imagine watching your entire country and life burn to ashes and then seeing all the french faggots cry about a single bulding.
Almost the entire babylonian heritage was sacked in Iraq. Makes you wonder why
Roman syria is gone too.
While I don't like that notre dame burned and the hunchback of ND is my favorite disney movie, it's fucking nothing compared to what was lost in the middle east since the iraq war.

Attached: Old_Cairo,_view_from_the_Citadel.jpg (3920x2204, 2.17M)

>fucking binladen was shitposting on Yea Forums

the majority of arabs living in the west dont even write arabic to begin with

>game explodes

Yes, but it's not really about the aliens. If you go into it expecting some sort of Close Encounters thing you probably won't like it. It's more of a character study with aliens as a plot device.

remaster when

idk about syrians but us libyans do not like isis
as a matter of fact we kicked them out years ago
all thats left is a bunch of small wannabe isis militias that get cucked half the time
We kinda do hate the west though, france especially now

It's interesting that "fuck this" would be
>kossum kida (at least in egyptian dialect)
which is literally, this things mother's cunt.
Makes no sense in english but it works perfectly in arabic.
Especially since Mothers are revered and such a vulgar insult hurts someones pride and honor, much more effective than "fuck you" which is basically meaningless these days.

How big is the اللغة العربية in Nigger?

Attached: nige-MMAP-md.png (1036x733, 84K)

>Did people get pissed when something was translated poorly like we do over weebshit?

There was an English guy who literally spent his entire life creating the perfect translation for one of those 4 Chinese novels.
The guy literally read every single book avialbale to the author of said novel, researched every single detail of pronunciation nuances, contemporary clothing, idioms,... The thing was basically one gigantic TL note encyclopaedia.
Guy literally went above and beyond what a layman native speaker of Chinese at the time could understand from the thing.

So yeah, people did look for better translations long before atrociously mistranslated weebshit became a thing.

was it not confirmed a long time ago that this was his sons?

Reminds me if this

not too big

>that generic Arabic font

Why do we let terrorist people buy games?

>Krauser's Arabic voice
I'd unironically play this


Why are Pakis so insane?


How does this make sense to you?
any group of people forming a civilization have to agree on basic morality or it doesn't fucking work.
Would you want your kid molested? No, no one does, which is why it's a moral outrage worldwide.
>inb4 mohammed
He didn't sleep with her until after puberty. When she was younger it was betrothment which is the proper way to marry in islam.
Also it's literally in the quaran that you should introduce as much genetic diversity as possible into your family, because the sandmonkeys back then were fucking their aunts and shit. Islam completely outlawed direct incest.

Pedophilia, adultery and homosex is completely outlawed and are among the worst sins you can commit, because they ruin society if not fear.
ladygf is completely halal though

Attached: lady3.png (628x890, 812K)


I don't remember it being in arabic but EVERY fucking house in egypt had a chipped PS1 with gran turismo 2, FIFA, crash and fucking pepsiman

PLEASE tell me there's an iso floating around

Attached: Worthy wife.png (1280x1438, 2.62M)

I thought having gfs was haram since it's extramarital.

>Died before he could play 5
Fuck bros

Attached: 1416004692092.jpg (304x305, 15K)

>ladygf is completely halal though
you're not even allowed to be with a person of the opposite gender by yourselves in the same room unless you're in public

>featuring bylat from the stalker serious

Attached: 4365346.png (476x396, 483K)

>arab thread on Yea Forums
what the fuck


Nobody does.
Honestly libyabro, I hope Egypt annexes you guys, Sisi seems pretty involved in the rebuilding effort and we share a massive border so we need you dudes to be stable.
Libyans are chill
Nasser era united arab states when?

are you stupid?

Attached: 1505796323549.jpg (400x438, 154K)

hook, line and sinker

I thought that every foreign media was haram or whatever in Saudi Arabia.

Arabic is pretty ugly when spoken, and somehow really fucking beautiful when sung. I don't get it.
>inb4 it's always ugly

>So yeah, people did look for better translations long before atrociously mistranslated weebshit became a thing.
Nothing has changed user

Attached: The_ancient_art_of_shitposting.jpg (2480x5024, 3.61M)

>PLEASE tell me there's an iso floating around
In the description of the very video I linked:

>Died before the DmC shitshow

Haven't written Arabic in years but I still remember it.
Arabic writing is way simpler than English. You literally write what you hear unlike English where you have countless words that have arbitrary random spelling.

But for real, how is gaming in Arab countries? Is it okay to play video games with women that don't veil themselves? Or are games banned?

FUCK islam and FUCK allah

>To be fair handwriting is pretty useless nowadays.
americlowns everyone

the dots were literally added to help kaffir ajam like you learn the language because foreigners couldn't distinguish which pronouncation they should use

That's not true. They lifted the ban on cinemas somewhat recently, and they even have Comic-Cons now.

Attached: file.png (968x681, 1.19M)

sand runes look aesthetic like their architecture


Attached: terry a. davis chuckle.gif (200x234, 2.85M)

repent, jew.

>implying she wouldn't be my fiancee and we'd learn about eachother without having sex because haram
>implying that first night after marriage wont be amazing because we've both been waiting so long
>Implying I wont cum too early

Attached: lady2.jpg (1017x695, 35K)

just call them zanj bro

Don know about others, bitbin GCC countries, literally every millennial plays video games.
It's wired yo meet a guy below 30 who doesn't play video games.

I'm sorry but no thank you
sisi has done nothing for us except to support haftar who has done nothing but destroy cities under the guise of "islamists". Just look at benghazi and derna and whats going on in tripoli right now. Also sisi has not helped egypt economically at all and theres still plenty of poor people in egypt.
ik plenty of libyans who support haftar though so realistically speaking he's probably gonna be libya's next dictator.
Its a bleak future

What happened with "we don't want to be world's police" I'm assuming you are American.

Arabic is profoundly harder than moonspeak. Additionally there’s a shit ton of dialects that are profoundly different from one another to the point you’ve to learn the entire alphabet again in order to understand it.

Gook runes being hard is a meme

we've had plenty of arab threads, newfag

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Ah, I use mpv to watch youtube links so I didn't notice
>it's even in bin/cue
Shokran my absolute nigger

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not in libya
we call em عبيد

>curse of niggers
>he is having sex with liberals
>but more importantly
>fuck you yane

And what kind of game do you think the OP is? And yes it is okay to play games with girls showing their hair in, hell girls are allowed to show their hair at public in most Arab countries if not all, and I can't think of a game that was banned for that weird reason

>more complex a language is the more suited it is to express complex ideas.
Are you implying that arabic, a retarded language made mainly for singing and poetry, is complex?
arabic is retarded and nothing more. any other language can express complicated ideas without needing to use metaphors and rhyming every 2 words

What did they mean by this?

Kebab is turkish you mongloid

>to the point you’ve to learn the entire alphabet again in order to understand it.
We use both Arabic script and Latin script to write on the internet.

that's a weird way to spell somalia 2
do you miss Gaddafi now, 7 years after you sold him to the west you fucking insectoids?

Hey guys, what's happening in this thread?

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A high rank terrorists doesnt hide in fear and fake their deaths from the white devil

i was and my point was that nobody gives a shit about devil may cry 5 because it was a shit game and straight up DmC2

our gdp was the second highest in our recorded history the year before haftar
we were doing pretty well before he came

yanny (janny)

Derka Derka?

>I thought having gfs was haram since it's extramarital.
Not if she's your slave though.

Pepsiman didn't had the right to be as good as it was.

>then how come twitter and social media is always full of muslims cheering after another terrorist attack killing hundreds of Christians or westerners?
Not cheering, laughing.

Imagine living in a region cucked by the cold war superpowers and never stabilized since. Every other day, some uneducated goatfucker blows himself up and some literallywho regional offshoot of [trendy radical islamic group] takes responsibility for the dozens dead. Over a fucking tweet. It happens over and over again, so much so that nobody gives a shit anymore. Another market or barracks blown up. scores dead, just so that some nobody cousinfukers in the countryside can get a two-day twitter fame.

So, they laugh at the face of violence. It's the same coping mechanism we fall back on when another incel shoots up a school and we joke about it on Yea Forums. It's the norm, we aren't even offended or aghast anymore. It's just funny at this point, to us.

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>he actually believes anything from the new wild west warlord government
reminds me of iraqis who shill for their new government run by iranian islamist satellite shills

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like we didn't already know what this copypasta was without translating

>Is it okay to play video games with women that don't veil themselves?

Not a sandnig but one weeb said that veiling is seen as a specifically 3DPD thing. It doesn't apply to anything in video games, anime, manga,... Simply put, even that Saudi fuck goes back home to enjoy the view while trashing noobs in DoA or watch the newest unapologetic fanservice show.

>no other religion has created groups like this

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Ah yes, the singular opinion of a troglodyte. Carry on.

All Asian alphabets are kino

>because it was a shit game
It has flaws but I wouldn't call it shit
>and straight up DmC2
There is barely any similarities to DmC

It's Saudi Arabia, america greatest ally

iraq and libya are different situations buddy


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>egypt economically at all and theres still plenty of poor people in egypt
Without his insane reforms (it takes balls to float your currency to like 40% of its value) the country would have literally died after that faggot morsi got ousted.
It's very complicated to fix the egyptian economy.
For hundreds of years the country has had 2 circulation systems basically, the normal one you'd expect and another "taht el balata". Essentially half the currency circulating had no way of being accounted for.
He's succesfully reversed a lot of that through amazing interest incentives, was able to secure a decent stream of USD coming in, solved most of the energy problems without patchwork with an amazing long term infrastructure system that the fucking americans don't have the foresight of doing, etc etc etc.
I'm an econ major but baba made me go to med school to become le doctor so I can go on an on about this shit.

My main proof that Sisi is making Egypt great again is that the last time I was there (2017) there were fucking ACE inhibitors cheeply available for patients, and metformin was also cheap. He managed to cull the Hep C plauge that was taking over as well.

Sorry, but I can't agree with you there. Aside from sadaat that won a war by losing, he is the greatest leader the Egpyt had since fucking Saladdin (I'm gonna name my kid Saladdin btw, sounds cool as fuck).

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Does ANYONE play him?

Same reason westerners don’t give a fuck when a wedding or kid’s soccer game is bombed by drones, retard

Why do you adore a book written by a pig?

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Kino language

If i convert to Islam, would they assign me a wife?


احب نينتيندو

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>then how come twitter and social media is always full of muslims cheering after another terrorist attack killing hundreds of Christians or westerners?
they're a tiny minority faggot
I assure you arab social media is not filled with people who do that because you've never been to it, every catastrophe will manage to satisfy some set group of edgy retards just like this board was up in cheers when christchurch happened .Esgelords gonna edge. Doesn't mean they are representatives of what everyone thinks or says.

>arabic is retarded and nothing more. any other language can express complicated ideas without needing to use metaphors and rhyming every 2 words
gee and I'm sure you have a Ph.D in linguistics and know a lot about language
fuck off retard

they'd just slaughter you when you realize its shit and wanna quit

>no other religion has created groups like this
heh but the cia sure did

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yes he's done that for egypt
but he's cucked us many many times. Add to that the freedom of speech in egypt has not been so good. I really think that the price for freedom is worth it
I have not really caught up with egypt lately but if he is bringing the economy back then kudos to him.
saladdin is a sick name

There’s farsi, Urdu, Hindustani, shahmukhi etc. These are also languages using the abjad writing system that the average, non-Arabic speaking person would collectively refer to as “Arabic.” Literally languages within a language, and there’s a fuckton of them. A person who speaks and writes Arabic wouldn’t understand Persian or Urdu despite the language literally looking the same when written

Chink and moonspeak is pretty much chink and moonspeak.

watchout, Yea Forumsros
CIAniggers are lurking in this very thread

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if you're into the community, definitely

fucking kek



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> Arabic
> PEGI rating

They did suicide bombings targeting children during the crusades?

>freedom of speech in egypt has not been so good
That's always been a meme. It's the brotherhood of faggots way of
>we dindu nothin just need freedom of speech
You can say whatever the fuck you want in Egypt always. Go to any cafe it's 99% hot takes about politics.

Sure, but when you're speaking in an Arabic dialect on the internet, you'd use the Arabic script or Latin script + numbers for consonants not in the Latin script.
You don't have to relearn the Arabic script to be able to communicate, you just need to understand the dialect.

Reminder that the Iraq war, which was started by the US, was the reason why ISIS came to be and started the refugee crisis that cucked Europe.

>why can't I learn these diffrent languages that have the a similar written script that's derived from Arabic
Are you retarded?

Crusades were a war to reclaim Christians territory which had been conquered by muslims. The Middle East used to be Christian for hundreds of years.
Crusaders were just trying to free Christians from Islamic oppression

>You can say whatever the fuck you want in Egypt always
so what happens if you say in public?

There are almost no alphabets in Asia.
Dune runes and shekel runes lack vowels.
Hindu scripts and all derivatives are syllabaries.
Ditto for all Chinese-derived scripts apart from the Korean one.

So really, there's the Mongolian and Mongolian-derived scripts only. Korean is also Mongolian-derived in its system but it uses Chinese for the character basis so that's only halfway horsefucker territory.

>The Middle East used to be Christian for hundreds of years.

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yes but when you get to a point where a ton of your political enemies are in prison and are going to get executed its pretty indicative that the political environment is not 100 percent freedom of speech


Here's a redpill on CIA and Mi6 funded "islamism"
You'd get your ass beat. Just like if you were struting around in a dress and calling yourself a woman.
Tell me why that's a bad thing

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What happens if you say FUCK jews and FUCK niggers in public in a western country?

gays bone


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Would you rather:
>Live in Europekistan
>Live in The United States of Detroit

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احب لما فحلي يزغب زوجتي وانا اتابع حرب النجوم™

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>Tell me why that's a bad thing

>h-haha you can say anything in egypt
based retards have no idea what going on in their own country, probably living in a rich area, oblivious to everything

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Based Amerikkkans destroying Europe indirectly

thank god he didn't see donte and vergin


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It's a long long star trek episode. Make that what you will.
Don't expect lasers.

they're both semites and must be removed


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Israel isn't a legitimate state.

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The Chinese and Japanese friends don't have 50% of their genome from their uncle though.

I gotta go rn cause of work but all I gotta say is that the brotherhood are pretty retarded at times but generally people just hate them cause they want to build their politics on the ideas of islam which could or could not be good.
their ideas of morality are pretty based but their application of it is too blunt

The brotherhood aren't political enemies, they're societal usurpers.
LITERALLY far-leftist SJWs, but instead of le hypermorality and le equality, it's muh haram muh acceptmoneyfromthewesttoruinyourcountry.
You give them a fucking inch and they take a mile. Imagine if you could through the leftist leaders in the west in jail. Well, Sisi has the balls to do that.
Morsi deserves the death penelty because a bunch of infantry died directly because of him by the way
Here's what a leader with balls looks like
(I know he didn't win the war)

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It's backwards you idiot. That's "Waw Ha" instead of "Ha Waw".

also have a good day

> "I stopped browsing regularly browsing/pol/ after the christchurch shit though. It made me think that I misunderstood the collective thinking they have. I thought they just wanted a return to normalcy in the west, but after seeing them cheer a faggot on while he shot unarmed kids I'm not so sure."

It's almost like what's happening to our countries isn't just fun banter to enjoy online. It's almost like all the rape and terror actually happens outside of our screens and we're not joking about needing to change things.

I'm from old cairo actually, I hate the rich compounds.
Imagine having access to a city that's at least a thousand years old and not living in it.

Nice, the European version.

I agree. Literally none of it is justified.
Supporting the christchurch faggot is just the other side of the same coin though. You're either for killing or against killing, you can't pick and choose sides like a nigger.

Will we have another man like him?

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Arabs btfo

imagine having to put actual effort into writing, i could probably have penned an entire paragraph before these terrorists finished a single word


we already had a man better than him but we lost him

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Bong HATE him

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Can't we just nuke the entire middle east?
Would solve a lot of problems.

>casual too much of a brainlet to know how to write got filtered
Based Arabic

weren't they btfo by fucking baguettes?

Question for the arab anons,
since I'm assuming most of you were born into muslim communities, do you consider yourself religious or left it?

it would also create a whole new bunch of problems
like nuclear fallout

cursive arabic was literally invented for speed. They needed to pen many copies of the quran before the printing press was a thing.
Unlike the christcuckery which encourages you to never question anything and just blindly follow your pastor, Islam encourages you to own your own book and read/learn/think for yourself

Too bad most idiots like him because he was "le strong leader XD" and he got ass fucked by the west

Im not for killing. However we are not in a position of peace and no peace is breached by what he did. My city has an arab rape gang which rapes thousands of white children. We have shootings every day from arabs. This is the case in every single city in my country. Our streets are dirty and dangerous now. Our taxes expensive and our future brown as we pay for arabs to have children. Our laws change to be less european day by day to change towards an arabic system and finally we have the routine mass terror attacks slaughtering hundreds of us.

I couldn't care less about what Tarrant did, we didn't start the war and it won't be solved peacefully at this point. Even Tarrant himself wrote he likes arab countries, he has zero problem with arabs in their own space but anyone else is an invader and that's all there is to it. Women, children and innocent men. Whites won't just be killed off.

ah yes speed that's why they have all those retarded little flourishes and symbols and extra dots for no reason

>Let's get rid of one problem and replace with a thousand more, and also start world war 3

used to be, when I was younger
not really that religious nowadays, desu

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>nuclear fallout spills into Europe

god yes

>Islam encourages you to own your own book and read/learn/think for yourself

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too bad we have parasitic shills like you that we are going to have to tolerate until the next pan-arabist revolution when arabs are going to start lynching you in the streets and flaying the skin off you.

What's the best script and why is it classical Mongolian?

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I see many arabs who drink, fuck around etc and they're misrable.
You either accept and embrace what you are and who you're from or you fight it your whole life.
I'm proud to know who I am, my roots, language, religion etc. The only thing worse than a genetic mutt is a cultural mutt.
>tfw ramadan is during my clinicals

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t. ZOG germ

>Final Fantasy VII
>Bin Laden literally stole his 9/11 idea from some weeb rpg
It makes sense now


Is it true that there's basically no discernible difference between a jew and a muslim other than hat shape? Very interesting

>My city has an arab rape gang which rapes thousands of white children
So fucking kill them. They're criminals.
He killed innocent fucking kids
That's grammar you stupid fuck.
Holy shit I did not realize Arabic was this much of a brainlet filter.

Me and my family still hold on to the religion pretty tightly, not the extent of extremism though, so we're not gonna be enlisting or blowing shit up anytime soon


it sure filters the brainlet arabs from the civilized world lol

I'm not shitting on the man, but his modern followers that barely know his beliefs and just like him because he had a strong personality especially the ones in the gulf

imagine living in a city lmao

The scipt that is too chad for computers.
Literally the only one you can't make Wikipedia articles in.

... and only the Chinese Mongolians learn it.
Shame, really.

I also see many arabs who are religious and are miserable subhumans. To make their existence better, they often resort to a classic cope method the same one you are using right now - making everything else sounds bad compared to what you (think) you have.

ow the edge, it's razor sharp

Except we can't as our government is co-opted by jews using muslims to mutate and collapse europe. Meanwhile muslims bloc vote for politicians and policies which have slowly been changing our western nation into a third world one where we don't have free speech, effective policing or liberty to act.

Tarrant style is the only recourse because you sure as shit aren't going to reach the media baron jews who live in America. Instead the only solution is to make muslims scared of being here or just outright thin their herd.

Absolutely based and redpilled. The issue is that I browse Yea Forums. I can't stop.

Open a fucking book nigger
>About 750 verses of the Quran exhort its readers to study nature, history, the Quran itself and humanity.

>Quranic references to thinking and the exercise of intellect occur in conjunction with basically five major themes: belief in the Oneness and munificence of God (tawhid), reflection (tadabbur) on the Quran; man and the universe; historical precedent; and thinking itself.

>Often, the Quran gives examples and narratives of other nations, and reminders that people may think and reflect over them.

>Quran commentators understand thinking as a form of worship if it is done with sincerity and good purpose.

>A hierarchy of five perceptive-cognitive functions is suggested through hearing, sight, thinking, remembrance, and certainty.


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Life is well when you accept Allah's message.

What about the hadith?

Thank you for your time, arabnons.

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I hope you're only 16 y/o and not an adult

>Bin laden probably watched E3 every year to keep up with vidya news
Fuck he could have been shitposting here with us

>Is it true that there's basically no discernible difference between a jew and a muslim other than hat shape? Very interesting
Many many differences.

Why would you encourage someone to embrace the degenerate western liftstyle? Makes 0 sense.

>mc is an arab

No wonder it got low review scores.

an EVO champion?

>Yea Forums is filled with arabs, russians, and chinks
I need to get out of this shithole

If a hadith contradicts the Quran then it is fauls, otherwise what about it?

Literally who brought up degenerate western lifestyles? I think you're a little obsessed user and have an inferiority complex just like I said and your complex revolves around degenerate western lifestyles, because why else would you bring up something that I did not even mention?

I was right all along, lmao.

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Hahaha right ok. However the quran also explicitly states it is the direct, unchanged word of allah (despite older variarions exisiting) and it is his last word. So no revision or reinterpretation allowed. It is the manual for understanding the world and so in my nation we have a huge education problem with muslim students as they are taught in madrasas that the quran supercedes any scientific teaching.

Theirs also the whole "fuck your cousin" thing which demonstrably causes about a 15IQ point loss meaning it wouldn't even matter if muslims tried to learn.

Are you? Your greentext is neither a quote, refutation or pointing out of a fallacy in anything I posted.

It’s just a statement lol

>Except we can't as our government is co-opted by jews using muslims to mutate and collapse europe.
>he actually believes this

dont forget the shitskins user

I love how nobody is discussing Days Gone.

> no middle ground between desert shit brain damage and coke addled whoredom

Maybe use the manifest success of pre-1970 western societies as a measure of the best way to act.

I'm atheist, I quit Islam when I was 14. It was like watching a huge wall of bricks around my head fall apart. When you start questioning that shit you will see the gorillions of fallacies and human mistakes that plague Islam and the Quran, and start seeing it for what it is - a religion, among thousands of others, nothing unique about it, it had mistakes and chimpouts, it has retarded followers who think they got it right because they were born into it or got shilled into converting.

A whole lot of pondering over nothing. Some pedophile warlord makes a cult a thousand years ago and some primative sand barbarians still think it's relevant to anything.

I'll repent for my hentai masterbation eventually, I don't jerk off at all during ramadan it's actually harder than not eating for me which is really fucking sad.
>Except we can't as our government is co-opted by jews using muslims to mutate and collapse europe
So fucking take matters into your own hands.
This guy toppled a monarchy in his 20's.
What the fuck did he recourse again. Did killing some random inncoent kid "save europe".
Sorry buddy, but if thats all the white race has then this is just nature taking its course.
Make a political party and take over, since you're so passionate.
>thin their herd
I'm gonna consider that a joke, because if you can justify killing ANY innocent people ANYWHERE then you're the subhuman who needs to be culled.

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Don't imams literally tell you how to interpret the quran and if you interpret it another way you'll be shunned?

Remember: you are here forever.

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>arabs who are religious and are miserable subhumans
How so?

Yeah you're right. It's not that a politician who several leading european policiticians cite as primary influences and work for the society directly wrote about that plan. Its also not that almost every anti-white political group, including media organisations, is run by jews. Its certainly not that jews in western nations strongly vote for non-white immigration yet in israel are one of the most ethnonationalist voting populations on earth.

Yes, the raghead is just in his hyper defensive face saving mode.

>despite older variarions exisiting
>I have no idea what I'm talking about the post

1 (ONE) suicide bomber has been dispatched to your location. Mashallah.

>I'm innocent therefore I am good


بيرسونا لعبة زبالة لا يلعبها الا العزاب الذين لم يمارسون الجنس

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Kosom el khaligyeen. Worst people to be in a game with; literal sand jevvs


>A person who speaks and writes Arabic wouldn’t understand Persian or Urdu despite the language literally looking the same when written
This literally says you should be able to understand two diffrent languages purely because they use the Arabic script, are you aware of how retarded that sounds?

الخلايجة سبهيومانس

>>Erotic Games [...] The CIA, however, refused to reveal the titles due to some copyright content.

Reveals all the other copyrighted shit like names but refuses this for some reason? God America is fucking dumb sometimes.

don't get your hopes up, subhuman, because all arabs no exclusions are subhumans

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I am in a political party here, however if I were to be so much as photographed with them i would instantly lose my job. I also can't directly talk about ethnic replacement as it is actually a crime to do so here. So yes im passionate, im also aware of reality.

Killing is indeed one means of saving Europe, and its something worth any non-European life to save. I think anyone globally can recognize europe as the greatest beauty humanity has ever produced and worth saving.

>tfw Saudshits co-own the PlayStation brand in the ME and have a complete monopoly over how dubs and censorships are made
This is why we can't have nice things and why games are so fucking expensive there because everyone in the ME imports their games from Europe, Japan, and US. Fucking hate these faggots

مارس الجنس

> socialists

I'm not him. I just wondered ehy you got so mad at people happy with their religion. The only other alternative nowadays, unironically, is Western lifestyle. This lifestyle has brought depression, suicide and LGBT.

Yo, Arab weebs.
Do you guys have any equivalent to Western Yea Forums or Chinese BiliBili and other sites wich exist solely for anime?

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Reminder that Jews and Muslims are both the same breed of behaviorly challenged desert tribals that will NEVER be able to function in a civilized society with goys.

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Well they aren't wrong. The quran is very clear that it isn't to be "interpreted". All muslims unironically have the beyond stupid belief that it is actually word for word from allah, so can't be wrong. Christians obviously know their books were written by men and so there have been thousands of years of contemplation and revision.

There are diffrent interpretations for the Quran, are you not aware of the diffrent sects Islam has? You are only shunned if you interpreted it in a completely wrong and retarded way

That is same for any Latin based language though. A person that can read French can probably get the gist of Spanish or Italian by recognising rootwords.

No, they usually browse Yea Forums, leddit, or twitter

>the beyond stupid belief
Cope, christcuck, cope.

You fight for some gay picnic? Lol
When islam takes over, gays and trannies will be killed publicly

do they heavily censor games?

Not that I know of, most arab weebs that I know just use western sites like this place.

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absolutely. There's multiple different interpretations for every verse.
This is a blessing, because it lets the book be a "living document" and applicable no matter the time. As long as the thinking is correct and properly extrapolated it's valid.
>supercedes any scientific teaching.
Absolute bullshit. I'm sorry you're from some shithole that got ruined by the CIA but Islam specifically encourages science and medicine.
Egyptian and Syrian doctors used to be the best in class before the english faggots put an end to that.
Who the fuck do you think preserved all the greek literature and added to it? Specifically in the areas of chemistry and medicine because shitty traditional healing was considered haram so they actually had to develop shit.

Hilarious that you talk about IQ when you're this uneducated
>A whole lot of pondering over nothing. Some pedophile warlord makes a cult a thousand years ago and some primative sand barbarians still think it's relevant to anything.
Why do you have an opinion on a book that you haven't read?
Why do you think anyone cares?
They don't. Many times I've specifically called dumbass Imams out for being retards at my local mosque in NYC. Specifically over medical ethics issues.
>The quran is very clear that it isn't to be "interpreted"
Why the FUCK do you have an opinion on something you don't know anything about?

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How do you even read arabic, it all looks like cursive abstract art.

>I think anyone globally can recognize europe as the greatest beauty humanity has ever produced
Europe's pretty great, but the European Union is a blight on this world


So a killing little kids saves the white race?

>we two dear men, friends forever, were here. if you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.


Fuck up leftard
The free market is literally halal

Really makes you think what other groups shitpost on here
I do know for a fact Scientologists are here

>tfw all voip is banned because telecom freaks want control
>culture centered on more games in person
Abstract type of فيل

Except the issue with the war of abu bakr post mohammed when they decided to compile it into one writing and whole sections were deemed valid or not and most who remembered it by heart were killed. Then of course Birmingham University's discovery of the older one quite substantially different to modern ones. Almost like it's a retarded book that has, obviously, changed a lot of the years. AMAZING. Fuck that shit lit.

pretty sure it was partially "revenge" for killing a bunch of kids at a music concert. I agree that's retarded, but I guess that's what happens when people throw stones in glass houses

Unironically kill yourself retard.

wakey wakey wh*toids
The day of qiyamma is coming soon for you degenerates

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>Christians obviously know their books were written by men and so there have been thousands of years of contemplation and revision.

I don't know what sort of fastfood version of Christianity you grew up with, but all normal Christian denominations (Roman and Greek Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran) also say that Bible is the sole word of God. It's literally where the phrase "word of God" comes from.


Don’t be racist my brother
Muhammad was white skinned

>however if I were to be so much as photographed with them i would instantly lose my job
So you're such a pussy that you're afraid of your picture taken, but you think that taking an innocent person's life is totally fine?
Pathetic. Fucking animals have more honor than you.

yeah, they are now forced to retreat away from mali and are now doing random useless shit in africa

Because as much as i hate arabs in the west I'd still rather their quality of life not be bad at home. Just as the british went around giving everyone medicine, politics and engineering because they were proud and thought (naively) that they could help everyone. Most people in Europe don't live like sick fags or degenerate whores. You'll find that's mostly jew influence.

>Bible is the sole word of God
Absolutely fucking retarded
Epistles are God’s word? Stupid

cripplechan edgyptians I think?

>do they heavily censor games?
The Saudi/Arabic PS brand? Yes. No one outside the gulf countries buys the Arabic versions because it's either banned or censored. That and dub and translations are fucking GARBAGE. Everyone always imports which is why games and consoles cost so much; like at least 25% more to 50% more. Still worth it though

Wouldn't motard culture be haram to arabs?

>so bad you get btfo by baguettes

That's why we have a dedicated government body that has to crack islamic schools telling all their students that all science is wrong if it conflicts with the quran. I've heard the stupid muslim line of "the quran loves science" a million times, doesn't make it true.

Ah, that sucks. Finding these sort of online weeb Tortugas is always one heck of an experience. Thanks, anyway.

>Birmingham University

>tfw will never have a friendship that is discussed centuries later on technology I can't even fathom

>and thought (naively) that they could help everyone
the British Empire existed to secure power for Britain on the global stage, it was sure as shit not a philanthropic campaign to uplift other nations

>it doesn't have the dots like nowadays so it's completely diffrent now!!!
Fuck off retard, at least educate yourself on the history of the language first moron

Nasser wasn't a socialist and egypt was in a very particular social and economic situation post WWII that I can write fucking volumes about, which traditional political definitions don't apply to.

You mean “science” such as being gay is normal, or we wuz monkeys n shit?

Sandshit don't comment on things if it'll make you look this stupid in future. No christian has ever believed the bible or other texts weren't written by men. You have divine inspiration and the holy spirit and that is it, never a direct flawless word of god.

The only reason arabs and their ilk are in your nation os because your top brass prefer their homeland to be in constant upheavals and instability.

And Muslims do. Cope.

> muh meme market is all what matters
No, if you're capitalist you'll end up just like the gulf countries sucking the wests dick no better than what we have now, what we really need is to destroy these stupid borders that were drawn by faggots and be one stron United Arab nation

No im not scared of having a photo taken, im unwilling to lose my career. Nor have i killed anyone or plan to thanks FBI. I'm just aware of what's coming and i won't be condeming the tarrants of the world.

what the fuck shithole are you from?

>disbelieving evolution
o i am laffin

>we wuz monkeys n shit
okay kafir

probably the uk, france or germany

Sabre, all day, every day. We'll go dog walking

>next pan-arabist revolution
isn't pan-arabism a farce? do arabs in morrocco really feel a special kinship with arabs in iraq?

Except go read the publications of any politicians during the primary colonial years. Talk is always of "raising up the dark continent". Life expectancy rose in every single colonised nation with not a single exception. Their economies benefitted in direct ratio to the extent of colonial involvement. All unnecessary if it was just 'stripping poor nations' as anti-white revisionists like to shill.

ادرس اللغة العربية

okay, literal retard

All nationalism is a farce

*blocks your path*

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I wasn't saying the Empire was a bad thing - far from it - but it was purely a power game that happened to do a lot of good (and bad)

>im unwilling to lose my career
but others should be willing to lose their lives
fuck off

Nope. Full sections. Different versions of exisiting passages. I mean you really believe the over a thousand year old book hasn't been affected by the years, schisms and oral years? You do realize that's impossible. The mudshit brain is always unique, it feels like talking to play dough

literally who cares about NAFRI arabs except Egyptians.

Yurocucks don’t have computers? Sad

>disbelieving evolution
Islam is fine with evolution?
The only dispute it has is Adam and eve, and until they find the missing link I'm totally fine with that.

how the fuck do you pronounce that

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Shut the fuck up, ape

Basic things like the shape of earth and the universe. Like the history of the universe and the planets. Like conception and yes, evolution. As said we hilariously have a government body whose sole job it is to try and stop muslims failing all science as they get taught its wrong.

I didn't claim anything in relation to Islam, I was laughing at that user


Mate, I'm baptised, had the First Communion, own several rosaries from devoted aunts and uncles. All of whom look at me funny when I mention I never got the Confirmation because I was through with it by then.

According to the proper teaching you even recite as a part of the prayer, the guys didn't write any of it. It was all relevations from God who got them to write every single word exactly as he intended.

You fuck learned about Christianity on Youtube. Never went to the actual church regularly and more than likely had black nun songs while there.

>Islam is fine with evolution
No it isn’t, munafiq
Stop drinking the kike cool aid

Yes, i have never once met a practicing muslim who does not believe the quran is literally allah's words unchanged. It's a fundamental belief to islam.

Additional consonant please, Carol.

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shut the fuck up labcoat

Considering that memorizing the whole book is a very common practice and that al azah has been around for hundreds of years I would say no, it hasn't been affected.
You don't know history, literature or the culture of islam.
Stop thinking that your uneducated opinion matters.

Very carefully

That is my point you retard. The Bible is fake

All these white dorks will do is LARP online. Sure, they have their once every 3 year attack like Tarrant, but apart from that they have nothing.

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Let's just blow up the planet bro. Killing off humanity would just make things easier for ourselves.

Could be UK, france, Germany, austria, sweden, Belgium, netherlands, australia, ireland, canada or america.

Yes. Dude is a stealth fraud character

>Full sections. Different versions of exisiting passages
Can you read it? If not then how do you know it's diffrent? Let me guess "le western scientist said so", and nice that you don't have any proof to back any of your shit up too
Is this your source?

mate, the States has practically zero muslims, especially in comparison to Europe/Commonwealth nations

Where in the quaran is evolution even addressed?
Allah said he put life on earth.
Does that have to be literal? He could mean the put together the first amino acid mix.
Considering how unnatrual humans are, how we explain explain counciousness or why it would be selected for I'm totally fine with believing in both evolution and in adam.

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Who? As in the european soldiers? Im glad they are and will be. As in the invading species? I don't expect them to be willing. I'd like if they were willing to live an existence above violent parasite and return peacefully home. I suspect most will after enough Tarrants over the coming decades.

احب بنت صغيرة جدا

>I suspect most will after enough Tarrants over the coming decades.
u r reatarded

>allah's words unchanged. It's a fundamental belief to islam
wow its almost like you can interpret a word in different ways!
It's almost like words in arabic can have vastly different meanings depending on grammar and context!!
Literally retarded. I can't believe I have to explain this.