Friendly reminder that “party” is not a game genre

Friendly reminder that “party” is not a game genre

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Never understood this meme. People beat each other up in game=/= fighting game. Man just neck yourself, make a better quality post. I bet you don't even play fighting games.

What is Mario Party
>inb4 puzzle game
Where's the joke Fuckley

"Indie" is not a music genre.

>Say Dunk meme
>Prentend to have more than 10 IQ
>People tired of having allways the same shitty stuff

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then what the hell is mario party

an action game

then it's just baby game genre

A board game?

Why not?

ye it is

Friendly reminder that "Smash Bros." is not a fighting game.

Why not?

Objectively, smash's gameplay is different from the types of fighting games you see in the FGC. Whether you still count it as one depends on your autism.

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Best case scenario, it spawned its own genre. Worst case scenario, it has more to do with platformers than fighting games. Hell, since it came out of HAL Labs, it's basically a Kirby minigame featuring every other Nintendo character that Nintendo was (rightly) confident in enough to give it its own series. But it ain't no fighting game.

not a fighting game btw

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Fucking retard

Ok retard.

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It's both a fighting game AND a party game. A hybrid game that does both moderately well. It is too unbalanced to be properly competitive, but skill based enough that playing it at a party can be unfun for inexperienced players.
It's like Mario kart, a racing/party game that leans closer to party game than racing game. It CAN be competitive, but the sheer amount of entropy from items in each race can cause even the best racer to lose through sheer random chance.
Stop pigeonholing games into neat little boxes, many are too complex to fit neatly into just one hole.

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Does it have fighting? Is it a game?
If you said yes to both of these questions, it's a fighting game.

Is Counter Strike a party game too?

>making a good post
>on v
By the Holy Light!

>It is too unbalanced to be properly competitive
I guess Street fighter 2 wasn't a fighting game either.

Exactly right OP.

Its a fighting game.

Why do yo care so much about a fucking label? Does it make you feel bad when people don’t group your games with the big boy fighting games?

yakuza is a fighting game, then. so is dark souls.

You misunderstand, Smash IS a fighting game, just not one that does competitive play as well as others.
Same with street fighter 2, it's still a fighting game, but an unbalanced one.

Correct. It really isn't that difficult.

stop posting

that's retarded, but okay. whatever you need to tell yourself to justify pretending that smash is on the same level as tekken and unist.

>By the Holy Light!
This is why i auto squelch

>a game with fighting isn't a fighting game
You do realize you are the one who sounds retarded here.

Yakuza is a fighting/beat em up thing, it is harder to classify, so you shouldn't try to reduce it to labels. It's a yakuza game.
As with dark souls, you could call it a fighting game, technically, but people could also call you an idiot and also be technically correct. Darks souls, like yakuza, created its own genre. We now have 'Souls' games, due to how distinct the style of dark souls is. You could call it an action/adventure game with exploration and puzzle elements, but that also describes ZELDA. Comparing dark souls to zelda is a fools errand. They have similarities yet also nothing in common that matters, they are wildly different.

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MOST games have fighting, it doesn't make them a fighting game though, at least not in the colloquial sense. God Hand, Tekken and Smash Bros all involve characters punching other characters. But only 2 of them would count as fighting games to most people, and 1 of those 2 is a much higher tier of fighting game than the other

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>mario kart, forza and gt are the same because they all have racing
this is how dumb you sound.

I don't get how Smashfags justify so few characters being actually viable and then call their games competitive.

>Darks souls, like yakuza, created its own genre.
so did smash, then. so why pretend it's a fighting game?

Yes, those are racing games, stop being retarded, tekken and skullgirls are not "the same" but both are fighting games.

You do know that like 90% of the 70+ character roster in Ultimate is viable right? Even low tiers like Zelda are winning tourneys or at least placing in top 4s here and there. That’s over 60 viable characters.

Because it has fighting and is a game.
You might as well say Sonic the Hedgehog isn't a hedgehog game.

the same thing as Warioware

a rhythm game

prove me wrong

board game with minigames copilation

Can you not read?

>big boy games
>all sold less than smash ultimate

Yes it is you autist
I don't understand why you posted a picture of a fighting game though

>calls Smash a Kirby game
>calls others retarded

Mario Party is a Mario game.

>game has Kirby in it
>not a Kirby game
How are you not the retarded one in this situation?

Smash is my favorite Final Fantasy game

Does smash have Final Fantasy in it?

Yes, therefore its a Final Fantasy game, it ticks all the boxes for being a FF game. like when Akuma joined Tekken 7, they had to change the title to Street Fighter 7

Smash is half platformer, half fighter. Not hard to understand. It is a platform fighter. It has platformer mechanics, it has fighter mechanics, it has mechanics that would only exist in the combination of both genres. Smash is like getting locked in a boss room in Castlevania, Shovel Knight, Megaman or Sonic, except you're locked with another player.

Then yes, Smash Brothers 4 and Ultimate are Final Fantasy games.
It really is not that difficult.

Platformer implies that the challenge in the game comes from platforming. Outside of some minigames that's not the case, the challenge is from fighting your opponent in much the same was as it is in any other fighting game. It's a fighting game with movement inspired by platformers

>It's a fighting game with movement inspired by platformers
You could say it's a combination of a platformer and a fighter, hairsplitter-kun

So I should add to the Bayonetta wiki that Smash 4 and Smash Ult are the only games in the series to get an E10 rating?

If somebody said "I want to play a platformer, can you recommend me something" would you ever recommend them Smash Bros?

If I followed it up with "how about a fighting game platformer?" Then yes

Sure. Anybody who disagrees would be wrong.

Smash is a platform fighter, which is a type of fighting game.