Enjoying the Spring Festival, Yea Forums?
Enjoying the Spring Festival, Yea Forums?
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Trying to get that new Kulve armor since it's actually pretty good, spring armor is cute, but garbage.Otherwise, I'm liking the kajarr GL I got.
I got Kjarr Ice CB and Decay LS
Pretty happy
Honestly forgot that it started up again.
He'll yeah!
My boy is finally back.
I forgot it started, Been playing GenU Thanks to the massive content drought
can you freely change the look of your gear yet? sucks that you have to run around like a clown to have an optimal build
if you play on PC yes
if you play on console enjoy your edgy Final Fantasy set
thank god i play on pc then
Started playing GU instead and am up to G4 the way worlds does limited time events just annoyed
There's no layered for this season. So I'm not enjoying it at all.
inb4 transmog mod. If I did that, I would've quit long ago as I would've already gotten everything.
Can you get banned for using the transmog mod? Do other players see your transmog or is it client side only?
meh, game is boring. I keep trying to come back and mehhhh
Yes others can see it and no you won't get in trouble. As of right now there still has not been a legitimate ban documented by anyone and even if there were Capcom has answered in emails multiple times saying that even though mods aren't "allowed" they really don't give a shit if you're just doing cosmetic changes to the game.
Go wild
I want the KT stuff but man, I get burnt out on that quest fast. I just hate the process of doing a P1, waiting at the gathering hub for other groups to finish, starting a P3 or P4, breaking the horns and repeating. And sometimes getting disconnected after you've done the P1. Each hunt just takes forever. Gets old fast.
Thanks, maybe I'll give it a shot. One last question, does it work with weapons? I really want to use the Devil Sword CB but I know it's not the best one
Yes there's tons of visual weapon mods but I'm not sure if there's something similar to transmog for weapons right now. I know for a fact one user in /mhg/ has been transferring a bunch of old weapon models into world.
Yeah weapon mods are a bit different in that they're replacers rather than using a layering system like the armor does. So like I'd you mod the DTII, other weapons that use Diablos parts will be affected.
If you have a lot of material for consumables and the right equipment, you might want to consider finding a group to do P1 runs with so you don't go through the slog of having to do 2 runs for every siege, but it's can be pretty annoying as there's little margin for error.
Yeah, I honestly don't think I'm at the level to be able to do P1 runs. I've read about it but I'm really only any good with CB which is not optimal for that kind of run.
I just do it when it's around and I'm burnt out on other quests. Since I'm a CB main I'm mostly happy with my DTII and I figure KT weapons will be replaced in Iceborne anyway.
Right now my attention is focused on Great Jagras and grinding for Ironwall and Charger jewels.
LBG + Dual Blades is the easiest role you can fill in, LBG is just shooting parts while Dual Blades involves hitting a grand total of 2 buttons at the same time to spam Blade Dance. It's more about having the right shortcuts (to place a fuck ton of bombs throughout the run), not dying to the big area attacks and having a decent team.
They are kind of interesting in how much team work they need, at first it's pretty fun to get one done since the team work involved is very refreshing to the typical coop experience in MH that consists of just multiple people hitting the monster (with maybe some HH or Wide Range here and there). I think KT as a fight sucks and the weapon grind is horrible so I hope maybe there'll be more fights in the future that require a bit more coordination than simply hitting the monster together and not dying.
Try to at least get the Ice CB, the event will be running for a month I think so no pressure
Why is she so retarded looking? Why does it make me want to fuck her more?
It's the innocence and airhead nature
Any other kjarr weapon who worth a grind?
My fucking god the Handler is the ugliest piece of shit ever. All of the people responsible need to be exiled from the industry, it's a fucking travesty.
LBGs and Bows seem good since you don't need to gimp yourself with Rathalos Gear, I think Ice SA and Elemental DBs and SnS might be alright, but that's about it.
Summer Handler is cute
This desu
Been grinding Greatest Jagras so I don't have to do tempered investigations. Holy hell he hits like a truck.
DAMN she looks like a fucking kike so bad