This hack just goes around asking famous people for selfies now.
Hideo discussion thread
Kojima met Albert Einstein
hideo took the photo
oh yaa tlump lacist
That's not Hideo, that's obviously Kojima.
Pretending to be an out of touch sellout is all part of his plan
When Death Stranding hits the stores all the non-believers will be cast out.
based war merchants
Why are you fuckers so obsessed on hating him? He's won multiple awards and has revolutionized gaming as a whole for nearly 2 decades and you simply call him a hack because a took a few photos of some Hollywood superstars? Fuck right off. Most of you fucking retards don't even understand most of his work on MGS.
Pacino is based.
Good thing thats robert deniro
I miss Hideo
Kojima is a hack
Dude don't fucking call Robert Deniro a hack.
why is de niro so old
>revolutionized gaming
>made 3 good games in a single series
y o i k e s
even Tenchu 1 on psx had better stealth mechanics than MGS kek
>it's my saigo no gaymu anyway, might as werru enjoyu za raido
Time Paradox
Is that that movie hes been working on forever that Pesci is supposed to come back for?
I'm guessing DeNiro's character is supposed to be taller.
I could probably beat de niro up
Robert Denigro looks like he has no idea who this chink is.
Are you a woman?
>old elderly manlet
everyone could
I wasn't really kidding I just find Kojimas constant ruses tiring
I don't want to be brainlet but for God's sake its like the man had a pathological fear of pretzels as a child because he took up their mantle and can't make anything without introducing a whole bunch of twists
You talking to me?
I'm getting pretty annoyed at you amerifags injecting politics into EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD.
deniro in his prime would level you
I fucking hate De Niro.
>has revolutionized gaming as a whole for nearly 2 decades
YEAH, by turning good fun games into boring walking sims with 80 hours of cutscenes....LOL
Kojima is cringe.
Not even in his Raging Bull days could De Niro level anyone. He's just faggoty little actor.
>who the fuck is this gook?
Remember when de niro played a crossdressing pirate?
>Kojima : Look at this selfie
>Kojima production : Game production speed is lower than expected
yeah it was a good movie though
It was ok
>Fucking gooks walking up to me with their phones. i miss Nam already.
Lol I like how actors are now like "anytime you want to work together kojima im down bro"