>new paracucks game came out yesterday
>no thread on Yea Forums
wew, is it that bad?
New paracucks game came out yesterday
Other urls found in this thread:
play eb2 instead, more indepth campaign and battles
Mixed reviews on Steam is a pretty bad sign.
People are too busy playing it.
I dont think i'm on board to buy the 37 dlc releases they have planned for it but its alright.
too much dlc shit
I’m a big fan of their gender equality button.
>no thread on Yea Forums
not a weeb or nintendo game, so Yea Forums doesn't care
This. I'm too invested in the games I already have DLC.
what kinds of mana are in this game
bara cocks
>game came out
Looks like you have been bamboozled, the actual game comes out in 6 months and is sold as a dlc.
>6 months
thats the beta version full release is still 2 years off
I bought it. This is a fucking disaster.
Do not make the same mistake as I did.
I wonder if anyone at Paradox can influence Johan or if he just rides roughshod over anyone complaining about mana with that cocaine sniff he does.
How is the music? I like Paradox games' music. Also
I'll pirate it later.
That would be ~~man the guns~~
ride the elephants
it's terrible. it's like it was made for another game.
It's terrible and shallow, everyone but the biggest shills on the forums are blasting it and Parajews have even banned the OP of a thread that was shitting on it
You lose this time Jewhan
Couple hours of Florryworry's stream drove me away from this game. It's just so shallow at it's current state and seems to have technical problems. I'll check this game out in a year after couple patches and DLCs.
it's underwhelming. there's a good game in there, but we'll be about two or three dlc in before it gets there. it also crashed on launch about three times for me before it was playable yesterday
At this point, I'm really worried about how a Victoria III will turn out.
Gold mana.
industry mana
anarcho-liberal mana
this is how giving up looks like anons
I only played Stellaris, what is mana in other paradox games? I know what mana is from the Bible though
>I played stellaris
You poor thing,
The drones are waking up
The only thread I saw the people in it claimed that the game begins 200 years before rome was even relevant in the region and it ends before it's even an empire. Even if it focused on the foundation of the republic (and not the empire a name like Imperator would suggest) I was still interested but then I saw the mixed reviews on steam and decided to skip it.
You did well, girl
you are exactly the nu audience paradox wants
there is no challenge at all n the game
A points system introduced in EU IV where you gain 3 different abstract resources based on random ruler stats. It leads to stupid shit like not being able to end a war because you don't have enough bird mana.
mana is all the extra points you have to accumulate to perform actions. in eu4, it's the admin/diplo/mil points
I wait few year until they make the game playable with dlcs
Paper/bird/sword points*
the only way oldfags will ever get what they want is if paradox starts pandering to China in their GSGs. the western giga nerd market is simply too small. My dream is a game based on the Three Kings, a yuge chinese historical epic that they're nuts for. Three kingdoms vie for control over china. Could make a great GSG, would be fresh, could sell in china. my hope is alive.
>2 years off
Sounds like a joke but it has been longer for HoI4 and it's still bad
That's because a Grand Strategy Game set in ancient times is a terrible idea unless you make it fantasy
I got it. still doing tutorial. seems okay so far. its basically eu4 in roman era but they added other elements to try to make it feel like its own thing. a lot of literally who 'nations' and seems fairly simple. definitely going to be one of 'those' paradox games where its just okay in the beginning and then they breathe life into it several months later for a price
im okay with it since I love swedish cock
I don't get why people are complaining when the game is so cheap. Go out and have a nice meal and two drinks or buy the game, play for two hours and get your money's worth. Same price.
Europa Barbarorum 2 mod for medieval 2 total war
its made by a team even MORE autistic than the 1st mod and like i said, it has more campaign depth than this latest "GSG" paradox game
>definitely going to be one of 'those' paradox games where its just okay in the beginning and then they breathe life into it several months later for a price
This is literally every game they have released since Crusader Kings 2
Get a claim then you fag
Yea Forums is usually full of memetatistc tards who don't and can't play games more complex than a button masher, so most will never admit it, but Imperator is a good game, as far as I have seen (some 8 hours played).
It does and plays exactly as advertised. OFC, if you were expecting Vicky 2 or CK2 in the classical era, you were deceiving yourself. That's not the game that was coming out, whether we wanted it or not.
But it's good and charming wargame (as they made it clear), with the other parts of the game deep enough to provide an interesting background to organizing war activities.
The weakest part is diplomacy & general laws, I'd say.
Tech, trade, war, recruitment, families, pop handling, governors, are all good.
I don't get the hate for the UI, i personally find it very pleasant and practical. I'm missing a ledger, though.
It's also a surprisingly good day one release from PDX.
By the way, if you want a more in-depth empire building game, Field of Glory Empires will come out sometime after the summer, and it'll be the better product for sure if you're after complex grand strategy games.
>it's underwhelming. there's a good game in there, but we'll be about two or three dlc in before it gets there.
That's been every Paradox grand strategy game since Crusader Kings II, and frankly, if you ask me, since EUIII.
>muh mana
yeah, mana is totally different than numbers magically going up in other ways. you fags literally just parrot shit you hear on Yea Forums, it's blatantly obvious you were still in diapers when vic2 and other paradox titles came out. kindly hang yourselves, your parents will be relieved.
Eb2 it's shit, and that's coming from a super-fan of Total War games since the first rome.
It's unplayable, unless you like to spend 20 turns doing nothing but shuffling troops around and 1 turn where something actually happens. It's absurdly long, and extremely autistic in the BAD way.
Want to learn history? Open a book.
I've never had this opinion. CK2's DLC are a bunch of retarded shit where playing as a Caliph is awkwardly bolted onto mechanics made for the western medieval feudal system. It was complete as it would be on day one.
Paradox games are just shallow is all.
Fuck off Johan
More like every game they've ever released. Have you ever played EU3 or Vicky 2 without any expansions? They were rough
as opposed to what system?
It's worse than bad. I'm a paracuck who's stuck hundreds of hours into everything else they've thrown out the door, and I gave zero interest in playing this garbage.
Not when you get negative reviews of a grand strategy game after 2 hours of gameplay. They are as meaningless as the positive ones.
Well, for example, populations slowly assimilating instead of converting instantly the moment you throw some mana around. You know, low-abstraction mechanics, or utilizing resources that map into some real-world phenomenon (like money).
Your analysis definitely works out when the thread is almost entirely bitching about it being too casual and content dry.
Not counting skins/music packs
4 DLCs
3 DLCs
>Vicky 2
2 DLCs
15 DLCs
15 DLCs
6 DLCs
4 DLCs
You know that population slowly assimilates in imperator as well when you pick the governor options to spread culture or religion, right?
The 'mana' you are spending, is just to speed up this process, and represents a simple abstraction of a real-word phenomenon that's just not a directly countable resource. In this case, cultural, political, civic or religious influence.
It's the same as 'culture', 'research' and 'religion' points in a Civilization game. You people are just parroting memes.
ck2 and vicky 2 don't use mana; prestige and piety give some opinion buffs in ck2 but mostly just count towards your score. vicky 2 based tech off of things like literacy level. you didn't have to have enough swords to increase mil tech, for instance. plus your mana accumulation in eu4 (and i:r) are based on ruler stats which are randomized for the most part, so good luck when you roll a 0/0/0 ruler
The thing with EUIII is that the DLCs were vitally important to the core gameplay as well. Divine Wind was a godsend.
> It does and plays exactly as advertised. OFC, if you were expecting Vicky 2 or CK2 in the classical era, you were deceiving yourself. That's not the game that was coming out, whether we wanted it or not.
That's true, regardless of what people are bitching about in the thread. It's not that you didn't have thousands of gameplay hours on youtube to check for yourself what to expect.
Prestige and piety are literally mana, by your definition, since you can spend some 'not-real' resource to instantly obtain things (like claims, or recruit characters, or get an excommunication).
What the fuck do you even do in this game? Playing as Rome was waaay too east, so I played as a tribe in Britain and just stomped everyone in the first 30 years to the point nobody can challenge me. Now what? Just slowly wait for pops to grow so I can colonise Ireland/Scotland? I've just been ignoring internal polotics beyond the point of just pressing the 'Fix This' button everytime I got a prompt at the top. I can't figure out what I'm meant to be doing in the same way I can with CK2 / EU4 / Vic2
Johan and company unironically are in favour of it as a map painter. Theres zero depth and never will be, modern paradox is hyper casual.
>Not disinheriting your 0/0/0 son the moment he shoves his deformed face out of the womb.
Developing your nation requires money not ADM power or whatever
What about technology points? Which you get from your ruler's stats and from your spymaster parked in byzantium?
As for prestige and piety, they are not REQUIRED to develop your demesne, but they can be useful to help you, much like civic power in Imperator is not REQUIRED to convert pops, but can be useful to help you.
Technically tribals spend prestige while unreformed, which is fucking bizarre. Theres a few wonky decisions based on piety and prestige. But yes, not comparable to eu4 or imperator mana.
I'm not the same user, i just hate eu4
This. Its a broken mess.
It is probably the only Paradox game I have dropped. I even like Europa Universals, but there is literally nothing to do in this game. No interesting events or mechanics, all the nations with interesting campaigns are laughably easy and boring, basically 2/3 of the map are generic tribes that are indistinguishable from each other, and is just all around boring.
I just want a good Rome game that isn't Total War: Rome
It has absolutely no content just lots of numbers spread over a terrible UI. If you want to play as anything but the main civilizations then immersion is completely lost.
It makes sense
Tribals use resources they have gathered to build buildings, so you need prestige for people to do what you want ie. Gather resources and build with them
As a feudal, you must buy the resources and pay the workers
stellaris is the biggest example
correct :^)
The UI is a fucking atrocity against humanity. How can you even fuck up this bad when other teams did all the work for you? Absolutely pathetic, I pity anyone who actually buys this.
I blame that more on Paradox being incompetent rather than intentionally selling a barebones game that can have DLC sold to fill it in later.
newer dlc turned prestige and piety into mana. A lot of actions require and spend certain amounts of them
Tried it out for 15 mins, found it took two fucking clicks to get to the diplomacy screen and clicking on the banner does fuck all, quit playing immediately. Also whoever thought it was a good idea to have those round circles on the top bar is retarded.
Here's the thing, though. The DLCs add what are really core gameplay features. So what they do is they overhaul the gameplay (like the naval gameplay that they recently overhauled in HOI4), and then split the overhaul up into a free update and a paid DLC. If you just get the free updates you get an increasingly feature-incomplete game, because the core gameplay experience leans more and more on DLC features as time goes on.
They know this. It's been pointed out to them by players to the point of exhaustion. They know it, and it's become a part of their business model.
How do I convince other parties to do anything, v? I just don't know how to get votes in the senate.
Finally someone who agrees with me on those big goddamn pictures. If I want the religion tab I'll click a small rectangular button with a particular color or logo, I don't need a big image taking up so much of my screen.
It seems too easy.
The snowball effect seems like a real danger.
I'm talking about their pre-CK2 games only here.
Yea Forums always bitches about games being too casual despite being completely shit at games.
they should have just reskined eu4 and it would be a better game desu
Maybe that's true, although they did profit from fixing their own games, of course.
The thing I'm hoping for with Imperator is that this "easier modding" will increase the size/scope of the modding scene. Because when I play Imperator, what I sense is that it's like a Bethesda game: a little lackluster on its own, but a small team of modders could easily make something impressive out of it.
What you're describing is Imperium Universalis. It's the mod that Imperator Rome was ripped off from in the first place, and it's far more expansive, graphically clean and feature-complete.
Here's a gameplay vid, by the way, if you want to see just how good that mod looks compared to Imperator Rome - and the performance is better too.
If it hadn't been a paradox game or their first game since, say, ck 2, i'd be fine with this.
But we've had dozens of EU4 dlcs.
HoI4 which turned from a game about a war to a game about alternative history.
Stellaris which was ok but extremely barebones at launch.
And now this.
AND they somehow messed up the UI and the tutorial like it's EU3 or something.
When you get games with a lot of features like CK2/EU4, to name the latest two, you'd expect the new installments to at least have something more than a framework for a ten 15$ dlcs.
This one hasn't. This one is EU4 with antiquity mod, which we already fucking have FOR FREE.
Paradox has turned into a moneygrabbing jew like EA, selling pseudo-intellectual shallow games, which are suited for mobile phones more.
>games with a lot of features like CK2
Go play the CK2 demo and tell me it has a lot of features
You judge it from today's point of view. I layed it after i was playing CK1 for years and it was good. Even polished. The first couple wow. It was the first maturely done game by pdx I'd say.
>the first couple of dlcs were wow - Muslim rulers, republics and pagans with a 9 century start! Nowhere near that was present in CK1.
Somehow Yea Forums ate that part.
It runs like shit and it has no reason to do so. And here I thought late game Stellaris was slow. Will an SSD help here?
No, I run it from the ssd. Still kinda slow. Stellaris runs much better even late game.
ui is shit and gameplay is too simple
Its fun, but if you play as a tribe is an inferior experience.
Tribes would have been better if they weren't playable yet. Right now they are just a terrible first impression of the game.
I wish Paradox knew what optimization is. Each new game that they make runs worse than the previous one for no fucking reason at all.
early ck ruled, when you couldn't play anything but a feudal ruler
I think the bug was that if you chose a feudal ruler and then quickly clicked on a pagang or a theocratic territory that you were not allowed to play as, you could
what a shit game
stop fucking developing stellaris, it becomes a different game every fucking month
Banned him and removed his posts too. You can't see them anymore.
they probably made the UI bad on purpose so they could dlc it
Why the fuck does massilia start with 7 pirate ships with a 9 martial leader blockading them? what the fuck lmao.
Koei already makes GSGs for Three Kingdoms.
And the modern ones tend to suck dick, but even at their worst they're leagues ahead of Paradox's own efforts for a GSG set in Asia like Sengoku was.
Somebody make a dark niggas meme out if this.
tbf I kind of like the new pop mechanics in Stellaris. Don't really get the hate.
>reskin of all the other games on clausewitz engine exept Stellaris because that's the best game ever
>still runs awful
>deliberately half made so there is place for 300$ of dlc
yep it is that bad
you dont habe enough meme mana for this action
>game came out yesterday
>first patch out next week already changes game mechanics
>this took stellaris 2/3 years to do
is that okay that if i still hate paradox for the Common Sense patch for EUIV?
so if I'm conquering barbars, do I assimilate and convert them or civilize them first?
>Spend 50 Mana point to INSTANTLY convert this pop!
At best it's a mobile game they've convinced their basedboy followers to buy no matter how bad it is
>Redesigning of functionality where instead of spending power for an instant result, you now spend power to nudge it towards that result over time
why wasnt it that way in the first place
Anyone figured out a fix for the November Crash?
What the fuck do I spend religious power on? I have like 3k of it just sitting there.
hold on to it, you'll need it when the aztecs come
This is a false statement.
Rome is too ez, I think I'll play as steppe people.I hope it'll be more challenging.
Convert people people you conquered.
The difference is the reasons for it and flavour.
Wanna build a tank division. You need steel and factories. Wanna put it in the field? You need fuel, which comes from oil. Makes sense
Wanna build an intergalactic mammal hive mind warship? You need leader points. Wanna get your capitalist, religious bug men to support democracy? Leader points. Wanna declare war? Leader points.
Honestly, I'm okay with Paradox's DLC model. They can leech off the whales who actually buy every DLC while I can pirate it all and enjoy years of updates. Name another company that regularly supports their games for nearly and decade, while continually improving the game and adding new mechanics. CK2 vanilla is practically a different game compared to the full DLC package, and it's all because they're turbojews who leech off the DLC whales.
Gotta agree
Do not use that word to describe copying of files as it has nothing in common with killing people and pillaging ship[s on the high seas.
Its not,in CK2 nations can blob easily and freely bu here is lot of them because that's what happened at the time,in ancient times blobs usually owned half the fucking map and there's no way to balance that
Use it to restore stability after declaring no-cb wars, fuck justification gimme that land now.
>that laundry list of game changes in a June patch
Holy shit Johan what the fuck are you doing?
Mixed reviews on launch is the norm now.
The game is completely in the right direction when it comes to resources, but absolutely abysmal at balancing them. The pseudo-Ck2 character system as of now adds nothing to the game. Because of this, its like a bare bones EU4 with pops added on top, basically a map painter. Government system basically is modifiers of pluses and minuses and doesn't reflect what it portrays. If they wanted an EU4-Ck2 crossbreed the shoudn't have given so much power to the player. Technology and buildings also seem very lackluster, and I don't like the idea of religious power, its ridiculous.
its a confirmed turd. kotaku is reporting its getting the vicky 2 treatment: 1 dlc then dropped
Ck2 avoids massive blobs because revolts and succession prevent that. In fact the game becomes harder the higher your technology level is due to high centralization. Nomads on the other hand who blob quite frequently are fucked from the get go, and empires always split during the first succession even.
except Vicky 2 was good
>women generals
>$200 dollar DLC just to make the game playable
Vicky 2 was great you mongoloid,they only made two or three expansions (and i mean expansion not DLCs) for it because it was during an era where Paradox didn't need to sell a game in 50 different pieces.
performance is really bad i hear. 1 core, 32bit only
fucking trash
>32 bit only,singlecore for a GS game
>ahistorical women option that defaults to off
>user still spergs about it
i like it tho
I'm on a laptop, 64 bit and 4gb Ram and the game lags hard as hell. And I can run Meiou & taxes just fine with no issues or fps drops.
The game has zero optimization.
Loser. Get some taste.
You can take the trash out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the trash.
Why would you buy nuParadox garbage?
The fact they changed it that drastically shows a blatant disregard for consumers
>total war battles
I havent looked at stellaris. Is it that bad?
I was hoping to full wh40k.
Eu3 without any expansions was a great game for the time.
It got better with each expansion up to httt though, then dw made it shit and pseudo eu4.
even with it off there are still female generals
game is obviously unfinished
Your average comicsgator
have you played any of the galciv games? It's basically a rip-off of that, with the added dumbing down and mana-autism that characterize nu-paradox. If you want a good space game, go play Sins of a solar empire
is it bad that I want to play anno1800, factorio, rimworld over this? I'm a huge paradox shill. haven't even tried the game
It started out pretty barebones, but then they completely revamped it later on into something that, from what I've heard, is just a boring economy management game where conquering even one planet fucks your economy.
No, it just shows that you've finally woken up to Paradox's shit.
Stellaris 2.0 did that for me
Out of all the the Paradox games, Stallaris 2.3 has the potential to be a classic like Vicky 2. But it clearly needs some more work.
>Paradox games at launch
Made that mistake with Stellaris
All of these are my response to this.
the dlc situation is pretty disappointing. If you want to play a genocidal purger you pretty much need the dlc bonuses to not get wiped out by all the treehuggers around you in the first 100 years.
You should be able to get 1-3 games of decent fun out of stellaris, but I haven't touched it in years.
It's changed a lot since I played.
Starts out like Star Trek, but ends like 40k.
I found it pretty lacking as a 4x, even lacking as a space 4x which technically may not qualify as 4x proper due to the lacking eXpand.
Its faults weren't tied to space 4x though, Moo2 have production, but stellaris didn't, so the exploiting part of your cities were very poor, infrastructure was really plain.
It's on my 4x backlog to revisit stellaris though. Still have that some civ4 mods, more smac, moo2 and aow3 to play.
Why not put in an option to give everyone airplanes? Because it's doesn't matter if it can be turned on or off, it's very existence is retarded. Not to mention that there is probably at least one bug that could have been fixed or real feature that could have been added with all the time and energy that went into a game function that exists to appeal to leftie idiots who don't play historical military games about white people.
yes? it's still preposterous.
Whats the appeal on grand strategies like this without fun graphical battles? Total War is the most acceptable form of grand strategy
oh nononono
all games require abstractions. but 'research' in civilization can only be used for research, whereas say, diplomatic mana in EU4 is used for espionage, diplomacy, research, increasing development in provinces, etc.
but keep arguing that removing your nation's ethnic and cultural minorities (that irl existed for centuries) at game start for 120 scroll mana is a good thing in a historical game.
So from what I gather imperator is closer to eu4 and mana than ck2 and that the character system is underdeveloped? Is the game even worth a pirate?
>Total War
>Grand Strategy
>what is the appeal of a strategy game without tactics
total war strategy is shallow and easy and the battles are so repetitive and tedious that they give you an autoresolve button
Total War is a movie game for people who are too slow physically for rts and too slow mentally for 4x and grand strat.
Total war is garbage outside of Warhammer
Provide a screencap with that, I'm not going on fucking Kotaku
based retard
prove me wrong.
Are there any good grand strategy games?
H*ck yeah, take that Pissuria
vicky 2
you gotta play more than 2 hours on a strategy game annon it's not a shooty shoot bang bang type now.
>vicky 2
I've played it, it gets boring after just a few playthroughs
>makes dumb claim
>prove me wrong
lol, get bent
Victoria 2 with HPM
EU4 with MEIOU
CK2 with HiP
HOI 4/DH with Kaiserreich
You get the meme
eu3, eu4, ck2, v2
Haven't played v1, I barely remember eu1 or eu2. I think eu2 was more on the deterministic side like eu4 as opposed to eu3.
Svea Rike was alright for the time I guess, but unless you have nostalgia for it I probably wouldn't try it.
Grand Strategy is barley a genre, it's too vague of a term and is basically strategy that isn't rts, tbs, 4x, rtt. There are some other ones that are similar to the paradox games that looked interesting, but I haven't tried them.
If you want the fantasies of controlling these historical nations and don't care about the mechanics you amy want to try total war games, otherwise there are 4x games that can be interesting to you.
Nu-male filth detected. Get off our board.
>dumb claim
>gives no evidence that it is a dumb claim
Some of the ai will fuck you up when you get big, I formed suebia but there was still tribes in Denmark and the eastern germans and they formed a alliance, declared war on me, and I didn't have enough troops since it rapes your economy and I got game over. Tribes just splitted everything up. I could get an alliance with anyone else because of the AE and of my status as a local power.
Total War is garbage, the AI is braindead and pathfinding was terrible with more than 2 units, and the new games did nothing to fix those longstanding problems.
The """strategic map""" has been so fucking streamlined that they might as well remove everything that isnt the Barracks or the farm.
Neo-paradox isn't any better though.
Is M&T still a fucking slogfest? I remember it used to take around 10 minutes at max speed to pass a single year around ~1600.
I remember that colonization was broken as fuck, around 1650 there was no colonial nation what so ever since it took that long to establish a single one.
The mod is surely heavier than EU4 vanilla but you shouldn't play at max speed ever,Colonization is still fucked up but at this point i'm not even sure if colonization works well in vanilla.
is it wrong I like ck2 and stellaris
>claims I need to give evidence
>gives no evidence that I actually do
DLC when?
A few months before release, though only cosmetic and events with the Deluxe Edition.
No it is fine.
You know you can right click on a "country" and immediatly open diplomacy right?
the game manages to be both bland and confusing, the noble family mechanics are god damn awful and the UI is so bad compared to other paradox titles I am seriously wondering how far down the alphabet the team that designed it was.
>paradox grand strategy is barebones shallow pre-alpha on release
What a surprise.
>game about rome
dropped so fucking hard, this shit is just an EU4 mod. If there was an actually accurate ck2 style game about the roman republic through the empire, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
>Still refuses to comply with my simple request
>States my opinion is false with no evidence
last two expansions were great though.
The irony is that its an accumulation of all other paradox titles, it has the diplomacy of EU4, the noble system of CK2, and economy of Stellaris and it still feels completely hollow. The game is a jack of all trades but master of none.
>can't be assed to provide backing for his dumb claim
>still has the gall to make requests
The last DLC was objectively good but all the others were shit,Paradox needs to stop stepping on modders toes and create stuff that a modder cannot or can hardly introduce into their games.
>Still has not combated my claim
>has the audacity to say I need proof for something so obvious
>no evidence for said claim
It's over. You've just outed yourself as a fraud and self-admittedly revealed your fallacies.
>Modern paradox game
We'll have to wait for about a dozen DLCs before it can be considered a full game.
tech is such a fucking joke. I've put the bare minimum into promoting citizens and I'm constantly at 300% efficiency and 100 years + ahead in tech.
>calls me a fraud when he refuses to argue my self evident claim
>Refuses to back down even though I have the intellectual high ground.
Just stop
Just stop
>claims claim was "self-evident" because he has absolutely no argument
the scope of your failure today grows by the second. Stop shitting up the thread with your insecurities.
>Claims that me claiming my claim is not self evident while he refuses to state why such claiming of claims are false
The absolute state of your stupidity
I've been outclaimed. gg.
>Why yes, the only Paradox game I play is Crusader Kings 2, how could you tell? The roleplaying mechanics make the strategy more engaging.
>grand strategy
Not him but you're retarded. You made a subjective claim based on your personal tastes, was called a retard and immediately started screaming about how didn't prove you it wrong when at no point did you make a claim that was evidence based. Kill yourself