
Already made a thread earlier but did not receive much feedback. Is this game any good? Would you recommend to buy it? Release is on 29th this month.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you like floaty, bullshit mouse flail as combat, go for it
Now cue the mordhau shill autistic defense force. Shit looks awful lmaooo

If you want to whip your mouse around like a spaz and use the same two floaty-ass moves with floaty-ass movement and shit animation, this might be the ticket. Otherwise, avoid HEMA combat sims because they play like dogshit. M&B is acceptable because there are like 50 minigames attached to the shit.

I'm on the fence about getting this game. Hours earlier in another thread I saw an user say that dragging was promised to be removed by Mordhau devs, but then kept in the formula.
Shill to me, is there any valid gameplay reason that they went back on that promise?

The Virgin Mordhau
The Chad For Honor

Are the developers based and redpilled or is this just a reference from some series I didn't catch?

Attached: WHITE MAN.jpg (1161x727, 186K)

Say what you want about Mordhau, but Ubishit can get fucked.

For Honor has more in common with Soul Calibur 2 than it does with Mordhau.

It's okay, better than for honor and chivalry but the devs are niggers and the community is shit. If it's still gonna be like $20 I'd recommend it especially if you've got friends interested.

The character creator is the best part honestly.

I think it's supposed to be $27 at first week of launch, $30 after

>the devs are niggers

Attached: alan breck stewart.jpg (547x500, 64K)

based for honor poster

unbased ubishill

Chiv sucks mordhau sucks for honor sucks

>you can parry with the windup part of an attack and people also flinch no matter what so no more knight with a sledgehammer on 9000 dpi
Good stuff

i thought they removed flinching according to the 4th devlog? though maybe i misunderstood or it's only in team modes

>and chivalry

it's the same thing

If they dont have flinching I'm not buying the game because it will be maulhau all over again

i found what i was thinking of
>we've removed flinch and reduced damage for friendly attacks i fucked up

>pay to get into alpha, devs dont let you test shit and keep most of it behind closed doors, specifically the main gamemode.
>waste time making shit no one wants like battle royale
>add 3rd person

No it's not, the only thing that's similar is that's it's haha funny sword game

M&B is not remotely HEMA

only 1 seems like a problem. Is the game a kickstarter that hasn't met many goals? because if so I would consider 2 a negative

Why are people so hostile to Mordhau on Yea Forums? I haven't kept a close eye on it the past few years but for a long time I've seen sword fighting game players rave about it. Have they fucked up some way?

They've taken far too long to get it done, don't expect it to go well.

As a person who also hasn't kept a close eye on it, it got a fuckload of threads made for it a few years back (and iirc got put in the top post of warband/chiv threads a lot) which were accused of shilling.
On top of that Yea Forums tends to be hostile to new threads made for any new game, it's this weird paradox where they don't want to play anything super popular, but if your game doesn't have lots of players they'll shit on you for it.
In this thread people have posted a couple other reasons, they seem kind of minor to me but maybe they're a big deal to them.

For Honor sucks fucking cock and is an absolute dead game bound for life support after the last hero releases t. Diamond mmr player

Mordhau chads rise up

Because it gets shilled a fuckton
Also the community is cancer. Bunch of autists larping as competitive dudebros, over a medieval swordfighting game

>Tfw you're a competitive dudebro over a videogame where you push buttons

Yeah.. woah.. what losers..

Good job repeating what i posted

it already is on life support because Based Ubisoft wouldn't know what a stable server was if it hit them in the face

I had like 700 hours in chivalry before I moved on. Mordhau always looked like a game made by chiv people who only played duel.

If the conquest mode or whatever is half as good as team objective I'll be around for a while. If not, we'll see.

Good job being gay lmao chode

The lack of team objective is pretty surprising, although I guess they didn't want to come off as being a complete Chivalry ripoff.

>shilling a kikestarter game on MY Yea Forums
Kill yourself

I've played a lot of JK2, JKA, M&B, War of the Roses and Chiv. In every single one of these games you get a community of honour obsessed duelists with huge egos. It's just what the main demographic of these type of games is like. Learn to laugh at it by killing them as an archer or something.

Does this have the same "swing your mouse around to win" combat of Mountain Blade and Chivalry? If so then no thanks.

Yeah, it will probably thin out when game releases. The kickstarter community right now is like 40% of those people, but that's to be expected

It's a first person melee fighting game so yes