What went

What went


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>Total Warwarhammer
what a cringe name

Extreme faction diversity in faction units, battle mechanics, world map/diplomacy mechanics, starting locations etc...

The factions are actually unique.

Also stuff killing other TW games like SJW shit with women doesn't apply as since Warhammer is a fictional/magical setting you can have women combatants and not have it be stupid (for the most part).

fugging love the revamped Skaven Yea Forumsrehs

Absolutely everything. It was meant to be. I hop we'll get cool lord and heroes duel mechanic and more diplomacy options in warhammer 3

>world map/diplomacy mechanics

That part, not so much, I remember lurking /twg/ when it was still largely focused on Atilla but after TW:WH was announced and I remember being somewhat disappointed by the diplomacy/campaign map options.

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no fucking diversity you end up spamming the same units



>Remove food from everyone
>Add it as a sole mechanic for one race later on

k fag

Thats what mods are for, user.
But also you can just make different armies depending on what you skill on their lord. Sure you can pump out meme armies with 19 Giants but if you are able to do that I would just consider starting a new campaign.

>some faction generals can betray you
never seen before in total war......

>20/20 vision at night
Truly, the most comprehensive CA game

Biggest disappointment would be that there are still no battle speeches like in the older games, except for the missions.

Other than that it is a solid game in my book, especially if you have a buddy to play modded COOP with.

He says faction units which is true spearmanii nigger.

>muh histfag strawmaniigger can't read an entire post

imagine a total war with disease, marriage, or combat that isn't on land
a man can dream....

thats on you son

let me gimp myself and put worthless units into my army
good idea


Depends on the faction you have: Necromancy as in acquiring high tier units instantly as long as there are enough bodies on the battlefield aka sacrificing your 20 man zombie stack, slave based economy/black arcs, item crafting, Helve ‘force diplomacy’, Tomb Kangz mechanics with having to find books of Nagash or spend jars to awaken more armies and so on. So yea pretty fucking diverse.
Fucking historylets have to cope this hard when faced with best Total War game in franchise.

I love paying for DLC.

Or just pirate.

>Shit loading times

How about the waaagh, the grudges, the free units of the tomb kings, the corruption, the slaves and the blood sacrifice, the pirate coves and the under cities, the engineer workshop, the winds of magic etc etc you dumb cunt

has this been cracked by now? i have the main game already but i don't wanna spend all that money on the dlcs.

>Extreme faction diversity
>implying you bought ALL that dlc
cringe and cuck pilled.

Get an SSD poorfag

Hola skinks!

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>Depends on the faction you have: Necromancy as in acquiring high tier units instantly as long as there are enough bodies on the battlefield aka sacrificing your 20 man zombie stack
woah...... immediate recruitment of high quality units at a potentially inconvenient cost....
>slave based economy/black arcs
slavery in total war.....CA really pushing the limits here....
>item crafting,
control over items that affect combat.......amazing....
>Helve ‘force diplomacy’
bullying factions into artificial situation....holy shit...
>Tomb Kangz mechanics with having to find books of Nagash or spend jars to awaken more armies and so on.
actions/buildings/recruitment gated by specific resources........insane to think about....

truly the best total war....
i'm still cumming

This one and TWW2 have been cracked a long time ago, mate. Creamapi for DLC
You'll find them on the usual websites

Set in the Old World, and not fucking Age of Sigmar.

id rather play 3k

Pros: Diverse factions/units and good battles.
Cons: Dumbed down overworld map compared to previous titles.

lets talk about Queek Headtaker

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which one is better, the first or the second?

Not really as you have to basically sacrifice enough bodies so that necromancy can be used. Usually you want 2000 or more casualties so the marker can appear on the map. Although now that they made the zombies free I guess there’s no extra upkeep cost to take into account. Still not as broken as free Tomb King units and armies.

The second one comes with the first one as dlc

That means every total war has this problem. The issue is because you spam one elite unit. There are enough high tier units to have a strong diverse army.

>diplomacy mechanics
Is this a joke? It's the most barebones shit ever.

>4 plagueclaw catapults
>2 warp lightning cannons
>4 death globe bombardiers
>warlock-engineer with all ranged buffs
>lord with all ranged buffs
Do you stop here, or do you add Ratlings?

The second of course but don’t bother unless you have SSD and a decent PC.

More like Queer Headgiver amirigt?

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Diplomacy option to trade settlements when? I'm getting sick and tired of having to declare war on my longest and bestest ally just because they captured a single shitty village in a freshly annexed province.

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>not taking jizzies or ratlings

how about a laptop with a 1050ti?

Warhammer Fantasy

crack for new dlc when?

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Not even close, don't be one of those retards who says "shit game" because you tried to run it on your "high-spec" mobile hardware that gets throttled when hot, which is all the time because it's a laptop.

I need more of these.

Probably in WH3 because they added the function in 3 Chinks.

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strategic brainlet

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Unironically yes it’s fine.

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ah yes the fucking mastermind is here, how many steamtanks did you put into your amazing unique army?

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Alright, thanks. Played the first one already on my 950m. All Low and like 20fps in battles but still fun.

I can't do it, i just can't.
I have spent about 170 hours in twwh2 and i spent about 10 hours playing different factions that aren't lizardmen, none of the other factions even come close to bieng as perfect as the lizardmen are, i mean i tried the furthest I've gotten was with that queen bitch of the high elves but they just aren't as fun as lizardmen.
And now that we have Lord Kroak and Tehenhaiun it becomes even harder to play othet factions.

Help me enjoy the other factions please!

>Anywhere near perfect

I put one in your mothers pussy.

>not taking 18 ratlings with unlimited ammo

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Ikkit is so overpower but so fun.

I think you need to be culturally enriched by the Druchii.

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How'd they get away with it?

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Why is playing empire such a blast?
My Karl campaign is being ultra fun being the not only the emperor of mankind but also protecting the rest of the cities of men and order from dangers such as the green tide which absolutely annihilitaed the dwarfs. Saving Karak Kadrin as the last survivora of the dwarfs and helping them expand.

Making alliances with the High Elves to keep chaos at bay from the sea and with the Wood Elves to keep the orcs and the vampirates in check. Also the wood elves have started expanding as crazy.


Because that's the draw of Warhammer.

AoS missed the point entirely, Warhammer about a alternate reality Holy Roman Empire overcoming indescribable horrors with grit, faith, and gunpowder.
Not Space marines fighting Spiky Warriors in a infinite bland world.

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not being set in age of shitmar.

great series but fucking hell is mortal empires fucked at this point and it gets worse every patch, it takes so long to between turns and vortex is garbage unless its vampirates or TK

What other faction has aztec lizardmen riding dinosaurs?
Checkmate atheists
You are right about mortal empires, even with sn SSD it takes about 3-5 minutes to get through a turn.
Assuming they are adding Wh3 to mortal empires aswell which they probably will, i am dreading the time it takes to do a single turn in that game.

A vast array of factions which all play differently. I'm primarily a Skaven player but started a Norsca campaign, having loads of fun with them.


when will these games get a good soundtrack?
some nice pieces in the menus and sometimes world map, but all the combat pieces are boring

vampire counts battle music is kino

1: parody is legally defensible in copyright laws.

2: lawyers are generally successful people. none of them are going to bury themselves eyedeep enough in a nerdshit game to ever notice such a cutscene

Its fantasy, so it can be fun and interesting without the limitations of two factions fielding extremely similar units. I like Shogun 2, but holy fuck the factions and units in that game are boring as hell. Everything is start position flavor and a bit of campaign/lord buffs.

3K seems to have a little bit of unique units for some factions, I think the Bandit girl gets some duel wielding axe people that other factions don't. 3K just seems to overhaul the campaign diplomacy and spy/hero mechanics to an extreme over previous games. A shared spy pool and building relations with specific spies seems like something that should have happened long ago.

Norsca is a really fun campaign because you can just hunt down lords and force the faction to confederate. You can take awhole providence so fast if you just headhunt a bit.

>make diverse and well trained army with a balance of melee, ranged, arty, monsters and magic
> get literally torn apart to shreds IN SECONDS by sword autist and his army of swordmasters and sisters of avelorn

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I stopped feeling bad about using tactical nukes on the AI when I started to fight Belegar's ghost dwarves with nothing better than clanrats and the units you start with
Fucking hate them

Why use death globes at all?

Which faction are you playing? Most factions can’t do combined arms all that well.

>I hop we'll get cool lord and heroes duel mechanic
It has already been seen that the mechanic is retarded in Three Kingdoms. It would be even more so in TWW given the even more radical differences between lords.

You don't even need a full SSD. Even a Hybrid drive does wonders for it.

Blame GW for demanding their trademark is separated from CA's.

Pretty much ctrl-v'd from Attila though.
WHIII will come with 3K's diplomacy mechanics and will be retroactively applied to II/1.

I'd pay CA money if they never added naval combat to TW Warhammer.

>Most factions can’t do combined arms all that well.
That's his and the person he's replying to's point.

There is a mod for that already. Not perfect but it works.

>it takes about 3-5 minutes to get through a turn.
I keep hearing this from people. What processors are you people running since mine only takes maybe 20 seconds at most.

Why the fuck are warlock engineers so damn strong?

With all the even crazier shit that the factions have in their navies it would actually be fun naval combat for once.

Unlimited Firepower

20-30 seconds here. People be running the game on toasters.

Vampire Coast would have been even more kino if we had Naval combat.

Waste of resources. I'd rather have more factions and better campaign and battle systems.

That is what I figured. I have a Hybrid drive and an i7. Only the initial load is about 1-2 minutes and everything after that is about 10 seconds or less.

I9 9900
Granted any faction i don't see it goes through rather quickly,

It takes a bit more on mortal empire, probably closer to 40 seconds. That's like 1 hour of watching turns on a 100 turns campaign.

The amount of character they were able to put into each faction instead of BarBar1-23 all having the same voice lines, aesthetic, and play style

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most things except
>several serious bugs that have been unpatched for years
>magically regenerating local garrison force: courtesy of Rome 2
>magically appearing boats to transport armies: courtesy of Rome 2
>complete dissonance between TW1 and TW2 factions in Mortal Empires
>terrible Vortex campaign in TW2
>dumb AI both in campaign and in battles
>ridiculous DLC prices
>tons of cut corners even in paid DLC packs
>SJW bullshit (damsels, dark elves, cylostra, aranessa etc.)

40 seconds is still crazy. The 20 seconds I mentioned was on ME.

>SJW bullshit (damsels, dark elves, cylostra, aranessa etc.)
Quite literally only the 2nd last one was some suspect bullshit since she was an OC donutsteel creation.

Death globes are very strong versus infantry in melee due to AoE and being able to lob over your own units. I find rattling gunners to be much better against large units instead of infantry. Death globes aren't completely useless during castle battles and can kill infantry on the walls whereas gunners cannot.

>dark elves
>SJW bullshit
The fuck is wrong with you?

>>SJW bullshit (damsels, dark elves, cylostra, aranessa etc.)
Do you yell SJW at every woman that passes you on the street for not wearing a hijab too?

go away resetrannies

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>SJW bullshit (damsels, dark elves, cylostra, aranessa etc.)

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is there a point to undercities instead of just razing the enemy city?
thinking about crating an undercity under the oak of ages just to nuke them, but razing seems much better already, since I have to defeat them anyway

truly my favorite campaign to this day

no u

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>What went right?

Are you kidding me? The game has no naval battles and the sieges are absolute dogshit

Literally two out of three types of battles are unplayable leaving only field battles as remotely enjoyable

>SJW bullshit
Found the adult virgin.

u mean imbalance

what op unit are you spamming?

That's literally a male body, especially the hip to waist ratio

It's almost like people enjoy diversity and don't care about spearmen poking each other forever in the historical titles.

And that's a good thing, incel.

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It's my understanding that CA tried to make siege battles more or less like they are in the tabletop.

That is, simplistic garbage.

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Besides boosting your economy/food, you can use them to instantly create a full stack army.
Spread your under-empire everywhere and then create armies all at the same time.

based Jaco

Not the fucking loading times
Thats for damn sure

>SJW bullshit (damsels, dark elves, cylostra, aranessa etc.)
This has to be bait.The only one of those that's donut is le fat opera singer cliche.

the lack of bannermen in something related to warhammer

Good, naval battles have always been dogshit outside of FotS

Not my proudest fap.
I wonder if they'll fuck up Slaanesh demons

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Because they gain from many of the same buffs that affect artillery and fully buffed they have the following:
>over 100 dmg
>aoe dmg
>magical dmg
>armor-piercing dmg
>one of the most durable "archer" units
You have two units of clanrats fighting against two turbo killers units from hell and one death globe bombadier behind them turns it into a winning fight for you.

They kind of fixed the loading time in the last supdates, but it still taking a long time IMO.

Those Ogres are not in formation, and I spot some round bases in the back.
That's a AoS battle, not a WFB one.


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Did Mortal Empires ever get cracked? I don't want to give sega money



Do you get both games factions on it?


How is it a waste of resources? they will be milking the shit out of this game for atleast the next 5 years.

Vampire Coast is cracked too

I used to run the first game really well the second one still runs poorly even after this new patch.

Are we getting an optimisation patch or is Denuvo at fault?

So what will the freelc be? any ideas? steam database updated and seems like we are getting a Bone giant/Kharybdis type dlc again

Are you run DX11 or 12? 12 runs like dogshit.

>Total War WARHAMMER II Curse of the Vampire Coast-CODEX
Is this enough or do I need to download the first game too?

thats the full game plus + all dlc except the newest one


Extreme faction variety for replayability, anime tier lords with a bit of RPG elements, magic to increase tactical possibilities even further, useful agents that can be used to great effect in battle if necessary.

No naval battles, shit sieges and overall simplified economy and diplomacy are a negative but CA nailed the core aspects so they could get away with it.

They usually add a little something for GW's yearly event but I expect nothing

DX11 i have constant 60 on High/medium settings but i cant even use 2X antialiasing without it dropping to 45-50 and FXAA looks like garbage.

Hopefully they drop denuvo after they release the last DLC. game has been cracked ages ago.

Sigh I'll get the elector counts my lord.

Yeah because those navsl battles were so fucking good in all games they were in

I'll grant you sieges though.

cringe post

>no banners/musicians
>no speeches aside from quest battles
>no dynamic speeches tied to what traits your general has
>no 1v1 giant animations, they attack each other’s ankles instead
>no minor settlements
>no night battles
>no weather effects during battle (i.e rain effecting fatigue/vigor and gunpowder units)
>no units pushing siege towers
>no reload animations for the majority of units
>no seasonal changes
>no army painter or avatar mode where you fully customize your units and generals feature from Shogun 2
>no burnable cities mechanic from Attila
>no siege escalation mechanic from Attila
>no random civilians running around during a siege feature from Attila
>no dynamic music feature from Attila
>no soldiers who visually look sick and start vomiting during battle if the army is struck with the plague feature from Attila
>no soldiers who visually look tired and breathless during battle if the army is fighting in forced-march stance feature from Attila
>no unique camp-site battle map while in encampment stance
>no more Jeff van Dyck doing the music
>no armor getting a visual upgrade during battle if you upgraded the unit’s armor in the campaign
>Archaon's helmet clipping still not fixed
>Old World factions don't have new dialogue when engaging with the WH2 factions both in battle and the diplomacy screen
>no snow staying on shields/armor like in Rome 2
>generals no longer gain visual upgrades as they rank up(i.e. viking generals in Attila would gain a gold trimmed helmet at level 4 and a fully decked out gold helmet at level 8)
>buildings you build in the campaign map no longer can be seen during siege battles like in R1/M2
>no dismount cavalry option during battle
>no burning death animations despite units having literal flamethrowers
>no visual trade caravans or trade ships on the campaign map
>no naval battles
>cant edit the campaign map, voice lines and music like in R1/M2
>no formations
>no captains in units
>no agent cinematics

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This. All new TW games are casualized as fuck, but this was too much.

i was surprised there wasnt specific banter/chit-chat between lords. when you have warhammer involved, you should have the ham turned up to 11.

Which is weird because the soldiers have a lot of banted even depending who they're facing or what is happening to them

>>no 1v1 giant animations, they attack each other’s ankles instead
Hasn't been true since the tomb kings DLC.

Tell me about Steel Faith Overhaul, does it make the game legit better? Should I invest in it?

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>no formations
I though formations are a huge part of the tabletop. What the fuck were they thinking?

Well a lot of monsters are still missing animations for other monsters, I'd say like 15-20% have animations

so they have 1v1 animations for hierotitans
but don't have 1v1 animations for any other big monsters (including other giants, they attack each other's ankles instead)
wow you sure showed him

Nah, they do the shoulder charge thing for other giants as well.
If you're going to spam the same list over and over again it might as well be factually correct

I have been waiting for all the content for the first game to stop coming out so i can finally buy everything in one go, and they are still doing it. Should i just bite the bullet and do it anyway? The fucks won't stop

It's going to be three games that join together eventually, you're going to be waiting quite a while for "everything" to come out.

>I have been waiting for all the content for the first game to stop coming out so i can finally buy everything in one go, and they are still doing it.
No, they're not. The first game stopped getting content a long time ago.

I love this game so much, can't get enough of the campaign I started with a friend.
My only problems with TWWH2 are:
>Slann are still weak as fuck when they should be amazing. Dark Elf caster Lordsare stronger than Slann Lords and Slann require a T4 building in a city each.
>The minor factions not being wiped out is kinda neat, but the result is having almost no one that can stand up to you at end game. It already turned into a stomp, and now it does so earlier.
>No camera settings for multiplayer. In single player they greatly speed up turn times, but for some weird reason are absent from multiplayer
>Only 2 player Campaign coop
>Allies nearby is worse than enemies, since they will steal any of your cities that happens to get razed, and sniper settlements you need to complete provinces

They announced they are not doing any more race packs, only Lords from here on out.
That being said, you really don't need the faction DLCs until you're actually going to play that faction. If you don't play them, there is no point in the DLC.

The lord packs include new units for their races, so those are a bit better to get if you want to play any of the WH2 base races.

>They announced they are not doing any more race packs, only Lords from here on out.
Hoping for Thanquol before WH3.

Wouldn't work. A skeleton spy/hero going into the Empire's ranks totally wouldn't be suspicious. The closest you could get is within your own race having a combined hero pool with the other factions of your face, and being able to do stuff within that. The problem is there are so few of some races that it might end up being pointless. Plus the ME map is squished to hell.

Why did they go away from the lighting of warhammer 1 and make a over-bloomed, washed out piece of crap that is warhammer 2?

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That would be cool. Give him a quest battle with Gotrek and Felix as really strong heroes.

Naval battles have been shit in every single game, and Sieges have been shit in every single game but its probably tied for worst between Shogun 2 and Total Warhammer series.

Sieges have ALWAYS been artillery spam and walk through holes.

He'll probably come in the same way that Grombrindal came, GW collab to try and get you into their stores

Fucking TWW3 trailer when? Also any speculation on what the races will be? I'm guessing Ogres, Chorfs, Chaos Demons, and one other, but it seems like the trend is for each base game to have 2 "good" factions and 2 "bad" factions. I know there's only like three reasonable factions left anyway, and who knows what TWW3's DLC will be (Maybe Araby, Cathay, Nippon, Kislev but they seem so similar to Empire), but really I just want the trilogy to come out so I have the best successor to WFB all in one place. Sucks to have just started getting into it like a year and a half before Endtimes started.

Why do fantashitters try to justify warhammer's shittyness by lying? Naval battles were fine in empire, napoleon and Shogun 2, Sieges were good in patched Rome 2 and Attila

TWW is a step backwards in every aspect, it offers less and what it offers is worse than its predecessors.

Attila honestly has the best sieges in the series. I did like shoguns as well, but they were also too easy to defend against the AI.

Attached: small castle siege fight.jpg (1920x1080, 790K)

Cathay God willing.

Sieges I'll give you, but naval was never anything more than half baked and the numbers do show that most auto resolved their way through them rather than play them.

I had two rank 9 peasant units in my final battle against Chaos ;^)

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Most are autoresolved because the player can't afford navies most of the time, so it's your one ship against the full fleet, in the case of shogun 2 probably a trade ship

There are empire and napoleon replays of naval battles with millions of views on youtube, name one warhammer battle replay with more than a million view?

>were fine
Fine isn't worth investing the development time into when most people auto resolve that dogshit anyways. Warhammer sieges are undoubtedly shit but what makes the previous games that I spent time in not also dogshit in your opinion? Its always the same, the AI never attacks a settlement and does a siegebattle, your always better off using artillery to weaken the army/structural integrity and roll over the enemy afterwards.

Cathay and Nippon would be cool but I doubt they'll have non-armybook faction as the base factions for WH3.
I suspect Kislev as the other good faction.

Cathay and Nippon might be DLC.

Alright empire gets a pass too.

What would even be left after that, assuming they include everything?

>making niche Dynasty warriors total war as the next "historical"
>not making Victoria:Total War of 1837-1901 and all the awesome stuff that happened in that period across the world.

Creative Assembly had ONE job.
Fucking idiots.

Did that guy who wrote lewdfics about the elves make anything new?

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If you're facing High Elves, you should always bring armour-piercing for inevitable sword masters and cavalry for the inevitable archers

Adapt and counter, son

Endless Lord Packs unless they get the license to move onto another Fantasy series.
China is one of the most war torn regions in history, not doing a game would be retarded

Ogres/Chorfs/Daemons is a safe bet, Kislev and Dogs of War have a good chance at being the "good" faction. Something like Cathay would be crazy and I wouldn't blame CA for wanting to move onto other things once the obvious factions have been put in, but who knows. Maybe they'll get really into it and make it an end times expansion with Nagash making an appearance and some of the end times units also appearing for other races. I wonder if they'll try something different and move onto 40k afterwards, since they've clearly found an audience for non historical total wars.

>Other good faction
Which is the first? I don't know Warhammer lore too well but Ogres hardly seem good, though I guess when the other two are both Chaos heavy it's only good by association.

Naval battles wouldn't work in WH.
Firstly, not all factions have half decent navys. Look at Lizardmen and Beastmen. They lack lore for boats so much that Lizardmen sail in giant stone rectangles and beastmen just hop on the back of a big whale.

It would also mean at least half a dozen more units for each faction, and they would be more difficult ones to make than most other units (easier to make new armor for your person model than an entirely new ship). Adding these would have to mean fewer ground units, which isn't a trade off worth making considering how rare naval battles are (and thus you can't invest in boats and autoresolve, like the older TW games that had navy battles).

It's just not feasable with the amount of factions and their diversity.



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Ogres are "good". They love to trade, so they are greedy and kinda evil in that regard, but they are against Chaos.

I forgot they also have that god they sacrifice shit to, but again it's not a chaos god so it's all gravy.

Ogre morality can safely be summarized as hungry.

>is buggy& keeps crashing like hell
>billions of dlcs&cut content that should have been in the original game
>warhammer 1 races updates never

Not much.

Is it possible to buy the game and use creamapi to get all the dlc?

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Yes. But why not just pirate it all at that point?

>No more race packs for Warhammer 2

>No Araby

>No Dogs of War

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Wait for TW3 my friend.

>warhammer 1 races updates never
Where the fuck have you been?
>Norsca got a new tech tree for capturing new world settlements and several new monster hunts
>Vampires got FIVE new lords with an awakening mechanic (to the point they should just remove the generic vampire lord/strigoi at this point), Kemmler has a new starting faction in Blackstone
>Dwarfs got a rune crafting system, new unit, and the slayer king also has his own faction now
>Bretonnia just got a revamped tech tree and chivalry mechanic, new vow system instead of it being skill limited, Alberic finally got his fucking trident
>have announced plans for a massive rework of empire and greenskins

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Probably saving some ideas for 3 DLC. They'll have a lot of space to fill with only two tabletop armies remaining.


I mean the game IS buggy in a lot of ways, but crashy? Are you using a shitload of mods or something?
I've done this last campaign for like 30 hours without a single crash.

The DLC is really heavy, granted, but since you don't need it at all unless you're playing the associated races it's not hard to ignore.

Vampires also got tech tree updated, 0 upkeep Zombies and Skellies which are a game changer. The new Vampire lords also have new thematic skill trees

You'll get plenty of Lordpacks though

I remember laughing at people making "CA should add Bloodline lords and human auxiliaries" posts, so I was pretty shocked that they actually fucking did it. Shouldn't have surprised me that much with their boner for VC, but the levies were still disappointing.

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That only really holds true for shogun 2 though, in Napoleon and empire, where fleets were a bigger deal, people still mostly autoresolved them.
Not many people care for age of sail naval battles compared to fighting on the ground and those that do care will find other outlets that aren't half arsed.

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link to the vids pls

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>Diplomacy option to trade settlements when?

In Medieval 2


>all these cool custom artworks
>in-game models and textures are just minimum effort asset reuses and recolors, the kind of shit modders do with their extremely limited toolset, except this is official
This and Q&C were pretty much the point where CA completely stopped giving a fuck about the game.

30 armor

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40 armor

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>Empire 2 when?

I feel like with the lessons they learned from the first game, they really polished gun powder line warfare by FotS, so empire 2 would be awesome.

Elf troop armor is made to look fancy and intimidating rather than actually be protective.

>name one warhammer battle replay with more than a million view?

95 armor

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My mentally challenged friend wants "cheevos"

>laughs in Khazalid

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>tfw /twg/ turned into warhammer spam and all the fun history memeing is gone

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100 armor

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definitely not the optimization

I'd rather have a pike and shotte era Total war than a retread of napoleonic era line battles.

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Warhammer 1 was grim dark, warhammer 2 is childrens game, go figure.

>wow why do the newest games in the franchise get all of the attention when the games that have been out for a long time, some even 10+ years don't?
gee I wonder

This one is okay, he just has thick mutant hide.
Lizardmen Sarus are literally naked and they have decent armor too because scales.

There's a bug in this that causes constant crashes.

50 armor

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We are about to get a 2nd title since warhammer 2 and they still yap about the same fantasy tripe.

virus included in that one

>TW 3 Kingdoms
>historical game

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That's because ToB was just a shitty Atilla reskin and Chink TW doesn't look all that great to me since I hate the setting and chinks in general. Trust me, if they manage to make Medieval 3 and actually make it a a good game you'll see the "discussion" pivot back to history real quick.

>People asking for better diplomacy
>Hating on naval combat
Are you fuckers mentally handicapped or what? Why the fucking hell is diplomacy a thing in a warhammer game to begin with? Since when do dwarfs talk with orks and goblins, why the fucking hell would lizardmen talk with skaven or vampires or why the goddamned Jesus fucking Christ would alliances be done bettween factions at all beyond the most basic of shits? Diplomacy should be a thing inside each faction, not between them.
And are you fuckers hating on big boats the size of cities or boats with a single castle sized cannon, or tentacles or buildt on top of gigantic sea dragons?


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Just pirate for now and buy the full game at $30 in a couple years. No reason to pay like $200 total buying them as they come.

Diplomacy features are good from a pure gameplay standpoint and aren't that hard to implement, naval is something that should come second to land and land isn't even close to being finished yet

Well fuck. Which one do I get then?

>no speeches aside from quest battles

And they are phasing out quest battles because of retards on reddit.
It added so much character to the lords.

I dunno, they felt pretty tacked on to me, like a half measure.
Either they should whole arse it and make a whole quest chain that takes into account your starting location or they should remove it and put those charlemagnes towards fixing sieges.

Imagine designing a stealth faction that spreads corruption on the campaign map

>I've never played the tabletop game

Damn, I didn't realize it was that good of a 1:! parody.

Oh rly? Because on the tabletop black guard of naggaroth have like a 5+ armor save and on TWW they have 100 fucking armor

Age of Sigmar

fx 6300

First post renames my settlement

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Ruined Elf

i wish it was more like battle for middle earth

I don't think these seetlements are Slann mobility scooter friendly.

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You had to fuck your post with the SJW bullshit point, while talking about Damsels and Dark Elves

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Fucking Aranessa Saltspite tho

Aranessa is mostly okay, with the exception that her leading an army of zombies doesn't really mesh with her character. If she was embraced as a vampire and had lines about grudgingly working with the undead, then it would be better. That, and her character model looking like a tranny instead of the qt fish girl from the books are the only complaints I have really.
The real issue is the fucking fat opera ghost, who didn't even exist until CA made her up.

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>tfw GW spoke to CA about the possibility of doing a Shitmar TW game
>CA told them to fuck off and it was Fantasy or nothing

>Total War is basically a license to print money
>spend your dev teams on Angloshit and chinkmanii while there are gamebreaking bugs in TW2
GW is literally too dumb to live. The only reason GW gave out the fantasy license was because it was killed off. GW really think that fantasy vidya would have "cannibalized" sales of tabletop... Thankfully, this means they won't license out Smegmar until they kill it off.

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>Thankfully, this means they won't license out Smegmar until they kill it off.
They al;ready licensed adaptation of AoS boardgame


Also ex-relic devs are making an AoS game. Most likely Dawn of Sigmar since they said it's a genre they are familiar with.

>. Most likely Dawn of Sigmar

>Shit like this is getting made when we'll never see a Wargame:40k
Life is suffering, at least vermintide is good

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40k wouldn't translate well to a total war type of game. It's much more focused on smaller, tactical group and objectives. I mean fielding a full company of space marines is almost unheard of, yet you'd need that shit for a Total War game. Just give me Space Marine 2.[/spoiler

Who cares about 40k since it's became generic sci-fi?
That's why he talking about Wargame

I 100% agree, thats why I said Wargame, as in Wargame:Airland Battle or even Steel Division.

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I still think 40k was cool up until around 2013-14?
Its gone to shit since they changed leadership and went from being incompetent to maximum corporate profit extraction mode.

Chinkmanii will finally have the TECHNOLOGY necessary for Tercios.

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Tons of GWs upper staff is gone now after the AoS shitshow.
The new guys have actually been doing a good job

Don't you like Primaris bro?

The best GW can manage these days is some solid mediocrity to not piss of the consumers too much while they milk them as hard as they can manage.

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and switching the naming scheme from (setting/time period): total war


Naval combat is and always will be shit and boring.
Every second they waste on naval combat is a second not spent making 3 into a better game.

>tfw there is now a 3D printing general on /tg/ full of GW shit

Have GW even thought about how to address this? The quality is just going to continue to improve until it's indistinguishable from the real thing for pennies on the dollar.

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Maybe they'll finally stop designing their models in CAD and actually sculpt them again?

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>The new guys have actually been doing a good job

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Wait they make them in fucking CAD?

They aren't just making them in CAD, they sculpting in CAD (which isn't bad by default, only in GW hands)

I'm gonna be honest I barely care for the thing I just like reading the small tidbits about the lore from Yea Forums

I wish the orc pirate rogue army would have a pirate hat, an eyepatch and a fake leg.

None of those army books are canon.

>tfw playing a Beastman campaign

The actual battles are fun and I love the monster theme of the army, but the overworld stuff is not that great. Are Orks like this too?

fucking disgusting.


Well yeah, you can't do a full combined arms army with only 20 units, you just don't get enough of what you need with that. You have to sacrifice something.

Orcs are shit at both

Well, to be honest a pretty awesome can be made in CAD, but you have to hire a real people to design them, not Anglo-Pakis hybrids

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>Age of Sigmar
Stupid fucking newfag nigger. WHFB literally had entire books written about how to play siege battles.

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Norsca as a faction didn't have an official rulebook either.

>tfw Grom vs Eltharion almost guaranteed at this point
>We may get Taurox vs Markus too

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Reminder that if you have won less than 200 multiplayer matches and have not completed every faction on legendary campaign (very hard battle) without any mods you are a shitter, you have not completed the game and cheesing the game and the AI won't help you much, have fun getting gud, I know you won.t tho.

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>actually painting your units brown
I mean unless you are a subhuman beastmen, araby or a rat I guess.

How do you make early Bretonnia campaign fun boys?

>tfw Brettonia, Asrai, and beastmen are fun to play in battles but have awful campaign mechanics

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I love Beastmen's campaign. The whole hit 'n run, hide until you lose their attention.
Where Beastmen lose me is their roster. The main frontline is too samey, the cav is boring as hell.

Has this update broken anyone else's ability to download mods through the Workshop? I can still get mods to run just fine using Kaedrin's mod manager but now whenever I try and download or update a mod from the Workshop it hangs on pic related for a minute before shutting off the download by itself, does anyone know of any way to get around it? I've already completely reinstalled the game but it's still happening, to say that I'm getting frustrated it would be an understatement.

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>CA adding anything to Empire

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asrai would be bar-none most OP snowbally faction in the game if they weren't so severely hampered by campaign mechanics.

They've already confirmed Greenskins and Empire are next.

Hopefully we get Space Marines for the Empire.

Hello soi boi



Because your tech tree starts where medieval 2 ends and is then filled with fantasy stuff that meshes in very well

lolno, the empire are a bunch of jobbers for chaos/skaven/undead outside of a handful of named heroes like Karl, Magnus and Sigmar himself

Why does CA continuously shit on the lizards so hard?
>every fun unit is locked behind T4 so earlygame is literally just saurus spam
>rampage mechanic which is the complete opposite of lore behavior and still annoying although nerfed hard years after release
>tiqtaqto is a waste of time, only fun for 10 minutes of air spam until you're tired of it
>tehenhauin instead of being the skarsnik of the lizards turns into standard saurus spam 20 turns in because skinks are still garbage
>entirety of lustria is horrible gameplay wise
>in a dlc supposed to be 50% dedicated to lizards they get a single new model

Brettonia is only saved on legendary difficulty by how ridiculous their economy gets and how well protected they are

DLC crack when? I want to play as the rat friends but Im waiting for the DLC.